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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 419 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-02-06-23-57-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6490136 No.6490136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ predominantly Catholic? This is one of the more intelligent boards, so maybe you guys are unto something.

>> No.6490150

Is it?

>> No.6490153

>ad populum

>> No.6490163

>ubi Petrus, ibi Ecclesia

>> No.6490180

Because it has great aesthetics and Aquinas is a very strong philosopher who integrates Aristotle into Christianity.

>> No.6490209

Because it's popular to be christian on most boards at the moment, due to the fedora memes.

>> No.6490242



This, more or less. The iconography and history of it seem more appealing and rich than protestantism.

I'm neither, however, so this is purely superficial

>> No.6490265

>thinking people base their spirituality on memes.
project more

>> No.6490270

I don't get it either, it's kitsch and a panicked attempt to avoid being seen as a sheepish atheist

>> No.6490272
File: 68 KB, 400x261, fedorsaBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder

>> No.6490299

If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.

Would a just God want you to use ad hominem, curse, and be prideful?

>> No.6490308

Get out fedora. Deus Vault!

>> No.6490314

It's a meme, friend. Don't pay attention to it.

>> No.6490318

If you didn't pay attention to any memes at all, you'd be a broken human being

>> No.6490321


You know as well as I do that 4chan used to be predominantly atheist.

>> No.6490322

>le God's morality is exactly the same as mine maymay
stay spooked faggot

>> No.6490344

no one who bases their true spiritual ideology around internet memes is worthy of classification as either theist or atheist. They are simply a moron. or a reactionary against a moron ipso facto also a moron.

>> No.6490406

Catholicism is the most /lit/-tier religion.

Protestants only read the Bible over and over and see what they get out of it.

Catholics have entire libraries of interpretations, philosophical inclusion and so on.

>> No.6490412


>> No.6490419

tbh catholicism seems like the most comfy denomination

>be protestant
>oh man i sinned
>can't really trust anyone to tell me that it'll be ok
>live in anxiety regarding salvation for the rest of life

>be orthodox
>oh man i sinned
>become monk
>meditate in the middle of nowhere for the rest of life

>be catholic
>oh man i sinned
>go to church
>'father, i have sinned'
>it'll be ok kiddo, you're clear to go
>yay i'm free to enjoy life!

>> No.6490441

This, this, and this. Latin scriptures (and many other languages), secrets, culture, intellectualism, fathers who are FORCED to study and understand complicated subjects before they can be a helping hand to the word of god.

And most Christian preachers are businessmen who found the ancient secret of controlling people through religion but on a smaller scale.

>> No.6490446

And considering that most users on /lit/ are somewhat invested in philosophy and literature we are bound to be exposed to more profound Christian ideas and some convert. And Catholicism is something most believers in western countries explore they usually have some interest in reading which in case of 20 something spaghetti spilling autists brings us here.

>> No.6490456

It's amazing how little knowledge a person can show in one post. You have protestants and Catholics mixed up.

Protestants believe that as long as they accept Jesus, they're saved. Catholics have unforgivable sins.

>> No.6490457

Because it's the most empowering religion for women.

G.E.M Anscombe, Simone Weil, Flannery O'Connor, Hildegard von Bingen, the list goes on.

Too many brilliant female minds come out of Catholicism for /lit/ to ignore it.

>> No.6490474

catholicism is apostatic trash, literally the work of satan

/lit/ just wants to fit in and isn't at all concerned with the lord's truth

>> No.6490479

Because the Bible is quite clear that there are unforgivable sins

>> No.6490481

>but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by.

lol what

>> No.6490491

But aren't Protestants anxious about the fact that they do not know that they are predestined for salvation? Or am I getting something wrong? On the other hand, Catholics have a stable institution which can tell them that everything is going to be alright (ok, provided that their sin is not unforgivable).

>> No.6490505

But why do I need another persons approval that I have been forgiven?

I don't know much about Catholicism so maybe I don't have room to talk here, but isn't Gods word that we are forgiven enough?

>> No.6490522

1. Not all Protestants believe in the concept of predestination.
2. God's grace grants salvation, often through the Sacrament; the Church is an intermediary.

