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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 109 KB, 985x1050, Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6521548 No.6521548 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good fantasy book?

>> No.6521558
File: 63 KB, 1024x576, Atheist Battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6521559

nice meme my friend

>> No.6521564


Because it's completely true.

>> No.6521577

Fantasy is for children.
You don't want to corrupt children with this.

>> No.6521600

It's alright. Od testament myths might be interesting to read, but mostly it's no different from any other culfure's mythology. New testament is more grounded. Christian mythology gets referenced more than ant other nowadays so I suggest you to check it out

>> No.6521642

There isn't mythology in the Bible

Mythology uses a specific kind of language that is not used in the bible

>> No.6521676

>mythology uses a specific kind of language
sez who? surely there are cultures where this isn't true

>> No.6521685

No, it's too disjointed and filled only with antagonists.

>> No.6521696

I don't think the fantasy genre was around when the bible was put together.

>> No.6521707

Im not reay in a mood for arguing today since I'm browsing ob my phone, but wanted to say that I strongly disagree. Maybe next time

>> No.6521709


>> No.6521711


It's terribly bad.
If it was a dead religion, nobody would give a flying fuck about that book.
Most people think the Moses story is something like movies or that disney cartoon. I dare you to read it. It's as if it was written by morons for morons.

>> No.6521732

There's three different versions of the Moses story. Moses himself is a boring character but Miriam is really fascinating and gets you excited to read Ruth and Esther, if you can handle female protagonists. Aaron is sort of meh-tier as a protagonist. Remember most of the characters aren't real people but archetypes, as it is fancy so don't get too lost into imperfect characterization I mean the whole Noah's son possibly fucking his Dad thing is just mentioned without explanation and that's the kind of wacky bullshit that makes me love that damn thing. Also that looks like an NIV. Use biblehub. Find better translations and don't be afraid to rely on annotations to better understand context, the book is USELESS without context and was never meant to be read without it.

>> No.6521753
File: 25 KB, 409x405, dbfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> raised atheist
> religion is for the weak
> euphoric.jpg
> but wait what is anything?
> into philosophy
> into literature
> into theology
> learn Latin and Greek
> read all the classics in the original
> read the new testament
> mfw i understood it
> eucharist.jpg

>> No.6521768


>Find better translations and don't be afraid to rely on annotations to better understand context, the book is USELESS without context and was never meant to be read without it.

Dude, context can redeem plot, characters and so on, it can't redeem really bad writing.
I'd save maybe 5 books out of the whole bible.

>> No.6521780

shit ending

otherwise 7/10

>> No.6521800
File: 66 KB, 295x418, Smug Kommando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dostoyevsky was a plebeian moron

I love learning new things on /lit/ everyday

>> No.6521813
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you got'em m8

>> No.6521817
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>> No.6521818


I said nothing about the truth of the book. If I turned christian tomorrow, I would still find the vast majority of the bible terrible from an aesthetic perspective.

>> No.6521822
File: 376 KB, 600x700, my-god-s-not-dead-he-s-surely-alive-he-s-living-on-the-inside-roaring-like-a-lion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6521823

Old or new? Ending of old is pretty fucking bad. Moses, uninteresting character dies to fill a plothole. Boo!

>> No.6521826

Corinthians isn't too bad aesthetically.

>> No.6521829
File: 117 KB, 720x479, 1429437736863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6521832


Honestly I find the new testament to be a whole lot worse than the old one.

>> No.6521836


what the fuck did I just read

>> No.6521839
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>> No.6521840
File: 192 KB, 1600x1232, 1426747907434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis, Exodus, Daniel, Esther, Ruth, Jonah, Isaiah, Job, ecclesiastes, and psalms are all great; there are parts of the Joshua-Judges-Samuel-Kings section that I rather enjoy, but it can get tedious. The law books are admittedly awful.

I think the 4 gospels+acts are good reads as well as revelation. I am not a big fan of Paul though.

That is all to say I think the majority of the bible is actually pretty aesthetic.

>> No.6521852

kek...I don't think I have an image to reply to this.

>> No.6521855


Job, Ecclesiastes and psalms I agree.

Maybe Esther.

Others I disagree

But I can't for the love of the gods understand how the hell you can like Genesis and Exodus.

>> No.6521874

stealing your meme right now

>> No.6521886

Paul is the best.

>> No.6521893
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>> No.6521901

I don't know, I always liked Lennon more :^)

>> No.6521904
File: 1.18 MB, 1062x1540, jean-elie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exodus in the back end gets boring, but the plagues and the harrowing escape across the red sea followed by problem Moses faces as the Jews doubt in him is pretty compelling.

