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/lit/ - Literature

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6524744 No.6524744 [Reply] [Original]


>sells some trash 'magical tips' that will allow you to supposedly read a book in ten minutes
>spends half the video talking complete shit and sprouting buzzwords like 'success' and 'mentors' and 'happiness', and then conflates all these things with 'knowledge gained from books'
>finally gets to the first tip
>"just read the summary"
>i wonder what's the next tip..
>proceeds to call the idea of actually reading a book from start to finish a lie

What a degenerate. Insufferable people like this guy, Tai Lopez, insist on trying to re-sell the great american dream, and he even has the gall in some video's to claim that he isn't a capitalist.

I am admittedly butt-blasted by this guy.

>> No.6524755


Aw shit. This is that guy in the youtube ad that starts out "I'm just here standing in front of my Ferrari in my home in the Hollywood hills" or whatever. I sat through it once. It's incredible how transparent he is.

>> No.6524762

Yep, it's that guy. Hpw can he claim to have read, what was it, 20,000 book(?) in the 'last few years' and ACTUALLY have understood their nuances and retained their information?

The worst part about it is that after he calls himself 'smart', people who also think they're 'smart' get reeled in hook-line-and-sinker into his stupid ideology of success and all related buzzwords.

>> No.6524996

This is what happens when you reguraly read and believe in self help books. Poor fuck, hope he can recover eventually.

>> No.6525001

id legit fucking kill every single PUA coach + Tai Lopez if i had the chance without any consequences

>> No.6525009

dude I kinda love Tai Lopez, because he's such a fucking dumbass, there is nothing unique or novel about his self-help guru philosophy, and yet he does seem to be legit rich, just through sheer tyranny of will or something.

>> No.6525033

I imagine confronting this guy would be one ugly ordeal.

>> No.6525054

>books = success
>example: Bill Gates
>reads books
>reads for hours and not ten minutes a day

>> No.6525090
File: 523 KB, 1440x776, Screenshot 2015-05-11 at 11.13.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside Bloom
Behold, the most well read man to ever exist

>> No.6525179
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>remember this here's the problem with books most books only have 1 or 2 good ideas in them but in order to sell them they have to fill them up so most books are not worth reading

>> No.6525208

I think Tai is basically right about this point though. Where I disagree with him is that, taking this point into account, he still decides to "read" those shitty books, instead of seeking out the books that have more than 2 or 3 good ideas.

>> No.6525221

This is the most normie shit I've ever seen

This has made me realise that normies are the target audience of infomercials. Not some sort of weird subterranean race. Normies.

>POSITIVITY is about MENTORS of GOOD ENERGY! YOU can self-actualise your positive waves today by reading a doubleplusgood book, with zero effort and zero money down!

There is so little in their heads that they are just mixing and matching things that superficially look like convictions or thoughts as they feel like it.

>> No.6525247

I can already envision kids in high school making fun of someone for reading a book the legitimate way instead of following this method.

>> No.6525322


Seems like sound advice if all you want to read is shitty cash-in self-help books.

>> No.6525368


>>proceeds to call the idea of actually reading a book from start to finish a lie

This thread should butt-blast me but it doesn't.

The fact he is actually trying to sell the idea that reading a whole book from start to finish as a "lie" to struggling everyday people just proves that this guy is dead inside.

He more than likely stopped caring about his fellow man a long time ago; if he ever did.

>> No.6525379

I read sparknotes summarys and pretend I read the book when someone asks. dealwithit

You guys are just wasting your time.

>> No.6525384

>Reading to impress others
>Reading with the idea that it will ever positively affect social interaction
>Caring what others think of you

I was going to ask why you were even on /lit/, and then I realised that's all that /lit/ is.

Why am I even here?

>> No.6525395

>buzzwords like 'success' and 'mentors' and 'happiness'

I don't think you know what a buzzword is.

>> No.6525398

u just got tricked

>> No.6525401

philosophy and politics threads

>> No.6525408

can you guys just ignore things like this that make you angry. You gain nothing from giving him attention other than to fuel your rage. are you enjoying your anger?

>> No.6525416


>are you enjoying your anger?

where do you think we are?

>> No.6525418

People really like it when they find others share their negative views, which is why gossip, social media rants, and major news networks still exist.

>> No.6525420

Also, why /lit/ still exists.

>> No.6525424


>implying there's nothing going through my mind but anger

I'm actually being reminded of why I love reading books page by page, word by word, and of how much wisdom I can learn over a good meditation about a book rather than treating them like little meals from which I just want a juicy piece of information.

