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6495087 No.6495087 [Reply] [Original]

These are always fun.

Rewrite the following sentence in the style of a ceratin author. Other anons guess which one.

The sentence is:
>Gosh, that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet.

>> No.6495118

These fucking Italians.

>> No.6495122


>> No.6495126

At the next table, the Italians are silent. Or maybe it is the table past that one.

>> No.6495156


>> No.6495176

Mediterraneans sit around a table doing their best impression of the last supper with an absent messiah.

>> No.6495182


>> No.6495192

Gosh that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet he said.

>> No.6495193

At the table to the left there was sitting an Italian family. Their mouths were shut.

>> No.6495195

Crime families...the practice of backdoor agreements and racketeered business makes one hushed, in a way you can feel, in your heels and knees...changing weather when you get up, to ask for a napkin...your own little peninsular deities...

>> No.6495199


>> No.6495208

So as the dew of sleep sits on the eyes of the slumbering,
There at the table the grease-haired Italians waited in silence,
Pondering the order to give to the waiter upon his return from the kitchen.

>> No.6495209

The italiens proletariens next table are quiet because of oppression by the bourgeoisie

>> No.6495216



There was a silence at the next table over, just as when, when gossiping about a certain personage, one glances at the door only to find this person entering the room at that very moment, just so the Italian party was suddenly hushed, glancing around awkwardly, looking very much like the painting of the apostles I had seen in the boudoir of the Princesse de -----.

>> No.6495217

Karl marx

>> No.6495221

Abendliches Lokal

Des Oberkellners Frack trägt ein Tablett.
Bei einem Tisch krampft schwatzend ein Matrose.
Ein weiches Weib geht heute nicht zu Bett.
Von einer Gabel schwappt die helle Soße.

Die römische Familie schweigt entfremdet.
Ein Musikus besitzt beschwipst die Bänke.
Der Silbermond geht langsam in die Senke.
Ein Beutel Geld wird hier und da entwendet.

>> No.6495227

The family sat silent like an outcast order beyond all reckoning whose goals were clandestine and bonds eternal.

>> No.6495236

The Italian family unit sat in awkward silence, eyes inexorably drawn to the phallic candle and the phallic breadsticks, the mother tutted uncomfortably, her penis envy exacerbated by how her son kept running his hand up her thigh.

You might think it's Freud but really it's John Irving.

>> No.6495241

Gosh. That italian family. At the next table. Sure is quiet.

>> No.6495246

Okay Brecht go home

>> No.6495251 [SPOILER] 
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An exerpt from page 34, page 473 of the chapter 201: the tables and italians

The tables of this resturant were an old solid wood of oak. With many dents and scratches in them. Who could tell what stories, what heartbrakes, what great celebrations took place at this particular table.

But now when witnessing these Mediterranean men and women, people of whom are expected to be loud and audacious have befallen by a cold silence. It makes them seem like a man of christ; their respectable convictions to continue the enjoyable ambience of this establishment.

>> No.6495255


>> No.6495261

Sartre rarely discusses class issues like that. Even in the roads to freedom, you wouldn't see descriptions nor sentences like that. Have you actually read anything by Sartre?

>> No.6495283

That familial gathering of wops at the table adjacent to me emitted an eldritch silence that one could scarcely ignore.

>> No.6495286



>> No.6495293


>> No.6495297



>> No.6495301


>> No.6495306

A brown table
An Italian family, father in blue coat
A fly is heard

>> No.6495308


'Fraid not!

>> No.6495310

at the next
the family sitting there
I drank too much
they are awfully silent
I suppose they are

>> No.6495312

Gosh(1), that Italian(2) family(3) at the next(4) table(5) sure(6) is quiet(7).

1. Banal platitude that it is

2. Merely an ignorant assumption on my part, I saw a group of tanned criminals at a table order pizza

3. It was actually just a table of four men, I couldn't resist making the allusion to the crime families of La Costa Nostra

4. Perhaps mine was the next table? Is there an unmoved mover of tables?

5. Some may debate as to whether a wooden crate is worthy of the title "table", perhaps you will make your own judgement

6. 'Sure' being that casual offhand word utilised by the 'Chads' of this world, for many of whom I completed term papers

7.'Quiet' as in 'the sound of me swinging by my neck in the garage would be, quiet'


>> No.6495313


>> No.6495318

Yes. Was it the casual xenophobia, or 'eldritch' that tipped you off?

