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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 74 KB, 630x898, 82nd_Academy_Awards,_Kathryn_Bigelow_-_army_mil-66453-2010-03-09-180354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6489355 No.6489355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone having a worse time at university than me? I'm the first review on that link.


I would rather be £50k in debt if it meant I had a better experience.

>> No.6489365

Are you the op that made that thread last night with this pic?

I didn't get a chance to comment.

>> No.6489367

there's your problem

>> No.6489368

thank god I live in europe, good schools small debt

>> No.6489382

Great literature thread

>> No.6489429


I don't know whether to laugh it cry when I see retards praise this path to 9-5 drudgery

>> No.6489435

Aberdeen is a university in scotland.

Anyways, it's probably not a very good Uni, I'm from a non-anglophone country and got an unconditional offer (wouldn't have had to take any english tests), which immediately made me dismiss the offer. Moving to Edinburgh in September, excited to see how it's gonna turn out.

Questions to OP: If you're really into engineering and want to pursue a degree in that field of study, what are your options in terms of university/further education? Didn't read the whole post but if you're still in the process of getting your degree, it might make sense to cut your losses and move on to more fulfilling activities.
If you're not dead-set on engineering, what else would you be interested in?

>> No.6489451

You fucking idiot.

>Waaah the uni was shit so don't go to Scotland for free uni its shit!!!

It's your fault for having shit grades. Why did you go to Aberdeen?

Everyone knows it's a shithole.

Why not Heriott-Watt, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Strathclyde or St. Andrews??

Oh yeah, because you were too stupid.

Fuck off with your crybaby thread, dumb cunt.

>> No.6489457
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If’n you are I wanted to tell you that I can relate to your sentiments. And I wanted to tell you what I started doing about it some two or so years back.
I started doing things that were fun for me--not going to clubs, not attending every party of which I was invited and more and more just outright rejecting typical pastimes for someone my age and instead doing things that were fun, but fun for me.
I started hanging out with the people whose company I enjoyed and people who enjoyed my company, returned my friendship with like enthusiasm and respect. And there aren’t many, but that doesn’t matter much to me.
And with them I started loitering around setting down in random places and smoking, talking about whatever happened to be on our hearts and holding earnest discourse about it, walking around furniture stores, wandering around strange places, getting high, pretending to be in a motorcycle gang (riding bicycles and imitating the sounds of engines (occasionally riding up on pegs and holding a stick above whoever was peddling (I don’t do this too often however))), spray-painting, going to cemeteries to shoot the shit, talking to vagrants, going to state parks, playing music, reading more, writing more, going to museums, acting like an ass in front of people who knew I was only acting.

I have fun. I love my life. You should do what makes you happy too.
Anyways I gotta go, but I hope this helps you some.

>> No.6489461

>at the end of first year I was feeling as though it might not be for me
>now at the end of second year I'm completely disillusioned and honestly have nothing attracting me to the course or uni life
>too late to stop, too much debt and I can't face my parents after they thought I was having the time of my life
>no friends, ridiculous debt, crappy place to live, hate the course
>wish that I could have gone back and picked a course I really wanted to do rather than one which seemed to be the most interesting out of the ones I was told would get me a job
>looking back my school was totally shit with how they handled it, despite being some hoity toity top 5% grammar school
>nothing but regret
>generally bleak and apathetic outlook for the future
>feel pangs in my chest thinking about how I could be studying something I really like i.e. literature, rather than what is now a very boring STEM degree

>> No.6489463


I'm interested in public sector / finance / consultancy...anything but engineering. I got lots of interviews in those industries but failed them due to ugliness / autism. Most jobs don't require a particular degree

>> No.6489472

I'm almost certain I know who you are

>> No.6489475


My grades were perfect, I just put no thought in to uni / subject choice. I had zero guidance from school or uni

>> No.6489480
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You have to make uni worthwhile, it doesn't give it to you.

>> No.6489481

If you do then there's probably like 5 or 6 people in the entire world you could be. Who do you think I am?

>> No.6489482



>> No.6489484

not even close, sorry man my name is Charlie

>> No.6489486

Okay, so you had perfect grades.

The two best Unis in Scotland for Eng are Strath and Heriott.

Why didn't you use the internet to decide which one you wanted to go to?

Or call them?

Or go to campus visits?

The only person to blame is yourself.

>> No.6489492


I live in Aberdeen and my parents saved nothing for uni (for accommodation costs) and they're not dirt poor.

I know you need to indulge in the obligatory OP backlash but tonnes of people get perfect grades and go to all sorts of unis for various reasons.

>> No.6489504

You have no excuse.

You could have gotten a student loan and then gotten accomodation at a better Uni.

You're the one crying about a STEM degree on a literature board. Don't get upset.

This is just a fellow Scot trying to make you grow up and realise that for someone who got "perfect grades" you made a shit choice based on no research or preparation.

