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6500282 No.6500282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on cannabis?

I find it incredibly useful for idea generation and for assessing what I've written. For reading a very light buzz greatly elevates immersion. But I find writing while stoned inefficient.

>> No.6500295

This totally isn't a troll thread or anything, because it's not like you already know what it does to you and what you think of it and thus have no use for anyone else's opinion on the subject.

>> No.6500297

I've smoked a lot of pot in my life. Overall I'd say it's been more harmful than good. Besides papers in college I've never written anything while high and I find it really difficult to read high so I don't do that.

>> No.6500303

I hate cannabis. I guess if it makes your cramps or nausea more manageable, then it's okay. But so often, it breeds indolence and dullness.

>> No.6500309

Your mother says it helps her relax her anus.

>> No.6500313

It allows you to have less outside distractions, but a more fragmented stream of consciousness. It may not be good for writing, but it's good for looking back at your work and overcoming writer's block.

>> No.6500315

I'm the guy who said he's smoked a lot and you are 100% right.

I know this is a lame place to soapbox, but if you are some young kid or college student or whatever and you start thinking that you're on the path to becoming a pothead, you should really consider cutting back. There's nothing wrong with the occasional joint but once you start smoking every day you just become a dumber and duller person overall.

>> No.6500332

It makes you ok with sitting alone in a room doing the most inane shit you would never do otherwise. In other words, it makes you easier to entertain.

It makes people too anxious to party and too stupid to be insightful. You think you're perspective is new or twisted. So you write down ideas you think are great and the next week (if not the next morning) you read what you've written and see it for what it is: inane, simplistic, shallow garbage. You can up with anything sober better than you can high. All you need is focus and the right place. If you think I'm wrong you should step away from any creative endeavor and never come back.

I smoked it every weekend for a year and a half and i came away with nothing but some cool stories and an educated opinion of the drug.

>> No.6500333

I think Joan Didion's approach is good. You write for the period you're going to write for in the day, and then, when you're done and it's evening, you have a drink - or in your case, a light joint or a small bowl - and you edit. The next day, you pick up from your edits, which involves you in the writing you've done, and repeat.

Here here. I have several friends who have slowly sunken into a weed induced routine of work, home, video games, masturbate/sex, sleep, plus binge eating. The result was they were miserable, poor, had to quit for awhile.

The key to all drugs is either spacing out your binges and using very lightly on the regular.

>> No.6500349

>There's nothing wrong with the occasional joint but once you start smoking every day you just become a dumber and duller person overall.

Yeah I've known (former) friends who literally can't go a few hours without getting high, and who've sold most of their own possessions for weed, and who've lost jobs because they get high on the job and fuck things up. I can't really take anyone seriously when a drug that isn't physically addictive (so potheads keep reminding me) starts fucking up their life like it's heroin.

>> No.6500357

First learn the difference between your and you're, then expect to be read.

>> No.6500396

>weed induced routine of work, home, video games, masturbate/sex, sleep, plus binge eating. The result was they were miserable, poor
You're so fucking dumb it hurts to read.

>> No.6500445

>work, home, video games, masturbate/sex, sleep, plus binge eating
so... life?

Yeah, I know what you're saying, but I would say that's at the extreme end of things. I probably got a little desperate at times when I was broke in college, but I don't think I've sold any of my shit for weed.

I smoke every day but I'm a pretty normal person (live on my own, have a job, go to grad school, social life, etc.). The downsides for me are the general dullness, the fact that I'm convinced I would be "sharper" if I hadn't smoked for years like I have, and that I'm sure weed has contributed/caused my anxiety problems, which has led to minor forays into depression.

I only smoke now to unwind at the end of the day, but I'm aware that it's a cyclical pattern and I probably wouldn't be as edgy in the first place if I didn't smoke.

That's probably the biggest thing: I'm convinced my life would be better if I had never started smoking. But maybe it wouldn't, and maybe this is just a "grass is greener" (no pun intended) thing? Who knows.

>> No.6500449

>Thoughts on cannabis?
What if... like... dude...
like... everything is connected and we don't really exist... like....

>> No.6500529

I smoke weed everyday. My friends and I only hang out if we have pot to smoke. We've talked about how we've noticed each other getting stupider over the past year or so.
I think it may have numbed me a bit and it helps me in keeping up the detached persona I want to keep up. My friends fall for it.
I tell my coworkers I don't smoke weed because they are all huge pricks who start telling me their opinions on legalization or something stupid.

