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/lit/ - Literature

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6515362 No.6515362 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw everything you write is preachy and banal

>> No.6515367

Write descriptions of places/objects

>> No.6515385
File: 65 KB, 590x840, DANTE ALIGHIERI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everything you write is dense in allusions that only you comprehend because the mental leaps you make are insane and seemingly baseless
>it's a problem because the allusions are too relevant to the theme and aesthetic

I can bring it all back home, but I have difficulty accepting an explicit allusion as anything short of hamfisted. I like to drop hints un symbols, but they're far too subtle for the odd connections I'm making. I don't want my writing to feel contrived but I also want it to have purpose or an aesthetic to the reader

>> No.6515392

everything I write finds itself a way to end incredibly depressing

>> No.6515399

that's because you are depressed


>> No.6515405

post a few paragraphs

>> No.6515434

I'm not much of a writer, but I've been practicing because I'm interested in working the kinks out to eventually apply myself to writing something significant to me. This issue with the allusions is just one of the few things I seek to improve, but it's a step in the right direction. It's particularly important because I see it as integral to my writing style and voice. That being said, here's a narrative essay I had to write as a homework assignment for a creative writing class a couple of months ago that I think suffers from the problem to a degree.


>> No.6515479

what grade did you get on it?

>> No.6515494
File: 67 KB, 454x453, pepefacade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw writing a short story about a depressed office drone who feels deep down like he's wasted his life and has no purpose
>tfw it could basically be describing me
>tfw it's preachy and banal

>> No.6515504 [DELETED] 


Reddit already did it and it went viral. You're nothing.

>> No.6515506


>> No.6515509


I'm not sure what grade I deserved.

>> No.6515510

>autism flares up over repetitive speech indicators and long descriptions of things
Will this screw me over in writing?

>> No.6515515
File: 307 KB, 800x715, Bpnxtzl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to write a sex scene/something sensual involving a female
>spaghetti the fuck out trying to write it
>imagine someone reading my work and getting that part of the story


>> No.6515516
File: 135 KB, 670x424, 1413834308094[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everything you write is absolutely GOLDEN

>> No.6515517

Stop reading books for a while, except one or two you wish to learn for on.

>> No.6515540

>I see as integral to my writing style and voice

but you have that same muted voice of a bourgeois cuckold reduced to being an analytical robot in the scientific state that people have had for 100 yrs

>> No.6515560 [DELETED] 


You deserved a C for CUCK

>> No.6515575


>> No.6515651

Read Story of The Eye and learn to incorporate publicly repressed fetishism in your writing. Art students eat that garbage up.

>> No.6515653

Story of The Eye is so fucking basic

>> No.6515698

Of course it is, that's just my point.

>> No.6515713
File: 7 KB, 250x236, 1417004410697s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write a story with tons of sex and lewd in it
>mom wants to read it before I go to publish

>> No.6516435

Pretty bad tbh

>> No.6516438

Hahah I'm sure you retards can't even elaborate on that

>> No.6518409

Sweet buttery Christ, this is some diluted prose. While your metaphorical/allusory crap feels like gibberish for arts' sake, the prose is so wordy and contains so many grammatical and abstract words that it feels bland and robotic, like I'm reading some philosophical essay written by some dunce who did all he could to obscure his central message. Seriously, take a good look at this and cut whatever you do not need. You don't have to go Hemingway to the point where your prose reads like a CNN article, but you definitely need to tighten this up.

>> No.6518417

>haha you probably don't even have an opinion
I thought I got it across pretty well. The main focus wasn't on 'pure unadulterated eroticism', it was on the shock value of perversion.

>> No.6518424

Iktf bruv. Actually, though, no.

>> No.6518443

this is incredibly annoying to read, and i want to punch the author in the face. read some newer, minimal stuff. i recommend Jay McIrney's Bright Lights, Big City. its monosyllabicism should off set your banally maximal prose

>> No.6518589

Don't listen to these clowns, Cuck Bulligan. Keep up the good work.

>> No.6519076
File: 120 KB, 625x938, 1430097447105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people feeling insecure about their literary mindscape notations
You do realize that in time the slate will be wiped clean, right? As if none of it ever happened.
Enjoy yourself while it matters.

>> No.6519155
File: 415 KB, 472x532, 1428811641127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw every story you write turns into angry or depressed rambling between two people or the guy is crazy so he's being tormented by rambling and other sutff
>Tfw can't think of a story that goes anywhere besides death or infinite rest
>Tfw stories are shit
>Tfw can't write worth shit
>Tfw always writing for no reason

>> No.6519165

>write a story with a happy family in it
>"Man, it would be really sad if one of them suddenly died."
>imp of the perverse nagging at me to do it faggot

>> No.6519166
File: 8 KB, 450x401, 1410072713235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw everything you write is preachy and banal
>Checking comments
>Anon seems like he's trying to emulate writing styles from other authors

>> No.6519477

>tfw everyone on 4chan calls my writing "edgy" or "tryhard2deep4u"

That wasn't ever the idea guys. I try not to take this personally since the comments are usually with meme pictures.

>> No.6519487
File: 135 KB, 374x452, 1413710166695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your writing is renowned on /lit/

>> No.6519488

But she's almost certainly pressing M in that picture.

>> No.6519491

>tfw I write in obscurity for fifteen years
>tfw I finish four novels
>tfw the fourth is better than anything I've ever read, a perfect work of art
>tfw I say this in pure humility
>tfw it is as if God used me as a vessel
>tfw I weep just recalling the pure beauty of certain passages
>tfw I'll never submit it anywhere because I'm too shy

>> No.6519534

So what the other Anon said is correct, but don't feel too bad because you have a lot of promise. The parts that were good were very good. Please keep practicing, and don't worry so much about allusions.

>> No.6519538

seconding this

>> No.6519553

>in the age of the internet
>autistic enough to think himself gods gift to man
>not submitting under a pseudonym on amazon for fucking free and letting a shitty minor beer money income flow

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6519566

It's better to go unread than to self publish.