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6519499 No.6519499 [Reply] [Original]

>virgin birth
>walked on water
>turned water into wine
>revived Lazarus
>mount split open and the dead roamed the streets after his crucifixion
>arose from the dead after 3 days

How do you believe this nonsense Christposters? I know you're here, don't try to dodge me.

>> No.6519501

horribly memed my friend

>> No.6519503
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>believing in logic
>believing in an external reality
>believing these sentences, including this one, aren't all meaningless

>> No.6519510

I never understood how those who subscribe to a certain religion or other will gaze sideways at another creed or belief and go, "how backward/wrong/ridiculous etc."

Like Jews or Christians mocking Mormonism, it's just a pot and kettle affair. If you want to make fun of people for believing some guy found magical, golden plates in a forest, you simply don't get to believe in nonsense like burning bushes or water to wine. You give up that license.

>> No.6519515

>you can't know nothin' dogshit.

>> No.6519516

God created the universe. God can intervene in the universe. Miracles are possible. The incarnation of God is possible. With God all things are possible.
You're assuming these things are ridiculous because you probably don't even believe God exists, let alone created the universe. You're simply approaching the claims with a different set of assumptions. You should loosen your fedora. It's restricting your ability to understand different points of view, which is the mark of a dying intellect.

>> No.6519519

Believers know that all religions have some truth to them. The atheist stands alone in thinking that none of them do.

>> No.6519525

Understanding a point of view does not mean you can't/don't criticize it.

Not that guy, but you're not thinking coherently.

>> No.6519530

Jesus Christ is God Incarnate. The eternal Creator in human flesh. This miracle outstrips any other.
The Being that created every drop of water out of nothing can walk upon it if He wants to.

>> No.6519532

I see no criticism here.

>> No.6519533

Believers know but atheists only think?

>> No.6519543


Cthulhu would eat your gods if they were only real

>> No.6519545

>mfw this is praise to my subjective min for all you know

>> No.6519546

Atheists thinking? I suppose there's a first time for everything.

>> No.6519550

No, you're wrong.

>> No.6519551

>If Christ made no miracles nobody would believe him
>Miracles must be things that ordinary people could not do
>Therefor any miracles that prove he is the son of god will be considered unbelievable later on

its basic logic m9

>> No.6519581

No, he really would eat them.

>> No.6519609

I don't understand the point of this. These comments are childish, not witty or clever. I'm an atheist, but I can't imagine the appeal of making yourself look stupid. Do you say this shit to religious family members?

>> No.6519635

"And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture." - Luke 8:6

>> No.6519643

Cthulhu is a reddit tier meme and thus not welcome on this, the pseudo-intellectual section of an american anime imageboard

>> No.6519649

The resurrection of Christ is the best solution there is regarding the historical evidence surrounding His bodies disappearance, His post death sightings, and the rise of the first century church.

Btw, just letting everyone know, anyone claiming Christ didn't exist will not be receiving further response from me, unless you can cite a single reputable historian substantiating the claim.

>> No.6519654

>bothering to prove your intellect in front of religies
It's called harassment, lad. It's fun. More fun than argument, even.

>> No.6519655

lol its supposed to be an allegory but the person writing it is trying to imitate the poetic prose of Genesis but simply isn't as good of a writer.

>> No.6519656


all of that is completely separate from the question of the existence of an uncaused cause

assuming OP is an atheist, what's more important to you? reading every line of the bible literally, or actually trying to disprove God as a concept?

>> No.6519657

>More fun than argument, even.
I can see how that would be the case, it's always more fun to run than to lose.

>> No.6519660

>the person writing it
>Thinks all 4 gospels were written by the same person

>> No.6519668

>not godtier Nyarlathotep

>> No.6519677

No I mean like the people writing/editing it. Obviously its an anthology but so is Genesis, hell Genesis 1 and 2 are two totally different stories written by different folks at different times but they speak to the same conversation where as the New Testament can be frustratingly diffuse in its attempts to include EVERYONE in its evangelism.

>> No.6519682

The former.

Theology is just religious autism. It has no bearing on anything.

>> No.6519685

Genesis 1 and 2 are only interpreted as different stories by the most liberal of scholars. They're easily reconcilable. I've never heard of a notable anti theist bring it up in debate. It's more like an "amazing atheist" argument than a, I don't know, Dawkins one I suppose.
I don't understand what you mean by saying the New Testament can be frustratingly diffuse

>> No.6519690


I sure walked into that one.

>> No.6519695

Christians are amazingly talented skeptics, apart from their pathological devotion to Christianity.

>> No.6519699
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>he has never read Hegel, Feuerbach or Stirner

>> No.6519704

Theology is pathology and anthropology.

Read David Hume.

Kant's argument against Hume's views on causation fails to preserve Christian conceptions of causality

Also, read Kant's proofs against the primary ontological arguments



BLOWN the fuck out, for being a hack sophist no-talent brainless pretend thinker who endlessly postures due to his pathological devotion to a belief system as unchanging and dogmatic as dianetics.

>> No.6519707

How are they the same story? Have you read them? Same conversation, yes. Intentionally written in the same bout of writing as sequential prose, not even close. I am a Theist, I suppose. The New Testament defends Agape as its thesis where the Old Testament ex. Leviticus speaks to a hyper-specific audience, aka low priests in Leviticus and did not assume its audience would ever head its words since most people were illiterate and had work to do other than scholarly minutiae hence the abrahamic tradition of the responsa. The story of Lazarus though is so homo-erotic I can imagine a really opium-ed out Oscar Wilde jerking off to it in shame one night.