I also don't tell them I read books.

>> No.6500536

>we've noticed each other getting stupider

Hmm, indeed

>> No.6500569

Overall my kush habit has probably had a generally negative effect on my life (daily smoker for the past 4 years) but nothing hugely problematic, just getting kinda lazy after getting stoned (sometimes) or getting stoned instead of other responsibilities.

I think weed is the god tier of drugs, its effects are mild, there is little to no harm caused directly by it and the effects are the most pleasant. Anytime I did any other drug (alcohol, psychs, mdma, coke) I always end up smoking weed at the end of it to finish the night off its the go-to drug.

>> No.6500598

one thing I have noticed is I think I've been getting a bit of a masturbation addiction over the past while and I think it's partially because after jerkin it while stoned so much weed has started to work as an aphrodisiac for me and I get horny when I smoke now sometimes

>> No.6500609

>Thoughts on cannabis?

We should round up all the weed smokers and put them in labour camps

>> No.6500612

Studies show cannabis hinders creativity. There's a reference on Wikipedia. It's making you delusional. It's an intense drug and you shouldn't use it habitually.

>> No.6500613

It's funny. I'm more irresponsible when I'm not high. The moment I smoke up, guilt kicks in, I write some notes telling me to shape up and then I study math or something. Then I sober up and waste time on the net.

>> No.6500618

Used to smoke a lot. Just made me depressed. Haven't smoked in two weeks and plan on stopping for a while.

>> No.6500630

Personally, I find that cannabis is great for reading large intertwining novels like 2666 or War and Peace.

>> No.6500636
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It depends. If you smoke different strains and do so sparingly, I think it isn't bad. There's nothing wrong with taking a step back from sobriety every once in a while.

IMO, marijuana is miles better than tobacco or alcohol, but it does have its own dangers. For example, it's much easier to abuse than alcohol because, at most, weed hangovers are limited to grogginess.

In my experience, weed has induced pretty severe anxiety, paranoia, and even delusions. While those experiences weren't pleasant, they did provide me with unique and memorable experiences. I've also experienced immense peacefulness and immense connectedness to the universe before.

All in all, I wouldn't trade my experience with marijuana, but don't plan on smoking unless I'm in a safe, legal environment so as to avoid unpleasant anxiety.

>> No.6500637


Great socially when with a friend or small group of friends
Helps pick up your mood (for me at least, for some it does the opposite)
If you have nothing to do it can make anything fun
Sometimes I get genuinely great ideas that hold up when Im sober (who knows if I would have thought of these anyway if sober, but does that really matter seeing as Im not getting baked for the sole purpose of generating ideas?)


Feel drowsy all the time
Start questioning motivation (sometimes can make you motivated, but more often than not you just question the point of doing anything)
Irregular eating and sleeping patterns if done regularly

>> No.6500675

Forgot to mention that weed returned the feeling of childlike awe to me. Everything felt new again. Felt like I got back in touch with the childlike consciousness buried deep within my mind.

>> No.6500689

I get that.

(Does anyone else get food captchas? Anyone else feel it's slightly degrading to click on hamburgers to post?)

>> No.6500700

I fucking love blazing it while watching Carl Sagan videos, listening to Alan Watts lectures and browsing /r/woahdude.

>> No.6500701

It makes me fucking hungry, and I have to fast till I get home from uni

>> No.6500705

I've smoked and still smoke a lot of weed, up to 10 joints a day for some time and down to once a month as of last year.

I'm kind of split, really. I love it, I crave it, I enjoy the effects, but I don't ignore that it can mess your life. It's not really that evident, because you're not going to OD on it or anything, but the laziness itself can make you take a day off everyday. It depends though, there is a million ways to handle weed and some people have no trouble producing and smoking. And I'm not just talking about doing things while high, but how, for example, you may smoke weed at night, seek to enjoy the high the best you can, sleep 3am, get extra tired because of it and wake up at noon the other day, with all your plans for the day down the drain. This is something to be careful about. Same with social situations, certain people can handle it, others not so much and it takes balls to notice it and to refuse a joint because you know you'll get paranoid, confuse and awkward. I felt all those bad effects at a given time.

