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/lit/ - Literature

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6511535 No.6511535 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read in public places, /lit/?

>> No.6511545

Yesterday was my first day of sitting in Starbucks whilst reading highbrow literature. I'm hoping to find a qt grill to neck with. Wish me luck fam.

>> No.6511635

No one says fam anymore. Stop trying to make "fetch" happen

>> No.6511644

i used to but /lit/ made fun of me so i just read at home now.

>> No.6511651
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> Why is that guy holding his book so high up in the air?
> Does he want us to see the cover of his Pevear & Volokhonsky translation?

>> No.6511662


>> No.6511709


post more raven

>> No.6511711

only autists read outside

>> No.6511720

I read in the computer room. I have a lot of dead hours just waiting for the next bus or class and no friends. It's the whole reason that I read in the first place.

>> No.6511729

I don't go out specifically to read, but if I have a book and some time to kill I'll settle somewhere and read it. I generally prefer the ambiance of a quiet pub than a cafe.

>> No.6511732

I don't.

I have other things to do whilst I am in public. There are just too many distractions.

>> No.6511733

On the bus or train like any human being.

>> No.6511735

No, too distracting

>> No.6511736

I really don't understand why reading in public is such a big fucking deal

>> No.6511763


I think it's one of those vocal-minority things

>> No.6511779

It's nice outside. Grab your book and a festival blanket and go find somewhere grassy and sunny to stretch out and get a tan.

>> No.6511798

All the time.

Only autists are afraid of doing certain things outside.

>> No.6511821

>a festival blanket
Maximum degenerate

>> No.6511831

>I have other things to do whilst I am in public.

>> No.6511834

What is the best public place to read?
In a park?
In a cafe?
In a coffee shop?

>> No.6511840

You're 100% wrong, though.

Pretty much any of those, depending on the time of year and your mood. I myself prefer coffee shops, but what can ya do.

>> No.6511855
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I especially recommend u reading in librarys with cafe where u can drink, u always end talking about interesting stuff with someone and drinking free beer.

>> No.6511864

Cafes and coffee shops tend to be the best. Libraries usually have shittier seating.

>> No.6511865

There's a book club in New York of women who read topless in Central Park

>> No.6511867

Isn't there one of those in Toronto as well?

>> No.6511871

I don't think so. Probably too cold.

>> No.6511876

Typical of an American to not know that midwest-Canadian summers can get up to forty degrees (Celsius, of course) or more.

>> No.6511888

Yeah, and a lot of people don't seem to realize Toronto is farther south than a significant portion of America, including Seattle, Minneapolis, Green Bay, almost all of Maine. I think it's about as far north (or south) as Portland, Oregon.

>> No.6511898

Based Vancouver has the best (aka mildest) weather on the continent. No wonder it's the second most expensive city in the world to live in, second only to Hong Kong.

>> No.6511910

Apologies for the ignorance

>> No.6511916


Reading outside in a park is the best. It doesn't come across as posturing, like reading in a coffee shop (though I do that too, fuck you all). You get to enjoy the sun. And it costs nothing.

Libraries are good too, I guess, but I'm in law school and people kind of look at you funny if you're in the law library reading non-law stuff. Most people generally avoid the place if they aren't working.

>> No.6511940

In the train or bus.

Sometimes when I am waiting for my lectures to start.

During lunch on occasion.

>> No.6511941

It's okay fam. You're forgiven.

>> No.6511953

Why would I read boring shit like joyce if I can't rub it into people's faces at starbucks?

>> No.6511976

I read while sunbathing in my nearby park in LONDON in the summer. I basically take anything I'm doing outside because there is so little direct sunshine here you need to make the most of it
Also since its the most anti-social city in a country of anti-social people you never get bothered no matter what you do in public here

>> No.6511985

Most of the time when I'm in the break room at work I'm reading. I also read on a Nook a lot of the time though so it's impossible for people to even see what I'm reading. Right now I'm reading The Recognitions though so I walk into the break room with this big ass book in my hand and every once in a while I get the whole 'What kinda book is that?!' like they've never seen anything bigger than a middle school chapter book before.

>> No.6512095

Because the majority of /lit/ goers are autistic and think that random strangers are going to go out of their way to make fun of them when in reality the most anyone is going to give is a second or two glance before forgetting and walking off.

No one actually cares about you unless you're dressed like a clown throwing pies and honking horns.

>> No.6512098

Of fucking course. Reading in different places gives a cool atmosphere.

>> No.6512101

le smug Canadian face

Who gives a fuck about Toronto's weather

>> No.6512108

I actually get approached more while reading, it doesn't make sense.

