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/lit/ - Literature

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6533231 No.6533231[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Muslimbro trying to get a qt3.14 patrician Christian to convert. What texts are the best, preferably appealing to Christians? She's very well read, so it's gotta be good.

>> No.6533253

this is horrible bait and im responding anyways

>> No.6533267

How the heck is it bait? I've never even posted on this board before, but I've lurked a bit and I was under the impression you guys were decently mature.

>> No.6533282

>converting from based Christianity to Islam

I mean philosophers like Averroes and Avicenna were pretty based, I'm probably biased or ignorant but doesn't Christianity have a larger intellectual tradition?

>> No.6533284


Why push for conversion? Surely whatever is willed will be, and whatever is not will not; there's no real reason to press the point.

>> No.6533291

read the fucking bible and tell her things that christians like
Jesus being son of god
like homosexuality is bad
like porn is bad
like being a good person is good
and so on

I dunno, I wanna read the quoran bro.

maybe you can ask her about her favorite verses?

or some christian movie?

come on, bro, just read the bible.

>> No.6533294

No, not at all. It was pagans and Islam that got mathematics really going.

God willed me to push for conversion.

>> No.6533302

It was my understanding that Muslims are not supposed to put effort into converting. Rather, they're supposed to make Islam look good through their own example and encourage people to do whatever they wish with their own lies. This has brought me closer to it.

I would say, take her to your Mosque or place of worship, let her meet the people in your faith. Muslims have been the friendliest people I've ever met, and they all wow me with how cordial they are. She will notice this. Rather than relying on the holy text, which might work, you could influence her by showing just how calm and sane and rational all the mosque-goers are, what a tight-knit family of all countries it is.

>> No.6533303

>son of God

I have read the Bible.

>> No.6533309

I could try to get her to come, I don't know how keen she'd be on that, but I suppose it's worth a shot. Thanks.

>> No.6533312

Both Islam and Christianity took in a lot from Greek philosophers, I guess when you consider things like math the yeah. It's probably just that I can name a lot of Christian philosophers but only a few Islamic ones.

>> No.6533329


>> No.6533334

Muslims stole the indians math and kept some Roman and Greek texts safe and now we never hear the end of it...

>> No.6533341

> Take her out for a fancy couscous dinner
> Throat-sing her your favorite ph lemy Arabic pop songs
> Show her photos of your 87 cousins gathering dates
> Blow her up
> Get 77 virgins

>> No.6533342

Why don't you just convert to Christianity? Mohammed is a false prophet anyways.

Would make your life 10x easier.

>> No.6533348

What is the best version of the Qur'an? I'm thinking of converting too but the one on my phone has this:

إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ<
>The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islamic religion). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy. [49:10]

The Holy Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

Are all translations consistent with each other? Should I learn Arabic to understand the word of God?

>> No.6533349

Because Christianity has polytheistic tendencies. I acknowledge prophets from the Bible, of course, just not that religion.

>> No.6533356

>rejecting the love of the one true God
I'll say a prayer for you

>> No.6533366

Interesting, every time I hear Islamic criticism of Christianity it's the trinity that comes up.

Understandable I guess from an outside point of view, I doubt many Christians even really think about the trinity.

>> No.6533368

You should ideally learn Arabic, definitely.

I would recommend using multiple translations in the meantime, but the one I mostly prefer is Maulana Muhammad Ali's translation

>> No.6533372

>believing Christianity is anything but a mix of corrupt Judaic zealotry and demonic pagan polytheism

>> No.6533376

Maybe you should leave her alone, better yet sincerely question your motives for trying to change someones life. Its not like you're saving her from anything, just placing the leash in new hands.

>> No.6533380

You seem to be coming from the perspective of an atheist. But I'm not an atheist.

>> No.6533381
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God may will you to push for conversion, though I would advise understanding if God did not intend for you to succeed.

Faith is a very delicate matter, and in matters of conversion it's unlikely that one would suddenly see the revealed truths of Islam and adopt the practice of it. At best an attempt at conversion will boil down to your emphasis on works of scripture which you will hold to be true and handed down by God, which your friend, due to her faith, may not hold to be true. You would quickly reach an impasse.

