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/lit/ - Literature

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6501750 No.6501750 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/ in high school

>Kierkegaard was the strange, nervous kid who dressed really nicely for school and prayed

>Wittgenstein was the autist who was only really good at math and would talk to himself

>Nietzsche was the kid who listened to linkin park and screamed at teachers

>Hegel was the kid who would poop himself in class and sat in the corner

>Stirner was the kid who rarely said a word but secretly ran a ton of shit behind everyone's backs and had a lot of goons following him despite being an individual

>> No.6501758

Kolsti was Kolsti.

>> No.6501761

>steven king was the guy who tries to score in haunted abandoned buildings

>> No.6501772

"The smart board," they say.

>> No.6501774

Vonnegut was the kid who sat in the back and shouted jokes only he laughed at

>> No.6501776

Herman Hesse was the kid who smoked a shit ton of weed and thought he was a buddhist.

>> No.6501781

>Heidegger was the racist blonde white girl

>Deleuze was the girl who read lovecraft and painted her fingernails black

>Plato was a repressed homosexual and captain of the wrestling team

>> No.6501783

and yet you come here just to laugh at shitposting threads
how can you live with yourself?

>> No.6501793

OP was the kid who like LOO TUNES and freaks out by the sight of SANIC

>> No.6501799
File: 79 KB, 700x525, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche was the qt tsundere

>> No.6501801

>Hegel was the kid who would poop himself in class and sat in the corner

If anything Hegel was the guy who had an older GF at like 14 and was having sex before he really knew what he was doing.

>> No.6501811

camus slept with my gf

>> No.6501820

camus smoked cigarettes at school and listened to sonic youth records

>> No.6501826

John Green was the scrawny, loud, obnoxious kid that had intentions to sleep with a girl but instead spent four years trying to impress her with his random humor instead of stating his feelings.

>> No.6501832
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>tfw you were john green

>> No.6501833

Diogenes was the smelly sperglord who thought he was intellectual because Socrates (the coolest, smartest guy in the school) wouldn't be a dick when talking to him.

>> No.6501839

It's not fair if you just describe the author.

>> No.6501840

Pynchon was the guy who was always on edge and when you peered over to see what he was listening it was always Ween or Frank Zappa

>> No.6501841
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Y-yeah, ha...ha...

>> No.6501842
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>Foucault was the older cool faggot who tried touching your boipussy in the bathrooms

>> No.6501844

>Kierkegaard was the strange, nervous kid who dressed really nicely for school and prayed
Kierkegaard was supposedly a witty faggot who made people cry

>> No.6501845

Joyce always smelt it and dealt it

>> No.6501846
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>> No.6501849

/lit/ should make a dating sim.

>> No.6501851

>Socrates (the coolest, smartest guy in the school)
go back to doing yr homework, Plato

>> No.6501853

Wasn't the only account of that from Kierkegaard himself? Also, passive aggressiveness can be interpreted as wit, especially since he was non confrontational

>> No.6501861

>Bertrand Russell was the wimpy kid who was too scared to fight and spent his time with animals and insects.

>AJ Ayer was the kid who scored pussy wherever he went but never played any sports. He would also intimidate the bullies with his confidence.

>Saul Kripke would freak out if you breathed on his neck.

>> No.6501865

I envision Stirner as being a bitter outcast that acts like a dick towards everyone then acts surprised when nobody enjoys being in his presence.

Kind of like a grungy slacker who has a lot of potential but is too hung up on himself that he ignores and talks down to everyone around him.

>> No.6501869

i totally get that vibe from fear and trembling tbh. he seems very saucey

>> No.6501877

pynchon was that guy who would dissappear if you looked at him.

>> No.6501882
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>not thinking that socrates was the coolest smartest guy in school
c'mon son

>> No.6501895

Stirner would be the kid who pours crabs into the Principal's car and only behaves when watched

>> No.6501897

Focault was taking naked pictures of himself to perv to 30 years later.

nobody says that

>> No.6501903
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found kierkegaard

>> No.6501908

Hemingway was the kid that was a dork and pretty much shit at footballl, but played it all the time and got everyone to think he was actually good out of sheer shit talking. He would also get really mad at you when you failed to make a pass.

>> No.6501911

The fact that he wears a jester hat and rants about conformity without a semblance of self awareness intrigues me enough to want to talk to him at least once

>> No.6501912

The person who was dropped off the first day of school while hanging out the sunroof of a minivan headbanging and blasting Alice In Chains with the bass maxed out.