>> No.6490538


If conversion via internet memes is bad than conversion via childhood indoctrination is bad too. How many catholics read aquinas or chesterton or whatever and converted and how many were born in some south american hovel and never had the chance to believe anything else?


Yeah and that conversion just so happened to coincide with the spread of the fedora meme.

>> No.6490546
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I sense that there is an heretic among us...

>> No.6490561

That's only some Protestants.
Catholics have venal/mortal sins, though I'm sure you know that.

>> No.6490595

I was born and still live in some south american hovel as you may call it and have read Aquinas and Chesterton.

You're being extremely racist if you think that because we do have access to less money and luxuries we should be in any way less capable of thinking for ourselves and educate ourselves.

>> No.6490600

You say this as if it's different in academia.

>> No.6490764
File: 64 KB, 997x272, Anothersoulsaved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isnt and if anything Christ posters and threads a decreasing by quite a bit.

Yeah get it right most of them are like pic related

>> No.6490781

26 is pretty old to still do the old "i am the opposite of my parents!!!!!" thing, typical american immature pig. A nation of fat children.

>> No.6490850

As an American living in Los Angeles California you just described the Mexican male immigrant/first gen population.

>> No.6490881

If there are gods, they'll damn me and you for thinking we have any right to judge them by our own constructed moralities.

>> No.6490898

where'd you get that? /lit/ discussing religion is lutherans vs catholics with fedoras memeing both sides

>> No.6490899
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>being an atheist
>rejecting absurdism and existentialism in favor of dogmatic empiricism

New Atheism is nothing but a cargo cult for the scientific method.

>> No.6490921

Nope, the only "unforgivable sin" is to not want to be forgiven. God is all merciful, and if you truly repent, then you can be forgiven, no matter what you've done.

>> No.6490933

Me too, and you cand find Aquinas or Chesterton in almost any library, or trough internet, which at least 95% of the population has access

>> No.6490943
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>not posting the expansion

>> No.6490972

You're forgiven only if you confess. You can confess to anyone, but the church will keep it a secret.

>> No.6491160

Quick poll to find out


>> No.6491205


I'm just saying that the average christian is a very ignorant person, whether in the united states or china or brazil or whatever. also If everyone has access to libraries or the internet in south america, and is so cognizant and capable of independent thought and education, why does everyone end up believing in the same oppressive cult that kept their countrymen literally in the dark for hundreds of years? everyone is free to read and think as much as they want as long as they reach the conclusion that mother church knows best. it's almost as if where you are born arbitrarily decides what religion you are. at least atheists have the courage to go against the common herd.

>> No.6491290

Most Catholics have no idea about Aquinas and would not change or even think about accessing his works were they informed of them.

>> No.6491312
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Because they're hung up on the aesthetics of Catholicism and lack a deep and personal spiritual life.

>> No.6491324

>mfw atheism is still objectively worst choice on that list

>> No.6491345

>all religions have an equal chance of being true

>missing the point of pascal's wager

That chart isn't even very accurate

>> No.6491372

>what is mortal sin

>> No.6491381

simply euphoric

>> No.6491421

>implying no forgiveness for mortal sin

>> No.6491440

>why does everyone end up believing in the same oppressive cult that kept their countrymen literally in the dark for hundreds of years?
why is this a thing? why does anyone believe this? it's protestantism, right?

>> No.6491448

>not knowing what mortal sin is
m8, I'm a Protestant heretic and I know what the difference is between mortal and venal sins

>> No.6491452
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because it's true

>> No.6491470

Daily reminder that our boy Slavoj thinks Calvin was the best at Christianity.


>> No.6491518

The orthodox denomination is far more aesthetic than the Catholic. Have you even been inside an orthodox church? theyre so beautiful. Catholic churches are so dull and boring.

