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6509780 No.6509780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which books are literally Reddit: The Book?

>> No.6509785


>> No.6509793

You fucking take that back.

>> No.6509798

My Twisted World
Accept no substitutes.

>> No.6509800


True though, it's kinda memey (lol bring a towel, 42).

>> No.6509803

My mum reddit to me when I was a kid, I liked it a lot

>> No.6509815
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Obvious one.

>> No.6509817

Death of the author works both ways, Adams is in no way responsible for the memers

>> No.6509818

That's not Douglas Adams' fault, that's a shitty autistic fanbase. The books themselves aren't like that at all.

>> No.6509821

It's very poorly written. Re-read the book. It really will disgust you.

>> No.6509825


I'm not just saying that, I have the boxset.

>> No.6509830

Infinite Jest

>> No.6509836

Fight club
Most Vonnegut
All Bukowski
The Gr8 Gatsby
Game of Plebs
Tai Pei
All Young Adult books ever
Lord Of the Rings series

>> No.6509839

I'm going to say Eragon because I fucking hate Eragon.

I knew that a book written by an nineteen-year-old would be pure unadulterated liquid shit but my siblings insisted that I read it before passing any judgements.

Oh and Tortellini was nineteen when he wrote Eragon, not fifteen. He was fifteen when he "imagined" his Star Wars/LotR fanfiction, and unfortunately for me Tortellini's wealthy and doting parents self-published their autistic son's chronicle of day dreams when he decided to write it all down. Instead of like, leaving in on fanfiction.net where it belonged.


*Ardwen - Arwen
*Isenstar - Isengard
*Mithrim - Mithrim or mithril
*Angrenost - Angrenost
*Morgothal - Morgoth
*Elessari - Elessar
*Furnost - Fornost
*Hadarac Desert - Harad Desert
*Melian - Melian
*Vanilor - Valinor
*Eridor - Eriador
*Imiladris - Imladris
*Undin - Fundin/Udun
*Gil'ead - Gil'Galad
*Ceranthor - Caranthir
*Isidar - Isiludir
*Oromis- Orome
*Eragon- Aragorn

>> No.6509849

lol how does someone get away with that shit?

>> No.6509850

>Lord Of the Rings series

The Lord of the Rings is a book. It's not a trilogy and it certainly isn't a series. Also the author hated how popular his story was with teenagers when it suddenly became a phenomena in the 60's so fuck you.

>> No.6509857


As a young kid they held my attention but I hadn't read any better genre fiction at that point.

>> No.6509871

Gatsby is great though

>> No.6509872
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It was okay because "he was only fifteen."

But he was also considered a genius for writing a book at fifteen, even though it was an objectively bad book which was derivative to the point of plagiarism. Nice double standards right?

Take a look at his fucking prose, also:

>The branch Roran had added to the fire burst asunder with a muted pop as the coals underneath heated the gnarled length of wood to the point where a small cache of water or sap that had somehow evaded the rays of the sun for untold decades exploded into steam.

Let's keep in mind that this same author gauged his own writing as being somewhere on par with that of nobel prize laureate Seamus Heaney and "Tolkien at his best."

Anyway I learned my lesson. When a book stinks like shit I won't bother suffering through it simply to affirm that yes, it was shit all along.

>> No.6509877

I own all the books. Read them as a kid. By the time the forth one came out, however, I had honestly forgotten about them, but, I bought it anyway. Did anyone finish the series? How did it end? I don't care enough to actually Google it.

>> No.6509876


>> No.6509879

Stephen King's life work
Anything by Camus

>> No.6509884

>an nineteen-year-old

er, a nineteen-year-old

I was going to say that Tortellini was eighteen when he started writing Eragon and nineteen when he finished. He and his parents told everyone he was fifteen though in order to hype his literary diarrhea as the work of a "prodigy."

>> No.6509887

Why do people like it so much? It's just one more piece of degenerate nerd culture that for some reason seems to attract STEM nerds who even though they are very intelligent seem to have lost all aesthetic sensibility. Same goes for Star Trek, Star Wars, Arthur C. Clark, Isaac Asimov, and all that crap.

>> No.6509897

>unironically calling out a minor typographical error on a Kyrgyz trading-card forum

>> No.6509903


He was correcting himself I think.

>> No.6509907

Regardless, it's autismal

>> No.6509920

I try to hold my posts on /lit/ to a higher grammatical standard.

>> No.6509921

reddit pls go

It's alright the first time you read it, like I chuckled. But the reverential treatment tis unwarranted for a mediocre pop comedy science fiction novel.

>> No.6509926

Highlights of the fourth book include Eragon discovering radioactivity and giant mutant slugs, Eragon stabbing the invincible evil king without any problems, and Eragon literally becoming an immortal permavirgin who lives alone (with his dragon) on the far side of the desert.