Why don't you like genesis? There are so many great stories: the creation, the temptation of man, man's fall and exile, Cain murdering abel, the tower of babel, Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, the binding of Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Joseph's betray at the hand of his envious brothers, etc. These are stories indelibly engraved in Western culture; I think that alone counts for something.

>> No.6521914

>how the hell you can like Genesis
Joseph's story is literally a season finale.
Genesis basically tells of the creation and part of the beginning of the world, along with an introduction to sin, and the beginning of the Israelite tribes.
How couldn't you love that?

>> No.6521919
File: 335 KB, 500x649, dAH3KLz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here have another dank meme ;^)

I'm probably just a pleb. I need to give him a more through read; I have read the gospels probably 4-5 times each, but I have only really skimmed Paul.

>> No.6521925


>pretty compelling

Compelling? God literally knows whatever is going to do isn't going to convince Pharaoh (great name btw) because he himself is making him be not convinced. What's compelling about that? Dropped.


Guys, guys, guys, I'm not saying the material, the ideas are bad, I'm saying they read like sandpaper.

>> No.6521932

If it's true nobody knows.

But it's a great "philosophical novel".

>> No.6521948

>, I'm not saying the material, the ideas are bad, I'm saying they read like sandpaper.

Fair enough. I disagree though.

>> No.6521956


Do you have any translations that you think may solve that problem?
And anyway, are you jewish/christian/whatever else there is that thinks the bible is a sacred book?

>> No.6521989

I am atheist and I am sick of this joke.

I did read part of the Bible and it is clearly overrated.

>> No.6522028
File: 226 KB, 1134x1001, Kramskoi_Christ_dans_le_désert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was raised Catholic and, to some extent, I still identify as such, although I am probably more of a deist in terms of actual belief. I respect Christianity though, particularly the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. I am just a bit too incredulous of certain core Christian beliefs to be considered a Catholic; in particular, Christian eschatology is something I really doubt.

In terms of translation, I am not sure. I took New Testament and Old Testament in college with a pretty good professor who assigned the Harper Collins Study Bible NRSV; however, people here seem to dislike the NRSV because it is stiff and not very literary.

I still use the NRSV for study and read from Jerome's Sacra Biblia Vulgata in latin for literary purposes. I think most people will recommend the King James for an english version that is more literary; moreover, I think there may be an updated KJV that is more accurate as the origin was a bit off in spots.

>> No.6522054

Ecclesiastes is very good
Esther is an amazing story
Judges is interesting
Matthew is alright if you want to get your Jesus on
Reading revelations at the moment, it's hilarious, and I can't actually believe the reputation Christianity has with this shit as the closing chapter of the Holy Book.

Still, 10 times better than the Qur'an.

>> No.6522065

Revelations may be less "hilarious" if you consider that it is basically a polemic against Rome and Nero as opposed to a prediction of the end times.

>> No.6522176

Once I find a job I'm buying the Oxford annotated Bible for all of these things, but right now, I just have a regular King James, and he seems pretty adamant on having seen everything he's describing.

>> No.6522219

>No elves

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.6522258
File: 16 KB, 254x346, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and he seems pretty adamant on having seen everything he's describing

I it is no doubt a purported vision; I am saying the vision is of Rome's demise rather than the end of the world. Although, in fairness the Church has viewed as both specific to 1st century Christians and applicable to broader salvation history.

I had the Oxford Bible, and, just as a warning, the paper was incredibly thin and prone to ripping. I have the the Oxford Biblical Commentary; it is just a commentary, but it is about 1000 pages of solid info. You might want the Commentary instead of the Bible for a more extensive reference; it is only about 40 or so dollars I think, which for a reference book isn't too bad.

>> No.6522319

Hmm, I do dislike extremely thin paper, but the annotated version does sound a lot easier, as the references are right there as you're reading, I imagine. I'll have a look at the commentary, though, cheers.

>> No.6522601
File: 98 KB, 773x1024, DeadTreePulp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebby as fuck.

>> No.6522629

is that the one near lancaster? i went there once and asked if they had IJ, not knowing what the store had. they had no idea what i said. that whole area is sad.

>> No.6522672

>not liking proverbs, song of songs and lamentations
top pleb

>> No.6522695


It's the greatest Shōnen ever.

>> No.6524104

>But I can't for the love of the gods

>> No.6524487


>> No.6524565

No but it has alotta jews which according to south park is basically the same thing