>> No.6501916

Do you guys actually even read books?

>> No.6501925

>Socrates is Plato's imaginary friend or like his dead older brother that Plato constantly lies about in front of his peers
>But you guys, he was really that wise! The Oracle said so!

>> No.6501927


Brilliant guy who hung out with loosers and showed up to school inebriated. No one is really sure where he went wrong.

sport played: cross country

>> No.6501928

Marx was the kid everyone borrowed money from but never paid back.

>> No.6501930

So, he's like Eddy from Ed Edd n Eddy?

>> No.6501934
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>> No.6501936

> joe rogan

called everyone a faggot at any chance.

>> No.6501940

>Ezra Pound was the kid that everyone thought was really brilliant but also had a notebook field with creepy drawings

>TS Eliot was the sensitive emo kid who brought his guitar to school

>> No.6501944

Kafka was the weird quiet kid that everyone always suspected would snap one day and bring the whole school down with him.

>> No.6501946

One time a kid brought an acoustic guitar to school and he would just fucking walk around with it and never play it. One time he told me he didn't even know how to play guitar and he thought it looked cool, and I got mad and threw it to the floor and stomped it

>> No.6501954

Good on you. those fuckers are the worst

>> No.6501994
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>>Plato was a repressed homosexual and captain of the wrestling team
that would go to this guy.

>> No.6502033

Who represent Harris and Kebold?

>> No.6502036

>faulkner was the kid with the stupid southern accent who made "being from the south" his whole identity and would never shut the fuck up about the state he came from, like anyone cares.

>> No.6502040

Zizek was the smart guy no one took seriously because of his lisp. Oh, wait..!

>> No.6502042

>Faulkner would write the best essays in english but failed the class because he would never write about the assigned topic, only the south

>> No.6502046


This is how I always feel when I see stuff like this, morbidly curious.

>> No.6502057

mishima / dfw

>> No.6502063

Apparently Wittgenstein was in the same third grade class as Hitler except Witty got moved up and Hitler got pulled back lel

Fernando Pessoa waited by the trash can until everyone was off the swings so he could have a turn

>> No.6502071



think about it

>> No.6502077

/lit/ is a wasteland, this fucking thread is a joke

>> No.6502081

What do you want to talk about?

>> No.6502085

Books, probably.

Just a guess.

>> No.6502088

>dostoevsky was the kid that lied about everything to try and get friends

>> No.6502090

>I envision Stirner as being a bitter outcast that acts like a dick towards everyone then acts surprised when nobody enjoys being in his presence. Kind of like a grungy slacker who has a lot of potential but is too hung up on himself that he ignores and talks down to everyone around him.

No, that's Schopenhauer.

Stirner is the kid who gets laid on the regular and everyone likes him but he goes home at night and drinks alone in private.

Nietzsche is that kid who was always sickly and never any good at sports but hung out with all the YOLOfags and pretended to be a jock, but eventually ended up having a mental breakdown upon realizing Schopenhauer was A) correct and B) more of a jock than he ever was.

Hegel is the semi autistic kid that all the normalfags think is a genius because one time he installed project64 on the school lab computer and played Mario Kart the entire class period.

>> No.6502321

Make a thread then, I'll even post in it for you

>> No.6502678

How do I locate my boipussy? is it like the male g-spot?

>> No.6502690

Same school (Realschule Linz) but they haven't ever actually spent time together by all accounts.
I went to the same school for a few years, and we got told that a couple of times. "Remember Ludwig not Adolf" they'd say. Even at 12 I thought that was hilarious.

>> No.6502807

You know despite the angsty/edgy connotation 4chan gives it, pretty much 8/10 kids in high school listened to linkin park in their heyday. Its not exactly worth noting for one person in particular.

>> No.6502808

Thank God I went to a private school.

>> No.6502813

Nobody at my school listened to Linkin Park really.

But maybe because of >>6502808

>> No.6502814

>HP Lovecraft was totally unpopular as a freshman but oddly had a group of underclassmen following his weird ass around as a senior

>> No.6502856

He would be much cooler if he yes whores

>> No.6502861

Stirner was known to be really really nice in person and very social, but supposedly impossible to truly get close to.

His ex wife said it was more like living next to someone than with someone. He also spent her entire fortune and left for a younger piece of ass.

