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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 327 KB, 2000x1404, 1427843148534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6519702 No.6519702[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm so fucking free I don't need to read

>> No.6519730


>> No.6519731

my god who makes these pictures i gotta see more

>> No.6519747
File: 1.27 MB, 499x499, 1429845814380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>those toy car play mat funeral shrouds

this feel is too rare i cant deal

>> No.6519760

holy fuck amazing pepe

>> No.6519777
File: 92 KB, 764x938, 1411949133647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no rare pepes

i must imagine myself happy

>> No.6519781

absolute madman

>> No.6519784

I love those elaborate pepes, I have no idea where best to harvest them, but I found that /r9k/ typically has a lot more of them floating around than /lit/.

>> No.6519797
File: 179 KB, 2000x1200, rgc7uVE[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6519806


does anyone understand these?

>> No.6519808

this is a collection of what seem to be at first glance to be mostly normal pepes: http://imgur.com/a/U2dTR

>> No.6519811


>> No.6519812

this is the point where memes are art

>> No.6519819
File: 719 KB, 3036x1900, 1sh3OjR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my all time fav

>> No.6519820

They're female video gamers who make movies of them playing video games and the stuff in the room are all little details that are put there for the joy of attentive viewers because pattern recognition is edifying to infants and small animals.

>> No.6519825
File: 60 KB, 670x328, 1428690325885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my favorite pepe
nice trips btw

>> No.6519829

Read more Hegel. You haven't achieved the needed level of Geist to reconcile this.

>> No.6519831

I have been on 4chan for a very long time, and I have definitely seen some shit. I can watch a guy fuck a goat, or a guys face being ripped open, or some guy shoot himself in the head in a police station and not be signficantly disturbed by any of that. But this fucking pretty princess points shit, this shit gets to me. This is too much. I've finally found pictures that can disturb me when I look at them. Thank you /r9k/, for showing me I'm still a real human bean.

>> No.6519849


This is Evangelion tier

>> No.6519851

at least you have trips

>> No.6519868
File: 1.28 MB, 1010x991, stalin flandre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The fact that you don't indicates you should fuck off to the other place. But even if you don't understand them instinctually, the fact that you're incapable of simulating a comprehension of outsider art means you're a stupid fucking cuntface.

Select all 2hus of urs Iv fukt below. A sample image is on the left.

>> No.6519872

I hope you become an real hero.

>> No.6519891

straight up looks like an of montreal album cover

>> No.6519898


>achieving levels of spirit
>not understanding yourself as a fragmentary (and microcosmic) embodiment of the progress towards absolute spirit

Read more Kojeve. You haven't gotten far enough past the Neitzschean dualistic fallacy to perceive dialectically.

>> No.6519934

You don't get good boy points for making assumptions about the nature of subjectivity, and reflexively constructing it as individuated.

>> No.6519940


>> No.6519947


>reflexively constructing it as individuated

Read more Virginia Woolf. You haven't examined the fabric of non-being thoroughly enough to embrace the collective subjectivity that spreads wide.

>> No.6519959

>more Kojeve
>more Woolf
Why don't you read more Hegel before talking about Hegel? Kojeve wrote for Kojeve more than he wrote for Hegel, and what the hell does Virginia Woolf have to do with dialectic?

>> No.6519979

>read a guy that wants the Last Man World Order to become a reality

>> No.6519987


I told him to read Kojeve because what he said was already more in line with Kojeve's appropriation of Hegelianism (not a dialectic, but dualism between master and slave) to a a pessimistic historicism and a nostalgia for the "age of mastery." When he brought up the concept of an individuated self, it brought to mind Woolf's "transcendental theory" of a collective self produced by the prevailing moments of "non-being" (first delineated in Mrs. Dalloway but present all the way up to the Waves, with the exception of Orlando). Of course, him bringing Hegel into a thread about princess points freaky pics is gonna provoke me to flex whatever muscles I have. I may have been reckless in wielding that knowledge (because after all, I'm not writing a fucking thesis here), and in doing so, misrepresented Hegel (which, by the way, is not all that hard to do). I'm totally with you on Kojeve being less derivative and more original in his thought, considering how his work relied heavily on Heidegger and Neitzsche, while secularizing and politicizing Hegel (past Hegel's own politics) to an enormous degree.