>> No.6509929


>> No.6509937


Nawww, Reddit is more of an analytic philosophy/STEM type place.

>> No.6509940

I'd heard that the author forced a meaningless sad ending in a last-ditch attempt to make his story somehow poignant.

>> No.6509975

Thus the last point. As I recall, Eragon gets rejected by Arya, and so goes off to be a hermit forever (but remaining "loyal" to her or whatever). He justifies his decision by saying that he'd become another tyrant if he stayed.

Also the thing with the radioactive island probably takes up a good quarter of the book.

>> No.6509990

Fuck. Glad I didn't waste time on that shit, lol

>> No.6509994

Game of Thrones.

>> No.6510003

>Eragon gets rejected by Arya, and so goes off to be a hermit forever (but remaining "loyal" to her or whatever)

That's like the literal definition of a cuckold.

>> No.6510453
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Aside from Eragon what's the shittiest YA literature out there?

>> No.6510516
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Josh (Jon?) Green
Ready Player One
Fifty Shades of Grey
Guardians of Gahoole
The Divergener Trilogy
Franklin the Turtle
Dave Eggers
Harry Potter/Kant

>> No.6510527

If you don't understand Death of the Author as a concept, don't use it.

>> No.6510547
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>Fifty Shades of Grey

>> No.6510550
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>> No.6510576

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The God Delusion
A Song of Fire and Ice
Lord of the Rings
Fault in Our Stars
Darkly Dreaming Dexter
American Psycho
Harry Potter
Hunger Games
Slaughterhouse Five
Ender's Game
Brave New World
Everything by Lovecraft
Snow Crash
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
A Short History of Nearly Everything
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
John Dies at the End
Starship Troopers
American Gods

>> No.6510581

The Ego and its Own

>> No.6510700

I doubt anyone on reddit has read this.

>> No.6510778
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I never touch any of those books

>> No.6510781
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>mfw I actually like Starship Troopers

>> No.6510785

Ebin dude

>> No.6511055

>Implying reddit would like Starship Troopers when it's basically a whole book with /pol/ ramblings

The rest are accurate though

>> No.6511329

Snow Crash
Ready Player One
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

>> No.6511388
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>re-reading a book you loved as a teenager and finding it's a load of drivel

>> No.6511393
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You look like a gentleman and a scholar OP

>> No.6511443


>> No.6511449

I didn't like it but I like funny things
Recommend me a better comedy novel plz

>> No.6511460

game of thrones

>> No.6511464


Dead Souls. Bouvard et Pecuchet. Look Who's Back. Catch-22 is also considered Reddit by people here but I think it's funny.

>> No.6511501
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>implying Heaney and Tolkien are good
However, this is how you have fun AND are not plagiaristic:

>Schizo Tech: Flying saucers that fire blindness-causing rays and ocean liners co-exist with pre-gunpowder weaponry, gunpowder weaponry, horse-drawn vehicles, and a general vaguely late-Medieval/Renaissance atmosphere. This juxtaposition has no in-work explanation.

>> No.6511552

>Tai Pei
I don't think that's actually Reddit, but I don't use that site so I can't disagree

>> No.6511564

God, that sentence hurt to read. It was actually difficult to read in my head, like the words did not flow at all. I have no idea how I read the first Eragon book

>> No.6511570

How is John Dies at the End? I bought it like 3 or 4 years ago and haven't touched it at all. Can't remember why I wanted it either. I know I bought it the same day I bought House of Leaves, which I finally got around to reading last year, and I thought it was shit, so I can't imagine liking JDatE either

>> No.6511587

I don't remember JDatE being awful, but nothing great either. A couple of things might have been funny, but nothing exceptionally clever or memorable.

I also remember the movie being even more unremarkable, but also with most of the stuff in the middle gone which made it feel incredibly rushed.

>> No.6511632

why would bukowski be appealing to reddit?

>> No.6511639

Well, I may as well read it anyway. It must have cost me like $14, and I don't like to waste money

>> No.6511806

Makes you wonder why some things just tend to attract autistic people more than others. Like My Little Pony...

>> No.6511807

Bukowski is pretty pleb tier. Upper middle class white kids love to put deep and inspirational quotes on their Facebook, Twitter, and other crap.

>> No.6511817

>Upper middle class white kids

nice buzzwords, karl

>> No.6511825

>lel buzzwords cuck lel kekkles

>> No.6512208

>Bouvard et Pecuchet

Great book.
>that part when the little girl they adopt is molested by the old drunk and she enjoys it

>> No.6512224

I was going off of what book is the most like reddit, not which book reddit likes the most.

>> No.6512476
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stop associating my sacred cow with Reddit /lit/ it's triggering me

>> No.6512486


>> No.6512491

same, all except taipei

i started it purely for comparison to my assumptions on tao