>> No.6502874


>> No.6502882

>Hegel is the semi autistic kid that all the normalfags think is a genius because one time he installed project64 on the school lab computer and played Mario Kart the entire class period.


>> No.6502888
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>Fernando Pessoa waited by the trash can until everyone was off the swings so he could have a turn

>> No.6503074

>Leibniz was the kid who knew how to solve every fucking problem at school and who played with his babyhood toys in class, but whose ideas nobody could quite get, since he got them all from secretly smoking tons of pot

>> No.6503131

>Aristotle was a normie

>> No.6503205

Hegel was the kid who philosophised only in passings, and even then mostly about witty topics using circular logic. All while being oblivious to the opinion of people on him who thought that there was intuitive logic in his arguments they could never actually locate.

>> No.6503224

Baudrillard was the kid who put gore to his Swedish presentation when the teacher was sick.

>> No.6503235

> Hegel is the semi autistic
But Hegel was super social and manipulative. Think of him as a charismatic preacher/hypocrite who was comfortable pulling argument back to his connections/status/anecdote of finishing Phenomelogy the same day as Napoleon invaded his town.

>> No.6503237

Rimbaud was the weird guy who was super friendly but always sat too close to you and when he had a few drinks was like "dude, we should totally kiss, like wouldnt that be weird! weird haha"

>> No.6503494

This might actually convince me to read his stuff a little sooner than I would

>> No.6503530

John Green would be that skinny, nerdy kid who nobody liked that would try and pass off internet memes as his own material to try and get with the popular crowd.

>> No.6503535

>>Kierkegaard was the strange, nervous kid who dressed really nicely for school and prayed

mfw i'm gonna grow up to be a knight of faith

>> No.6503536


>> No.6503547

DFW was the kid who played tennis and did drugs and wrote about new sincerity

>> No.6503655


I think both probably applies.

>> No.6503743

Nietzsche was the kid that was only friends with you until he found someone that benefited him more and was absolutely ok with doing so.

>> No.6503750

Burroughs was the kid who you think is really cool but when you get to know him he becomes really clingy

>> No.6503777

hey that's my picture i made

>> No.6503805

He went wrong when he turned up to athletics day and bet every person at the school that he'd do their homework for a month if Pushkin came first in shotput. He didn't. The workload was too much for Dosty to handle, so he started drinking.

>> No.6503811

Congrats I see it posted a lot.

>> No.6503857

I feel it's more as if Nietschze had too many of these sorts of friends in High school

>> No.6503901

Habermas is the guy no one talks to, but is Facebook friends with everyone.

Nietzsche is the edgy nerd who hangs out with that one girl who friendzoned him.

Heidegger is the goalie on the hockey team.

>> No.6503916

>Zizek is the kid that everyone thinks is on drugs that makes really dirty jokes all the time and loses points for organization on every essay he hands in

>Noam Chomsky is the kiss-ass A+ student who hates zizek

>Heidegger is the eagle scout who is the head of the outdoors club and doesn't have any social media accounts and is weirdly obsessed with order and discipline during the trips and tries to get in with the class president

>Foucault purposefully gets himself detention

>Freud and Jung were the kids who somehow had access to harder drugs and had some band called "Dreamtime"

>The greeks were the kids who were way too into gym class and would all shower together afterwards

>Camus and Sartre dress well and get all the bookish girls. Camus gets sent away when the teachers label him as a suicide risk

>DFW runs between classes

>> No.6503922
File: 105 KB, 548x569, Stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Johann Kaspar Schmidt (October 25, 1806 – June 26, 1856), better known as Max Stirner, was a German philosopher. He is often seen as one of the forerunners of nihilism, existentialism, postmodernism, and anarchism, especially of individualist anarchism.
Stirn actually means forehead, pic related. His class mates literally called him MAX Stirner for his large forehead. And he started writing under this pseudonym. So yeah.

>> No.6503924

Spinoza was the plain jane nerd who no one noticed and had a secret notebook that no one found out about until after he left and it turned out he was based

Hobbes was the guy who told on you for stealing a milk in the cafeteria

>> No.6503935

Jesus, how can people on this board actually hold Hegel and Stirner for comparison, their bodies of work and influence are of such different magnitude.