>> No.6525427
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It's motivational book pandering in form of youtube videos. He basically repeats to not be lazy and tells anecdotes and what he read/heard talks about. I don't think it's bad at all - of course, if you're not the target audience, you'll not get much out of it.


>> No.6525432

It feeds the 'us and them' mentality, an idea of superiority.

>> No.6525436

Is that the same girl with the spider?

>> No.6525446

the kind of books this guy talks about reading are not what you're thinking of
i saw this dude's channel
he generally talks about reading random business self-help books, which are probably better read halfway than fully

>> No.6525449
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>> No.6525464


i was caught by this gif on another board only yesterday

motherfuck yrself i still havent recovered shit was worse than gore

>> No.6525471

OP's right
it's exactly that

I don't think YOU know what a buzzword is

>> No.6525489


look it up retard he's right

>> No.6525538

that's good for you, but this guy wants to have ferraris apparently

>> No.6525545

buzzword is a buzzword

>> No.6525580

>"it's not going to be hard"
>clip of the teacher on south park saying "it's easy mmkay"
wow that clip added so much to my understanding

>"a lot of times, the table of contents literally tells you what the book's about"

>> No.6525591

reminder that everyone itt is getting mad about people skimming the latest seth godin buzzword masterpiece, not a serious book

that's what this guy is talking about

>> No.6525729

How did you even make it through enough of the video to see the tip OP? This editing is unbearable. Half the time, the clips don't even relate to what he's saying or are a stretch at best.

>> No.6525789

>most books only have one or two good ideas in them

Sadly, I kind of agree with him on this, especially if you're reading these stupid self-help books. The more I watched this video, the funnier it got. It felt like some kind of subtle parody. The part where he skims the table of contents had me cracking up.
>so yeah, this guy basically says that multitasking is a lie. Focusing is important. Boom! Got it.
He could not have chosen a worse book to illustrate his point.

>> No.6525828
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>It felt like some kind of subtle parody.

That's what I thought at first. I can imagine Steve Brule giving the exact same lessons.
>"The first step to reading a book: you just- you don' even haveta read it! You jus go online an read what people say about it!

>> No.6525871

It is disgustingly obvious that this video is for a certain type of person. With its sound clips and movie bytes, it's for people who either don't like to read or find reading difficult.

>we are just overwhelmed by the thought of sitting down and slowly going through a book

Does this describe anyone here? Or anyone with an education above high school, even?

The clip even Rick Rolls the audience at 1:57

>> No.6525933

I wish Tai would give me a ride in his Ferrari!
He's so smart and successful!

>> No.6525947

No one named Tai was ever any good anyway, jeez.

>> No.6525949
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>/lit/ purports to be well read
>yet nobody on /lit/ has spent more than five minutes with The Fonz

>> No.6525960
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Heeeeeeelllllllllppppppp!!!!!

>> No.6525966
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Kill me.

>> No.6525970

you are literally retarded. he's obviously not talking to people who already enjoy books. in case you haven't noticed, society is becoming increasingly post-literate. too busy reading your books to notice i imagine.

>> No.6525977
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Fuck me?

>> No.6525983
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The world is chaos. Am I dead?

>> No.6526002

im guessing a Fonz is the car he is driving? I don't think I would gain anything from being in a "nice" car

>> No.6526004
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>> No.6526006
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>> No.6526020
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What is life? Is it a waiting room for death?

>> No.6526044


>> No.6526045

tai pls

>> No.6526049

papa smurf hatless

>> No.6526051


>> No.6526073
File: 24 KB, 606x589, 529662_500609159987941_805345674_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread took a turn that I am okay with.

Also I saw on his website that this guy is an author. Are his books the size of a pamphlet or is he truly just a soulless corporate shill sociopath walking up a ladder made of human spines?

>> No.6526085

I've got an idea
>go to wikipedia
>read plot summary
Gib money pls

>> No.6526092
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So troo

>> No.6526107
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Eat shit Kant

>> No.6526117
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Define "everything"

>> No.6526122

no, instead worthless filler he actually fills his pages to the brim with gold nuggets

>> No.6526123

every thing. all included. nothing is left out.

