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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 105 KB, 800x532, Great_Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6511954 No.6511954 [Reply] [Original]

Let's create the must read books for /lit/. Most of those starter kits are awful.

The Iliad-Homer
The Odyssey-Homer
The Divine Comedy-Dante
Paradise Lost-Milton
Crime and Punishment-Dostoevsky
The Brothers Karamazov-Dostoevky
Blood Meridian-McCarthy
The Stranger-Camus

Add more.

>> No.6511965

Moby Dick

>> No.6511971

A Portrait of the Artist & Ulysses, obviously.
The Count of Montecristo.

>> No.6511974

Holy Bible

>> No.6511977

Please get rid of Camus. No one cares about him any more

>> No.6511989

You should start with the less obvious titles, not the most obvious. You can go into a cheap bookstore and come out with all of those books you just mentioned for next to nothing because they are so well read

Also must reads that are more modern are going to be a harder debate than well accepted classics

>> No.6511993

Remove borges mccarthy and camus.

>> No.6512000

Please remove McCarthy from this list.

>> No.6512006

>Remove borges
I cannot forgive this.

>> No.6512012

I'll drop some more modern ones.

Gravity's Rainbow
A Confederacy of Dunces
Kafka on the Shore
The Elegance of the Hedgehog (or whatever the fuck it's called in English)
Infinite Jest
American Pastoral

>> No.6512018

Remove yourself, bitch.

>> No.6512030


>Kafka on the Shore

>The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Is this actually good or just some silly thing that became popular for some reason

>Infinite Jest
Whatever. I guess it's unavoidable

>> No.6512071


>> No.6512131
File: 109 KB, 466x931, ss+(2015-05-08+at+09.10.31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this /lit/erary canon? Put the full image on imgur b/c it's too big for 4chan


>> No.6512133

I care

>> No.6512151

Summa Theologiae.
Prometheus Bound.
De Rerum Natura.

>> No.6512161

Its pretty good, though I think there could be primary and secondary /lit/core depending on how often we talk about the books.

>> No.6512165

>No Tolstoy
>No Proust
>fucking Bret Easton Ellis
it's shit

>> No.6512166

You should absolutely not decide what to read based on how much people talk about it on 4chan.

>> No.6512175

Added Moby Dick and Confederacy

>> No.6512203

Borges is topest tier, but not nearly as influential as Homer. Starting kit should not be about value but about influence.

>> No.6512219

He's one of the most influential authors of the 20th century, at the very least. And if we remove him, then why not Nabokov as well, who is almost definitely less influential?

>> No.6512231
File: 2 KB, 40x40, 1392253830457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6512271

The book of disquiet

The picture of Dorian Gray


>> No.6512282

Okay so I don't do a lot of reading anymore, but I very much wish to start back. I've been lurking /lit/ for quite a while, and upon seeing this image, in this thread, I have made a commitment to myself to read all of these books.

My question is whether there is an order that would be beneficent to read these in? Some way to ensure that I understand references and what not?

Or possibly there are better /lit/ starter guides than this image? I don't know, but I am ready to begin.

>> No.6512285

Oh I only just saw that link. So you should put Pessoa on there too :)

>> No.6512292

What is the point of this list? Greatest works? Or the most influential? Or a starter canon?

>> No.6512303

This list needs Plutarch

>> No.6512307

>Okay so I don't do a lot of reading anymore, but I very much wish to start back. I've been lurking /lit/ for quite a while, and upon seeing this image, in this thread, I have made a commitment to myself to read all of these books.
Why do people do this. Why. How do they even get stupid ideas like this into their brains. Do you really think that 4chan is the place to go to for literature recommendations. Really. What the fuck

>> No.6512315

Maybe it shouldnt be about influence or value but rather accessibility while having value? For a first timer The Brothers Karamazov might not be the best, rather something easier like steinbeck and short stories/books.

>> No.6512322

Similar to /fit/. 80% of the people there are there to shitpost and then others come from other boards to "change their life" and get terrible advice.

>> No.6512332

This list doesn't make sense. There isn't any coherence between those titles. Who would think there's something useful reading the Odyssey then A. Dumas? This is an amazingly useful starter kit for someone pretending and posing. For those who actually give two fucks to literature, such an inconsequent list won't help them in any way.

>> No.6512343


>> No.6512372

Because otherwise I would just continue to either not read anything, or read random sci fi novels that I get at thrift stores.

