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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 384x384, das-kapital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6503515 No.6503515 [Reply] [Original]

Sup, /lit/? I just got finished reading Dad Kapital by Karl Marx. Three words: hella f*cking epic.

I read it with some fellow members of the working class and I don't think we went more than 10 seconds without having our minds blown. I mean what can I say about Karl Marx that already hasn't? He's a philosophical god.

Even though it's from the 19th century it still holds its own: it's got the great bit on the length of the working day, the difference between exchange and use value, the process of primitive accumulation, and so much more.

This is, without a doubt, my favorite critique of capitalism of all time so I highly suggest you and some friends go and read it.

>> No.6503521

You had a reading Group?

>> No.6503522

It's not that good..

>> No.6503523

Also go read everything after Marx.

>> No.6503540

Like Robinson said, it contains a lot that nobody really prepares you to expect, neither its followers or opponents.

Lots of marxist literature will do that to you in the future, even though you always start reading them (wrongly) assuming that you already know what it says.

>> No.6503543

This is just some dumb tv pasta, except he replaced the movie with Capital.

>> No.6503738

Now you could try Schumpeter's criticism about it in "Capitaism, Socialism and Democracy.

>> No.6504722


Working class people don't read Das Kapital.

>> No.6504725
File: 71 KB, 803x688, 4ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting things that never happened
>posting b8
here is your reply

>> No.6504946

Wow! You sure showed me! What was I thinking? Can't get away with anything as long as Anonymous 05/06/15(Wed)09:30:22 No.6503522 is on the job!

>> No.6505000

This looks like pasta.

I can tell from some of the scansion and from reading quite a few pastas in my time.

>> No.6506852


Fuck off m8, members of my party branch have read it and everyone here is working class. None of us could quit our jobs and live on income m8.

>> No.6506859

And just what party is that?

>> No.6506860

I tried getting through Das Kapital but found it way to dry and boring though I did like the insights it gave.

I think Brendan McCoony's Kaptialism 101 Youtube series does a decent job of getting the "gist" across.

>> No.6506866


Socialist Alliance (Australia). Coalition of some older leftist groups, largely Trots that got sick of Trot sectarianism.

>> No.6506895

Working at Walmart isn't working class, ameriscum.

>> No.6506904

Heh, I'm Socialist Alliance (U.S)

>> No.6506913


Nice. It's a small world, comrade.

>> No.6506933

We actually got someone elected to Seattle City Council here. Hopefully we'll get her into House of Representatives when she's done on City Council. Last time she ran for that, she got 29% of the votes, good chance she'll win next time around. Once the baby boomers start passing away, I think Marxism is going to make a huge comeback in this county.

>> No.6506944


Yeah, Comrade Sawant is a pretty big inspiration over here. We've got a couple (literally 2) members on local town councils but they're pretty toothless over here.

I think that socialism is seeing a big upswing over here as well. Even from the simple idea that we have problems too big for individuals to fix, a lot of people are building their own socialist worldviews and just discovering eachother slowly.

Also our Unions are starting to swing left towards militancy and away from labour aristocracy, dragging out Labor party with them after years of rightwing socdem. Just starting though, so we'll see.

>> No.6506950

The Taft-Hartley act is what really fucked our union leadership over here. The SA wants to eliminate that, but I'd like to see a large national movement to do away with it. If we get rid of that, we can put a stop to the liberal cockroaches that have been infesting union leadership for so long.

>> No.6506960


I am pretty worried (well, not fearful, maybe it will be necessary struggle) that we will see more of the same, intense crackdowns, and it will be necessary to return to illegalist striking within our lifetime. I guess the IWW are coming back a bit though, and they're probably the most willing to lead an action like that,

>> No.6506978

They're pretty much powerless because of how thin their numbers are.

At least the bright side to illegalist striking is that it won't stop at the whistle of liberal union leadership.