>> No.6495323

Daniel Florian Walthers


>> No.6495324

The Italians were all between 5'6 and 6'11 and wearing navy polo shirts of Ralph Lauren. They paid $34.95 for their meals each, leaving 3$ as a tip. Now they were silent, their eyes darting back and fro in their silhouetted faces.

>> No.6495326

Ellis. Easy.

>> No.6495330


Haha, yeah it was 'eldritch.' And then the racism sealed the deal.

>> No.6495336

Christopher Walken?

>> No.6495339

Yes. Hemmmingway.

>> No.6495340

"Gosh, that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet." This was the fifth time my asshole decided to talk on its own during dinner.

>> No.6495343


Nope, I tried to add in as much pointless and uninteresting information as possible.

>> No.6495353


>> No.6495356

The Italian family was quiet, in much the same way as Zaphodian seahorses are not.

>> No.6495360

I couldn't think of any other author that cares so much about letting the reader know what brand of clothing everyone is wearing.

>> No.6495383


Goethe maybe

>> No.6495389

Are these the only german poets you know?

>> No.6495397


Never read him, so atleast not intentionally.

>> No.6495405


Wilhelm Müller

>> No.6495423

Not schiller and goether isnt it either.
It must be newer but i can't figure it out.

>> No.6495429


No but they rhyme like this and I thought you'd do something obvious because it's an English board.

>> No.6495439

I actually had to google that guy.
>Bereits zu seinen Lebzeiten wurde Müller oft als mittelmäßiger Autor der Romantik abgetan [3]; die Kritik hält bis heute an.[4]
That feel.

Also, no.

Yeah, it is newer.

I wrote it originally for a thread like this where the OP said "your favourite", so I couldn't just pick anyone.

>> No.6495440


tao lin

>> No.6495453


Hint: protagonist likes nobility and long sentences.

>> No.6495456

A silence comes across the restaurant. It has happened before, but only before the Italians had actually arrived.

>> No.6495459

>no footnotes in the footnotes
come on man

>> No.6495464

Franzen lmao

>> No.6495470

As I jerked off under the table, I noticed the Italians had finally shut the fuck up.

>> No.6495475


Hint: They were wearing Mickey Mouse watches.

>> No.6495476


>> No.6495480


>> No.6495509


>> No.6495519

And but so there was this small, rounded, brown, table and there was an Italian* family sitting at it. The father was a university professor who specialized in the works of William Shakespeare, having written a well known book on the Ghost: 'Post-Irony in and the Simulacra of the Invisible in Hamlet's Fantasma'. The son, a fan of toblerones, had his nose on his finger and released a fart. The daughter was disgusted but in her deep thoughts all she could care about was her grandfather, who did things to her at night while her mother didn't even care to stop him even though she had all knowledge, like serious knowledge, man, of what was going on between my nice little daughter & my nice old papa in our sweet little comfortable US middle class home. The mother herself was not there - she had an imposing position in the house and her pontifications heavily disturbed her cuck husband, who would let her stay at home while he took the children to dinner.

*Italians from the region of Tuscany, which has an area of 22,993 km2 a.k.a. 8,878 sq mi and population of 3,679,027 with density 160/km2 a.k.a. 410/sq mi.

>> No.6495540

I moved around uneasily in my chair -- I was sure the hounds had caught wind of my scent and I was sweating chemical bullets. In the back, I could see the waitress gesticulating angrily at the manager and pointing in my direction. I had to think fast. But no sudden movements -- no, not with these pale trigger-happy Italians sitting silently at the table next to me, ready to shoot a cannonball-sized hole through whatever Yankee snotnose was stupid enough to spook them.

>> No.6495546


All I'm thinking is DFW again.

