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/lit/ - Literature

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6503800 No.6503800 [Reply] [Original]

Why is hemingway considered hiper maculine, again?
Just read pic related and was the faggiest thing that i ever read.

>> No.6503808
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it's all just a meme brohamb

>> No.6504249

Like The greeks?

>> No.6504257

is that the one where the guy lost his dick in the war?

>> No.6504288

No lol

OP I really don't get it either, it's like they have never read Hemingway before and judge based on an imagined fanbase. There are so many real misogynist writers I don't see why everyone picks him and Kerouac, two writers that actually seemed pretty progressive in that sense, as the posterchildren for antifeminism.

>> No.6504293

Nope, that was The Sun Also Rises.

>> No.6504329

Most of Hemingway's detractors are blissfully unaware of his sentimentality. In reading Hemingway, it is important to remember that his hyper-masculine personas are a reaction to his own sensitivity and fear of death -- this makes his short stories (particularly the Nick Adams adventures) and yes, A Farewell to Arms, deeply interesting from a psychological perspective. Hemingway tried to eliminate his own weaknesses by creating a fantasy version of himself -- but his terror, pain, and almost feminine appreciation for life's fineries always manages to creep through to the reader.

He was an insecure, sensitive man. The contradiction between his public image and his eventual suicide is indicative of his torment, and makes his work universally appealing.

>> No.6504346

So, he was like Mishima?
It appears to be something really common among writers.

>> No.6504350

>tfw everyone forgot how to spell Hemmingway correctly
/lit/ is truly dead

>> No.6504352
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>misogynist writers

>> No.6504360

Kill yourself OP, you piece of trash.
I genuinely pity you and your miserable existence.

>> No.6504672

Hemingway more like Heminggay