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/lit/ - Literature

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6504167 No.6504167[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is my literature course 95% women?

>> No.6504169

Because men are wasting their times measuring their dicks with hard sciences ruler.

>> No.6504174

Because women these days are more literate than men and thus more educated than them, and so they haven't been tricked into majoring in engineering.

>> No.6504177

If only this were true

>> No.6504180

Because you have entered the secret inner sanctuary of audience pussy, the supplest and easiest prey known to man.

All you must do now is exploit the innate gender disparity between yourself and the female students, displaying your own superior male prose and male ability to write something that isn't trite, adolescent vampire romance, and you will be swimming in pussy. The kind of pussy that a true literary genius needs to inspire him to write great things.

You tread in the wake of DFW and John Green. Once they inhabited this same sanctuary and feasted on another generation of audience pussy, and now they live like kings, with eager audience pussy delivered to their door every day. All you have to do is follow their footsteps. Good luck.

>> No.6504183

are engineering textbooks literature?

>> No.6504185

>they live

I have some news for you m8

>> No.6504189


>> No.6504193

>believing greatly exaggerated rumours

he said INFINITE jest not FINITE jest

>> No.6504194
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Plus your question is implicitly negative. Why don't you say anything like 'Why are all my books written by white guys?' or 'Why can't we read Mein Kampf'

Yep, OP, you are one filthy casual

And lo, a wave of tipping descended across the land

>> No.6504195

>this is what women actually believe

>> No.6504202
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You forgot to tip it, bro

>> No.6504208

Because women don't have to worry about making a career after university since men will always look after them anyway.

>> No.6504211
File: 84 KB, 416x431, 1424718899158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgins are out in full force today.
How many Good Boy Points do you get for striking a blow to the matriarchy on an American anime board?

>> No.6504215

>implying he's wrong

>> No.6504219
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>implying he's right

>> No.6504222

Female spotted

>> No.6504224

What makes it false?

>> No.6504226

I posted that, I'm a man, and I believe it. I can only speak from experience, but at every school I've been to, at every level, this was demonstrably the case. With guys there's a huge gap: the majority are barely literate, but there is a small concentration who are very intelligent and educated. Women, however, aren't as extreme. They're nearly all of around average intelligence and education, which puts them above the majority of men, who are just outright stupid and anti-intellectual, more concerned with sports, video games, drugs and making money than reading and learning.

>> No.6504229

>implying a statement is able to be labeled as right or wrong

>> No.6504230
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Mate you've probably never been near a female in your life. How would you know what one looks like. The closest you've ever come was when your penis touched your mother's vag when she spawned you, and that's probably the closest you'll come to a women for years to come yet. Here's a thumbs up to your continued asperger's syndrome. I'm sorry there's no cure

>> No.6504240

Says the male feminist. Every one of you cunts I've met IRL has been a beta of the highest order.

>> No.6504243

i didnt expect much from /lit/ so its normal for /lit/ to believe STEM majors are jokes

>> No.6504245
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>british femanon
>posting this exact combination of posts verbatim on every single board in every single thread every time someone disagrees with you
>in a thread about women being bad in literature, proving you are completely unoriginal at writing
>posting on /soc/
>attention whoring on /mu/
>dressing like a basic bitch

lmao these are all you







get raped pleb

>> No.6504254

>implying this isn't a Bhutanese make-shift mannequin mabolo

>> No.6504258

patriarchy wins again

>> No.6504265

She writes like the girl from Krautchan who sucked cock for a Michelin meal. But that might just be because they're both chav slags.

>> No.6504272
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I get dat pussy
I am better educated than you
I think we know who's winning, angry man

I am 4chan famoose

>> No.6504274

Shit Op, shit responses. Probably more b8 conditioning.

>> No.6504275

I hesitate to speak for everyone, but I assume most of us have respect for, say, physics or mathematics majors. Mechanical engineering is certainly a joke, though.

>> No.6504279

I highly doubt that those are all the same person.
and this has gotta be one of the most annoying memes, if not the worst

>> No.6504282

I'd say so. This board is half shit all the time

>> No.6504285
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>> No.6504287

>I get dat pussy

Being pussywhipped by a single mother or some other damaged whore is hardly something to brag about you dickless faggot.

>> No.6504294


What's that style? I'm fairly sure that's pretty much what my IRL waifu wears 99% of the time.

>> No.6504295
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It makes cucks like you angry though, so it's an efficient meme if an annoying one

>> No.6504298

The split is more 40:60 men:women. On average, women both read more and play more video games. What those studies crop out is that most of that is recreational bullshit ala Game of Thrones/Angry Birds.
I wouldn't say that there are no well-read women there are certainly less than men.