>> No.6519996


He didn't want it to become a reality, he was thoroughly convinced that it was inevitable. He was a megalomaniac, and wanted to exert as much influence as he could with his intellectual prowess. With his contributions to the formation of the E.U., along with shaping many of the sentiments of Leo Strauss (who would go on to inform much of the American right's ideology), he managed to do so, dispelling the Hegelian notion that he often cited: "the owl of minerva spreads her wings at dusk."

>> No.6520005

>along with shaping many of the sentiments of Leo Strauss
But Leo didn't think that the global End of History would be a good thing. He only thinks that an opressive regime(The City) as such would help the few enlightened individuals do philosophy.

>> No.6520021


>Leo didn't think the global end of history would be a good thing.

I don't see your contention here. Kojeve didn't either. If you're keying in on how Strauss didn't share the same romantic fatalism as Kojeve, I might be inclined to agree. You have to remember though, that Kojeve's innovation was not restricted to his end of history. His intuitive combination of elements borrowed from Hiedegger, Hegel, and Marx's materialism laid the foundation for existentialism and influenced the development of surrealism and oulipo. Shadia Drury argues, to some success, that he is responsible for the nature of postmodern politics to a certain degree. I'm not in complete disagreement with that, though I think her argument can be crude at times (a disconcerning amount of post hoc ergo propter hoc). Strauss was almost exclusively political while Kojeve's intellectual yoke extended from political philosophy into radical aesthetic movements, discernible in ultra-leftist politics AND fascist sentiments in the decades following his period of prominence.

>> No.6520022


>borrowed from Heidegger, Hegel, Marx's materialism, and Neitzsche*

>> No.6520615


>> No.6520689
File: 158 KB, 500x357, hibari bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a very complex construction. the basic idea is that they are femanons that are just as crazy as your regular robot but hide it and are attractive enough to make it work. they abuse their parents with a system of points based on good behaving that is rigged in their favor because their parents are weak (occasionally 4channers themselves). You can see small details of pent up rage in the broken walls and carpets and lack of higiene in menstruation marks or used tampons.
They use their female superiority to make robots happy and then abuse and/or kill them (otherwise it's implied that it would get crazy in a very bad way with the broken stuf and so on), following the yandere archetype that hasn't been properly fleshed out by Japan yet.
In some pictures you can see the authors expanding in how the character plays her strenghts (>>6519797's mega mil shirt and wheelchair) while in others the focus is on the parental abuse (like OP's) but the secret filth aspect will remain subtle and universal.
A secondary item that I particularly love is the inspirational phrase pointing to the camera (and/or screen). While it tends to be a reflection of how girls behave in social media there are some cases in which the author takes time to think something that sounds supperficially generic while implying pretty nasty things. Double readings of the elements are a pretty common theme in this pictures and while characterized by that kind of lines you can related it to the whole work. I believe it carries the moral message that you should always pay attention to things to seem too good to be true and it shows that even when playing the role of the sick and useless piece of shit robots still retain a strong moral fiber.

>> No.6520699


This is what a girl mind looks like?

>> No.6520708


>> No.6520791

>but the secret filth aspect will remain subtle and universal
Check out the corner of the bed in #32.

>> No.6520845

yes very astute, care to share more observations?

>> No.6520882

and to think I thought the robot culture had stagnated completely

these pictures are fucking nuts

>> No.6520891

i can't fucking deal with this shit.

why is everything so awful, all the time

>> No.6520914


i love you


cant handle the bantz

>> No.6520917

Yes, the different aproaches to female sexuality some times reveal the lack of understanding the author had and betray the inspiration in hentai and porn tropes.