>> No.6491532
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>atheists have the courage




>> No.6491553
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>tfw episcopalian

>> No.6491559
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>> No.6491574
File: 394 KB, 244x148, Banana fan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le Chinese converting against the will of the Communist Party, risking imprisonment, reeducation, and death to be a christian face
>le North Korean converting against the will of the Communist Party death to be a christian face

>> No.6491575
File: 55 KB, 550x238, Karl_Barth_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not a Calvinist-Universalist

>> No.6491580
File: 45 KB, 612x612, calvinism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God made me to hate me

>> No.6491583

Where is the 'is' or 'est? Without it, that translates into: "Where (the/a) Peter, there (the/a) church" That doesn't seem correct. Isn't it meant to say "Where Peter (is), there is the church." Shouldn't it be "Ubi Petrus est, Ibi Ecclesia est?". Even then, I think that's a very good way to get the meaning across. Or is that just a quote from something without the rest?

>> No.6491589

>need another persons approval
>i dont know much about

>> No.6491591
File: 316 KB, 639x960, Saint Thomas Aquinas text latin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't speak Latin

>> No.6491597

The God forgives
The priest absolves

>> No.6491607

>euphoric fedorists
>literally speaking and reading language cultivated european christendom
>reading their works
>following their laws

You could be worse, like be marxist.

>> No.6491609
File: 45 KB, 310x497, cathlopaganslel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't read Barth or Brunner
lel, git gud skrub

>> No.6491619
File: 194 KB, 1251x585, monk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.6491624

atheists are the fucking "common herd" by now, im sure

and im beginning to infer that you dont know a goddamn thing about history

>> No.6491630

There you have it. /lit/ is mostly Catholic

>> No.6491640
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>> No.6491662

>literally in the dark for hundreds of years
it's just degenerate enlightenment era thinking.

>> No.6491697
File: 14 KB, 248x300, You people call yourselves Catholic? LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6491711

/lit/ is probably the most atheist board on the site next to /sci/

/pol/ is probably the most christian board on the site

>> No.6491720

the only place athiests represent "the common heard" is in Western Europe, and poorer areas tend to be more religious

not that other guy btw

>> No.6491723

How frail a belief must be if it requires others to believe it. And to be repeated constantly. Yet no matter how hard they try, god still won't exist.

>> No.6491754

>I'm just saying that the average christian is a very ignorant person

That's because the average Christian you interact with is protestant. You have to be ignorant to be a protestant.

>> No.6491767
File: 60 KB, 400x233, romanes_eunt_domus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can read/write some Latin, I just noticed that and it seemed off. It's pretty nonsensical without some particle that acts like 'is'. I didn't run it through Google Translate, just went by what I know. I'm probably wrong, but it does seem like the use of Est would be necessitated if the accepted translation of that quote is correct.

>> No.6491806

Sola scriptura

>> No.6491812

>/lit/ is the most atheist board
Yeah, the second atheism produces anything compared to the cultural weight of Christianity, I'll consider giving up the old Eucharist and buy myself the most expensive fedora i can find while I torrent oversimplified CGI explanations of rudimentary astrophysics.

>> No.6491833


hear hear, it's largely due to counter-reformation art, coupled with the theological version of 'get out of jail free'

>> No.6491834

"Sunt", meaning "(they) are", is the plural equivalent of "est".

>> No.6491849

we did a census, there are only like 5 fedoras on the board regularly. samefagging like it's their job to derail christianity threads.

>> No.6491860

Regardless, neither Sunt, nor est, were used in the quote. It's kinda nonsensical.

>> No.6491876

I don't know who "we" is but chances are the majority of /lit/ didn't participate in it.

>> No.6491892

>I don't know who "we" is
>"we" is

>> No.6492189

Thank you, anon. It's funny how they don't see they're just as dogmatic as the religious people they critique.

>> No.6492198

>we is

>> No.6492367

I think you mean this is one of the more pseudo-intellectual boards.
If people didn't dress up everything they said with a vast vocabulary you'd realize that most everyone here is a fucking moron.

>> No.6492368

if the metric is cultural value, why on earth would you pick a monotheistic religion? their mythologies are incredibly limited and this issue is made even worse by all the time they have to spend harping on about how there totally aren't other deities out there, it's just me bro, don't go wandering over there please--time which could otherwise have been used to build another shrine a sloth-god or flay a virgin or something equally sexy.

in fact, monotheism is arguably worse than atheism. at least atheism, at its core (ignoring the zealots, who no ideology is free from), doesn't argue the destruction of fountains of culture, whereas the monotheistic religions of today are founded upon and continue to glorify this very act.

absolutely disgusting. there's a reason it's "start with the Greeks" and not "start with Abraham."