>> No.6504304

I do have a willy
And my parents are still married
Stop projecting, anon, or I'll tell your stepdad to cut off your Good Boy Point allowance :^)

>> No.6504308

It was on a 'what do you wear' thread on /mu/ the other day

>> No.6504311
File: 507 KB, 681x1251, 1428097430172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it kind of misogynistic to accuse someone who criticizes women to be a virgin?
It almost implies that the only way to analyse women's behaviour is if you used their holes.
Should I let some guy fuck my boy pussy to be allowed to talk about other men?

>> No.6504316

i dont know what university you went to but mec enginnering isn't a joke at mine unlike African Studies.

>> No.6504324

No. It implies that you have ever spoken to, let alone touched a woman and so are in a position to make a reasoned judgment. Instead of just donning a fedora, surfing /r/atheist and then coming here crying because your mother doesn't love you so all women must be evil

>> No.6504333

>Should I let some guy fuck my boy pussy to be allowed to talk about other men?
yes, your parents or your uncle should had explained this to you.

>> No.6504336

What's with the /r9k/ brigade lately?

>> No.6504337

Why do 95% of people getting English degrees not give a fuck about literature the second classes are out?

>> No.6504341

How can someone make such a big non sequitur is beyond me.
First off, talking to women is not a sufficient condition to fuck them.

Second of all, basement dwellers don't even talk to other men or fuck them, yet I think they are still allowed to talk about other men.

You are literally( :^) ) reducing women to walking holes instead of normal people who can be criticized and talked about.

>> No.6504345

>these days
Women always read a lot. In the 19th century the rich women who obviously couldn't go to work and had maids to do house work were the target market.

>> No.6504351

>First off, talking to women is not a sufficient condition to fuck them

I didn't say it was

Furthermore, your privileged (:^)) needs to be checked, m80

>> No.6504356

Because most of them are tumblrina's who want to teach English in some fuck-knows-where country where noone speaks it.

>> No.6504357
File: 213 KB, 600x887, that-feel-when-you-have-never-seen-a-vagina[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, not against you, but why do you people respond to misogyny with virgin-shaming? It's one of the facets of modern day "feminist" rhetoric, of shaming sexually inexperienced men, that really ruins it for me. I mean, it seems contradictory that slut-shaming is bad, but virgin-shaming is good since there's an assumption that virgins are that way because they don't respect women, when in fact it's most often due to a range of social/psychological issues. Conversely, there are many men who hate women who have tremendous sexual experience.

>> No.6504370

And now the average woman is as privileged as a noblewoman from 100 years ago.

>> No.6504376

I'd agree if this was another forum, but remember we're on 4chan

Virgin is often used as shorthand for 'misogynistic /r9k/ basement dweller mired in redpilled conspiracy theories and a supportive echobox for their delusion'

>> No.6504380

And so is the average man.

>> No.6504391

Because while reading is great, the bureaucracy and bullshittery that infests academia is exhausting and noxious

>> No.6504393

From experience, if you hate women, you are one of the following:
-molested as a child
That's all there is to it. Which one are you, /r9k/?

>> No.6504397


Pretty much this >>6504376

I could make a well reasoned argument and I'm sozzles if it's crude (it is) and a retarded stereotype (it is). But this is 4chan, son. It's not exactly a competitive debate. I know that if I put time and effort into a response I'll just get:

>pussy whipped

in riposte, so I don't bother anymore.

>> No.6504398

Inclination to emotion.

>> No.6504400
File: 140 KB, 803x688, 1430076698190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women can't be criticized
Check your privilege, hole.

>> No.6504403

Everyone is inclined to emotion you retard, what do you think? That men are like the terminator with a CPU inside or something?

>> No.6504404

I don't thin you know how privilege works


>> No.6504405

>That's all there is to it.
kek, fuck this board; good for books but it's left /pol/.

>> No.6504410

No, most men are still wage slaves.

>> No.6504413

More inclined, amplified, more ready to act on them.
You knew that, faggot.

>> No.6504416

so are women

>> No.6504421

It doesn't make sense to "criticize" women because they're a GROUP, an abstract entity. I know many individual women but I have never met "women". Not only that, they're an extremely large group without a central will or volition, so it's idiotic to infer any kind of general agenda, collective behavior or whatever, just like you wouldn't do so for men.

On top of that, >>6504393 said "hate", not criticize.

>> No.6504425

No, most women don't bother taking working-class positions and instead just leech off of men.

>> No.6504426

No. All humans are 100% irrational and act on emotion all the time, save for mathematicians doing proofs. Shitty heuristics evolved from primates isn't "logic".