>very astute
I'm not playing any keikaku, just appreciating art.

>> No.6520924
File: 43 KB, 168x202, Thank you hibari-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for tolerating so much broken syntax, sundays aren't meant for L2

>> No.6520956

how long until the government/illuminati uses 4chan as a breeding ground for hyperevolved weaponized memes

>> No.6520962


what could anyone weaponize a legion of skinny/overweight limpwristed awkward teenagers?

>> No.6521008

What do the chicken tendies represent?

>> No.6521040

It's part of the structural meme, originally a male robot would get good boy points and exchange them for "chicken tendies", usually with a following rage attack when the amount wasn't sufficient. This evolved to Pretty Princes Points and doing nasty female things (throwing used tampons to the parents having sex for example) and from there it was having sexual things with the father to earn a lot of PPP.
While chicken tendies are the basic need to eat turned converted to a childish form, so the abuse of it implies both gluttony and being incapable of growing up; the current form is more of a genre characteristic than a meaningful consideration.

>> No.6521054

This shit is deep, anon. I'm way more engaged browsing these images than the last time I visited the art institute.

>> No.6521069

maximalism is easy to get into, but at the end it's all about how much you want to think about the work more than the work itself. if you don't give it enough time, or not even a chance, then it will always fall flat.

>> No.6521601
File: 181 KB, 2000x1000, perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how infantile these women are.

>> No.6521624

>male robot
what is a "male robot"?

>> No.6521629

Chicken tendies represent a tangible earnable reward like it currency. It represents man's desire to constantly accumulate wealth

>> No.6521634

do you know what /r9k/ is called?

>> No.6521661

No, I've never browsed /r9k/. in 7 years my path here was from /a/ to /fit/ and /lit/.
I don't care much the science fiction, so I'm not interested in browsing hal 9000 board

>> No.6521670

Thanks for the explanation, I was getting really confused by these. I do have one question howeve: are these femanons real, or are they typical /r9k/ make believe?

>> No.6521674

>not knowing every board on this shitty site by title and abbreviation

>> No.6521694

but this is a /r9k/ meme, it can't be taken away fro its original context.
anyway, it's robot9000 so its users refer to themselves as robots. it also helps with them feeling not human.

It's a pretty selective mix of (from more present to less even if it varies):
>arcanine users
>arcanine ideas of how women are
>female vlogers
>arcanine female users
The fact that they are always looking at the front, as if a webcam was taking them, is part of the vlogger spirit. In some cases I'm pretty sure there are some hidden references to particular internet celebrities. The idea of having text pointing to the reader also follows that logic.
But I think the most interesant element is that this female wojacks are representations of how robots wish they were if they were women, and the humiliating elements are just recognitions of how fake they would be if allowed to just turn into women.

>knowing the tan of each board and its canon shipping.

>> No.6521697

man, I think that most of the users never click more than the same 2-3 boards for years.
there are more than 60 boards...

>> No.6521714

>anyway, it's robot9000 so its users refer to themselves as robots. it also helps with them feeling not human.

thanks for the explanation. I always thought that /r9k/ was a "old style" science fiction board filled with huge nerds

>> No.6521730

This is probably one of the most interesting things I've heard of for months. Is there any written material on this phenomenon?

>> No.6521737

that would be /m/ and its one of the greatest boards in this shit hole.

Originally arcanine had a filter that banned you for repeating a post or image, the idea was forcing OC. From that place some decent boards were born, the best obviously being the one you're posting in right now. When we left, together with /biz/, /pol/ (that sued to be /new/ anyways), /sci/, /adv/, and maybe something more, the place ended up as a hub for people complaining about their lives. It was a slow and painful dead.
Now the filter is lifted and it's just the depression board.

Not really, the closest you'll find are the articles in "know your meme" and "oh, internet" (such a horrible name, why did they expect to have better luck than with ED?), and those are mostly historical explanations.
/lit/ is the only place with grad students wasting their time so pathetically as to care about analyzing memes.

