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6533737 No.6533737 [Reply] [Original]

I know my shit. I'm a doctor of translations and you plebs are getting a house-call. If one of you green-texts the word 'translations' you'll get a hardcover copy of The Idiot shoved up your McDuff.

The Stranger - Stuart Gilbert (the newest black and white Vintage is actually quite bad)
The Man Without Qualities - Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser
Hunger - Robert Bly
Mysteries - Gerry Bothmer
Pan - James McFarlane (with Hamsun it is important to avoid the Penguin editions, despite the popularity)
Kafka stories - Nahum N. Glatzer
Brothers Karamazov - David McDuff (easily)
The Idiot - David McDuff
Crime and Punishment - The only instance where P&V is acceptable

>> No.6533744

>not knowing every language

>> No.6533746


>> No.6533749

>no penguin
>top bourgeois

>> No.6533755


McDuff is published by Penguin.

>> No.6533803

You began with the Greeks, right?

>> No.6533844


No. Hindu upanishads. Then of course, being a translation doctor, I read the Greeks

>> No.6533871

How about Guy de Maupassant and Emile Zola translations, are the Oxford ones or Penguin ones preferable?

>> No.6533875

Thanks op. But I'll put in my two cents here, Muir is the best Kafka translation

>> No.6533883


>Emile Zola

penguin editions. also the artwork makes my dick hard.

>> No.6533884

What painting is that?

>> No.6533888

Link me the best epub translation of The Iliad

>> No.6533911

Best Hugo translations???

Also what about Magarshack for BK?

>> No.6533920


Les Mis best is 1887..Isabel Hopper or some shit

if you are reading English Karamazov there is no substitute for McDuff.

>> No.6533923

Where do you guys find these online?
Does anyone know where I can get the Kazmarov one?

>> No.6533930

Already picked up the Fahnestock for Les Mis. Kinda meh but not unreadable.

And did you mean Isabel Hapgood?

>> No.6533964

Why mcduff over p&v?

>> No.6533967

How about for 20th century French lit: Blanchot or Celine?

>> No.6534015


>> No.6534016


>> No.6534020

I want a free copy of the Idiot.


>> No.6534023


>> No.6535672


simply better English. Almost worse than reading Garnett.

>> No.6535697 [SPOILER] 
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So what kind of job opportunities do you get as a translator? I speak three languages already and can probably learn a couple more.

>> No.6535705


>> No.6535738


they are all bad in terms of proper English, but the least awful is Wilks

>> No.6535757


>> No.6535824

Which Kafka should I get? I actually know a little German and from comparing a few first pages, none of them seemed adequate.

>> No.6536549

What translation of the Upanishads did you go with? Currently reading it and gone with Olivelle

>> No.6536590

Shipping on the Clyde

>> No.6536597

Got a Stanley Corngold Translation for a pound the other day. Good, no good?

>> No.6536607

>Karamazov McDuff

Its generally accepted that volokhonsky and pevear did the best translations for Karamazov and Anna karenina

>> No.6536608

Forgot to add it is The Metamorphosis

>> No.6536609


Yes please, OP.

>> No.6536616

I thought their TBK was awful. Just plain bad English. I dropped it halfway through in favour of Avsey.

>> No.6536629

Yeah, favored by marketers.

>> No.6536632

Might I add Gogol?
Dead Souls and his Short Stories? Read the Penguin for the first and P&V for the Collected Stories.
Also, had the opportunity to get an old Penguin edition of Eugene Onegin, should I go get it?

>> No.6536634
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>Its generally shilled that volokhonsky and pevear did the best

>> No.6536643

Who did the best Anna Karenina translation?

>> No.6536676

Bumping this

>> No.6536754
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>No. Hindu upanishads.
>he didn't start with the start of the vedic corpus

>> No.6536815

>Creates a thread
>Answers two questions

>> No.6536838


>> No.6536853

There's a website that has several sample texts from the Brothers K, and after comparing them all, the V&P translation sounded the best to me. Pretty sure you McDuff fellow was there too. It's all a matter of opinions.

>> No.6536933

Is mandelbaum the best translation for odyssey and Aeneid?

>> No.6537357

What's the best translation for divine comedy?

>> No.6537386


>> No.6537409

Le medieval Italian maym

>> No.6537452

How about Tolstoy? I read the P&V War and Peace and thought it read weird as fuck at times, whose Anna Karenina should I read?

>> No.6537467



I've never seen a bad translation from oxford, so if you're not sure, just go with that

>> No.6537500

>Notes from Underground
>translation starts out 'I am ... a wicked man'
dropped very far underground indeed

>> No.6537661

it's called the left click and reverse image search

>> No.6539114

>not recommending Hamsun in the original Danish-Norwegian
>not Kafka in German
Do you even Germanic languages



captcha stinn
2. (om ögon) uppspärrade och spända, spänt och orubbligt blickande, storögt stirrande med orörlig blick

>> No.6539129

Maude for both War and Peace and Anna Karenina

I don't know about The Aeneid, but i'd go for either Pope or Fagles for The Odyssey

>> No.6539254

Best translations for Hesse?

>> No.6539283

that's some rare starts mane

>> No.6539284

I remember Ciardi getting a lot of praise for The Inferno.

>> No.6539292


>> No.6539415

>translations cant melt airplane fuel.

>> No.6539417
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>> No.6540158


>> No.6540165


But seriously, if you might as well not read the book or just read a wikipedia summary because reading a translation is like drinking salt water compared to fresh water.

>> No.6541984


>> No.6541992

is this true

>> No.6542167

Best proust translation?

>> No.6542207
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>falling in love with someone based on their taste in translations
i-it's been an emotional night
parmée's penguins are good as hell

i recommend barnes' In the Land of Pain if you like maupassant and zola

>> No.6542212


>> No.6542291
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>I'm a doctor of translations
I think I know the REAL reason you're called Dr. Trans

>> No.6543679

Greetings Dr. Trans L. Asian,

Do you put political agenda and bias as a primary cause for bad translations or is it simply down to mediocrity?

>> No.6543714

Tfw translation made 2 replies and is never coming back

>> No.6543722

Best post of the day.

>> No.6544330

Maude for all Tolstoy