>oh look someone reading, he must be a prime conversation material.

>> No.6512120

being south doesn't mean much, Spain is on the same latitude levels as Toronto.

>> No.6512121

Do you guys just mentally block out surrounding sounds or do you put on some instrumental music or whatever?

>> No.6512127

ehh, I can read in train stations or busy intersections and it wouldn't bother me. Music always helps though.

>> No.6512128

Bus,Train and when i have to wait at the station.

>> No.6512141

I like reading in parks, I usually read a couple chapters and then walk to another so I have time to reflect

>> No.6512157

I usually read in the subway. A nice way to kill time but it doesn't work with every books though.

Few weeks ago, I've read for the first time in my life in a park. It was beautiful. The park was huge but I've managed to find a nice leaning chair in a quiet spot, right under a tree. Birds would come. It was sunny and slightly breezy. Stayed for an hour.
An excellent experience overall.

>> No.6512170

>tfw reading in the middle of a lake on a kayak in the middle of nowhere with the moon shining brightly while you read your ebook

>> No.6512171

Sounds comfy

>> No.6512220
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>not bringing books everywhere and reading as if you needed it like oxygen

>> No.6512237

yeah, living in rural areas you find a lot of quiet and comfy places to read. Forests are another one of my favorite places, you can find ponds or streams to sit beside.

>> No.6512245

>reading in a noisy coffee shop
You faggots just want to be seen reading

>> No.6512272

You get used to background noise if you live in any decently sized city. I take it you've never had the pleasure of hearing a car alarm go off at 3AM and stay on for around 20 minutes?

>> No.6512287

Nope. Based suburbs.

>> No.6512293


>> No.6512355

This is why I like my kindle so much, I do take it everywhere and it's unobtrusive.
For some reason I cannot read at home. I need to have some ambient noise around me to concentrate on anything. Usually this means I go to the mall. It has plenty of comfortable seating and no one pressuring you to buy something if you don't want to.
Once a while I have small conversations with black kids but mostly people leave you alone.

>> No.6512390

Not if I'm reading a book with more than 500 pages since they're cumbersome to carry around to begin with.

>> No.6512396

Suburbs are pretty based to actually live on honestly.

>> No.6512412

Libraries that serve beer! Whereabouts can I find me onea those?

>> No.6512475

I read wherever I am. This is because I like to read, and do not find the act of my reading utterly offensive to those around me. Only time there have been compliants is when I read at dinner in the presence of company, usually only when I'm with very close friends or family.

>> No.6512501
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i read in public bathrooms

>> No.6512518

I ended up dropping my copy of Infinite Jest off a cliff while trying to lug it around.

>> No.6512528
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>when I read at dinner in the presence of company

>> No.6512530
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Yes, but these days I mostly read in my car.
Park somewhere quiet, drop the seat put a pillow under me and read for hours.

>> No.6512561


I hate reading in public. I've got fucking OCD. So, when I heard some noises, I can't read ; I must utter correctly each sentences ; it's a non-sense and bizarre disorder lol.... do, no, I read only in very calm place, like basement, nature, etc....

>> No.6512570

St. James' Park, by any chance?

>> No.6512575

No. I used to read on campus but I have no time for that now that my classes are back to back.

>> No.6512577

No I get you man,I can't read if there is shit going on around me. I don't retain anything.

>> No.6512593

Nature will startle you all the time though.

>> No.6512611

>Also since its the most anti-social city in a country of anti-social people you never get bothered no matter what you do in public here

Lucky bastard. Americans are too talkative.

>> No.6512627

>the pleasure of hearing a car alarm go off at 3AM and stay on for around 20 minutes
God I know that feel too well

>> No.6512664

I read at work because I have a lot of downtime.

I dont understand why people would read in public places like parks and coffee shops. Seems like you're going out of your way to read someplace with a ton of distractions which comes across as attention whoring.

>> No.6512722

I do. Mostly on tube on the way to and from work or on a bench in Hampstead Heath.

For me, living in London taught me to make most of my time and sometimes I even read while walking. Only the easier books though, I've read most of Pere Goriot walking around bumping into people. Weird times..

>> No.6512723
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man am I glad that someone else feels the way I do.