>> No.6495553


>> No.6495554

O! Tables adjacent, by italians taken quiet keeping. Still now. Unicum. For mediterraneans that is.

>> No.6495559

Stieg Larsson?

>> No.6495567

No idea but this sounds good. Please tell who that is

>> No.6495568


You're pretty close, not Scandi though.

>> No.6495570


>> No.6495583

"ponder" is not really homeric.

It's Pynchon.

>> No.6495593


>> No.6495599


No, I could have made the sentence at least four times longer I guess.

>> No.6495612


in the translations I've read.

>> No.6495629

Dan Brown ez

>> No.6495633



>> No.6495642


They've got to be Russian.

>> No.6495646


Oh shit I can see that, but it's not him.

>> No.6495650


>> No.6495658


No, but let me give you a hint: Author lived at almost the exact same time as Kafka.

>> No.6495666
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The patriarch Gomorrah sat slack-jawed, his gilded grinders glistening greasily. Chrysostomos!

>> No.6495680

The wops were arranged in a sort of parabola around their table, filling the air with their wop stink. Trans-3-methyl-2 hexenoic acid and meatballs.

>> No.6495683

Our hero Chichikov had taken note that his closest dining companions in the old peasant inn, which happened to be an Italian family, distinguished with their ruddy complexions and pronounced brows of high intellect so often seen on the busts of their elder statesmen - oh, Rus! Though you have given us neither a Dante nor Virgil, and our Roman Empire is for the better part a vast expanse without man or beast, we nonetheless look to you and hope that from your bosom may appear a genius parallel to either of those two men who led us through Hell, an experience which the Russian know so well, and lead Europe unto salvation - this Italian family had been eating as quietly as the owl flies.

>> No.6495690



>> No.6495691


I'm thinking Dostoyevsky, but could be wrong.

>> No.6495697

The structure encapsulating the former Romans was an iron queen made of wood. The quietly feasted on feces.

>> No.6495701

Jim Carrey ?

>> No.6495702
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Best one.

>> No.6495703


This guy got it.

>> No.6495709

I can't tell any further for sure. But anyway, on the other side of the room, there was a table surrounded by a group of - it appears! - italians. Not even a hush filled the room, there was not a sound at all.

>> No.6495717

Actually Dostoyevsky's top influence, good instincts. The giveaway: the author coined Chichikov

>> No.6495720


Oh right, that's what the "O Rus!" thing reminded me of. Gogol!

>> No.6495721


I stopped reading halfway through the first sentence, which is something Delillo does to me

>> No.6495722

John Irving

>> No.6495726


Reminds me of Joyce, but I can't place everything.

>> No.6495731

Thomas Mann

>> No.6495733


Different country

>> No.6495738

the next table over dines an italian family as quiet as my cellphone the past day which gets me checking my recent calls and i was surprised to see that she called earlier this morning.

>> No.6495740


>> No.6495741

It was indeed supposed to be Joyce.

>> No.6495746


You got it! I took something from Guermantes' Way and edited it a little bit, glad it wasn't too unrecognisable.

>> No.6495749

Could be Goethe because you rhymed Matrose auf Soße, which works in his Dialect but not high german. Other than that I don't know.

>> No.6495757


haha, wow. Lucky that I just started Swann's Way this week.

>> No.6495772

Proust. How did nobody get this one?

>> No.6495780

Haha, nah, that is just a lazy rhyme, a technical weakness. But good to hear that some people have explanations for picking Goethe other than "the only german poet I know".

A tip, if it helps: pay attention to how every line basically has a new subject. That's very typical for the poet I imitated.

>> No.6495784

The Italians were silently inspecting the dessert menu.

This is the way the meal ends.
This is the way the meal ends.
This is the way the meal ends.

Not with a panna, but with a zuppa.

>> No.6495788


>> No.6495805

Tao Lin

>> No.6495820


You got it.

The Italian group sat forlorn
And saw in mind elysian fields,
Where they had once liv'd at the brooks.
Said little more and had their meals.

>> No.6495848



>> No.6495860

early yeats

>> No.6495872


Much older -- you could say they 'lost' something.

