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/lit/ - Literature

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6531677 No.6531677 [Reply] [Original]

>finish final year uni exams in a few days
>will get probably only a part time job for 4-8 months before my first real full time one
>will have tonnes of free time to read and learn

Here we go lit, my final chance to ascend to polyglotness! Which one: Spanish, French, or German?

I have zero social life, zero desire to live in non English speaking countries, zero preferences for any country's literature overall (obviously USA wins and houellebecq is a god tho).

>> No.6531687
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>ascend to polyglotness!
>I have zero social life
>(obviously USA wins and houellebecq is a god tho).

>> No.6531696

Yeah obviously I'm being slightly ironic because big daddy English slaps around the other languages like third world whores

>> No.6531868

Latin, you numskull.

>> No.6531916

>zero desire to live in non English speaking countries

Enjoy your feminism. You've been warned.

>> No.6531935

Ha. I had a girlfriend from Cuba and was happy to hear her say she wasn't a feminist and despised all that trash. Women in other countries are proof wife material still exists.

>> No.6531968

Go with French so you can read Proust, Flaubert, Racine, Moliere, France, Bergotte, and other GOATs in French. But if you're more into philosophy than Proper Literature, then go with German.