>> No.6521751

/soc/ also when /r9k/ was ressurected. The death of the forced OC board was the funniest thing to watch and honestly I don't know how we could have expected it to end any other way.

>mfw pepe eventually did generate a fuckload of OC though
>mfw newfags will never get muted for 30 hours

>> No.6521756

Are there any depressing books about frustrated and infantile adults and their pathology? I find it really interesting.

>> No.6521770
File: 60 KB, 469x463, tips pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would also love to learn about this. Pic somehow related

>> No.6521777

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men by Dee Eff Dubelue

>> No.6521781


just go on /pol/ and ask them their world views

>> No.6521792

new and only fave pepe

>> No.6521798
File: 441 KB, 1200x900, personal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super rare version of Electra with over 20 pages.

>> No.6521804

it's like I Spy for autists

>> No.6521805


Holy fucking shit

>> No.6521810

>mfw that wojack looks me

>> No.6521820

and now i can't read the homer anymore

>> No.6521838

>some guy shoot himself in the head in a police station

I have seen all that you have seen.

Mexico's a hell of a place.

>> No.6521863

You've got realize that the only reason it's "awful" is because you allow yourself to feel it being awful. In cold reality it is nothing, and so are you and I.

>> No.6521885

>implying you make a conscience effort to feel that way
repeating "everything isn't really awful" over and over won't actually change your feelings, at best you might achieve some cognitive dissonance.

>> No.6521892
File: 18 KB, 301x300, message1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6521909

You don't make a concious effort to feel that way. You allow your concious to do that to you, when the feeling it gives, mean nothing, really.

>> No.6521978

The Crying of /lit/ 49

>> No.6522024
File: 17 KB, 200x310, 200px-Kokoro01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like the aesthetics of books and bookshelves. Reading itself is a chore.

>> No.6522046

probably the one time I feel bad for chad

>> No.6522079

is that Oedipa Mass

>> No.6522100

How is there any connection to Lot 49 in that image?

>> No.6522141

Kokoro's a really good book. Maybe the best Japanese novel I've read. Very melodramatic and emotional, but not maudlin. You should read it.

>> No.6522256
File: 718 KB, 2000x1200, comics are literature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is that a Jack Black smile?

>> No.6522287

>it also helps with them feeling not human.

>> No.6522297

What will be the climax of pepe posting?

>> No.6522309
File: 264 KB, 2048x1536, use this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use this on his new car

holy fuck

>> No.6522314

not even. they feel bellow human standards, unable to deal with day to day issues and lacking some vital parts they assume everyone has but they can't even fathom.

Not a bang but a slow fading away. Real life doesn't get climaxes.

>> No.6522505


If you see yourself posting on 4chan in your 50's, you might see Pepe reverting back to his sad and happy self.

>> No.6522595

That was actually pretty good, thanks man.

>> No.6522643
File: 90 KB, 305x429, glance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have to be such a meanie?

>> No.6522697

/r9k/ is the mental illness board.

>> No.6522698

Good post, fuccboi.

>> No.6522704

>Notes From Underground
>Any book about female infidelity.

>> No.6522712

The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night Time?

>> No.6522718

Loosey-goosey, boypussi.

>> No.6522747

I try to always do my best.

>> No.6522940


Is this /r9k/'s take on /fit/?

>> No.6522969
File: 168 KB, 2000x1200, jK2Yolp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is different.

>> No.6522974

these are like abstracted autism

>> No.6523024

Not like. That's exactly what they are.

>> No.6523036
File: 349 KB, 2000x1200, fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



/fit/ father dealing with a /r9k/ daughter

>> No.6523118


It's a flash reference

>> No.6523151


Flash references

>> No.6523195

So much paranoia concentrated in one picture.

>> No.6523211

you mean love.

>> No.6523277

The message on the far right top picnic table is "Nice apocalypse"

>> No.6523286


how can you tell?

>> No.6523302

Adults desiring childish things

>> No.6523392

Atbash cipher, my guess is because robots like gravity falls.