Like I just can't stop staring at that soft little black bit between the middle of her thighs in OP's picture. I bet she's probably reading the Sound and the Fury and she's looking around to see if anyone's watching her read the page where Quentin says "father I committed incest" because she's admittedly really turned on by the whole idea of Quentin's coverup for his daughter whorishness, both intellectually and physically. Like I don't even remember much about the show but man I bet she's in secret a little whore like Quentin's sister and eventually Quentin Jr. and if you were to walk up to her and say

> “...I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire...I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it. Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools.”

she would put the book down to her right, spread those grey little legs and pull that nice little black cotton between her legs aside so you could penetrate her coy and magical pussy while you repeated the words "I hit and you hit and between the curling Raven pussy they hit" over and over again and then you cum inside and I bet she would ask for sloppy Raven seconds.

>> No.6512739

Do you live in the mountains anon?

>> No.6512824


There's an excellent one in Copenhagen near the Uni library. I'm not the above poster but i highly recommend.

>> No.6512904

Fact of the matter question for you, /lit/: is it feasible to get women to approach you whilst reading in a coffee shop? Does the fact that said coffee shop is a Starbucks change things?

>> No.6512924

I cannot get anything done unless I am reading outside, in a library or a nonhectic coffee shop

The moment I see my bed I just quit functioning

>> No.6512934

I read where I want. if I read in public to be cool that is just as bad as trying to be cool by not reading in public. the reality is I ought to read wherever I want whenever I want since it's not hurting anyone. life is too short for these idiotic considerations. but when you're a teenager this is the kind of shit you worry about so whatever!

>> No.6512946

>sometimes I even read while walking. Only the easier books though, I've read most of Pere Goriot walking around bumping into people
Oh, you're one of those idiots. I make a special point of moving directly into these people's paths whenever I see a pretentious autist walking around a busy city with his head stuck in a book.

When you decide that you'd rather show off the book you're reading instead of looking where you're going, you are not just inconveniencing yourself, you are inconveniencing everybody around you. Next time I see a hipster jackass such as yourself, I'll make sure to knock him to pavement.

>> No.6512959

I used to, go read in parks but women kept approaching me to "talk" too often and distracted me.

Reading comfy in my house with a cup of tea is better

>> No.6512989

Depends on how good you look since the girl is the one doing the approaching.

>> No.6512996

>he must be prime conversation material
>he must be ... material
>a person
>being material
you capitalist pig

>> No.6513002

I don't think I've ever seen anybody sperg out so hard on /lit/.

>> No.6513006

they're comfy but very isolating, paradoxically
or. my neighbors feel awfully distant from me,
but I don't know why I expected anything different,
or that city life would be better.

>> No.6513014

I've lived in both and never got along with my neighbours in either.

>> No.6513016

I live in the countryside alone.

My nearest neighbor is a kilometer away.

I like it.

I get to drink booze and read all day.

>> No.6513018
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The alternative to suburbs isn't better in any way, don't kid yourself.

>> No.6513038
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i live in a commieblock
pic related
i'd rather live here than the 'suburbs'

>> No.6513051
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They are horrible.
I grew up in one, my parents buying a house in the country was the best thing that could have happened for my kid self.
I got the chance to grew up in the country, do farm work, take care for and hunt animals etc.

>> No.6513177

You ever see Amélie?
I want that in my life.
Those sorts of neighbors.

>> No.6513199
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That's nice, but this is the real world

>> No.6513205


>> No.6513224

>Like I just can't stop staring at that soft little black bit between the middle of her thighs in OP's picture.

Glad to see I'm not alone. The guys who created Raven truly did the hot smart skeptical but still naive teenager shtick right. The end of your post is a bit unsettling however. Too much emotional intensity for a cartoon hard-on.

>> No.6513230

>getting girl to approach you
>while reading

Unless you're a telepath or a Jedi master that is impossible. You read and some girl might decide to talk to you at some point, or you don't read and try to attract people by pretending to read, thus inevitably coming accross as a massive faggot. In both cases you haven't done much (except in the first case at least you were reading).

TL;DR: Read want you want to read, and talk or do sports when you want to be approached. Fucking faggot.

>> No.6513232

Sure. I read on the bus everyday to and from work.

>> No.6513236

Anyone else think it's easiest to read on public transportation or in a crowded area
It just feels weird to read in an empty, quiet room

>> No.6513252

I feel like I need to try this. At home reading feels like a job.

>> No.6513261

I read in parks, or secluded grassy knolls.
I only want to read with the sun watching.

>> No.6513262


Nah, I'm too easily distracted outside of my room.

>> No.6513273

the dream

>> No.6513278


Have you guys seen that great Scorsese flick After Hours?

It's about a guy that is plunged into the most nightmarish, Kafkaesque, unending, relentlessly absurd night of his life all because a girl starts a conversation with him about the Henry Miller book he's reading.

Never read in public.