>> No.6503948

Stirner was probably jovial with an air of studied nonchalance, someones you could make fun out of and he would embrace it while wittily one-upping you. I gather this type of character from his biography and his smoking caricature. >>6501761
I once fucked a girl in an abandoned building that had knives lying everywhere. Was spooky.

>> No.6504131

that is fucking amazing

>> No.6504145

DFW was that kid who killed himself

>> No.6504149

You're an idiot. Stirner was a Hegelian anarchist. Did you really not notice how Stirner uses the Hegelian dialectic to make his points?

>> No.6504154

Hahaha what a cuck

>> No.6504171

murakami was the popular kid who got caught masturbating in the back of the classroom but nobody thought any less of him

>> No.6504196

Aquinas was ostentatiously extremely religious (started a bible club, led the "prayer at the flagpole" group, etc.) but the religious sluts loved him and he fucked them all by graduation time.

>> No.6504206

Augustus was that religious kid that got super defensive about his faith at the slightest provocation.

At break, some of the cool Roman kids would blame him for the fall of Rome and he'd start screaming about muh Vandals until his home room teacher led him away

>> No.6504212

Shakespeare was that kid writing random words in exams and then proclaiming them neologisms

>> No.6504214

all the cool authors were me ie a bad motherfucker and all the gay ones were you

>> No.6504221

Either you're underage or have a bad memory. Everyone was playing Hybrid Theory when it came out.

>> No.6504223

I'm from Austria, Linkin Park just isn't all that big here in general maybe.

>> No.6504227

>Homer was the guy that was shitty at every class except English; when asked to read out loud in English he would BTFO all the show offy nerds and everyone would be really impressed. But he was a loser and dumb at other subjects so no one really cared.

>Oscar Wilde was the flaming homo theatre kid that everyone couldn't help but like and get along with, even the tough guys and jocks.

>Dostoevsky was the kid who was absent more than anyone else and always seemed very sad and depressed. There were rumors he was in treatment at a mental institution.

>Tolkien was mediocre at all subjects and very friendly to everyone but for some reason couldn't seem to make many friends. He was always on time to class and turned in his assignments early. Everyone nodded politely when he talked to them but privately just couldn't find anything to like about the guy.

>> No.6504242

oh nvm I forgot moot lets yuropoors on this board

>> No.6504253

please go take a shower, third worlder

>> No.6504264


This is now a Linkin Park thread.

>> No.6504266

Descartes was the savant kid with the roller backpack who ran everywhere making car noises

>> No.6504268

pls no corn father

>> No.6504291



>> No.6504301
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Right in the feeler.

>> No.6504339

No, you didn't.

>> No.6504395

>I was Kierkegaard.

>I was Nietzsche.

>I was Camus.

>> No.6504433

>/lit/ in high school
>the kid who got C's in every class, yet was absolutely convinced he was just a lazy genius because he was smarter than his idiot friends
>got to college, blamed his inability to succeed on liberals and women then changed major to business

>> No.6504732

>Evola was the music defener

>> No.6504749

Evola was the guy who walked around in t-shirt and shorts in the middle of subzero degree weather

>> No.6504752


me too, less morbidly and more professionally.

They would give great characters.

>> No.6504771

>>Tolkien was mediocre at all subjects and very friendly to everyone but for some reason couldn't seem to make many friends. He was always on time to class and turned in his assignments early. Everyone nodded politely when he talked to them but privately just couldn't find anything to like about the guy.

Sometimes I think that's what everybody is thinking about me. I suppose it's a common enough feeling though.

>> No.6504802

Kant is the guy with perfectly primped hair, and a smug look on his face. People wave to him, then laugh behind his back.

>> No.6504809
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I saw a guy in a top hat and a coat walk past me one day. When he noticed that I was looking at him he smugly nodded in my direction.

Being a shut-in, it's somewhat disconcerting to confront memes in real life.

>> No.6504819
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>DFW runs between classes

>> No.6504823

kek spot on about nietzsche

>> No.6504838

>DFW runs between classes
Oh you

>> No.6504841

where the fuck didn't the Nietzsche and Hegel part come from? I definitely missed those parts of their philosophy.

>> No.6504847


It's your prostate.

>> No.6504859
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>I saw a guy in a top hat and a coat walk past me one day. When he noticed that I was looking at him he smugly nodded in my direction.
Sounds like a fun guy to be around.

>> No.6504862

I barely got a southern vibe from him, He could represent any farming town.