>> No.6495878

You make it much too easy. Imitate the style, don't quote entire passages.
It is supposed to be writing practice.

>> No.6495881

obviously mean milton but I don't see much resemblance beyond the biblical reference

>> No.6495882


I didn't quote anything in this one.

>> No.6495892


>> No.6495897

A family of slick haired, swarthy Italians sat at the table next to hers. They nibbled their lemon cakes and honeyed sausage seasoned with the finest amazonian herbs and drank their mulled wine, all in complete silence.

>> No.6495909


>> No.6495976

The old Etruscans
now entombed, they sit silent
for their garlic bread.

>> No.6495984

Racist Pynchon?

>> No.6495994

People are afraid to speak in Italian restaurants. No one says this, since it's silent, but the mom and dad and the bored but blandly attractive son seem to believe this and so I have no choice.

>> No.6496012

The Italian family at the next table. Silence.

>> No.6496028


>> No.6496041


>> No.6496046


>> No.6496177

As James sat down for first breakfast he took a second to view the landscape around him. Green hills rolled lazily about, as if too tired to get up from the landscape any further, and forests rested neatly on top of them. One hill had no forest though; it had been forsaken. It is said that in ages past a great battle was fought on that hill and nothing has grown there hence. That hill was several miles away from James. As he looked at the hill and thought about the story he then remembered a song;
"That lone green hill
Is bigger than my restaurant bill
And there are many tips
To leave.
That Italian family
At the other table
Like heroes in fable
Are quiet, and still
Till they've had fill.
And all will pass
And all will last."
After James sang this song it was then he realized that he had not eaten all day and was getting quite hungry, so he stopped, unpacked, and began to eat. He had sausages cooked with rumpleberry steaks, which was a favorite of the locals. The local population had settled in the area after travelers from the north were stranded. They had to survive, and found when they could leave, they did not want to. So they settled. After James ate, he of course was tired, so he then took a nap. All this delayed him by about six hours. He then decided it was too late to travel more, and went back to bed.

>> No.6496195

and I what will you order and Her gosh, that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet and the is is quiet she was quiet sh be quiet i was quiet

>> No.6496219


>> No.6496229

top lek

>> No.6496272

Maybe Rilke? The style kind of reminds me of him.

>> No.6496273

Should we cooperate with the Italian family?

To naive and inexperienced revolutionaries it might seem that the Italian family shares our goals. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Kautsky and other "Marxists" deny this, but those bloodsuckers own a table-producing factory!

>> No.6496287

Sunset found the Italian family squatting in the grass, groaning.

>> No.6496292


>> No.6496296
File: 4 KB, 180x180, 10940587_10205742524939754_1713698757505670113_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, comrade

>> No.6496297

riverrun, past Italian family's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle
and Environs.
Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea, had passencore
rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy isthmus of
Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war: nor had topsawyer's
rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse to Laurens County's
gorgios while they went doublin their mumper all the time: nor avoice
from afire bellowsed mishe mishe to tauftauf thuartpeatrick: not yet,
though venissoon after, had a kidscad buttended a bland old isaac: not
yet, though all's fair in vanessy, were sosie sesthers wroth with twone
nathandjoe. Rot a peck of pa's malt had Jhem or Shen brewed by
arclight and rory end to the regginbrow was to be seen ringsome on the

>> No.6496304
File: 575 KB, 784x569, 943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6496488

æalá! Oferfæreld sé béorsele,
bencsittend lædenware,
gebyrÞen ældu heaðumærene dréor
fram arlíc landes,
feorþéod súþ Englaland

hwíl oþres mann béot ond sang,
bencsittend lædenware swígiendlíce.

>> No.6496521


>> No.6496536


>> No.6496596

Douglas Adams obvo

>> No.6496639

the first word gives it away


>> No.6496877


>> No.6496890

In this moment, I am euphoric, not because that the Italian family at the next table are being quiet, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence.

>> No.6496924
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She doesn't love me, /lit/.

What are some books that know this feel and get rid of it.