Another anon mentioned conversion through good example. I think this makes the most sense. In my experience and study of Islam I have never felt motivated to agree on the particular metaphysical claims, but I have gained more respect for Muslims as a whole. The same can be said (mostly) for my experience with Muslims in my own community; the vast majority have been magnanimous and gracious. If you attempt a conversion by example, in the worse case you would have exhibited virtuous conduct, and made the world a better place for Muslims in the process. If you succeed, then you would have completed the goal you started with in the first place.

Anyway, good luck I suppose; as I said before, God will see to it whatever should be will be.

>> No.6533385

No, it was the Italians. The Muslims never even considered negative numbers to have an independent existence.

>> No.6533388

Okay, thank you! :D
I'll try to learn Arabic as best as I can and I'll read that translation. (along with others)

>> No.6533392

I'm not an atheist either, just a fan of "live and let live"

If you just want to fuck someone theres better ways to achieve that

>> No.6533394

What he's saying is still valid, though. You should question your motives for doing this.

>> No.6533396

Get ready for an epic life. If you're a muslim, you will have an epic life.

>> No.6533400

What are you talking about? I don't reject Allah's love for me anymore. :D

>> No.6533414

why would anyone want to believe such a shitty conception of heaven?

>> No.6533463

this one got me to convert
>muh 9 year old bride
if fucking prepubescent qt3.14s is good enough for the prophet blessed be his name it's good enough for me & roman polanski.

>> No.6533508

well, don't have her read the quran because compared to the new testament it is shit
i think you want to go by example, as others said
the muslims are like the mormons when each is at their best: lights of sanity burning off base fuel shining more brightly than those burning off more sensible substances

>> No.6533533

If she's a well read patrician you don't have a chance. She's read enough to know she already belongs to the greatest religious tradition in the history of the world.

Enjoy your beheading.

>> No.6533574

Marriage is based on love, not sex. It's like getting the part of Jesus turning water into wine and just assuming he was a drunk based on that. People are too ready to hate on Islam instead of readily trying to understand it. This is the tragedy of the human race: that when God tries to communicate, He is ignored.

>> No.6533592
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how do these kind of people live

>> No.6533596

Interesting, /wiki/List_of_irrelevant_people also links to this page.

>> No.6533680

What is to be gained from islam over Christianity? It's hardcore about submission before god but that's the only main pillar of ideology my limited understanding can pick out. Christianity on the other hand has a real fleshed out and diverse belief system and there is a lot to be learned and explored. Islam seems more quick to command god's will than to think about ones place in the world.

>> No.6533764

Show her this documentary


>> No.6533783

You can have multiple wives.

>> No.6533816

>decently mature

nice b8 m8

>> No.6533846


I'm pretty sure Jesus was smashed as shit at that wedding.

>> No.6533860

It does. Islam is more of a convert or die.

>> No.6533893

Yeah, that's how Christianity eradicated its pagan competition

>> No.6533926

Start with killing yourself

>> No.6533969

So can Mormons.

>> No.6533971

>there are actual sky fairy believers on /lit/

Holy shit, I thought this was supposed to be the intellectual board

>> No.6534021

so you need to convert this girl, who i presume you are attracted to/like as a person/both, before you will consider being in a relationship with her? she's a lucky girl...

>> No.6534028

>God willed me to push for conversion
you're telling me that an omnipotent being beyond physical reality, which actually CREATED physical reality, personally spoke to you and said, "Hey, make that girl read your book and not any of the other ones."

>> No.6534034
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You never fail to live up to the negative stereotypes

>> No.6534049

Both of them are stupid, but at least the punishment for apostasy in Christianity isn't death. Grow up and stop caring about who has the best dogma.

>> No.6534056

>but at least the punishment for apostasy in Christianity isn't death
That's just because Christianity has become toothless.

>> No.6534059

That's a good thing.