>> No.6504865

I couldn't name you a single Linkin park song. my school was more greenday/system of a down

>> No.6504869

Rimbaud would have been a smokerfag constantly taking drugs and bullying people.

>> No.6504886

Mishima would be the skinny kid that got a boner in the changeroom and tried to hide it. His homosexuality would probably flourish without a culture that looks down upon it though.

>> No.6504894

>Voltaire was banging your girlfriend and beating up the nerdy Jewish kid during passing period

>> No.6505296

> Borges spent all of his free time in the library, while everyone thought he was nerd, he was secretly dating a sexy half japanese qt.

>> No.6505383

OMG I are so much like Joyce
I just hope kno won tries to fuck me arseways
But Joyce never did that wright?

>> No.6505397


Oh come on, Deleuze is a vitalist.

>> No.6505401
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>I know where that gif is from
>guy jacking off in public

>> No.6505407

John Green claims that he and his friends actually hired a stripper to strip at a school assembly as their senior prank

>> No.6505987

>Mishima was that closet homo jock who rambled about muh degeneracy, muh decadence

>> No.6506005
File: 67 KB, 317x379, that feel when shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn hug a crying Mishima
>he will never sob on your shoulder, rambling about decadence
>ywn calm him down and cuddle him to sleep
Why live

>> No.6506025


>> No.6506028

Camus was the suave bad boy who still managed to get good grades

>> No.6506205


Australia is in Australasia m8.

>> No.6507541

>/Lit/ in high school
>Lists only philosophers

God dammit OP, you're such a fag. I remember why I hate this board.

>> No.6507587

Beckett was the guy who loved cricket and got on well with everyone. As soon as graduation came, he hit the road for Europe and never back. He stayed in contact with exactly one person. Praise in class made him extremely uncomfortable.

>> No.6507668

Clive Cussler exclusively wore tommy Bahamas and leather sandals with socks. He spent all of his free time outdoors or playing with model trains.

>> No.6507676
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>Not Oceania

>> No.6507800
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>ywn have pure, sweaty, masculine sex with mishima after kendo practise.

>you will never perform seppuku together, underneath the pine trees on a cliff overlooking the sea on a clear summer morning.

>> No.6507936

>tfw the first one is me
>tfw 20 years down the line you'll see me as a blind, bearded homeless man yelling long lists of people at cars

>> No.6507978

or the exact opposite tbh

>> No.6507987

George R R Martin was that fat fuck who smelled horrible and formed the D&D club, and attended History Club every week but never had anything to say.

>> No.6507996

Mercedes Lackey and Anne McCafferey were those dumb bitches who drew band-names all over their notebooks as well as hearts and unicorns and shit. They wore faerie shirts and smelled like patchouli.

>> No.6508013

Tom Clancy was that 'Merica kid who loves guns, hunting, shallow pop culture and the like.

>> No.6508020

>/lit/ blaming liberals and women for their problems

do we browse the same board?

>> No.6508021

his friends said that kafka was actually quite charismatic

>> No.6508081

>T.E. Lawrence was the smallest kid in the class but could safely beat the utter crap out of anyone else

>> No.6508101

Melville was that kid who played multiple sports and was friends with everyone but secretly he wrote in a journal and had a 4.0

>> No.6508106

No, Tom Clancy was the ROTC kid who couldn't get into the military because he had asthma and was too fat.

>> No.6508117

Oh god, I looked it up, and he actually was ROTC but couldn't get in because of medical problems. Toppest of keks.

>> No.6508126

Pynchon was that kid whose name was always called during attendance even though nobody had ever seen him in that class. And the teacher would pronounce it wrong.

>> No.6508146


>> No.6508164

Most of Kierkegaard's works were philosophical novels, dumby.

>> No.6508171

I think the point was that Stirner wrote a single forgotten book, whereas Hegel's philosophy was de facto official state ideology of Northern Germany for half a century.

>> No.6508201

>Hunter S Thompson was that vaguely drugfucked lanky kid who was always smoking shit weed and hanging out near the gym

>> No.6508328

Actually Kierkegaard is the perfect internet troll. Just look at all those personas he maintained over the years; Not for the purpose of convincing you of anything, but simply to make you question yourself. To incite a "reaction".

