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/lit/ - Literature

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6519603 No.6519603 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/,
what's the ultimate question?

>> No.6519607

What is 6*9?

>> No.6519613

what doth life?

>> No.6519625


>> No.6519630

Everyone knows the question, but does anybody know how to fly?

>> No.6519636

is this literature?

>> No.6519639

How deep is balls deep?

>> No.6519644

It actually is, yeah.

>> No.6519663

So radio plays are now /lit/ not /tv/?

>> No.6519665

Do you love me?

>> No.6519676
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What is the meaning of Being?

>> No.6519681

>what's the ultimate question [to ask the all-knowing computer]?
what's the ultimate question?

A: What will give me greatest power rule over plebs for all eternity?

>> No.6519686
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>dat hat

>> No.6519687

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6519701

Martin "spot the jew and pull the trigger" Heidegger

>> No.6519719

Being wrong about something does not invalidate everything else he said.

>> No.6519722

>implying theres anything wrong with being an opportunist

>> No.6519745

He seems like he should have just translated the eastern philosophers into German and told people to stop lying so much. Thing is not many people want to believe they are a machine with a heart beat. Nature has a way of dealing with people who want access to her internals rather then feeding her.

>> No.6519759

HE wasn't really a nazi. Everyone at the time were NAZIs, it was in his own best interest to join them at the time, lest his work be destroyed like all those who opposed the regime.

>> No.6519770

There are two meanings to this, and I'm not sure you believe that his philosophy was necessarily correct.

>> No.6519783
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>> No.6519838

>implying he was wrong about anything

>> No.6519848

Why is there something rather than nothing?

>> No.6519858

what will my post's two last numbers be??

>> No.6519879

did i eat the whole pizza last night?

>> No.6519887

Can man ever be content?

>> No.6519904
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>> No.6519933

What's the mortal weakness of the rentier class, speaking in terms of Mars Attacks/Signs?

>> No.6519936
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what is the ultimate question?

>> No.6519952


>> No.6519963
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>> No.6519966

How do I see and touch the maximum amount of naked women before I am too old to attract any of them?

>> No.6519968

This, did no one fucking read it? The question is directly stated, you retards.

>> No.6519972

except that the narrator (forget his name) isn't a part of earth originally and therefore cannot know the question

>> No.6519973

Why is God such a dick?

>> No.6519991
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>How do I see and touch the maximum amount of naked women before I am too old to attract any of them?

We covered this last week. Complete a TEFL certificate in a week or two, move to Thailand, Cambodia, or Vietnam, pick up any one of the English teaching jobs at an international school - white faces are in very high demand and very well paid, then go for a beer in any bar.

>> No.6520000

Where did it all start?

>> No.6520090

Is the narrator actually named?

>> No.6520140
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>> No.6520186

Actually, the program was interrupted by the demolition of the Earth before the question could be calculated.
And the answer given by the native Earthlings was unrefined since the program was not yet finished.

>> No.6520187

>implying there's an ultimate question

>> No.6520258


I'm a conundrummer in a band called lifepuzzler.

>> No.6520272

cen i habe pussy, baws?

>> No.6520305

>Thai girls
>chests like 12 year old boys
>their english speaking sounds like that of a deaf person.

No thanks

>> No.6520373

"How may entropy be reversed?"


>> No.6520572

>what is the ultimate question
you just answered you own question

>> No.6520575

was he just a big smurf?

>> No.6520580

why would you list three pluses and then reject it?

>> No.6520585

>complete a TEFL certificate in a week or two

I thought it took around six months to complete. Does it really only take a week or two?

>> No.6520880


Yeah and 6x9 is 54. So the refined question is 6x7.

>> No.6520908

No, he didn't. But you did.

>> No.6520942

you can just take the test but it will include teaching aspects that you might fuck up, a lot of people pass those things out of luck or common sense and it shows when they suck at structuring their classes.

>> No.6520947


>> No.6520950

It's a short story by Isaac Asimov you stupid shitbrain

>> No.6522711

What comes first, the idea or the object?

Or more commonly known as scientific socialism vs others.

>> No.6522723

Is the universe infinite?


Is non-plant life just an evolutionary spandrel, and if so, is it the fate of non-plant life to become plants

>> No.6522724

No, I just finished mine and you can do it in less than two months if you're a fast worker.

>> No.6522730
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What doth life?

>> No.6523252

Go play monkeyman-scrabble, please.