Thanks for the help and acceptance though.

>> No.6512378

how new are you you stupid fuck, can you not check the "classics" section on /lit/'s wiki ?
fuck, it's truly amazing how dumb people can be

>> No.6512385
File: 142 KB, 400x372, 0109 - ms5Ickz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire fucking board dedicated to literature
>do you really think this is the place to go for literature

>> No.6512395
File: 331 KB, 720x457, 1429448527648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck? Is there just a sweat shop of Chinese kids churning out Pepes for everything?

>> No.6512398

>theres any difference between being recommended by /lit/ to read fucking Homer than being recommended by anywhere/anyone else


>> No.6512399

Well what is this board for then?? Sorry I originally browsed r9k, what do you guys do here?

[Also all these food verifications at 3am is making me hungry.]

>> No.6512417

Honestly I don't think he is more influential than Nabokov. Lolita is the memest of memes, most of the normfags heard about Lolita, how many heard about The Book of Sand?

>> No.6512419

I think the list is more for /lit/ begginers so they can lurk better, not for literature beginers

>> No.6512426

Shitpost ofc
Did you know philosophy >>> STEM?

>> No.6512444
File: 908 KB, 700x775, 0103 - lZKwhd4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible

>> No.6512466

Influence =/= namedropping

>> No.6512478


>> No.6512488

Needs more Arthur C. Clarke

>> No.6512500

Chicks love namedropping nigga

>> No.6512613

I knew Kafka on the Shore was a bit of a controversial choice, but I just like it too much. And yeah, I included more IJ because it's unavoidable here on /lit/ than because of any undying love I have for it. The Elegance of the Hedgehog, well, I think it's good. Its philosophical musings are perhaps a bit entry-level for the people in this board, but the writing's good, and the intertexts are interesting. Also, it's a book lover's book, which is always cool for me.

Anyway, can we get some books up in this bitch? It seems all you do is shit on each other. And yeah, I know it's 4chan, but let's keep it patrician. I'll suggest some more. Some are non-modern.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being
At Swim-Two-Birds
Waiting for Godot
Don Quixote
La Morte D'Arthur
A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
One Hundred Years of Solitude
House of Leaves
The Sisters Brothers
Pedro Paramo

Btw, what some of you plebs need to understand is that a canon should be a list that people approach in order to read what's collectively important first and then read deeper into what interests or moves them. All this Camus-hate, for example, just makes you sound like total fags.

>> No.6512615

Read what you enjoy ffs

>> No.6512624

>Kafka on the Shore
>let's keep it patrician



>> No.6512633

I already said I knew it was a controversial choice, if you can't contribute shit gtfo.

>> No.6512636 [DELETED] 

Add the Bible. It's probably the most fundamental along with Shakespeare. And of course the Greeks

>> No.6512637

>if you can't contribute shit gtfo.

Big words from someone who contributes nothing but shit. Fucking House of Leaves. Just go away.

>> No.6512638

what does /lit/ think of The Man Without Qualities?

>> No.6512642

Like it or not it's an influential book that often gets talked about here. What the fuck do you like that's written after 1990, dipshit?

>> No.6512644

If that's your attitude, and I don't necessarily disagree with it, why not just call that /lit/ 100 list the canon, since it's the stuff people talk about the most (or did in 2011 or whatever)

>> No.6512646

Do you not know that there already exists a literary canon?

plz go to school anon

>> No.6512663 [DELETED] 

Add Some token Stenmbeck Vonnegut Hemingway and Faulkner to serve as an introduction to those writers.

Of Mice and Men
Slaughterhouse 5 or Cats Cradle
Sun Also Rises/ Old Man and the Sea
As I lay Dying and short stories

>> No.6512673

Precisely, because it's not 2011, it doesn't hurt to revise. Besides, list making is fun and all.

Anyway, I'm just trying to contribute some books that I enjoy (and would like to see being discussed), mixed up with some books that have cultural or /lit/eral importance, that's all.

>> No.6512884

Dream of the Red Chamber
Tale of Genji
Tale of the Heike
Journey to the West
Water Margin
Romance of the Three Kingdoms

>> No.6513318

>Infinite Jest

>> No.6513485
File: 710 KB, 1044x495, 1399759644699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gravity's Rainbow
>Infinite Jest


>> No.6513559

What is the point? The canon is already established, with worthy writers noted.

None of the authors you have listed are unknown or anything new.