>> No.6513286

why not park somewhere and get out of the car? I personally prefer sitting somewhere more breeze or something

>> No.6513301
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Idk, but I find it more comfortable to stay inside and roll down the windows.
The seats quite comfy, I'd have to bring a garden chair with me to be as comfortable outside the car.
>reading next to a green field or a flowing river
>that feeling of being exactly where you want to be in that moment
Sorry for the bad quality.

>> No.6513437

I had a factory job where I would work for approx. 10-15 minutes and then have 20 minutes to kill (and so on) and during my downtime I would read. I probably read 10-15 books that summer and I didn't read a single word outside of work.

I also smoked quite a bit of K2 that summer and I probably have mental problems because of it

>> No.6513444


I currently work a job where I can work for the entirety of my shift except during one shift of the week when I have to do 2 hours of work during the 9 hours I'm there and can spend the rest of the time reading.

>> No.6513498

Oh man someone's being a cool tough guy on the internet :^] Enjoy being that autist that looks people straight on as he walks into them

>> No.6513553

No. If i'm out in public it's usually because i'm going somewhere or doing something, so no time to read.

I might read on public transport or something, but that's about it.

>> No.6513558

Do you live in your car, anon?

>> No.6513613

Not yet thankfully, though I am in a bad way at the moment.
Ask yourself this though, if I could be just as focused on reading when I'm at home would I be posting here.

>> No.6513795

Only if I'm going to be there a while like on a plane or bus or while waiting for someone else to arrive via a plane or bus.

>> No.6513820

Sure I do. I read whenever I can: Train, waiting rooms, the beach, library etc.
I read on my phone though. I don't usually carry books around with me outside my apartment.
I rarely go out with the intention of sitting down to read. I find I'm more focused and comfortable in my own home than out in some noisy coffee shop or park bench.

>> No.6513907


>> No.6514028

I read on the bus. But when I do I wear pants.

>> No.6514928

If ever I'm required to screencap a collection of posts from /lit/ summarizing the culture for other boards unfamiliar with it, this is what I'm going to feature prominently

Also diamonds, but it shouldn't be surprising that lit has the most powerful pornography writefags

>> No.6515100


>> No.6515274

it's not bad if you're neighbours are civilized

>> No.6515843

In public, only reference or non fiction

>> No.6515851

at work, in my car, yes

>> No.6515854


>Only autists are afraid of doing certain things outside.

This is exactly how I feel too. I have never once in my entire life been embarassed to read in public and it doesn't make any sense to do so. When I see someone reading I don't think any less of that person and barely notice. Most things aren't embarassing. I don't get it.

>> No.6515863


Why black kids?

>> No.6515873


"Yeah, I use to go to read all of my pretentious literature in a park but I kept getting hit on by girls, it was SoOoOoO annoying!"

This definitely happened.

>> No.6515889

Definitely.I find it easier to concentrate with the hum of activity around me. Despite what /lit/ apparently thinks MUST be the case, I don't read in public "for attention". Nobody gives a shit if you read in public. Whenever I see someone reading I don't give it a second thought or feel embarrassed for them or assume they're just doing it for attention. Reading is silent and solitary and about as far from drawing attention to itself as you can get. Reading is a completely normal activity. It's not an unusual sight. The faggots who think we do it to look cool or brag about whatever we're reading are clearly the ones who read for attention if it even occurs to them that it's something that could ever in any universe attract undue attention. I'm honestly baffled by that notion. Maybe someone could explain it to me.

>> No.6515921

what's the opposite of affable?
that's 'pleasantly easy to approach and talk to'
but, the other way around?

>> No.6516123

Who the fuck thinks people read in public for attention. Actually.

>> No.6516140

To preface this I agree with you, there's nothing inherently wrong with reading in public.

However the dichotomy of the very outward hustle and bustle of action around you and the internal, almost intimate, act of reading is in a way drawing attention to yourself for any semi-conscious observer.

And while reading is not a an unusual activity to see it in public, beyond news papers or magazines, is becoming at least a little bit out of place.

I don't know, just a thought.

>> No.6516263

Nope. Based country.

I don't worry about reading in a park or a coffee shop because I have 50 acres in my backyard.

>> No.6516267

Why would you do that?

>> No.6516274

Like the city, you get used to nature. It's so nice to be reading and spot a deer out of the woods every now and then.

>> No.6516292


>> No.6516294

yup its quite normal

>> No.6516295


>> No.6516296

I sometimes read on one of the benches by the river. No distractions whatsoever, plus you get your daily Vitamin D. You should try it sometime

>> No.6516310

Strangely enough, you can concentrate more with the additional sound. There's even an app you can get for the PC that plays the ambient noise of coffee shops/libraries to help you focus.