>> No.6496939


>> No.6497364

Richard Dawkins

>> No.6497379

A southern maid of most fair complexion, drawing in the sunlight trough the very shades, places her hand in her fathers sanguine wrist, and looks away from me once more.

>> No.6497423

this one is obvious as tits

>> No.6497537

dunno but I like it

>> No.6497542


Pardee, this Padovan family on ny bord doth nat spake oft.

>> No.6497546


Nah, I reckon Hitchens. Dawkins isn't nearly as "I am enlightened" as Hitchens was.

Also, yes - I know the quote is referencing a meme.

>> No.6497553


I meant speke, not spake - but you get it.

>> No.6497555

Sam Harris

>> No.6497559

Damn, those guaps sure know how to put a sock in it.

>> No.6497560

I sat at the table, next to Italians who I could not hear. It could have been that the Italians were not speaking, or that they were speaking too quietly for me to pick up with my poor hearing. It could also have been that my hearing had failed me completely, and that these fucking italians were speaking at their regular obnoxious volume. I began to prefer the final option, hoping that my hearing had indeed gone away forever, so that it may have no chance of returning to waste my cognitive operation on the howling of these fucking italians.

>> No.6497565


Hunter S. Thompson

>> No.6497567

People are afraid to merge on the freeway
Disappear hereee

>> No.6497592

And the Lord said unto him, Let them sit in silence. And the Romans sat in silence; but their thoughts did not sit in silence, and did fall to drunkardry, homosexual perversion and the collection of taxes, for such are the ways of their people as make their introduction in the Original Scripture appropriate. Then the fire of God came down from heaven and consumed them and their filthy.

>> No.6497620


>> No.6497621



>> No.6497638


Hence this subjective spirit returns to itself in the form of its abstract actuality. But without content this self-same consciousness cannot achieve a concrete objectivity, and so becomes a mere void of recognition for the perceiving consciousness. Though this identical separation must split into an opposition, it can only achieve a repulsion of the absolute knowledge...

>> No.6497650

The correct answer was Jesus Christ

>> No.6497661

I, sitting at a table, next to a kind of silence - yes, a silence like when we used to sit around with ma and pa and billy and mary-ann when pa got angry and said we all can't speak for a while - and these swarthy fellows, like I seen in the movies, Italians, yes Italians, mother and father and three children just like when ma and pa said shut up to us, and we three couldn't say anything and just sat there lame and dumb not out of cowardice but out of having nothing to say, just like these wops here, faces shorn of interest and just picking, picking at the food, not out of terror or anything, and I thinking how funny it is to see them like that, meds or papists or whatever you call them, because they're usually up and shouting and gesturing in each other's face over some trifling matter like a death or a baptism in the extended family, and I gestured to the waiter and said "can I have the bill please."

>> No.6497664

I think you mean... the Holy Spirit, friend ;^)

>> No.6497687

Nah, but we are getting closer temporally.

>> No.6497689

Yedi yüzlü, yedi dilli İtalyan milletine mensûb bir aile, sinsilik kokan bir sessizliğe bürünmüştü.

>> No.6497721


>> No.6497767

1. A table is a table.

1.1 An italian is an Italian

1.11 Two or more Italians are a family.

1.12 An italian family that does not speak are a quiet Italian family

1.2 The left is not the right

2. Spaguetti taste good.

3. Fx, i.e., the set of all Fs, and similarly forGx. Then Basic Law V says that the predicatesFxandGxhave the same extensioniff∀x[Fx↔Gx]. The set of Fs is the same as the set of Gs just in case every F is a G and every G is an F.

3.1 I'm in a restaurant

4. Shut up and think.

>> No.6497773

'I'm certainly grateful towards those Italians for finally ceasing with their improper and noisy argument', Charles sighed; though Charles, experiencing that twinge of envy which comes from seeing another break the chains of their own stifling Victorian identity, covertly desired to follow in their passionate footsteps.

>> No.6497783


>> No.6497789

yeay. Here is a poem for you.

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake

>> No.6497853


>> No.6498095


protip:he's from the 20th century despite the reference to victorians

>> No.6498105

I'm actually embarrassed that you suggested Mayakovsky.