>> No.6534064

>That's just because Christianity has become toothless.
lol'd, I'm sure voltaire was shaking in his longstockings right?
>hurr catholic actions= Christianity

>> No.6534065

You should learn more about Islam firstly. Making a statement that Islam is all about submission so it's shit is like saying Christianity is all about love so it's good, this is the ignorant assumptions of children. Islam has had hundreds of years of internal theological and philsohical debate, it has many different sects pursuing different spiritual goals beyond simply obeying divine law (Following god's will in islam is basically a given for everyone outside of esoteric sects so to define the entire thing merely on this and to recognize the immense differences in practices between different groups and their goals is alone evidence that there is more to islam than submission) chiefly Sufi.
I suggest the history of philosophy podcast as he covers the middle ages, which includes Islam's high points, not only this but he compares all of it to it's context with other places and with past philosophers and thinkers. And read some Rumi while you're at it.

>> No.6534072

The Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church were the only Christians for quite some time.

>> No.6534073

Or, he could just stop caring about superstitious bullshit.

>> No.6534076

This is a /lit/ board, I'm assuming people are interested in history, philosophy, literature/poetry and humanities. I am not arguing from any religious perspective if that is what you are assuming.

>> No.6534087


>> No.6534094
File: 487 KB, 244x263, 1431346316828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to damage control if you act retarded anon by acting more retarded, you are anonymous. And as a second thing why would you mention someone not caring about a topic when the person I replied to discussed the topic, read the threads you are in.

>> No.6534099

I wouldn't call anything pre-Frege philosophy, really. Just opinions. If you want poetry/good literature I would avoid 'Don't Do What Donny Don't Does' (the koran). It's interesting from a historical perspective, knowing how one simple, illiterate pedophile could raise an army to create a great empire with obvious modern day implications.

>> No.6534101

Why not accept her different faith?

>> No.6534106
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Because Muhammad said that's naughty.

>> No.6534303

What branch of Islam do you belong to, and why?

>> No.6534318
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Heresy and apostasy on MY /lit/!?

>> No.6534351


>> No.6534355

This is bait if I've ever seen it.

>> No.6534384

There is no reason to convert to Islam. Guidance is from Allah alone.

>> No.6534388

Learning arabic takes literally years. You need to be strong in the grammar, which is highly complex, the rhetoric and morphology. It's not a light matter. Getting to a high enough level to appreciate the Quran on a literary level will take more than 5 years.

>> No.6534400

Being a muslims in 2015 has nothing to with medieval philosophy. Today, Muslims in general are actively hostile to philosophy. In the muslim community you will meet no one who knows anything about it. You will meet people who will say things like 'thats haram isnt it?', or scholars who tell you to stop reading it.

>> No.6534411

Many Christian theologians have thought a lot about the Trinity, more or less all of them unsuccessfully.

>> No.6534425

The punishment for apostasy in Islam isn't death either, at least not according to Muhammad.

>> No.6534432

This is true for pretty much all religions ever.

>> No.6534801

You can show her the "miracles" in the Quran which she might fall for if she's gullible. Be prepared for it to backfire though when she realizes she got rused

Alternatively, you can read about the Quran's syriac origins and linguistic errors and convert to Christianity. Would be like swapping your x90 for a rodius though, i suppose

>> No.6534807

Well in the case of comparing ignorant reductivisms, christianity's "love everyone, even your enemies, as God loves you" is far more cogent a stance than "submission before god"

>> No.6534819

looks like Foucault was wrong, Mankind isn't an invention of recent date.

>> No.6534823
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This thread is disappointing. I thought /lit/ was catholic like me. :(

>> No.6534831

Salamn Rushdie - The Satanic Verses

>> No.6534833


Why don't you become a patrician Christian instead, OP? It's better!

>> No.6534844
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This is now a religion general. Any other Jews here?

>> No.6534850

we are Catholic by the majority. We aren't going to heckle someone because they believe something different though. We will just say a prayer for him and move on.

>> No.6534856

please remove this and kindly go back to /pol/

>> No.6534862

Tell her that you want to live a life of suffering together to being yourselves closer to god.

>> No.6534865

"And fight with them until there is no more fitna ( unbelief) and religion should be only for Allah"

>> No.6534874

ברכת הבית. That's Ron Howard, not Bill Burr lol.

>> No.6534883


Ron Howard suddenly looks really tired. How did that happen?

>> No.6534887

Why should I remove it? Why should I go to /pol/ just for pointing out the fact that Muhammad was a raping, murderous paedophile warlord?

>> No.6534895


He wasn't a literary writer.

