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6526544 No.6526544 [Reply] [Original]

How do I completely comprehend that others are just as "profound" as myself
Many told me that I'm the nicest person they met since I help people a lot, but I never get to the point where I understand that they exist as much as I do

Pic unrelated

>> No.6526559

Love is all you need

>> No.6526565

>Many have told me
>The have met

First and foremost work on your grammer. Secondnly, you are having trouble comprehending others, mot others as profound; as established by your second 'sentence.' Work on that, considering that your writing alone should cripple any-idea that you are more profound than others.

>> No.6526623

it sounds like you lack theory of mind. what's it like being a sociopath?

>> No.6526645

Schooled 'im, Poe.

>> No.6526670

Kind of ironic that you didn't call him autistic and kind of funny that 4chan usually uses "autistic" in the wrong situations. Apparently it goes both ways.

>> No.6526679
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take strong hallucinogens or start a disciplined meditation routine.

>> No.6526680

pic completely related imo

>> No.6526685

I understand the concept intellectually. But I don't think we are meant to feel that way. We are hard wired to think mostly about number 1.

>> No.6526690


>> No.6526694

>taking drugs helps you understand things better
This is the worst meme, everyone I know that does drugs is a vapid, self-absorbed, ignominious charlatan

>> No.6526718

>calling someone a charlatan
Jesus christ. You're being ironic, right?

>> No.6526722

oh if everyone you know is like that then I guess you're probably right.

Nevermind OP I retract my advice, no one has ever learned anything or gained any unique experience on drugs.

>> No.6526724

>How do I completely comprehend that others are just as "profound" as myself
By first comprehending the fact that although all people are the like sum of "profound" , all people do not possess identical avenues in which they express their profundity.
Realize that being profound isn't exclusive to speakin in aphorisms and parables. It manifests individually, from person to person.
You may be profound by writing a book and another may be as like profound by helping the poor and another may be like profound by dancing in their bedrooms.
Thinking that intellect or that being profound is contingent upon words is silly--the apogee of stinkin thinkin--for it articulates itself in many ways and in many mute languages.

>> No.6526725

not true lad


>> No.6526727

Most people who don't do drugs are that way as well so I dont see your point.

>> No.6526735

what does profound mean? are you talking about Solipsism?

>> No.6526759

OP is talking more about levels of consciousness -- so not necessarily that other people don't exist, but they aren't as 'human' as he is.

>> No.6526786


Funny, I thought the same thing.

>> No.6526815

Well they don't. All you know of other's is your own experience of them.

>> No.6526870
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>> No.6527971

You need to develop more numerous and more profound relationships with others.

>> No.6527973
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>> No.6528507

Then there is no moral obligation stopping me from harming them

>> No.6528670

>everyone thinks of themselves as completely unique, somehow 'different' or often 'better' than 'the others'
>I'm fully aware that people think this, and still myself do almost believe that I genuinely am the exception to this rule and very seriously am completely unique and one of the great undiscovered intellectuals of our time

But I'm not sure though..

>> No.6528679

Why would you want to

>> No.6528706

>he doesn't have Ich-Du conversations on the regular

>> No.6528731
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>Many told me that I'm the nicest person they met since I help people a lot, but I never get to the point where I understand that they exist as much as I do
you have no clue that they are humans
nice bait, but I know that this is a test to probe my faith in something else than sollipsism

>> No.6528776

The other day I was talking to one of my friends and he said one of the most profound things to me. I actually couldn't believe it.

He spoke about levels of development in regards to faith, life and self interest. The first being unawareness, the second is agreeing with the group - having faith without even knowing it, the third is questioning the group but still being a part of it through individual struggle - being conscious of your faith, the fourth is finding answers and not having faith but exploiting other peoples faith. The last was satisfying all your desires, but since we are acting human beings and acting is a must, the despair we are left with after we have attained our fantasy is supplanted by acting for others and fulfilling their wishes. A life of philanthropy.

>> No.6528788

sure there might not be a moral obligation stopping you, but there's social (and physical) repercussions. Just because you experience others as no more moral than cutting down a tree, doesn't mean the tree wont fight back.

You are free to do what you like. But firstly, why do you want to harm others? And if you do, make sure to be careful, because there's cops and people might be stronger than you/have guns and weapons. I myself walk around with a concealed blade all the time.