>> No.6492419
File: 126 KB, 720x480, 1398057057212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good argument


Protestants! Protestants! Someone alert the pope quick!


Suck a fat chode.


brave but nonetheless benighted and ignorant. they think their heterodox cults will protect them from neoliberal chaos. I guess you can't really blame them.


hahaha where? North Korea? Less than ten percent of the world's population is atheist. trust christians to invent persecution in all defiance of fact.


says the guy who thinks mother theresa is a saint and can magically heal people

>> No.6492431

>brave but nonetheless benighted and ignorant. they think their heterodox cults will protect them from neoliberal chaos. I guess you can't really blame them.

>n-n-n-no we're the one's who are unique and special!

>> No.6492432


Christianity adopted everything good from the Greek, Roman and Germanic cultures and improved upon it. Islam did similar' and Jews never did much conquering in general.

>> No.6492464

And you're the only straight-talking hidden genius right? The guy with the massive intellect who coincidentally never has anything to add to any discussion.

>> No.6492483

By what evidence? The adoption of Christianity coincides with a massive decline in European culture.

If mean if we're willing to attribute that catastrophe to things outside of religion (like the economy, like global cooling at the time), I don't know why we'd suddenly discard that lesson and assume all later achievements of the west are not product of changes in those very same causes. Surely you wouldn't be absurd enough to argue that Chrisianity required a sort of incubation period before it could flourish? I didn't know Jesus was a caterpillar.

>> No.6492519

>The adoption of Christianity coincides with a massive decline in European culture.

I don't know what that means. How does a culture decline?

>> No.6492522


So the fact that christians suffer for their beliefs in some countries somehow negates whatever atheists have to go through everywhere else?

>> No.6492528

You really have to be retarded to think that a fedora meme converted people.

>> No.6492533
File: 179 KB, 1280x800, 1429536683181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking euphoric. If I keep posting a fedora will you convert to my ignorant oppressive cult?

>> No.6492534

Why do /lit/ Catholics harbor these delusions? Why do you shitpost this falseflag, op? Why don't you accept that you're a faggot and nobody on here likes you?

>> No.6492539

>go afk
>this thread still exist

report the bait and move on, stupids

>> No.6492540


Christian European culture gave us political decentralization that lead to an increase in general freedom, guild systems and political unions that forced monarchs and other lords to be accountable to their people, in contrast to dictatorships and oligarchic aristocracies, which is all, the ancient world had to offer. Not to mention the church acting as a country balance to excessive political power , the huge reduction in slavery because most Christians rejected it, with the practice only coming back in the new world by those who retreated from Christian Europe. Female intellectuals like Christine De Pizanne and St.HIldegard were given their due thanks to the Christian acceptance of human spiritual equality.

The foundations of science was laid down with 14th century natural philosophers like Ockham ,Buridan, and Grosseteste, and Religion was united with reason to an extreme degree due to thinkers like Scotus and Aquinas, who successfully added on to the philosophy of the ancient world after having mastered it. Painting and music reached new heights and set foundations for our golden ages of the arts before the major cultural decline of the 19th century, beginning with the French revolution.

>> No.6492542

>he hasn't read Spengler

>> No.6492548



The beginnings of science was in the 14th century.

>> No.6492550


>> No.6492561

the whole 'is' thing in latin was meant to be more of an equals statement to proclaim that something literally IS something else. so having a couple ests in there would translate to "the church = the church where peter = where peter exists", which sounds kind of redundant. "where peter, there church" is much more eloquent and succinct.

i think over time it began to be used more loosely as a flexible tool to help mold statements, but formally they would have dropped the redundant 'est's

although i'm not an expert on latin so swallow the whole shaker on this one

>> No.6492562

Pascal's wager ignores the propositions of other religions.
What if by adhering to Christian monogamy, men with excessive yang cannot balance it with the yin of concubines?
What if by adhering to Christian monotheism, we cannot appease local spirits with offerings?