>> No.6534897


because it hurts his feelings :(

>> No.6534902

Convert to Catholicism now, heathen

>> No.6534905

This 'we're all Catholics' meme is less funny than baneposting.

>> No.6534911

Because he was illiterate.

>> No.6534916


Whatever, go to /pol/, this is /lit/.

>> No.6534918

You're out of the loop. We had poll for posters here and the majority of us are Catholics.
The original joke was that /lit/ is Calvinistic.

>> No.6534927

Stating facts is a bad thing now?

>> No.6534946

No, but insulting the Prophet is.

>> No.6534952

>Implying anyone but christfags with something to prove gives a fuck about some retarded NSA poll

>> No.6534964



>> No.6534977

For you. But this is the most liberal board on 4chan, and not the kind of liberal that let's you lot get away with anything. The kind of liberal that above all else, values free speech.

>> No.6534984

You're a racist, go back to /pol/. I reported your drawing, by the way. Hope you get b& Mr. Free Speech :)

>> No.6534996

no, we are the most leftist not liberal. there is a difference.

>> No.6535005
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>> No.6535006

I am not daunted by the task before me if it's to better understand God's message to humanity.

>> No.6535014


>> No.6535023

Lol. Go fuck yourself you dirty muzzie.

>> No.6535025

The Koran just tells you what not to do to avoid hurting god's feelings.

>> No.6535030

Christfag here willing to debate with you. I also am finished with my masters theology program. Your statement is an absolute farce.

>> No.6535038

>I'm a Christian, debate me
We've come full circle.

>> No.6535041

Your prophet was pathetic.

>> No.6535043

reported for hate speech

>> No.6535046

made me chuckle

>> No.6535054

What the fuck's going on in this thread? Can't we all just love God?

>> No.6535057

Your white boi racism is laughable. You say that shit behind a screen, but what would you say in real life?

>> No.6535063

>105 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.6535076

You wouldn't say that shit to ME, camel fucker.

>> No.6535080

Nice comeback, it's about as original as your religion.

>> No.6535084

Sorry, the only religious people /lit/ tolerates are lefebvrist catholics

>> No.6535093

>Muslim culture in the middle east was the cradle of civilization 1,000 years ago!
>They used to bang rocks together and fuck goats.
>Citing Muslim culture from a millennium ago is a valid riposte for when people point out how shitty Muslims are in the modern world.

Keep on keepin' on guys.

>> No.6535099

Show her the latest most fashionable burqas.

>> No.6535103
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Since this is a literature board, here's a pic of a book.

>> No.6535106

I dont get the hate for Islam. If you follow the Quran line by line, it's actually a pretty reasonable lifestyle.

>> No.6535123

>it's actually a pretty reasonable lifestyle.
Yeah, I especially like the part about sex slaves, polygamy and killing infidels.

>> No.6535134
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This would do nicely

>> No.6535139
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>this triggers the muslim

>> No.6535142
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>> No.6535147

Your ignorance, along with all the other hate in this thread, creates no intellectual conversation. Please, direct your hate away from Islam.

>> No.6535155

We have Quran quotes specifically allowing, even commanding these things.

You don't want intellectual conversation. You want one will, your own. This place thrives on dissenting opinion, your religion demands it not exist.

>> No.6535159

>that's ignorant
So we should just ignore the verses in the Koran about things we don't like?

>> No.6535162

>Intellectual conversation.


>> No.6535163
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It's not ignorance it's fact.

I will combat the the barbaric pedophile warlord cult known as "Islam" until the day I die, you dirty mudslime.

>> No.6535171

Can't we all get back on topic of helping OP score with a chick?

>> No.6535178

same shit

>> No.6535182


Could you do it on /pol/ plz?

>> No.6535183


>> No.6535188

You've infected this board as well?

>> No.6535189

I'll do it wherever I like.

>> No.6535194

Helping somebody convert a woman to Islam is one of the most amoral things one could do, considering how Islam treats women.

>> No.6535202

Islam does not criticize you but you criticize it. Go back to /pol/ and leave Islam alone.

>> No.6535206

I see you poorly edited out where that said /pol/ and replaced it with /lit/.

>> No.6535211

>Islam does not criticize you
Islam literally wants me dead.

