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/lit/ - Literature

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6510586 No.6510586 [Reply] [Original]

What the greatest book of all time? One that everyone needs to read at least once?

>> No.6510593
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This or Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.6510594

everyone needs to have read Hamlet. that's not too much to ask right?

>> No.6510599

The Velveteen Rabbit
Totally serious

>> No.6510600

why? so people will be turned off of Marx, the entire political Left, and reading altogether because they don't know what the fuck labor is? Manifesto maybe, but Capital would kill most people

>> No.6510609

divine comedy

>> No.6510610


i assume its something about the value of fulfilling your purpose?

>> No.6510611
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>> No.6510615 [DELETED] 
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the good book is the best book

>> No.6510616

Hume is OBJECTIVELY better than critique

>> No.6510620

Nice try, dingus

>> No.6510623


>> No.6510625
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Book of Genesis

>> No.6510628


both are amazing though

>> No.6510631

>Reading Hamlet

Shakespeare must be turning in hia grave.

>> No.6510637

The Holy Bible, but it wouldn't be fair because it was written under divine inspiration. Thus, my answer is The Republic.

>> No.6510641

what a banal answer

>> No.6510642

Any book that disagrees with the Qu'ran is heretical
Any book that echoes the Qu'ran is superflous

>> No.6510646

What ran?

>> No.6510652
File: 121 KB, 386x566, The Holy Quran.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Noble Qu'ran

>> No.6510660

second rate

>> No.6510664

Infinite Jets

>> No.6510680

They are really well known works for some reason. Did you expect that the answer to this question would be some obscure novel, anon? If so, you are quite ignorant.

>> No.6511107


>> No.6511116

Thread over before it even started

>> No.6511122

infinite jets cant melt rocket fuel

>> No.6511140

Jews did 911

>> No.6511149

>Count of monte cristo is good

>> No.6511171

Idk about any "best book" out there since that seems very subjective, but everyone should read at least a couple books about future dystopian societies.

Just not 1984. It makes people start creating their own definition of a successful hippie future which ends up being utopian and doesn't take into account the complexity of running a civilization.

>> No.6511367

There is possibly no single book that can match the breadth and multi-layered nature of The Divine Comedy. Harold Bloom, the biggest Shakespearefag of all time, claimed that to match and in some ways surpass The Divine Comedy, you would have to combine all of Shakespeare's top 24 plays.

>> No.6511372

And yet you provide no suggestions

>> No.6511381

>hey, buddy, don't put your hand in acid, it will burn you

>> No.6511402

Anne of Green Gables.

We can all learn something from Anne.

>> No.6511418

Yes, yes it is.

>> No.6511421

Guys I get this is a very anglo-centric board, but suggesting that everybody "needs to read" plays is a bit ridiculous

>> No.6511429


The bible is probably the right answer for anyone living in a Western country.

>> No.6511441

The Iliad & The Oddyssee ?

>> No.6511451
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>> No.6511452

go away american

>> No.6511456

Don Quicksote

>> No.6511457

It would be nice to think but we are more informed by a Christian framework than Grecian one.

>> No.6511462

I'm not American. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't make it not true, retard.

>> No.6511471

The Christian framework is necessarily Greek though (with a Semitic half).

If I were Lord of Public Education I would execute anyone who hasn't read "Sein und Zeit" by their 25th birthday.

>> No.6511474

Moby Dick

I am not even american.

>> No.6511479

Of course there is homogenisation in European culture, we should not forget that the New Testament was originally in Greek like you say. I'm not downplaying Greece's contribution to modern culture, more the suggestion that it is a pagan-Grecian one.

>> No.6511497

Good performances are so hard to come by, every contemporary theater director thinks he can out-think Shakespeare

>> No.6511502


Probably Quixote

>> No.6511508

Second rate shit written by talentless hacks who tried to copy Christianity and jewism

>> No.6511511

Anything by penguin classics

>> No.6511526

The manifesto would turn most people off though
people would need a set of works to get marx, really

>> No.6511593

>The manifesto would turn most people off

I very much disagree. The book is written so as to be very inspiring, and it certainly has inspired millions since it has been written. I do agree that a set of works is needed to fully understand marxism though.

>> No.6511705

I hate Marxism, but the book was indeed an entertaining read. The biography of Mr: Marx is also quite interesting. He's quite a rolemodel for anyone into politics and lit.

Too bad he never took economics 101.

>> No.6512492

Mein Kampf

>> No.6512533
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>> No.6512582

I don't think a work of pulp fantasy is that important.

>> No.6512587

underrated post

>> No.6512969

Brave New World it is then.

>> No.6512995

Pick one.

>> No.6513574

The Complete Shakespeare.

>> No.6515149
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>> No.6515699

There is no "best", no highest score, life ain't a videogame

>> No.6515704
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>> No.6515706

The Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.6515730

What a stupid fucking thread title

Just outright say 'what's your favourite book?'

>> No.6516253

The writing in the critique of pure reason is dogshit though the philosophy is interesting

>> No.6516336

I would suggest, if one wants to read much western literature, they read Hamlet, The Iliad, The Odyssey and The Bible.

That's a pretty strong foundation, for fiction anyway.

>> No.6516720

dude, anne is such a sweetie

>> No.6516747

The Qu'ran, because it is the word of god.

The Republic because it is influential on theology and philosophy and politics.

The Wealth of Nations esp. books III and V

>> No.6516805

Alice in Wonderland

>> No.6517067

The City of God

>> No.6517076

it wouldn't be nice at all to think that

>> No.6517078
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>> No.6517082

maybe the art of war, but definitely not this

>> No.6517085

and just because you like it doesn't make it true
i agree though, the bible is a good book to read with the right intentions

>> No.6517535

I like that such a frilly book has such a minimalist cover.

>> No.6518117

not a bad answer, dunno about "complete" but whatever

>> No.6518122

not the same thing

>> No.6518594

>oh, and another thing god told me