Still, creatively, nothing tops weed for me. I could never produce with any other drug and when I'm sober for too long, I start to get "sober as fuck ideas", which are boring and expected. When I smoke I have plenty of great ideas, 10 a minute. I learned to register them as quick as possible, making at least just a quick note to use it later. While working on them, it is prefferable to do it sober. You need to manage weed like a tool, otherwise you can be taken away by it like with any other drug (including sugar, videogames, legal pills...). Sometimes the idea you have while high does not sound very good when you're sober, but that too is quite relative. You must train the communication between your high self and your sober self. If you are too stiff when sober, you're not going to like what you do when high. If you romantically idealize weed, you might say whatever stupid shit is "whoa dude" and not elaborate or count on your sober mind to elaborate on it later. This can be developed.

Last year I smoked with a teacher of mine that is 70 years old. Nice experience, she said her friends used to smoke everyday, then they all quit when they hit 40, but she used to smoke once a month and never quit. I reduced my frequency after that and I recommend it.

The best description of weed I ever read was made by Jodorowsky: weed turns you into a plant. He uses that as a criticism with the doors opens, afterall, there is good and bad in being a plant, and it can certainly be health to be a plant every once in a while, but nevertheless, that's what you become.

>> No.6500722

>Tfw i smoke pot that I dont have to act like a middle school grammar nazi on the internet to get my kicks

>> No.6500967

You've completely wasted time on "reading" Tolstoy if you've done so stoned.
Once you decide to get sober and thus serious, come back to the real Tolstoy, instead of Google Earth-ing a vacation.
Otherwise you've insulted both him and yourself.

>> No.6501010
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>Bob Hope[1]
Sounds like Pure Entertainment[2]

1. It means pot dipshit
2. A reference both to the catchphrase of Slavoj Zizek[a] and the novel Infinite Jest, which presents the cycle of hedonistic pleasure seeking found both in drugs and other Entertainments[b] as incredibly detrimental and life consuming. Pretty much the past time of plebs, if you want my opinion about it.[c]

a. My God! It's Pure Ideology!
b. When I say Entertainments, think anything with pleasure as it's only purpose. Most mindless consumption falls into this category.
c. Seriously, there isn't a more plebeian drug than cannabis, but this is a good place to mention if you aren't cutting out all drugs and living an ascetic lifestyle, you might as well fuck right off to reddit, where you'll be more welcome.

>> No.6501130

i require a completely isolated environment, preferably with headphones on, in order to read anything normally stoned

i tried to read children of dune high while in a normal setting and it led to constant backtracking as if it wasn't bad enough alone

>> No.6501181

stop calling it fucking "cannabis"

nobody calls shrooms "Psilocybe"

using a plant's genus name to refer to it as a drug is silly and sounds dumb

>hurr durr iam to smart too call it "weed" cause i dont like saying weed or marijuana cause iam smart and know the genus name

>> No.6501195

>implying dried flower is the only way to consume cannabis

you might as well get mad because people don't call all alcoholic drinks beer.

>> No.6501835


If work, home, video games, masturbate/sex, sleep, plus binge eating is your life you have a shit life. Day to day your life can be pretty fixed, but you should be going out with people, trying new things, working towards personal projects, exercising, etc.

I mean they would literally to that, unrelentingly, for months. They got fat, poor from buying video games and shitloads of weed, and got very depressed because they felt they were treading water in their hobbies and professional life.

>> No.6501864

marijuana helped me 'get' poetry

>> No.6501873

it makes you think of lots of things

and do none of them

>> No.6501880

i'm slightly high right now, i have a great mental buzz. i don't have a vagina so i don't know what it feels like but id imagine my brain to currently be feeling approximately the same way a vagina does when sexually stimulated. maybe the clitoris

everyone is affected differently by drugs, the only purpose of these threads is to create more angst among the straight-edge faggots and junkie losers who use this site

as for me without weed i wouldn't be the genius lord man i am today. reading while just a little bit toasted is absolutely excellent, especially if you have good taste. even textbooks cannot escape my high-reading bliss. i am instantly transported into the setting of the words, the world of the words, absorbing any and all nuances and they might have for a truly beauitful and exalted reading experience

>> No.6501894

The very first essay I wrote at university level was based on the Love Stories of Heloise and Abelard. It was a text from the 13th Century I believe, so it was a different text from what I'm used to. I got high off of budder, which I had never smoked before, after picking up weed from a friend. I decided, as I had nothing else to do, to work on my essay.