>> No.6498227

para los italianos el silencio es importante y te callas vale

>> No.6498361

Evelyn Waugh?

>> No.6498401

Next table: Italian family. Sure quiet.

>> No.6499127

Sartre fedora fanboy detected

>> No.6499155



>> No.6499177

>All races are created loud, but some races are louder than others

>> No.6499267

Yes yes this is no plain silence, no polite and awkward "Were you going to say something?" kind of silence, no, this silence descending around the exact perimeter of these Italian dinner guests, this private peninsular vacuum, betrayed longings and regrets, interstitial colloquies, as permanent as sand constructions.

>> No.6499302


>> No.6499308

In the name of the holy father, that nuclear household of central romantic ancestry down by the end table is not saying a word.

>> No.6499318

I hate Sartre, you schoolboy. However, I enjoy calling retards out when they clearly don't know what they're talking about

>> No.6499587


>> No.6499610


>> No.6499616

It was at this time that I began contemplating their silence--not just the severity of it, for it was in that regard certainly excessive--owing in no small part to the extent of their company, but moreover to the sternness of their glances--and not also in the sense of the completeness of their silence, for though they exercised no ambiguity of intention in remaining and perpetuating an infernal quietude, they produced, perhaps by accidents, the sort of small sounds that usual accompany a large gathering--as I found that it broke with their national character--the well-known fault of the Mediterranean variety--which upon entering the establishment I had expected to find.

>> No.6499903


>> No.6500336

Things, at this point, Robert Servance noticed were awfully quiet, as though he came to in a wake, and not the celebratory kind, of some well regarded celebrity. Robert scanned the room from him table, the dim beams of light pouring in the from the windows speckling the dusty spectators that float whimsically around the air; he paused to consider these particles: free, without worry of what silence lie in a restaurant or from where that lack of silence may be emanating. Like little snowflakes free of gravity, their beauty was going sorely unappreciated; that is, the beauty in freedom in this paranoid age of America. Paranoia, now, that captured Robert Servance now as he continued to scan the room for the source of quiet. His eyes glided across empty table after empty table, each screaming nothing to him, with nothing to say but how shitty this place is, when the eyes hit their breaks on an Italian family, curiously eating their meal in silence. Whatever's got them bummed, be it by some force out of their control or not so, Robert could feel its anxieties on them, the anxiety that a foreign country must have on people like this; what weight, Robert thought, they must have on their shoulders.

>> No.6500408

Gosh, although gosh might not be the best term, perhaps gee whiz or even son-of-a-bitch-bastard, that Italian family, though not the noble Roman sort, but more similar to the kind that you constantly have to follow with a mop and bucket to ensure no one slips on the inescapably tepid trail of grease and annoyance, at the next table, if you can even call it that, as it resembles a vaguely familiar yet unfortunately vague shadow of emptiness that brings to mind a homemaker, an ad-man and a devastatingly spoiled shmuck of a son who rarely, if ever, sees his father and mother in the same place because he's off cajoling with an ever-expanding consort of whores, sycophants, brownnoses and even sometimes heads of state or executives from various global consortiums, sure is quiet, if quiet can even make a sound or be recognized, which is oddly similar to the familial dynamic that plagues the wasteland that we coined suburbia, which isn't dissimilar to a flip of a coin.

>> No.6500441


>> No.6500448

Bizarro David Foster Wallace

>> No.6500462


>> No.6500472

>in this paranoid age of America
too easy

>> No.6500507

I was actually attempting to do pinecone as well - haven't really read anything other than non-fiction in the last decade and I started with the crying of lot 49 and attempted to replicate it, or at least the sentiment of his style - I'm kind of enjoying it, but don't really know what to think of him so far. Is gravity's rainbow the same style of writing?

>> No.6501817

Yes but in even more indulgence.

>> No.6502398

The Italians sat at the fucking table.

>> No.6502416

Shouldn't it be "not groaning"?

>> No.6502468

Damn, it's the beginning of Gravity's Rainbow, didn't realize it.

>> No.6502482

I didn't even read the book and noticed instantly.

