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/lit/ - Literature

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6501439 No.6501439 [Reply] [Original]

If Shakespeare's plots are bad, what's an example of good plot? What's the work of fiction with the best plot?

>> No.6501451

What kind of deranged plebeian reads for plot?

>> No.6501461

His plots weren't bad don't take the memes seriously.

Next to his prose they were mediocre but objectively they're pretty good.

>> No.6501462

Dan Brown

>> No.6501466

>What's the work of fiction with the best plot?
The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.6501475

Best plotting I've read in a novel is The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy.

>> No.6501492

>His plots weren't bad don't take the memes seriously.

>Next to his prose they were mediocre but objectively they're pretty good.

Shakespeare literally has everyone die at the end of Hamlet for absolutely no reason other than "lol tragedy".

>> No.6501559

The kind that aren't autistic try hards like you faggot.

>> No.6501564

Not at all. This is the kind of reading I expect from a middle schooler.

>> No.6501569

All great literature is one of two stories; a man goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town.

>> No.6501767

who is this semen demon?

>> No.6501778

who is this glug slug?

>> No.6501791


that slut's legs are not shorn

>> No.6501802

who is this mama meme

>> No.6501807

You do realize that death in the end was one of the main characteristics of a tragedy back then, right?

>> No.6501809

Just picked up an old hardcover copy at the thrift store. I fucking love Dumas. The Three Musketeers is just a grand old time. His books were mostly serialized on first release so the plots had to be good enough to keep people buying the next issue.

>> No.6501909

Homer and Greek tragedy are the very best works of plot. The Odyssey and Oedipus, King especially

>> No.6502271
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>> No.6502280

>what's an example of good plot
Oedipus the King

>> No.6502365

who is that fluid druid

>> No.6502371

shakespeare has good plots they're just weird

>> No.6502552

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.6502559

>Next to his prose

Shakespeare didn't write prose, you confederate of dunces.

>> No.6502572

ahhaha good one, hadn't heard it before.

>> No.6502581

Who is this TREE BITCH?

>> No.6502585

Don't turn it into a meme please that's my favourite novel.

>> No.6502589

Okay, I won't use that again, but only because you said please and it's a favorite of mine too. Know that if you ever see those words again, they didn't come from me.

>> No.6502590
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If anybody considers Shakespeare's plots lacking, it's because they don't realize how much pop culture owes to his works.

>> No.6502591

Who is this treemen demon?

>> No.6502613

Who is this cum drum?
Who is this sperm germ?
Who is this semen demon?
Who is this dairy fairy?
Who is this jizz djinn?
Who is this spunk monk?
Who is this nectar specter?

>> No.6502629

When fair is foul and foul is fair, ur wrong lmaoo

>> No.6502634

Who is that Bukake Escapee?

>> No.6502638

Who are these prose hoes?

>> No.6502644

Who is that shaft blaster 3000?

>> No.6502676

who is that spooge stooge ?

>> No.6502683
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>not spunk seraphim

>> No.6502691

Everyone wrote that way back then

>> No.6502693

Neither are yours

>> No.6502694

Yeah, sometimes it really kind of shocks me.
Like, Kant's now-famous essay "Was ist Aufklärung?" was first published in a literary magazine.
I can't imagine that sort of thing happening today, but maybe I don't know any good magazines.

>> No.6502695

Shorn? Do women shear their legs now?

>> No.6502704

Who is this sausage sorcerer?

>> No.6502724

Who is this humdrum cumbum?

>> No.6502737

Classic "posting a picture more interesting than the thread"

>> No.6502747

Congratulations you've triggered me. I have to leave /lit/ now. I may come back when summer's over. I guess I should thank you but I can't seem to let myself type the words.

>> No.6502767

Who is this genital receptacle?

>> No.6502772

this tbh, nothing beats the consistency and simplicity of Oedipus Rex

>> No.6502779

Specialized literary maganizes were miniscule.. Ulysses was released in a paper with a circulation of 400. It was a plausible format back then; now, we have journals.

>> No.6502782

The Odyssey. Duh.

>> No.6502897

>taking meme shitposting seriously and regurgitating it in an attempt to be "cool"
People like you are the reason 4chan boards go downhill around four years after their creation.

This. Also read Bloom on Shakespeare if youre still too dense to understand that just because something has been copied numerous times it doesn't mean the original is somehow "generic"

>> No.6503093

the best book purely for the plot is the murder on the orient express

>> No.6503104

First order of business: the grill is named Mary Volkova. She's a Russian model.

Second order of business: OP, what constitutes a good plot?

>> No.6503108
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Forgot the pic

>> No.6503422
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>> No.6503438

His plots were bad because he was too busy legitimizing the English language.

>> No.6503500
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Why is Russia such a qt paradise?

>> No.6503555


Less nigger-mixing.

>> No.6503571


What else do they have going for them?

>> No.6503590

A rich tradition of literature?

>> No.6503630


I meant currently not historically.

>> No.6503653

>not jizz whiz

>> No.6503695

Who is that crimson cream-pie?