>> No.6516340

My boyfriend gives me all the D I need, anon.

>> No.6516366
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>implying those are the only two choices

>> No.6516378

Hahah holy fuck too much real life

>> No.6516477

but do i even want that, anon?
would i be happy living there?
would i be happy living anywhere?
why am i so caught up in the notion that moving to some specific place would make me happier?
am i caught up in that notion?
these places don't make me happy
would any
i think some travel would be good for me
maybe not living any where at all
is the solution
but what's the problem, exactly

>> No.6516481

Where you live dramatically affects how you feel, bro

>> No.6516524

Im saving this copypasta, thanks, man!

>> No.6516599


>> No.6516619

Yes, during long rides on a bus, plane, train. Often when I have to wait somewhere.

>> No.6516625

I love going out to read. Parks, coffee shops or my front deck. I wear blue blockers though so I don't damage by eyes reading in the sun

>> No.6516810

I scarcely ever leave my room, so no.

>> No.6516822

We need to keep together in this dark time; who knows if this copypasta will be rendered unusable if the Scots decide to leave us...

>> No.6517045



>> No.6517161

So whats a good ereader? I'll probably just pirate all my books and buy whatever i cant find on #bookz.
guess ill have to find a book private tracker now too
i just dont want to waste my money on something that'll break in a year. I was given this old kindle first gen that froze the second i tried reading a book for the first time in it

I like physical copies but being able to just pirate all my books seems tempting

>> No.6517167

paperwhite, presumably
but that's all kindle and amazon and bezos shit
get a cheap tablet
like some android one
they're pretty reliable

>> No.6517178

Kobo is good shit and made for pirating

>> No.6517300

> always end talking about interesting stuff with someone

never happened ;_;

>> No.6517316

I just use a low-end kindle, I've known 2 people with kobos and they were both extremely disappointed in them. I'd probably go with a low end nook if I was getting a new one, as the new kindles lack physical buttons.

>> No.6517329

I feel this way because of my tinnitus. It's horrible if there isn't a certain level of noise around to white it out.

>> No.6517334
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>live in a medium sized city in the uk
>walk everywhere
>people in my area are weird as fuck so I can do as I please without incurring glances
>read in coffee shops all the time
>am surrounded by interesting people chatting, drawing, knitting, reading etc
>no one ever speaks to me because England

F.eels Goodman

>> No.6517354

>no one ever speaks to me because England

You're not the first person to say that. I'd love to live in England. I haven't looked into it much, but do you know how difficult it would be for an American to become an English citizen?

>> No.6517373

You wouldn't have to be a uk citizen to live here just get a work or school visa.

I'm lucky enough to have a US passport and a passport of an EU country.

England suits

>> No.6517436

*England suits me well as when I am out and about I want my own space and do t want people in my face talking to me constantly like when I'm in the US.

>> No.6517512


are you a girl? that would explain why.

>> No.6518438

I've got the paperwhite and it's great for reading on the go and at night time.

>> No.6518448

Well our country is now going to become shitty now that the conservatives are in full power.... :(

>> No.6518464

No because I read naked.

>> No.6518467

Yes, I read on my phone all the time.

>> No.6518473


>> No.6518484

I will read in public because it often time forces you to get started reading in the first place. Being in public makes you productive.

>> No.6518505
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Oh my, anon.

>> No.6518580

over the last 4 - 6 months, i've read at my local botanical gardens. there's also a small library on the grounds that was nice to read in whenever it rained or was too chilly.

unfortunately, now that spring is in full bloom, it's pleb city and kind of unbearable to try to get any serious reading done.

>> No.6518665

>tfw I start torrents for both Faulkner and teen titans after reading this post.

>> No.6519002

Being embarrassed to read in public seems like a very dangerous precedent to set.It'll make reading seem like something people should be ashamed of.

>> No.6519511

Hello TTIP :'(

>> No.6519870

RIP Privacy when ISP's are legally forced to hold a years worth of your data

>> No.6519874

Can you even read?

>> No.6519875

where I live, it's too beautiful not to enjoy the weather outside and read

>> No.6519877
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Mandatory /lit/'s guide to partician reading.

>> No.6519894

I hope this is being sarcastic.

>> No.6520215

unless you are an edgy 14 year old or a rich pensioner, you can't seriously say you support those posh cunts, right?

>> No.6521201

>muh TTIP
>muh economy
>muh snoopers charter
>not muh NHS
>not muh human rights act
>not muh climate change
>muh austerity

"B-buht we'll all be richer right guys? guys?"