>> No.6508423

Sartre was that guy who would always pick up shit off the ground and carry it around in his pockets like a sperge and was banging some slutty 14 year old

>>Wittgenstein was the autist who was only really good at math and would talk to himself
>>Stirner was the kid who rarely said a word but secretly ran a ton of shit behind everyone's backs and had a lot of goons following him despite being an individual
>tfw this was literally me in highschool
I'm not sure if I'm patrician or just functionally autistic

>> No.6508745

>A philosopher wrote his philosophy in novel form.
>ergo all philosophy is now literature...

I like philosophy too guys, I won't claim any sort of expertise, I'm reading through Hegel as we speak, but damn...

>> No.6508853

It is essentially Camus' position haha. Philosophy as it stands on an academic level, is impractical philosophy. You have to insert it into something.

>> No.6508878

Confucius was the kid who sucked up to teachers in hopes of getting recommendation letters to Harvard

Shakespeare was the gay theatre clown

Ian Fleming was the fedora-tipper who spun ridiculous stories about things in his life that never happened and was the laughingstock of the school for it

>> No.6508879



>> No.6508896

Fitzgerald would have been that super self-absorbed cocky guy who gets hammered at every party and is dating a rich girl

>> No.6508947

I laughed really hard at this, Anon. Thanks for posting.

>> No.6508963


kek this Nietzsche commentary is pretty good

>> No.6509020
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Nice, I am son of the Pinecone

>> No.6509312

i second the motion

same fucking feels man. same fucking feels.

What about Bronte, Woolf, and Austen?

>> No.6509583

No way, Eliot was the kid who everyone said was smart and sensitive because he went online and copied obscure poems into his notebooks.

>> No.6509709

Yeats was the closet /x/ browser; he maintained a degree of normalcy and composure in casual conversation, but he was an absolute fugging weirdo when left to himself

>> No.6509711

>Hemingway was the guy who always told great stories about parties he'd been to and trips to Africa over summer break, but all he ever did was sit alone looking nervous and get day-drunk alone on the weekends.

>Poe always turned in creepy overwrought shit for what should have been benign writing assignments and insulted people in the school newspaper. Somehow managed to fuck girls way out of his league, but never for more than a few weeks.

>Harlan Ellison was a loudmouth cunt who constantly picked and lost fights, yet would still talk shit while getting his ass kicked. This endeared him to the nerds, and motivated him to keep it up. Fucked a lot of ugly girls and seemed to really enjoy life.

>Philip K. Dick bragged about all the drugs he did, but most of them were prescribed by his psychiatrist. He always thought the teachers were watching him. He was right, but only because they were informed he was a suicide risk. He threw parties all the time, but most people only showed up for the drugs and alcohol and he didn't talk to anyone.

>> No.6509801



>> No.6509807

Gay-ass roleplaying: the thread

>> No.6509811

I think that's just a plot point in Looking for Alaska

>> No.6509997
File: 43 KB, 300x199, samuel-johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samuel Johnson was stuck in the sped classes because he was weird looking and had Tourette's, but when you sat down and talked to him he was a pretty intelligent and down to earth guy. He also gave you a link to his website scribbled down on notebook paper which turned out to be the more lavish geocities page in history.

>> No.6510250

>Kafka was the kid who killed himself in the middle of class.

>> No.6510348

Satre was that guy who you always caught looking at you out of the corner of your eye.

>> No.6510357
File: 19 KB, 253x296, 1428523284598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510409

>thoreau had a necklace made of puka shells
>clemens makes it obvious that he hates being in class, but always gets all the attention at the lunch table for his stories
>macintyre wears the same clothing to school everyday. claims he's just returning to an older school of dress
>singer is in 4H and has a shirt loaded with bad jokes about horse-riding on the back of it
>aristotle is the valedictorian who got there by acing his english and arts, but clearly never understood his science classes

>> No.6510841
File: 187 KB, 610x250, D-d-darcy_senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already been done

>> No.6510867

seconded. How

>> No.6510883


>Philip K. Dick bragged about all the drugs he did, but most of them were prescribed by his psychiatrist.


>> No.6510930

H.P. Lovecraft was the kid who picked a fight with a mexican, got beat up, and started crying until everyone, including the mexican got embarassed for him and left.

>> No.6510936


>> No.6510939

you're retarded aren't you

>> No.6510991

Zizek was the chubby foreigner from eastern europe who wouldnt shut up about how bad his country's government was with a heavy accent, but somehow got the hottest girl in the grade