>> No.6489513

>The two best Unis in Scotland for Eng are Strath and Heriott.


>praising glorified polytechnic scum
>not Edinburgh or Glasgow masterrace

>> No.6489517


>> No.6489526

Glasgow and Edinburgh are one of the best overall but Strath and Heriott are the best for Engineering.

Nice meme.

Stop trying to spread your superior uni propaganda when you know fuck all about what you're talking about.

>> No.6489530

Don't pretend you wouldn't split that log

>> No.6489533

Why do people say 9-5 like it's the worst thing imaginable? I'd love to only work 9-5.

>> No.6489543


Lmao, perfect grades in quotation marks. Tonnes of people get perfect grades in school.

Honestly, the window of opportunity for edgy OP bashing obviously ended a few posts ago and you seem like an embarrassing fitizen.

>> No.6489550

>Strath and Heriott are the best for Engineering.

Yeah and I bet those grapes you can't reach are sour.

>> No.6489555

For fucks sake retard, I wasn't questioning your grades.

You are so defensive. I was quoting you, you fucking retard.

Then you use the fitizen ad hominem and I've never browsed that board.

Why don't you admit it's your fault, you little fucking child?

I went to St. Andrews for English. Try again.

>> No.6489564

how's st. andrews? I applied for international relations but got denied. now gonna go to edinburgh. differences, tips, things to watch out for in edinburgh?

>> No.6489567

different strokes different folks. I would hate to work 9-5, but like you say doesn't mean it's the "worst" for everyone.

>> No.6489568

I once met a spanish guy who went to a literature oriented HS, studied geomorphology, finished his studies, took a two week course as aerial navigator or something like that and got enough money to travel around the world.
Life goes on, as long as you don't stop yourself you can still do shit.

>> No.6489578

>I went to St. Andrews for English
>so I know which university is best for engineering

No wonder you haven't a fucking clue what you're talking about.

>> No.6489579


What are you on m80, you're clearly confusing two separate matters: why I went to Aberdeen uni, and whose responsibility I ultimately consider it to be* (I gave no indication of this). You're not actually doing am English degree, are you?

* ignoring any issues related to money. Can show me the mystical accommodation fee loans for non poor people. And also remember that SAAS hugely increased the non means tested part of the loans after I started uni.

>> No.6489624

Yeah, because I don't have a whole group of friends that went to Strath and Glasgow and I haven't worked with Unis and it's funny you claim I don't know what I'm talking about when your argument boils down to "masterrace"

Go compare them at this site:


Kill yourself, undergraduate smartarse.

Your original complaint was that the Uni didn't meet your standards and you would happily pay to get a better education when in reality, you could have had a better education from the beginning had you actually researched the institutions.

There is no point complaining about the level of education if you had the oppurtunity to go somewhere else.

But please, expand your argument and explain why I'm wrong.

>> No.6489650

At least your university doesn't require a 2 hour commute every day (because of no dorms) like australian ones do.

>> No.6489653

I was too anxious and depressed to even attend my classes beyond the first week so I spent almost a whole year confined in my dingy little apartment with no heating dreaming about killing myself.

>> No.6489672


My OP said £50 k of debt. Where did I mention paying anything? Then you said I had shit grades and that was wrong. I gave you reasons why i didnt go to other unis and then you babbled like a fitizen's motivational speech about how its all my fault.

>The only person to blame is yourself
>Why don't you admit it's your fault, you little fucking child?

Where did I say that the ultimate responsibility doesn't lie with me?

If someone tells me to jump off a bridge and I do it, the reason I did it would be because they told me. Whose "fault" it is (or who should take responsibility) is a whole other matter. You can't seem to understand this.

So you can't be assed pointing out the SAAS loans that fully pay accommodation fees for students with middle class parents.

This is pretty embarrassing for someone with an English degree. You made me respond, so I'll give you the chance to say you were trolling.

>> No.6489687

Missed the SAAS part in earlier posts. I apologise.

You still shouldn't come crying about it here, this isn't literature related. It's no different to a child crying to his parents.

>> No.6489711


>Missed the SAAS part in earlier posts. I apologise.
>I apologise

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahHHJahahahahasksksnciwowu7373haha!!!!!!!! FAGGOT!!!

Guys, guys, he did an English degree and he takes his English reading skills VERY seriously.

Bend over m80.

>> No.6489719

For you.

>> No.6489721

>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahHHJahahahahasksksnciwowu7373haha!!!!!!!! FAGGOT!!!

>Guys, guys, he did an English degree and he takes his English reading skills VERY seriously.

>Bend over m80.

what a loser, calm down sperg

>> No.6489733

Don't have panic attack, retard. Enjoy your shit STEM degree from Aberdeen, lmao.

>> No.6489784

How about we comapre them at this site?


Or this one?


Or this?


Oh look, Edinburgh consistently on top.