>Go back to /pol/ and leave Islam alone.
How about you go back to whatever muslim shithole you crawled out from?

>> No.6535213

Speaking of, isn't OP's thread off-topic anyways? It shouldn't even be here to begin with.

>> No.6535214

>waaah let us kill, rape and conquer others
>we dindu nuffin

>> No.6535223

>wage war on the infidel until they are dead or submit

Yeah sorry but im going to reserve the right to criticize a religion that demands the destruction of my way of life

>> No.6535250

ITT: Muslims getting rekt

>> No.6535256

Did anyone check this verse? It's a mistranslation.

"The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy."

Believers only applies to Muslims, not non-Muslims.

>> No.6535270

I've been thinking lately: It's pretty unfortunate that Muslims have access to modern weaponry but have not had the benefit of having gone through a secular enlightenment in the way that western civilization did. The result is that Muslim culture is violent, archaic and ignorant, but equipped with more destructive technology than what western civilizations had when they were still in the religious and moral dark ages.

>> No.6535276

Typical taqqiya I see.

>> No.6535296

I spent 4 years learning Arabic myself. I don't see much difference between the Qur'an before and after. It's still pretty boring at times, and not-entirely-sensical. Although there are some deep verses which could be understood in English anyway. You don't get that much more out of it by reading it in Arabic. And yes, I am a Muslim. I am just being honest.

The Qur'an being so eloquent that it must be from God is just a dogma in the end. Muslim scholars say that we must believe in it, so the masses just accept their judgment and parrot what they hear. But it is just a dogma. Religious truths are revealed, meaning they cannot be proven and are beyond rationality, not necessarily against rationality. That's why you 'believe' in them instead of 'know' them. Muslims just feel motivated by their faith to get others to accept it, because of their zeal for it. So they come up with these proofs like Qur'anic eloquence and the scientific miracles in the Qur'an. These are well meaning attempts but don't stand up to scrutiny, because in the end it is about faith. Which is only from God.

فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ يُضِلُّ مَن يَشَاءُ وَيَهْدِي مَن يَشَاءُ

{For indeed, Allah sends astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills}

It is not about proof. If God wants you to believe in Islam then you will, without proof. And if he doesn't then no proof will be adequate.

>> No.6535298

It's quite disappointing to see this attitude on /lit/ to be honest. I expect it on /b/, but /lit/? The Quran is one of the most sublime books ever written, perhaps the most sublime. Admired and revered by European greats such as Goethe and Napoleon. It's sad to see you drop to the level of lowly Islamophobics bordering on Neo-Nazis on a board that is supposed to be intellectual. Please study Islam and learn from it before you open your mouths because this is pure hubris.

>> No.6535301

>someone says something against your beliefs
>calls out your shitty murderous ideology for what it is

>when in doubt, spam le go back to pol meme ad infinitum like the inept, unimaginable homunculus that you are

Get out you pathetic excuse for a failed abortion

>> No.6535304

Hi, Achmed.

>> No.6535311

Hey Johnny.

>> No.6535315

Fuck off, goat fucker.

>> No.6535316

“Consider the Koran, for example; this wretched book was sufficient to start a world-religion, to satisfy the metaphysical needs of countless millions for twelve hundred years, to become the basis of their morality and of a remarkable contempt for death, and also to inspire them to bloody wars and the most extensive conquests. Much may be lost in translation, but I have not been able to discover in it one single idea of value.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.6535321
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>can't handle the banter

>> No.6535323

This is the level of you European / American "master race" Christians. Keep displaying your "superiority", mr. Aryan.

>> No.6535326

I'm an atheist.

>> No.6535330

Its too easy to exceed you when you're setting the bar so low. Even a semiretarded European is more useful than the average mudslime

>> No.6535334

Here is a good list for her OP :

Get immediately to the source, impossible to parry.

Jewess telling it like it is.

Prime historical reference on Islam.

Luxenberg, gretest scholar of Semitic languages in the last century, showing how the Kuran was written.

Unfortunately the best orientalists are French and German, many not translated in English.
Here is the two best histories of how islam appeared :

>> No.6535335

So you believe the universe magically popped up out of nothing?
And you have no basis for morality? Just nihilistic nonsense.