>> No.6492582

If you're not trying to be a contrarian: wealth declines; nations become states become city-states become towns become villages become hunter gatherers; people stop producing as much art, works of philosophy and science and religion, wonders of the world, etc etc. The "dark ages" is over-hype

If you are: I'd remind you that the chain of comments you're replying to began with someone's assertion that atheism is worthless because Christianity has a greater culture.


Yes, but as I alluded to in my post, you can't conflate the achievements of a state and peoples that holds a religion, with the religion itself. Historically polytheistic or atheistic states have achieved a high division of labour, great works, golden ages, etc too, the mongols, the Soviets, everything in China, cultures of the Indian sub-continent and SEA. Moreover, even today, there is a transfer of wealth to states like China and India which are decidedly not Christian; are we to say then that the power of God has waned?

I also don't agree with your attribution of political decentralization to Christianity. The ideology itself is apathetic, it can be used to justify any form of state, with the majority of Christian states being monarchies up until quite recently. It's also an error to assume that the current spread of democracy is permanent. Abrahamic dictatorships EXIST. And even for America, the country is young (younger than Rome before he died), and already we're watching it shift towards oligarchy.

>> No.6492674

>if the metric is cultural value, why on earth would you pick a monotheistic religion?
Because only monotheism can do a higher synthesis and have leftovers from the former thesis and antitheses.

>> No.6492693

Which investigation(s) are you referring to?

>> No.6492704

I'm an ex-atheist, a baptized and confirmed Catholic.

Considered myself an atheist for a decade. When I went to confession and told the priest this, in addition to another full fifteen minutes of confession, I thought he would tell me that I would need to volunteer or do some extraordinary things as a part of my penance. He said, "(My Name), go out there, kneel, and thank God!"

>> No.6492733


>> No.6492736
File: 13 KB, 594x106, 1430728979003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen/Taoism/Absurdism is edgier, therefore that's my choice

*waggles tophat*

>> No.6492740

looks like someone can't handle the banter ;)

>> No.6492748
File: 139 KB, 1954x1362, Invasions_of_the_Roman_Empire_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(younger than Rome before he died)

Son, I am die.
No dad.
Yes I am die.
Please no.
Germans will rape me to die.
No dad.
Yes son.

>> No.6492780

no one's saying there's a bunch of reactionary converts (or if they are, they're fucking retarded).

the fact is though that 4chan used to be super hostile towards christians, not just because most people here** are atheists, but also because the culture of the board was/is antagonistic to christian values. it was only with the fedora meme and the resultant backlash against atheism that the antagonism died, and in turn the posters, who were perhaps always there, began to reveal themselves.

the other thing i think is that /lit/ has become, for lack of anywhere better, the default theology board (just as happened with philosophy).

**someone earlier mentioned a poll indicating a high prevalence of christians. i'm guessing the poll would miss most of the board's atheists, who probably don't read theology threads (like i personally was only drawn here out of disagreement with the title; usually i hide these).

>> No.6492790


>Why is /lit/ predominantly Catholic?

It's not. The catholics are very few and loud and as usual there are contrarians who would say anything to not go with the flow.

>> No.6492810
File: 558 KB, 1019x1020, IMG_20150425_203426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I'm Catholic and pro-revolutionary and seem to piss everyone off but Jesus

>> No.6492811

Polls from before showed 10% of Catholics and 10-15% of other Christians.

>> No.6492814
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>> No.6492815
File: 74 KB, 516x516, goyerfuckoff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic

>> No.6492830
File: 214 KB, 704x549, typical christposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, this shit has been going on for a few years and it started on /pol/.
It's always the same:

>make thread implying there are a lot of christians
>samefag for a while under it reinforcing this idea/falseflagging atheists
>say that christianity is after all the most reasonable choice
>at this point an atheist/agnostic someone comes out and actually wants to debate
>christposter can't debate and either runs or turns to muh faith

>> No.6492854

>contra populum

>> No.6492868

How many unique posters are here?

>> No.6492869


>> No.6492929


>lol the second christposters turn to faith they lose the debate :^)

what do you mean "turn to"? they never left it.

it's almost like you forget who you are talking to. of course they're not bound to the same dictates that you are.