>> No.6519708

>BLOWN the fuck out, for being a hack sophist no-talent brainless pretend thinker who endlessly postures due to his pathological devotion to a belief system as unchanging and dogmatic as dianetics.
>employs this level skepticism followed by syllogisms

>> No.6519709

>le epic cthulhu xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Holy shit fuck off

>> No.6519711

>calls me a skeptic
>haven't presented a skeptic's argument once

m8 your views on views is not enough to comprehend the discussion

>> No.6519713

>replying to a shitpost
Holy shit fuck off

>> No.6519716

You sound sickeningly liberal and far outside of even the secular mainstream interpretations of scripture.
I highly doubt you can cite any worthwhile educated scholars that share your views

>> No.6519717
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>implying European Protestants take the Bible literally
>being this much of an idiot
Are you the fanbase of The Amazing Atheist?

>> No.6519720

Hume's views on causation aren't skeptical? m8 cmon...

>> No.6519721

>replying to me
Holy shit fuck off

>> No.6519723

>replying to ME
Holy shit fuck off

>> No.6519725

skepticism is an active process, hume was skeptical in hume's day, but hume isn't a skeptic now because hume isn't alive. hume's views on causality are so well-grounded and critical in the progression of thought that it's not even skeptical anymore

If you want to just be a faggot about hume, then just read kant, and be blown the fuck out just as hard. i'm not pathological to hume, unlike you are to your own reason as more than reason

>> No.6519729

Holy shit fuck off faggots
And fuck me for making that dumbass post too

>> No.6519732

Never mind, I'd assumed you weren't retarded when I first replied.

>> No.6519733

a) what does "sickeningly liberal" even specifically mean?
b) I'm not secular
c) um my religious studies professor...or hell just google "doublets in the bible" Its sort of like how some psalms refer to creation with explicit references to Babylonian creation myths wherea the Tanakh does so only subtly. Sometimes we tell the same story multiple ways to add depth and perspective. Do you just hate unreliable narrators in general?

>> No.6519738

It means your views are so liberal that it'd make a more objective thinker sick
I didn't say you are
Give me link of educated person that shares your views. Not your community college professor please

>> No.6519750

liberal how specifically? in that the bible contains doublets? that's a pretty common theme in major religious studies texts, from both a seminarian and secular literary perspective I think you are just looking to attack ad hominem since you cannot refute my argument more centrally.
I don't go to a community college. Also what is your problem? You said no SECULAR thinker would agree with me. So yeah, you did imply I was either secular or that they represent the mainstream and I am some sort of fringe character to be written off.

>> No.6519752

The significance of the events of the New Testament is not confined to their narrow historical sense.

>> No.6519754

Thanks for the link

>> No.6519805

A device to alternate water & wine in the same vessel was invented in alexandria for the priests to trick peasants years before jesus. Im really embarrassed that anyone thinks it was a miracle

>> No.6520617

You (same anon from above?) claim to be atheist, but haven't you found it impossible arguing with them? I've made my points and they throw back the same tired comebacks. The only reason they don't get the Cthulhu reference is that there's no history of people worshiping it.
They can't prove he doesn't exist and is the one true god.
They can't prove there isn't a teapot orbiting the sun near Mercury
They can't prove Harry Potter isn't real.
All it takes is faith and it is so for them.

>> No.6521273

I kind of assume that in 2000 years, if the world exists with the same climate and cultural maxims as today there's simply no reason to believe Harry Potter will not be read closely as canon and infallible literal truth. When we ignore the temporal distance of writing, we ignore the writing itself.

>> No.6521294
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I'll pray for you anon, you know not what you say.

>> No.6521323

>takes the bible as a report of facts
>obv. never read any relating lit.
bad bait / 10

>> No.6521337
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>MFW philosophical skepticism was blown the fuck out by this gentleman.

>> No.6521379

No one takes bible as report of facts. It's compendium of myths and legends. Everybody know that.

>> No.6521387

>God is omnipotent
>allows impossible things
I don't see what's wrong with this.

>> No.6521389


Where? do you know in what work he did it?

>> No.6521990

He probably means that shitty "here is my hand, my hand is in the external world, therefore the external world exists" paper he wrote

>> No.6522236

ok so im an edgy atheist but riddle me this christ-fags:

i get that whole 'believing' thing etc but how can u possibly name yourself a christian and discard other religions at the same time - i mean not accepting that in the end its all the same with some slight cultural differences? first 100-200 years of christianity are cloudy, but we witnessed creation of so many religions later and it always was some kind of socio/political process:

1. random jew slaves start worshiping this dood that allegedly resurrected himself
2. it spreads b/c its cool
3. 300 years later constatine becomes emperor and whole western world gets converted

600 years later:

1. random guy conquers arabian peninsula by accident
2. shady biography turns into fairy tale
3. ppl be like 'he was a gods messenger'
4. they have some success in wars
5. pain in the ass to this day

>> No.6522244

Keats did that in a poem

>> No.6522407

>that Islam
Lol no
1.Guy starts prophecizing
2.We conquerin nao, still prophecizing
3.Prophet is kill, buddies of prophet record his prophecy
4.Buddies become leaders, keep conquering
5.Wat da dug do we do with all this land, let's ask Muhammad
6. Commence the recording of the worlds most ebin game of Chinese whispers

>> No.6522432

>he doesnt understand the basic concept of metaphor

>> No.6522454


>> No.6522544

Your opponent's beliefs are based on the idea that their god can do anything he wants whenever he wants. Why would you think this argument would work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.6522684
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>ask anyone with that faith 100 years ago if they take word for word what the bible says and they'll say yes
>ask anyone today with the same faith and they'll tell you "its a metaphore duh, you're so stupid blahblah" or "that part doesnt count hurrr"

Denial at it's best.

just look at the previous beliefs (greek mythology, Mesopotamian deites, etc) and you'll realize that your gods will fade away or take a new name/form in the next thousand years, its a cycle, accept it.