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6507474 No.6507474 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most important philosopher of all time? I think it's either Gottlob Frege or Aristotle.

>> No.6507495

Frege is easily the most important modern philosopher. Just for example, every digital device we have goes back to him.

I would say Aristotle wins though. As a westerner, I find reading Aristotle to be boring as fuck because he is just describing the way that I already think about things, but that is because his influence on our way of thinking is so pervasive.

In a couple of decades when China totally dominates, it'll be Confucius.

>> No.6507504

What did Confucius actually do, though? What did he discover?

>> No.6507509

>every digital device we have goes back to him
More like to Boole, which goes back to Aristotle

>> No.6507513

You dot need to discover anything just to have to say something wise

>> No.6507514

See, but that's the thing. The whole idea that it is necessary for him to have "discovered" something is a kind of Western way of looking at it and defining. I don't think Chinamen look at it that way.

inb4 that's why they steal blueprints. Damn Chinaman

>> No.6507515

That will make you a good quote writer, but not a good philosopher.

>> No.6507518

So they value his words because he was entertaining? I think they'll still worship Mao Tse-Tsung in the future, anyway.

>> No.6507520

Yea Boole definitely deserves credit, won't deny that, but I just think Frege's predicate calculus is more directly influential, whatever that means...

>> No.6507536

Yea, but now Mao is just a symbol and nothing more. His ideas don't hold any real capital in chinese politics or culture. They are totally neoliberal now. The cartel that runs the country is communist in name only, which was a smart move on the part of Deng Xiaoping to keep an appearance of stability and continuity when he totally revolutionized the government and economy. They still let some old fucking marxist and maoist intellectuals kick around the party, but again, this is for appearances.

On the other hand, Confucius did define the "right" structure of society and the role of the individual in society, from the level of the family all the way up to the nation, and I think a lot of these ideas are still deeply ingrained in the way chinese people think and act, even if they are not particularly well educated or well-versed in Confucian scholarship.

>> No.6507585

fair point m8

>> No.6507650

Marx is the most cited.

>> No.6507667

I don't think that matters when he has contributed nothing to the sciences or mathematics. Humanities could cite Mike Brown if he was held in high enough esteem.

>> No.6507759

I never understood /lit/s orientialism. it's just the fetishization of the Other. I'm also saying this as a chink.

>contributed nothing to the sciences or mathematics. Humanities could cite Mike Brown
Justify your value judgement of placing science and mathematics over the humanities.

>> No.6507773

Maths and science deal with facts, humanities with opinions.

>> No.6507774
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>> No.6507778
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>> No.6507780

Do you really think economics deals purely with opinions?

>> No.6507781


History is a humanity; is it just opinions?

>> No.6507784

Yes. It is just advancing an ideology with statistics, on par with sociology.

>> No.6507785

How do you know that Maths and Science deals with "facts"?

You mean the other way around?

>> No.6507786

Statistics are facts though

>> No.6507792

Yes, of course it is.

>> No.6507798

That's why I said WITH statistics, you dunce.
Because maths and science make claims which are provable.

>> No.6507802

You are just so retarded and 16 fuck yourself china won't dominate philosophy doesnt inform your mentality just because you were born in Kentucky you fuck wad and confucious wont dominate aristotle just becausw of a switch in the economy GOD you are so fucking unbearable i fucking hate this child infested board during summer

>> No.6507809

I mean, Chomsky is apparently highly cited as well, but do his ideas have an actual effect on policy, or do they somehow influence average everyday people on the street? I don't think so, but people who have never read or maybe never even heard of Aristotle are still influenced by his thinking, and Frege's logic has led to us have iPhones and soda machines and intercontinental ballistic missile systems and 4chan, so...

I think there is a distinction between "influential within ivory tower academia" and "influential."

Also, I want these to faggits to fight:

>> No.6507811

>How do you know that Maths and Science deals with "facts"?
by definition, youre either collecting facts or trying to explain facts, or trying to prove them for math

>> No.6507814

damn bro, you sound like a philosopher

>> No.6507833

fuck you, pussy