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/lit/ - Literature

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6517337 No.6517337 [Reply] [Original]

We need more exit-level lit. Post some books and I'll add them later to a new list.

Meanwhile, books that aren't on the list:

>No Longer Human
>The Setting Sun
by Osamu Dazai

by Edouard Leve

>Flowers for Algernon
by Daniel Keyes

by Goethe

>> No.6517345

Yes, let's become /mu/ with these retarded chart threads.

>> No.6517349

>>Flowers for Algernon
>by Daniel Keyes
>by Goethe

Those books are entry-level as fuck.

>> No.6517358


>> No.6517628

What does exit-level even mean? Are they the last books you should read before you stop reading altogether?

>> No.6517636

Needs some Artaud and Broch imo.

>> No.6517638



>no Celine
>Piers Plowman
Might be exit-level in the sense that the tedium of reading a 14th century allegorical religious epic poem would be too much to bear

>> No.6517643

Celine is trash.

>> No.6517653

>reading comprehension this bad

>> No.6517654

>exit-level is suicide
You're retarded, just retarded. Get the fuck out OP.

>> No.6517752

OP here, that's not me.
Grow up.

>> No.6517763
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>not pic related

>> No.6517774


>> No.6518231

Given the books that theme doesn't make any sense. How does Motorman deal with or encourage suicide?

>> No.6518281

"Exit-level" doesn't refer to suicide. It's a term /lit/ made up in reference to lesser-known novels that are recommended by uncommonly well-read or erudite posters. TLDR; it's the opposite of entry-level.

>> No.6518303

No, the creator of the char intended it for books that induce melancholy, sorrow, and/or suicidal tendencies. Your newfag is showing.

>> No.6518325

>the creator intended

We don't take kindly to them thar intentional fallacies round these parts boy.

>> No.6518395

Well, if the criteria for exit-level are depressing and relatively obscure, I would recommend The Red Laugh by Leonid Andreyev, The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop, and Log of the USS the Mrs. Unguentine by Stanley Crawford.

>> No.6519098

But again, given the books that theme doesn't make any sense either. Everyone on this board and their mother has read Stoner, and that's been true for years. Also, while most of the books on the list that I've read are good, or at least solid, Motorman isn't that great. I think it's just another jumbled selection of books someone made into a chart, and given that it doesn't serve any purpose I wish people would stop posting it.

>> No.6519196

To some people cultural activities exist to build capital. It's a game that you clock and once you've gained the required amount of capital to abate your insecurities you're done, hence exiting.