>> No.6526126

Very true and original thinking

>> No.6526137
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>> No.6526141

To Lacan, it is as if the closest we approach to the real is an imaginary border, but a border in the truest sense of the word is never approached as that would imply that the dividing line exists in such a sense so as to be tangible and completely separate from both the real and the experience, which we know to be false because if it were so then it would always also be completely accessible, and it is known to us that the only thing we can ever access is the experienced reality, for as soon as we gain access to something it automatically becomes incorporated into our experienced reality.
As such, the closest we can ever truly come is indefinitely more and more near to this dividing line, the "border" itself being completely off-limits. Borders, quite literally, do not even exist in the classical sense of the word.
Because of this inaccessible dividing line, the subject exists in a sub-reality, partially created by its wishes and demands yet also by its all prevailing fortitude, and exceptional vigour that is always guarding itself against the sharp and jagged edges which border contemporary experience, never truly arriving at this imaginary border line, this bifurcating abstraction that cuts off any contact with the ontological, unadulterated and unfiltered version of what we call reality.
Thus, the experienced reality, being without an attainable border, is in a certain sense limitless.
Is this not one of the things that Max Stirner, a close associate of the many young Hegelians, meant to vividly demonstrate in his most famous work?
"Only I am not abstraction alone: I am all in all, consequently, even abstraction or nothing: I am all and nothing; I am not a mere thought, but at the same time I am full of thoughts, a thought-world" - Stirner
As has been said before, it is not enough to simply attain an escape from the virtual seas of experience, one must first recognize the aspects of reality in the virtual, the shavings of verity found within the confides of the illusion.
Here we are reminded of the twisting florid tome of Being and Time, in which Being can only be apprehended individually by one in who the question of Being is important, in such an individual who is no doubt at least partially deluded to varying degrees.
Ludwig Wittgenstein was effectively content with this subjectivity, and it is to my knowledge that a detailed description of it was formally attempted by Martin Heidegger, though never completely, as his standalone work was meant to be only the first part of a trilogy.

>> No.6526145

I doubt time travel is possible, among other things, so the statement is wrong.

It would be more true to say "If there is no god, anything is permissible"
And so it is.

>> No.6526169

>"This is the story of a man, one who was never at a loss. He had traveled far in the world; he saw many cities of men, and learnt their mind; he endured many troubles and hardships in the struggle to save his own life and to bring back his men safe to their homes..." The Story of Odysseus (from my morning 15 minute reading of the classics)... -- I think the mark of a real man or a real woman comes the day you realize that troubles and hardships are nothing to panic over. They are the normal course of life. Period."


>> No.6526178

>turning the pillar of the Western canon into a single sentence Facebook motivational quote

Fuck this guy.

>> No.6526188
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Praise Tai.

>> No.6526196 [DELETED] 

I was doing some googling and came across this post on Leddit that seems to suggest he's defrauding people, not tricking people into buying some shitty pamphlets, but committing actual fraud


How great would it be to bring this speed-reeding-pleeb down?

>> No.6526219
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>the moral of the Odyssey is to just, like, live life, man lmao

>> No.6526221

>I think the mark of a real man or a real woman comes the day you realize that troubles and hardships are nothing to panic over. They are the normal course of life. Period."
that has, like, a 5% conection with the Odyssey.

>> No.6526222


>> No.6526228
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B-but I don't have any friends, Tai...

>> No.6526231
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>library of self-help books

>> No.6526238
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Oh wow, even Google auto-complete is kind of cynical.

>> No.6526239
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Lel he spams the aspergers board on reddit

>> No.6526250
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what a cunt

>> No.6526589
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This is hell.

>> No.6526625

Why is everyone in this thread so jealous of Tai Lopez. If you would take half of the energy that you are expending on jealousy and resentment and turned that toward something positive, you could be cruising around the Hollywood hills in your new Lambo.

>> No.6526631

Fun thing Descartes said something similar. Now I'm waiting for Lopez' revolutionary take on epistemology.

>> No.6526639
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>> No.6526644


>> No.6527404

>I don't think you know what a buzzword is.


Buzzword: "a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context."

>> No.6527416
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Pure ideology right there

>> No.6527561

wrong thread buddo?

>> No.6527600

There's nothing to be jealous of him for. All this 'everything' he has is really nothing at all.

>> No.6527625

This is true, although the space between them is not usually filler, but is more often pages and pages of supporting information.

You have a few good ideas, and then pages of justification.

>> No.6527649

He's so dumb that he did not give up even facing the most absurd consequences.
He literally made it by virtue of being incapable of having any profound knowledge and now he's teaching others kek