>> No.6492942


Turn to as in they start saying it's all about faith only after you call them out on their shitty arguments.
You can't say that it's the more reasonable option and then go muh faith.

>> No.6492948

But they don't say muh faith, at least not in that way. I've never seen it anyway.

>> No.6492957


Dude, I don't know how long you've been around but yes, after they are shown the mistakes in their arguments (and not stuff like whocreatedgodherpderp), they either stop responding or completely move from rationalistic approaches to fideistic ones.

>> No.6492963

Around a year, pretty regular on theology threads also. Proud member of katiegate. It comes to that point usually when the other side refuses to listen to any argument, even the most basic ones.

>> No.6492973


>Around a year

Yeah, this phenomenon as I've said is quite older and didn't even begin here.

As for refusing to listen to any arguments, I've seen maybe 10 christians on this board or on any other board who could make decent arguments in all the years I've been here.

The overwhelming majority of christposter is made up of two groups: either people who are dumb as fuck and can barely make any coherent argument and people who look like they might know something but instead they're only parroting apologists, usually the one which is currently more trendy, a few years ago it was Craig, now especially among catholics it's Feser. They don't actually understand those arguments or the objections to those arguments in any way that is not superficial.

>> No.6492976


>it's all about faith only after you call them out on their shitty arguments

"calling them out" here is simply pressing dictates onto them in the debate that they aren't beholden to. you aren't calling out anything. you are implying that faith is something that they need to somehow leave at the door if they are to enter into a discussion with you. whereas it's the entire bedrock of their position.


>they either stop responding or completely move from rationalistic approaches

they are never going to give you the debate that you're looking for because they are operating on entirely different dictates. how hard is this for you to understand you sperg.

>> No.6492980


>"calling them out" here is simply pressing dictates onto them in the debate that they aren't beholden to
>they are never going to give you the debate that you're looking for

How stupid could you possible be, I wonder?
Yes, dude, I know that they're ultimately all about faith. The point is they say the exact opposite until you call them out.

>> No.6492981



>> No.6492988


>until you call them out

again, you are not seeing that this "calling out" is simply an arrival at dialectic impasse.

you're kind of sperged out. seriously.

>> No.6492997

>As for refusing to listen to any arguments, I've seen maybe 10 christians on this board or on any other board who could make decent arguments in all the years I've been here.
I've seen maybe 10 people on /lit/ who can make decent points. It isn't a thing related to any group.
>The overwhelming majority of christposter is made up of two groups: either people who are dumb as fuck and can barely make any coherent argument and people who look like they might know something but instead they're only parroting apologists, usually the one which is currently more trendy, a few years ago it was Craig, now especially among catholics it's Feser.
I've seen some of Craig and he repeats himself all the time, but I've never seen anyone parrot him here.
They don't actually understand those arguments or the objections to those arguments in any way that is not superficial.
As we have many people invested in theology I beg to differ. Especially if you talk to people from 4chan outside of 4chan. The level of retardation drops significantly.

>> No.6493000

strawpolls usually show about 200 or so

>> No.6493007


>> No.6493009
File: 70 KB, 490x290, catholicism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on. Catholic natalism in particular seems to have led to degeneration of the Catholic race's faculties. Most of them seem no longer biologically capable of understanding how things occur, but only in associating events in the order they occur. The way a chicken can be taught to do what looks like math by memorizing what numbers to peck at when presented with symbols it can't pronounce.

>> No.6493012


>dialectic impasse
>you're kind of sperged out.

oh my god


>I've seen some of Craig and he repeats himself all the time, but I've never seen anyone parrot him here.

Yes, because he was considered to be the shit back in 2012. That's why I said "a few years ago".

>As we have many people invested in theology I beg to differ

Being invested in something doesn't mean you're good at it. People here are demonstrably bad at it.

>> No.6493014

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6493021

People here are demonstrably bad at everything.

>> No.6493025

lmao this is what christposters actually believe

>> No.6493033

I'm sorry, but this argument may be beyond you.

