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6504198 No.6504198 [Reply] [Original]

How to stop hating self and covering it up by intellectualizing everything?

>> No.6504218

Why is hating yourself a bad thing?
If we imply that it is bad at least, because why else would you want to stop doing it.

>> No.6504235

By doing things you're proud of and/or viewing things from a different perspective. It takes hard work and none of your bullshit excuses. You either do it or don't that's the only thing that matters.

>> No.6504386

Stick to the text fucking undergrad.

>> No.6504414

I can feel the edge from here. But seriously it's bad because its a more natural feeling to love yourself

>> No.6504480


That conservative ideology.

I hate myself too, OP. I haven't found anything that helps. But I do understand—on an intellectual level—that it's the result of excessive introspection, which tends to produce neurotic tendencies. That, combined with moderate depression, has turned me into a self-loathing asshole. I'm an "asshole" because self-hatred, in many ways, is an inversion of typical ego-centrism. You're fixated on your own thoughts and behaviors in a perverse way, rather than elevating them in a stupidly arrogant fashion. In other words, you're self-absorbed in a tyrannical sense; everything that's external, then, is filtered through your diseased fixation on the machinations of your depressed- and anxiety-riddled brain. It's 'me, me, me,' within a cycle of self-flagellation, which is definitely more harmful than a banal over-abundance of self-esteem.

>> No.6504526

OP here, I think you are spot on. Sometimes I fantasize about traumatic things happening to me (gf dying, getting cancer etc.) to force a shift in thinking because I can't seem to will it. Talk about self-centered...

>> No.6504592

Stop being 14

>> No.6504597

it's rather unpleasant and has really no discernible benefit by most metrics

>> No.6504598

go outside

>> No.6504692


OP is asking how to lose the characteristics in himself that made you say that - you could at least help him.