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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 180 KB, 623x768, Henry_David_Thoreau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6514461 No.6514461 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Thoreau precisely describe all of the plants and animals he saw, giving their scientific names, measurements, etc. when he was capable of profound philosophical thought?

>> No.6514504

Because philosophocal inquiry is no more interesting than the natural world around us.

>> No.6514582

Can someone direct me to literature related to the following? What subject is this touching on?

Okay, so a living thing, let's say a cardinal exists because of a complicated evolutionary life history which is at bottom based on replicating molecules. On the other hand, a tornado's existence and structure is at bottom based on some other reaction between molecules. Organic and inorganic beings are the same at some level. Why do molecules interact? Why are there molecules? Are there molecules? Why is there anything? Even if you can explain the mechanisms of how something came to be, it does not explain why the basic components of reality (whatever they may be) are the way they are or why they are there at all.

>> No.6514583

'Nothing is inorganic'- Thoreau

>> No.6514650

That's pretty similar to Schopenhauer's metaphysics, actually

>> No.6514782

>when he was capable of profound philosophical thought?

Because he wasnt.

>> No.6514790

I don't even study philosophy and I can tell how babby-tier this view is. The problem is, I think, that this would be dismissed by most philosophical thought as a futile exercise.

>> No.6514797

This might be Kantian, since most of his philosophy was so pointless. Thing-in-itself (ding an sich) maybe.

>> No.6515761

Basically he had a different approach to nature than Emerson. According to Thoreau, you got to be closer to nature's details. Emerson is the other way round; he's more about a general approach.
He always more or less wanted to try an attempt similar to Audubon's.
I shall quote him, from the Dial:
«Books of natural history make the most cheerful winter reading. I read in Audubon with a thrill of delight, when the snow covers the ground, of the magnolia, of the Florida keys [...] and owe an accession of health to these reminiscences of luxuriant nature »

He even compared Linnaeus to Homer and Chaucer, putting him amongst poets. Describing animals and plants is like poetry to him.

>> No.6516177

>He even compared Linnaeus to Homer and Chaucer, putting him amongst poets.
where was this

>> No.6516186


He was the equivalent of yuppies who go slumming it for a year and then write a book about it. HIs prose is decent but there is practically no content. It was the stupidest book I've ever been tricked into reading.

>> No.6516190

he understood that the description is the only certainty in the world

>> No.6516196

back to reddit pleb

>> No.6516214

define content

>> No.6518309

Why was Thoreau such a bro. He didn't give no fucks paying taxes.

>> No.6518322

Thoreau is a genius, but not as much as Emerson. Why were all the transcendentalists so intelligent? Truly some of the greatest philosophers, very eloquent and sometimes rigorously logically inductive.

>> No.6518400
File: 113 KB, 500x749, nab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no content

The aesthetic is wasted on a boorish dullard like you.

>> No.6518429

Tfw the judge character in blood meridian represents Linnaeus.

>> No.6518488


Your question doesn't make sense.

>> No.6518498

Science is anti-intellectual.

>> No.6518523
File: 41 KB, 480x575, 1375853659967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw born too late
>tfw mustacheless beards will never be popular again

>> No.6518548
File: 29 KB, 400x300, 1430291741951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>tfw mustacheless beards will never be popular again

super sperg detected

>> No.6518557

>I am easily swayed by "popular opinion and standards".

>> No.6518582

Feels good man. Beards are shit. Mustaches are cool but they look silly most of the time.

>> No.6518639


>Beards are shit.

No man who can grow a decent beard when he feels like letting it go would ever say this.

Confirmed salty kid face.

>> No.6518653

You city dwelling hipsters make me cringe with your views of masculinity.

>> No.6518657

>No man who can grow a decent beard when he feels like letting it go would ever say this.
Kek. Then why beards are becoming less popular?
Just get over it. Beards are a thing of the past.

>> No.6518661

There is no 'why'. Asking 'why' is an anthropocentric approach to existence. Just because people tend to be able to think up reasons to do stuff doesn't mean that stuff done by non-people has reasons.

Unless you're just asking for a first cause, in which case 'why?' would be answered with 'because le big bang' or something.

>> No.6518674
File: 95 KB, 299x450, arabic-muslim-man-with-beard-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon they'll be the norm throughout the world.

As-salamu alaykum, brother.

>> No.6518681


Be real here you've decided that they're all shit because you know that you're incapable of growing one.

Don't get defensive. Just be honest.

>> No.6518686

Go back to Starbucks, hipster. Beards are unfashionable and ugly.

>> No.6518692


>knows that he can't honestly respond to that because I hit a nerve

Would lol again.

>> No.6518693

>someone doesn't like what I have
>I bet he's just a jealous hater who can't have what I have
>if he won't admit to this he is obviously in denial

Sounding quite defensive there yourself, lad.

>> No.6518721


I am not the one declaring something uniformly shit. I shave my beard all the time, I don't let it grow to incredible lengths because that is hipster douche tier. And I only ever have a beard for a short period of time usually. But it remains an option for me if I want to grow one. It's a nice change of pace to grow one every so often and change it up. Most guys would agree.

The only guys who choose to hate on the very option of growing a beard are salty kid face motherfuckers who can't even grow one to begin with.

>> No.6518733

>calling something ugly and unfashionable means you hate the option
Why are beardfags so defensive? Is it because of their weak chins. Their Foucauldian chin envy?

>> No.6518761

Some people just genuinely don't like how having a beard feels and looks.

This does not mean they are secretly resentful. Or do you think the only women who choose to hate on the very option of growing leg hair are silky smooth calved motherfuckers who can't even grow leg hair to begin with?

Sometimes not liking things does not involve some elaborate psychological defence mechanism dealing with how you are better than them. Insisting that it does is silly on your behalf.

>> No.6518783 [DELETED] 


>I'm calling it ugly because that doesn't mean that I hate the option

Swing and a miss.

>> No.6518794

>not liking having the option to look ugly
>not liking to have the option to change how you look for practical purposes despite finding the alternative look ugly
>not liking to have the option because it's warm

There's more to a beard than aesthetics.

>> No.6518814

>leg hair
>hair on a female's body
speaking of which, not as unattractive as one would be uh conditioned to believe: [conditioned is the wrong word, but y'know] http://smolderingphoenix.tumblr.com/
I mean, at first glance, sure.
But I'd probably be okay w/ it after a while.

>> No.6518826


I never said that there wasn't.

Anyway I'm over derailing this thread on a topic too dumb to warrant it. Even by /lit/ standards this is stupid.

>> No.6518843

>I never said that there wasn't.
Actually the post you deleted was implying that. Which may very well be why you deleted it, because you realised you were talking nonsense.

>> No.6518854


Na it was just a typo that accidentally flipped the context. Pretty innocuous tbo.

>> No.6518905
File: 263 KB, 1280x1372, brave new world alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting tbh.

Hope it will get deleted once we can meme our genes.