>> No.6535340

Enjoy your ban and take this Neo-Nazi shit to /pol/

>> No.6535341

/lit/ is a muslim board, said no one never

Islam doesn't stand up for intellectual inquiry and that is why their societys are so backward. Christianity managed to adapt with nations that travelled to the moon and invented the Internet. Altough conservative they fill a function as a break to the uttermost extreme progressive ideals. It's gas-break relationship that has proved it's worth.

>> No.6535342

Have you heard of Aristotle?

>> No.6535344

Morality is relative to culture and you have no evidence for your god. He is an invention of a scheming, paedophillic merchant.

>> No.6535355

>Islam doesn't stand up for intellectual inquiry

Philosophy was banned in the Muslim world about 1000 years ago. Imam al-ghazali said that anyone who teaches it should be killed.

>> No.6535357

You sure have shown the fedora !
Doesn't help that you are refering to G-d by using the name of some ancient moon avatar.

>> No.6535362

>People are voicing concerns about the bigotry in my holy book and are citing examples.
>Better call them Nazis and Islamophobes.

>> No.6535372

No, what happened was that an omnipresent and supernatural god popped up out of nothing, and then created the universe.

>> No.6535373


Not for long you won't, autist.

>> No.6535378
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Too bad you can't blow people up over the internet huh?

>> No.6535379

Go fuck a camel, abdul

>> No.6535383

God is uncreated. He is the prime mover.
Learn basic logic.
Even Aristotle proved god.

>> No.6535389
File: 434 KB, 800x450, QnPoUlw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free and rational disccusion is not allowed on this board

This isn't reddit or tumblr. If you wish to impose your primitive beliefs and have no criticism, go there

>> No.6535400

>primitive beliefs
Atheism is primitive.

>> No.6535422


It's racist banter, not free and rational discussion. Why the fuck are you even trying to do this here when you have an entire board of fellow hair-trigger nutcases to play with? Get to /pol/.

>> No.6535423

>Expecting anything else from them.

True, but it doesn't imply anything. Seeing things around you with your eyes is primitive too.

>> No.6535436


>> No.6535444

>It's racist banter,
I wasn't aware that Islam was a race, you filthy mudslime.

>> No.6535445
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Pick a single one.

No need to go full retard Russel.

>> No.6535447

>m-muh ancient math and astronomy

>> No.6535451

>my feelings

Childish banter. This board is for adult cultures that can handle free speech without subsequent maniacal killing sprees.

>> No.6535459

How is it racist? Is Islam a race?Several people have highlighted the barbaric doctrines of islam such as killing or attacking non muslims and yet all you can pull up is "go to pol". Pretty pathetic argument that is characteristic of the way Muslims conduct themselves.

>> No.6535463
File: 32 KB, 680x482, well akbared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the "golden age" maymay.

>> No.6535468
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this is now /int/ maymays thread

>> No.6535471

Are you saying predicate logic didn't invalidate Aristotelian logic?

>> No.6535472

>>6533333 off by 1.

>> No.6535484
File: 220 KB, 500x372, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decently mature
Only in a good thread that is actually talking about a book or talking about an idea from a book/author while actively referencing it. Everything else is psuedo-/pol/ and a mix of other shit boards

Spotted the entry level fags who "got over their prejudices" but still have no better idea of what they're talking about than the people they believe oppose them. Islam rather explicitly criticizes other religions, it is one of the most striking and defining characteristics of the Quran. That it directly references other religions by name even and offers criticisms to them, even more striking is that these verses were recorded (Allegedly) in real time so these arguments you see are, if you give credence to the oral tradition of the Quran, exactly or ear exactly what Muhammad had said in response to someone else while in conversation with them or what he had declared at some random time. By shying away from what the book really is you yourself discredit it, because you recognize that it is in fact something bad and it needs your editing and interpretation to be acceptable to others when you tell them about it.

There technically was a great economic boom as they controlled the Silk road and had conquered tons of land, and this consequently allowed lots of extravagant spending and the funding of scholars and other people, so yes it was a "golden age" in relation to the rest of Islamic history.

>> No.6535488
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>> No.6535503

If God is uncreated then why can't the universe be uncreated without a god? What are you like 12?

>> No.6535508
File: 52 KB, 720x523, 1430767872436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