I have never written an essay as creative, nor as concise as I had with that essay. I made notes of the text, based on about 50 or so pages, before beginning the essay. It all came to me like a revelation, as if the text was speaking to me. My notes flowed together into a central theme, and I was able to put forth a very persuasive essay.

I ended up getting a perfect score on my essay and my prof thought I plagiarized, I'm pretty sure, as he told the class of my essay and asked why I chose the specific topics. I was able to stumble my way through it, though I am not a very good speaker.

Marijuana is an excellent drug for opening your eyes of a certain text, like how it is eye-opening for music, or lyrics. It allows you to see things differently, understand its value, and ultimately, appreciate why these are considered art.

It's a very good drug, but don't smoke it every day, just like you shouldn't drink every day, and you shouldn't eat cheeseburgers every day. Though it can be a very subtle drug, use it wisely, with yoga, exercise, occasional reading/television, and relaxation after a long day. T

>> No.6501923

Cannabis ruined my life. I prostituted my girlfriend for a bowl of weed once. Fuck anyone who says it's not addictive. Once you start blazing being sober stops being amazing. I spent all day looking for a hit. I sold all my books to afford an eighth. I smoked it all at once and fiended for more.

When I look around at the people I surround myself with I feel disgusted. All of us are selfish junkies who only use each other for the convenience of sharing the habit. Casual sex, degeneracy, and dead-end jobs are our lives. It's impossible to quit.

I read while high earlier. I do everything while high. I don't do things as good as I would sober but at least being a burnout gives me an excuse for being a failure.

>> No.6502072

>Tfw i smoke pot that I dont have to

>> No.6502148

Used to smoke a lot during high school, but once I started attending uni I had to stop. I would relentlessly analyze every little thing I would say and do, making socializing impossible. Never felt anxiety worse than I was while I was high.

I will admit that weed changed my life, though. It helped me develope some taste and appreciate things on a deeper level and stop being superficial.

If you have never tried marijuana before, give it a go, but stick exclusively to edibles and don't do it often. If you make it a habit, you won't have fun with it, ever, even if you try to wean.

>> No.6502375 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6502441

>For reading a very light buzz greatly elevates immersion. But I find writing while stoned inefficient.
Really? I'm the other way around, All I wanna do when I'm stoned is write poetry or work on my essays. There might be certain spots where I've forgotten to put in a word, but the material I write is just as good high as it is sober, in fact I find myself motivated to write more usually

I feel like a thread like this is kinda pointless, given that its one of those drugs that so many people experience differently. I had a friend who smoked twice, had a panic attack and was in a pretty bad state for weeks on end. While I was at university I smoked on and off almost everyday, and the only noticeable effect was that if I was talking to someone about general trivia I could only relate to events, I developed a bit of a dead zone for remembering names. Plus, it really is a wonder drug in terms of medicinal benefits, I have rheumatoid arthritis and it really keeps down the pain and swelling in my hands.

>> No.6502464
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you need ayahuasca

>> No.6503311

>partaking in cultural appropriation while 'gap yah'ing in a country your ancestors brutally invaded centuries earlier

>> No.6503341

ok, then immediately return all your beer to egypt

>> No.6503385

Best individual post I've read here in a while to be honest. I've only gotten high thrice before but I felt the usual tingling sensation in my brain as you made the clitoris metaphor, plus I can relate to falling into the amazing realm of words and connecting more to the ideas they represent rather than the letters representing them. You seem like someone who should write high often.

>> No.6503394
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>> No.6503401

mutually exclusive

>> No.6503408


Not the guy you replied to, but my experience is very similar to his.

I used to be a pothead and all of my friends were potheads and that was cool for senior year to a couple years out of high school. Now that we're older it's not so great; all of my friends have to get high every few hours, most of them do it while they are at work and they are so addicted to it that they literally have 0 money to do anything else in the world.

>> No.6503524

I know, how dare someone hold me to the same standards I hold others.

>> No.6503570

I bet you think piracy is theft too.

>> No.6503843


I'm exactly the same. Whenever I get high on my own all I can think of are responsibilities.

>> No.6503850


great post. agree on all points, I wish weed would make me more creative, though.

>> No.6503963

>buying vidya
Do you want to know how I know you're full of shit?

>> No.6504037

It's only addictive in the same way that gambling and World of Warcraft can be addicting. Tell those niggas to get their willpower in order if they can't stop smoking.