>> No.6493048


>"dialectic impasse"? what the fuck how do i even respond to this i have no idea
>better post something quick and ambiguous to try and hide my complete confusion

lol this kid

>> No.6493077


If you think that post was ambiguous you're not just pretentious, you're flat out stupid.

>> No.6493087

My family is catholic. My grandfather passed recently and holy shit would they be able to cope with the death more maturely if they weren't religious and bigot children.
>>>muh I feel a presence because of memories
>>>kids bullshitting that they saw a strange figure in the house
>>>tempered, depressed, and nothing intelligent said about who my grandfather was and how he lived his life

Keep your religion in your room.


>> No.6493093
File: 96 KB, 420x541, 1424798966790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story bro

>> No.6493094
File: 270 KB, 1600x980, i_drink_your_milkshaaaaaake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people still believe that their camel fucking ancestors that lived in the desert had a special secret sky daddy that watched over them who told them to cut off the tip of their dicks because the scent of burning foreskin pleased him

>people still believe that sky daddy sent his only son to earth to sacrifice himself to himself to please himself so that he himself could save them from punishment that he imposed upon them himself

>people still believe that sky daddy gave a murdering warlord pedophile a secret book of magic in a cave that he revealed to the world and in return was rewarded by being carried to heaven on the back of a flying horse

>> No.6493097

Yup all of that more now than ever.

>> No.6493105

Child molester detected.

>> No.6493119

shut the fuck up nobody thinks that anything like that has happened

ill lay it out for you even though you're just pretending not to understand:

you've been here as long as everybody else, so you know that atheism was really trendy on 4chan for a long time, and then it became trendy on reddit. since an enormous portion of the userbase are obsessed with e-wars (you are a member), they are compelled to take the opposite position to that of 'redditors', and so decided to be loudly pro-christian and call any posters that were behind the times enough to still talk about atheism (omg so 2007!) to get with the times or go back to reddit

>> No.6493121

Go back to reddit fag

>> No.6493127


>fuck it better just start to purposefully maymay now he knows that i still don't know how to give a real response to that line so why even bother with pretending anymore

lol okay

>> No.6493128

it's a meme you dip

>> No.6493147

Reddit E-war hypothesis is not sufficient to determine board culture, because 4chan boards hate each other too. More than Reddit in some cases.

>> No.6493157

Fuck /a/

>> No.6493168

fucking /diy/ scum

>> No.6493363

Not true. Protestantiam has had a massive affect on literature and has its own apochryphal and high quality side works, notable philosophers,authors, and poets.

It isn't Catholicism > Protestant or Protestant > Catholic.

They are equal and have both had their role in history and society.

On a related note, Eastern Orthodoxy has contributed almost nothing.

>> No.6493374

>On a related note, Eastern Orthodoxy has contributed almost nothing.
It's not only the smallest church, but it has produced almost things like Dostoevsky.

>> No.6493376

To be honest it is easier than that. If you read the classics you will eventually stumble over a lot of religious texts and see the intellectual merit.

It's not like >>6493094 says it is.

>> No.6493414

>muh board culture changed and now I'm not cool anymore waahhhhh!

>> No.6493434

underrated irony

>> No.6493446

Which is why I said -almost.- I specifically was thinking of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

But, the aren't the smallest. That honor goes to Coptics. Who...made paintings hundreds of years ago. And that's about it.

>> No.6493456
File: 63 KB, 447x400, 397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is one of the more intelligent boards

>> No.6493460

Kek. And what if God can distinguish between true belief and false belief? And what if it considers believing blindly is worse that not believing at all? Come on people, step it up.

>> No.6493484

I'm pretty sure you haven't done much research on those churches

>> No.6493488
File: 51 KB, 400x255, catholic-cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan has a lot of pedophiles, so it woudn't be very suprising.

>> No.6493507

/lit/ is predominantly atheist. Shut up.
The recent catholicisation is nothing but the edgy contrarian for the sake of being contrarian behaviour of ours in action.
Under Bush, 4chan was liberal as hell. Now, with the resurgence of feminism, drug legalisation and atheism, everyone is suddenly catholic.

>> No.6493529


I cannot wait until 4chan becomes contrarian communist-buddhist.

>> No.6493556

Believe it or not, one time it will come.