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6493347 No.6493347 [Reply] [Original]

>that awkward middle ground between suicide and not wanting to burden others with your death

What books have a protagonist in this situation?

>> No.6493356

I was just thinking about this, OP. I'm not even particularly depressed right now -- not any more than usual, at least. I just don't want to live.

>> No.6494407


>> No.6495588
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>> No.6495600

This guy obviously doesn't understand how depression works.

>> No.6495615

The Floating Opera by John Barth

ebin /b/rother

>> No.6495870

Eeeee eee eeee by Tao Lin.

>> No.6495920

More like Reeee eee eeee

>> No.6496069

Seriously the mentality of a 14 year old.

>> No.6496368

The Awakening, Kate Chopin.

>> No.6496625

killing yourself seems like a waste of time i mean why would you expect the after life to be any better than this life

>> No.6496642

Suicide isn't rational

>> No.6496654
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I like Cioran's approach where the contemplation of suicide acts therapeutically and helps you through the day, knowing you can quit at any time.

>> No.6496692

Friendly reminder that if you kill yourself whoever first find you will find you in a pool of your own feces and urine because when you die every muscle in your body relaxes and there are several muscles holding in waste that you are on conscious of that "relax" when you die

>> No.6496697

>on conscious

Fucking autocorrect

>> No.6496719

when you realize the insignificance (less than 10 out of billions in the world) people who will truly be inconvenienced you will pull the trigger. My best friend killed himself, and it didn't burden me one bit. Hell, got me out of work for two days, so if anything it was a gift to me.

>> No.6496741

Im sure his corpse will be horridly embarrassed.

>> No.6496752

Oh no I'll be smelly when I die, my one weakness.

>> No.6496759

It's not about him, we already know he's selfish and uncaring, that's why he killed himself, it's about the first person to find him
Maybe it will be his mother
Maybe his sister or father
Maybe it will be his next-door neighbor
Who is going to have the traumatic image of their loved one with, shitted pants and a slit throat, sitting there in his computer chair?
That's the real question

Who gets to clean up the very last a mess he's going to make?

>> No.6496760

Sounds like it was nothing personal, was he a kid?

>> No.6496769

its not expecting a life afterward, it's expecting nothing and finding it preferable to ones current life.

i have been feeling what OP describes for a good 3-4 years now. but even if i didn't have responsibilities that would keep me from killing myself i don't think i'd do it anyway. im just not dramatic enough.

>> No.6496770

>killing yourself where someone you care about will find you first
>not planning for them to find you cleaned up at the morgue

At least try to plan these things

>> No.6496774
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>> No.6496785

i get this. thinking of suicide can definitely be therapeutic, but often the idea that my family depends on me too much for me to kill myself has been frustrating. often i just wish i knew i had it as a real option that i could take without feeling too guilty.

>> No.6496788

You must not have very good friendships if you were this unaffected

That or you're a sociopath. Probably both are true

>> No.6496793

>It's not about him, we already know he's selfish and uncaring

>Implying being subjugated to spooks is more desirable

>Who gets to clean up the very last a mess he's going to make?

No doubt the same people who caused this mess in the first place.

Sillyness aside though if the OP just leaves 100 dollars by yourself for the cleaner.

Or better yet jumping of a secluded cliff or hanging himself in the woods will mean there will be no traumatic mess for them to deal with hence alright in your eyes.

>> No.6496802

>Or better yet jumping of a secluded cliff or hanging himself in the woods will mean there will be no traumatic mess for them to deal with hence alright in your eyes.

Sometimes being missing is worse than being dead

>> No.6496814

Very rarely most people long for that kind of hope. Besides the whole point of that other post was that it was discovering the body that was the traumatic part.

>> No.6496903

OP never explicitly said he wanted to kill himself. If he did, he wouldn't go through with it because he doesn't want to burden others.

>> No.6496943

Well, more specifically family and friends

Fuck the cleaners

>> No.6496956