>> No.6504431

Stop now. You just look like a silly billy :^)

>> No.6504438

So you're implying that women take up skilled professions to leach off their underskilled partners? I mean, it's an interesting way of debating (it isn't, it's retarded) but I think we can discount your theory. Thanks for trying though

>> No.6504439
File: 297 KB, 1024x768, 1430862839779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes perfect sense to make inference about the average behaviour of large amounts of people, what are you talking about?
You are being deliberately obtuse if you can't figure out that when people say "women", they are not making a statement about every single woman on the planet, but most of the time on an average western women.

The average woman weights X. Am I not allowed to make such a statement? Is there something wrong with it?
Why can't I make inference on the behaviour of large groups of people who follow certain social rules?

>> No.6504448

So how is it men have been the more predominant architect and artisan, and the less emotional, more 'hardened' in virtually all societies in history?

>> No.6504459

>most of the time on an average western women

Bitch, are you honestly saying that one cuck getting 'friend-zoned' is a sufficient sample size for them to multiply out criticize women as a group. Do you even statistics

>Why can't I make inference on the behaviour of large groups of people who follow certain social rules

'social rules' doesn't factor into it, but you're obviously a pseud so we can ignore that part. The first part is just retard talk. You're saying that if a scantily clad baby gets raped that means that all scantily clad babies are whores who are asking for it.

Go back to Call of Duty, friend

>> No.6504460

>average western women
There ia no such thing. I know Italian, French, German, American women but I have never met a single typically western woman in my life.

>the average woman weighs X
Oh, so because you can infer from averages on single-dimensional quantitative traits you can suddenly infer from "averaging" every trait ever?

>> No.6504467

>not browsing the scottish druid cave network

>> No.6504468

Women almost never settle with men who earn less than them, though.

>> No.6504471

How come /lit/ is less funny than /sp/?

>> No.6504475

Why do you think conjecture is a valid basis for argument? If you work at a gas station and hate it because your boss is a woman who earns more than you do just say so, anon.

>> No.6504478


>> No.6504481

Can you into reading comprehension? There is no such thing as "less emotional" because everyone is always very emotional all the time, ever. Your thoughts are emotions. The way you reason is driven by emotions. Every single act, every single thing you've ever thought of has been the product of your own emotions. Except, of course, if you have ASPD or are a mathematician doing a proof, in which case there are no emotions involved at all. But it's idiotic to draw any comparison about emotions or any distinction between "reason" (whatever that means) and emotions.

>> No.6504486

Every single woman I've dated was richer than me

>> No.6504492
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Nice ad hominem and strawmen, hole. Thanks for proving my point.

>There ia no such thing. I know Italian, French, German, American women but I have never met a single typically western woman in my life.
Nationality is a factor that could influence the output of a model, that doesn't mean a general trend is absent.

>Oh, so because you can infer from averages on single-dimensional quantitative traits you can suddenly infer from "averaging" every trait ever?
I was talking about making inference about groups of people. How I make that inference is not the point.
You are just grasping at everything you can to convince me that I can't make a statement about a general trend in a specific group of people. Can you get any lower?

>> No.6504505

All right, bad phrasing then, perhaps 'acting on emotions in a more short-sighted , less communally constructive way' would be better.

>> No.6504512

Just because such trends exist doesn't mean you are pointing out the right ones. For instance most assumptions /r9k/tards make about "western women" ia blatantly false and only concern a tiny subset of American white upper-middle-class girls in their 20's but obviously these people never leave their basement and never travel, what with being American and all, so they think their sample represents all the group. There are many other such biases but I shouldn't expect /lit/ or /r9k/ to understand statistics.

>> No.6504519

In what regards
>less communally constructive
What does that mean

>> No.6504525

Oh noooo, did the pseud get angry because he can't come up with a good argument. Abloo bloo bloo :'(

>> No.6504529


Why are you calling everyone here 'hole'? Is it supposed to be an insult? It's not very insulting

>> No.6504537

Well, assume I was playing devils advocate. There's still a lot to study.

>> No.6504540

You are indeed allowed to point out problems about those inductive statements, I don't deny that.
Yes, they might be badly drawn inferences with shit samples.
Does this imply that it's impossible to infer a trend that is actually well supported by facts?

I don't think so.

Stop shitposting lad.

>> No.6504542

Americans think that sexual objectification is a big deal because sex is baaaaaad. Puritan country built on native genocide and slavery, what did you expect

>> No.6504545

It's kind of a meme insult tbh.

Jokes on you, I'm not a Yank.

>> No.6504549

You are stating the obvious, I did statistics 101 too. What I'm aiming at is that your "facts" are actually bullshit, so your conclusion is too.