>> No.6502487

>hear about the italian family stereotype
>think it's funny but probably untrue
>going seaside with family years ago, having drinks at a bar
>an italian gathering is passionately and loudly debating something, waving their arms around sufficiently to injure someone walking by

well damn

Also, the Germans arriving at 5AM on the beaches to hog the good spots. Tourist characteristics are hilarious

>> No.6502503

Gosh, that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet.
Famiglia italiana - sight is familiar yet familiarity is abstract not particular, recollections of criminal fictions. An absence of sound extruded from their location; absence of sounds due to the failure to produce sounds, peculiarity of causality.

>> No.6502528

I held the door for her and she got out close to me, brushing my cheek with her hair. We went into the drugstore. I bought a pint of rye at the liquor counter and carried it over to the stools and set it down on the cracked marble counter.
"Two coffees," I said. "Black, strong and made this year."
"You can't drink liquor in here," the clerk said. He had a washed-out blue smock, was thin on top as to hair, had fairly honest eyes and his chin would never hit a wall before he saw it.
She reached into her bag for a pack of cigarettes and shook a couple loose just like a man. She held them towards me.
"It's against the law to drink liquor in here," the clerk said.
I lit the cigarettes and didn't pay any attention to him. He drew two cups of coffee from a tarnished nickel urn and set them in front of us. He looked at the bottle of rye, muttered under his breath and said wearily: "Okey, I'll watch the street while you pour it."
He went and stood at the display window with his back to us and his ears hanging out.
"My heart's in my mouth doing this," I said, and unscrewed the top of the whiskey bottle and loaded the coffee.
The clerk turned suddenly and walked back behind the counter and went in behind the little glass window of the prescription room.
We sipped our loaded coffee. I looked at her face in the mirror back of the coffee urn. It was taut, pale, beautiful and wild. Her lips were red and harsh.
At a neighboring table, a family with slicked-back black hair were slurping spaghetti and meatballs, the marina sauce flicking across the table as they masticated enthusiastically.
"The wops at the next table sure are quiet" I said.

>> No.6502564

I am german and I will go to the beach in a few weeks and I already plan to dig a whole much bigger than the one I dug last year, which was enormous.

Is that really a german cliche? I never really noticed until last year that only germans dig holes at the beach.

>> No.6502565

Why do you dig holes?

>> No.6502574

On beaches, you mean? Because it is much easier than digging holes anywhere else.

In general? Because it is the way of the german to work, even in his freetime, even towards no goal, but just work a tedious task which in itself is the reward. I suppose germans are absurd.

But digging is fun, yo.

>> No.6502575

They probably dig holes

>> No.6502587

You take a bad boy, put him in the hot sun all day and make him dig holes and he will become a good boy.

>> No.6502592

I actually just got a major sun burn on my back last year, and I skinned like a snake a few weeks later.

>> No.6502880


>> No.6502928

Minh Albertini (a name that (like Phuc Stevenson (our eponymous stamp collector) and Thuy Johnston (whose hairline is a piecewise function which is always continuous but not continuously differentiable)) implies a certain cultural turntablism, observed (without xis characteristic inastucity) that the Italian family at the table adjacent (the geometry of the restaurant (whose walls were coated in mirror (lending the layout a formless bug-lensedness)) made such observer-relative positional descriptors wholly necessary) was dadgoshdear quiet af.

>> No.6503042

Baby italians, for spaghetti. Never cooked.

>> No.6504495


If you're an American, do you know that you also have pretty awful stereotypical tourists here in Europe?

>> No.6504604

Hunter S Thompson?

>> No.6504613

Well no shit. The only people you guys meet are the ones dumb enough to want to go to Europe.

>> No.6504728
File: 35 KB, 343x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is at contest called where you imitate a respected author ? I thought they have decent cash prizes?

>> No.6504816

Anyone still wants to guess on this? Otherwise I can reveal, if you want.

>> No.6505404


You got it.

>> No.6506473

The people nervously ate their mother's spaghetti nervously.

>> No.6506533


>> No.6506537

go to bed kolsti