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/lit/ - Literature

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6525929 No.6525929 [Reply] [Original]

How many masterpieces won't ever get written because their would-be-author were on /lit/ posting frog pictures/ memes/ trolling/ shitposting instead ?

>> No.6525932
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No more than 0-10 probably; there's not many bright people on here

>> No.6525941

>mfw IQ of around 150
>mfw figured out most major philosophical concepts on my own before I was 15
>mfw certified genius who wants to write a book on the 4chan-internet-lowlife experience
>mfw too lazy

>> No.6525942

You don't need to be bright to write a successful novel, more like sensible and coming up with a good (and marketable) concept

>> No.6525944

Considering this is 4chan zero. Absolutely nothing.

>> No.6525955

but 4chan isn't a secret club anymore.

>> No.6525957

im not going to write my masterpiece because i think literature is ultimately irrelevant and the world is doomed. the idea that art can save anyone is antiquated. the idea of the masterpiece is antiquated. the idea of the master is antiquated. there won't be someone like a kafka again in the cultural sphere. there is no more art to be made except making yourself into a work of art.

>> No.6525975

I'm fairly sure the answer is none.

>> No.6525978

>wants to write a bok on the 4chan-internet-lowlife experience
What exactly would that look like?

>> No.6525985

/lit/ is shit

>> No.6525986
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>And on my 4th day I found out the secret to happiness: baneposting

What else could it be for you?

>> No.6525989

none since the ideas are not good enough to drop shitposting over

>> No.6525998

Not even one. Only a few of us would be able to write a decent short story, let alone a 'masterpiece'.
>smart but lezy
You obviously aren't very intelligent, then. I think we have a board for people like you.

>> No.6526005

>mfw diagnosed with autism
>mfw figured out most colouring books on my own before I was 15
>mfw certified autist who wants to write a book on the 4chan-my-weekly-communication-sessions
>mfw too dippy

>> No.6526009

a good 30 - 50

all written by me though

>> No.6526067

>I'm a fifteen year old: the post

>> No.6526139

>typing mfw without linking a face
150 you say.....

>> No.6526156

I'm writing YA and erotic fanfic right now. I wouldn't get any money from a masterpiece.

>> No.6526220

Why not an erotic masterpiece ? Just change a few names so that is not a fanfic anymore

>> No.6526226

Because I'm a hack. I have no talent. I'm no person.

>> No.6526229

But Anon talent is a spook, there is only working until you can write decently

>> No.6526232

I'm afraid he has no face.

>> No.6526237
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We already did?

>> No.6526292

This board is the only reason I write, though

>> No.6526297

Where can I read this?

>> No.6526307

Why is there only one then? If it was such a success.

>> No.6526309

What was the process of writing this book?

>> No.6526320

and the third (or second if you care about quality) is being written right now at

>> No.6526334

Will there ever be a novel that will change the world beyond recognition? A novel that completely changes the mien of whoever reads it so that they become inexorably altruistic and the world become a wonderful place to live in? Nah

>> No.6526344

I've written a literary masterpiece already. I have leased a warehouse inside of which I have arranged 82,566 unique objects--no two are alike. Because of my nest egg and frugal lifestyle, this warehouse will be mine for the next 32 years at least, but I suspect I will die before that time comes.

When I perish, authorities will dislodge the lock on the door, and step inside to discover my chaotic achievement. Each object has been ascribed a different word, emotion, place in time, character, or punctuation mark. There are 37 different aisles, which correspond to different chapters in the book. For instance, if one were to stroll down aisle 14 and look upon the deflated beach ball with a single strip of duct tape across its face, he or she might learn that object corresponds to the word "dilute."

Indeed, I have not given any clues to the meaning of these objects, but they assuredly all have very concrete meanings. If successfully interpreted, the reader will have undergone an exhilarating, traumatic experience which would leave him with not only one of the finest masterpieces in literature, but also a sensory overload through the specific arrangement of objects in my warehouse.

I have shown my novel to one person. I instructed her to begin at aisle 1, then continue in order, looking at all objects in that aisle for 10 seconds before writing down what word she thinks I ascribed to the specific object. She repeated this for every aisle.

She had translated 8% her first read-through. In her second it jumped up to 43%. And her third read-through she successfully translated the entire novel, learning the seemingly-random meaning of each object through sheer force of will. I admit, I did not expect this. She was so overcome with tears that she cried for hours on end until collapsing from fatigue. She died at the hospital later that day.

So I have closed the warehouse which resides in Orchard City, Colorado.

>> No.6526377

50 Shades of Grey started out as a fanfic with the names switched.

You don't actually have to be a good author to write an acclaimed masterpiece of lewdness.

>> No.6526380

50 Shades isn't acclaimed though. It only sold well because American men are unable to satisfy their wives

>> No.6526430
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What if /lit/ is the masterpiece?

>mind hive = super intelligence
>a bloody ton of words
>edgy authors

>> No.6526441


oh boy!
tell us what you'd plan for the book

>> No.6526451

Hey guys, I'm a billionaire publisher, first one to get dubs gets his embarrassing drivel published!

>> No.6526455

dubs get

>> No.6526458
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>> No.6526470


a deals a deal
give that anon your email you faggot

>> No.6526489

E-Mail? He can write me a PM.

>> No.6526500

There's three.

>> No.6526509
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I'm the bloke who got dubs, I'm also >>6526430
I already PM'd you, but anyways my email is:
>spencerwalkthrough at gmail dot com

I hope you're not a faggot and give me da shekels for my brilliant essay compilation which I've been storing for years in anticipation for this exact moment.
pic related

>> No.6526514

>zombie apocalypse story
>but set on the moon
>rich characterization
>some characters are morally ambiguous

It would be a trilogy.

>> No.6526526

You'll single-handedly usher in a new literary era, I can feel it.

>> No.6526533

I just phoned my buddies at Oxford Press, they expect a rough outline until next week.

>> No.6526536

checked, also where should I send them the outline? 8^)

>captcha: sandwiches

>> No.6526550

Anywhere you want, just tell them that "Flossie" sent you.

>> No.6526564

>Oxford Press

I actually wish this shit was true hahahahaha would make for a hollywoody film at least

>> No.6526661

None. Literature is dead.

Reminder that in Search of Lost Time and Ulysses where partly serialized in the same year and nothing in the past 30 years has been a fraction as good as either.

>> No.6526677

I already completed my masterpiece and published it, so I've got plenty of time to shitpost.

>> No.6526728

>>mfw figured out most major philosophical concepts on my own before I was 15
Dunning–Kruger: The Post