>> No.6504553

Honestly, I'm glad its that way. If there were more dudes it'd be as if my classes were filled with /lit/izens, which I think we can all agree would be horrendous

>> No.6504559

I haven't made a single statement about women in the thread, I just pointed out the really pathetic white knight trend to suppress any kind of criticism towards women by calling names.

>> No.6504560

why is your brain 95% dumb?

>> No.6504567

Do you not think there's anything wrong with sexual objectification?

>> No.6504574

inb4 some dumbass things sexual objectification means being attracted to someone

>> No.6504584

this. i take art history and it is also 95% women. it's easier to learn in that kind of environment when you don't have pseuds trying to question everything because they have a chip on their shoulder, rather than having a genuine interest in the answer

>> No.6504589

If I'm only having casual sex with someone, I don't know them much other than their being attractive, so no I don't see what's wrong with objectifying them. Depends on what you call objectification though, I'm obviously not talking about American dominant-wannabe insecurely aggressive "pump-and-dump" frat behavior.

>> No.6504630
File: 45 KB, 370x321, 1429308808307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know, guys. We could call an end to hostilities here and just talk about our feels instead.

>tfw studying for exams
>tfw done no where near enough work because I'm always tired
>tfw eating horrible ready meal tonight
>tfw I'll meme myself to sleep
>tfw need to shower but cba

>> No.6504647

are you me?

do you also have a headache?

>> No.6504656

Where are you, my negro? What do you study?

I've taken a bunch of caffeine tablets because I don't drink coffee or w/e so I feel woozy rather than headachey atm. Drink dem fluids!!

>> No.6504694

> Spain , Madrid. Physiotherapy not even sure its my passion but I like the freedom it could give me to do the fuck Í would want with a minimalist way of life.

22 but i´m finishing my first year of uni ,had a shady path from high school to here. Wise enough to not lose my time in shit , but lacking the energy of my youger peers.

and you?

>> No.6504697


sorry for bad the grammer if I fuck something while I write my story i´m trying to fix that

>> No.6504712

That feel man.

>barely sleep anymore
>exams left and right
>cluster headaches again
>nothing helps
>coke helps
>can't do coke all the time
>pain fucks me up

>> No.6504730

Is that you? Do you dress like that regularly?

>> No.6504734

not OP but would I be a retard to think MDMA might work in exam periods. It's a stimulant and keeps you up but would it make me alert or just awake but unfocused? :/ Also, sorry to hear about your feels, bro

>> No.6504739

Yes, you would be a retard to think that.
Not even the short term effects of MDMA would be of particular use to you during exams given the nature of them; furthermore they way you will be left feeling afterwards will just make it way harder for you to continue studying.

>> No.6504743
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>> No.6504746

I honestly wouldn't recommend it at all, MDMA seems the wrong drug for studying altogether.
Something like methylphenidate would be best, I think. But generally I dislike learning on drugs.

>> No.6504750


What do? I can't afford coke and I'm so tired all the time I can't study :/

>> No.6504751

>It doesn't make sense to "criticize" nazi because they're a GROUP [...].

>> No.6504756


You bitches are late. This is a feels - increasingly an exam feels it seems- thread and nothing more

>> No.6504768

Isn't there something like Ritalin wherever you live? That's not too expensive around here and most of my med and law studying friends use it.
Coke is shit for learning too, anyway. You'd have to take way too much.

>> No.6504773

Britbong here, studying law too. My man only does coke, MDMA and weed. I've asked around for Ritalin before because I heard it does wonders but have never found any. I'm guessing it's not really a think you can buy online outside of the deep web

>> No.6504778

I don't think so, no. I have a friend who got Ritalin from his doc (cause he needed it as a kid, had some sorta attention span BS going on) and he sells it around the campus.
Apart from that, no idea where you'd buy it normally, I assumed a good dealer might just have it.

>> No.6504793


I'm studying french literature in University (I'm Quebecer), and it's the same thing here ; girls make up maybe 90% of studients in my programme. That is a little bit annoying, because we cannot have the same kind of discution with girls than with other males. And because there are a bunch of girls, many guys don't wanna study in this domain : they probably think that it's a domain for girl and fagget (and it's not false in reality).

PS : but the worst thing ; I don't have fucked yet one girl in my course lol.... fucking loser....

>> No.6504797

>female /lit/ isn't dank enough on its own so universities are now subject to quota
women,not even once

>> No.6504813

>not saging this kind of shit

>> No.6504970

>announcing you're saging

that's a paddling

>> No.6505028

As long as the woman isn't a fat slob she can always find a man to provide for her. Even the fat slobs can usually find a man.

>> No.6505067

Then women bitch about "unequal pay" because they got worthless degrees while men went off to have actually productive careers.

>> No.6505086
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>there are people browsing /lit/ who have never studied economics