Oh, but wait! Obviously they didn't have the expert input of that bloke you met in the p-, sorry, I meant your friends who obviously know what theire talking about, not to mention all your experience working for universities as a resident's advisor or a fucking fresher's day volunteer or whatever else you think means you're qualified to talk about it.

>> No.6489795

What about Glasgow:)?

Did you forget about Glasgow:)?

Oh you left that out, didn't you:)?

Nice try, undergrad. Perhaps, they aren't the top 2 but they are in the top 3 and Glasgow was the lowest.

How long did it take you to look up uni ranking sites:)?

Ignored the official government one I see:)??

Nice try undergrad

>> No.6489831

First Year
>don't want to go to uni but feel like I have to
>university is in the middle of nowhere
>lectures are just a tutor passive aggressively reading from powerpoint
>nobody speaks in classes
>put no effort into essays and coast on low 2:1/high 2:2 results
>don't socialise with people in my dorm because I was so miserable and didn't realise at the time that made it worse
>arrange lectures in second semester to be on two consecutive days so I can go home and on live on campus for one night per week

Second Year
>want to be more social
>move into flat in what's considered a party building that's also really cheap
>end up living with STEM majors
>full on /r9k/ autism every day
>never get invited to anything
>people in building seem to sneer at me
>find out later that when I was at a lecture we got invited to a birthday party but my flatmate turned it down because "We're nerds here. We don't party."
>feel isolated because they think I'm an autism also
>ruins self esteem
>lectures are worse than first year because we're deemed as needing less guidance
>still nobody talks in classes
>being off campus kills motivation
>barely attend anything and still keep up low 2:1/high 2:2 average

Third Year
>freshman enrols with same name as me causing an error on the student loans database
>university can't grant me a loan
>receive no money until February
>can't pay for accommodation
>have to commute six hours a day to get to lectures (have to get up at 4am to make 9am lectures etc.)
>they're just as pointless as previous years
>same with classes
>university implements register system meaning I have to attend all of them
>feel like shit all the time
>don't care at all
>write dissertation in two days
>don't attend graduation

>no idea what my final grade is
>only assume I actually did pass because I keep getting alumni emails
>lie about what I studied and where on CVs
>never been called out on it
>it was all for nothing

I mostly ruined it for myself because I had the wrong mentality and will eternally have regrets but I can't imagine anyone else had a worse time of it.

>> No.6489845

>Heriot Watt and Strathclyde are best for engineering!
>Edinburgh actually
>durp but Glasgow what about Glasgow!

>Ignored the official government one I see:)??
>compared electrical engineering courses
>data from 25 students

Not that I would expect an English student to understand quality statistics but come on.

>> No.6489855

You got trolled. This has all been a ruse because I knew a STEM autist like you would get mad.


>> No.6489856

that sounds terrible

where did you go

>> No.6489859
File: 39 KB, 349x642, aaODnol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not STEM, not mad.

>> No.6489865

You sure seem to love the STEM big black cock though huh, you got a bf that does STEM

autist, nice meme picture :^)

>> No.6489871

>maybe if I keep calling people autist they won't realise I'm embarassed about being wrong on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.6489876

you talking about yourself man

umad? :^)

>> No.6489883

did u realise u compared electrical engineering and not engineering which is what op did??


>> No.6489897

When did I call anyone an autist? Also:

>uses undergraduate as a term of belittlement
>resorts to playground-tier comebacks

Not mad, thouroughly bemused.

>> No.6489904

those are some big words for a STEMboy


>> No.6489911

Yes, I realised that I compared electrical engineering when I typed that exact phrase into the search box.

Why do you revert to text speak when you get angry about being proved wrong?

>> No.6489916

>proved wrong

you do realise ops course was only engineering :^)??

do u understand stemboy?? different courses:)?

>> No.6489921

Again, not STEM, but yeah I'm pretty sure they use complicated words in the sciences.

>> No.6489925


>that misuse of the word "vague"

Maybe you should have studied English.

>> No.6489943
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only engineering not electrical engineering:)

nice try stemboy:)

>> No.6489949

Do you realise you can't study a general engineering undergraduate course beyond your first year at Aberdeen, or at Edinburgh, Strathclyde or Heriot Watt?

What, did your friends at Glasgow and Strathclyde not explain this to you? Did it not come up in all the uni work you claim to have done?

>> No.6489954

haha nice try stemboy

>> No.6489979
File: 4 KB, 620x87, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try

>> No.6489982
File: 13 KB, 685x243, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really nice try STEMboy

>> No.6489990
File: 6 KB, 694x94, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love your bants, STEMboy

aha !ill quote "elec eng" not "eng" thatll get him

nice try

>> No.6489991
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>Surveyed 70 students
>Surveyed 65 students

>> No.6489998

See you in another life

>> No.6490007

Nah but in all seriousness it's up to personal preference.

You got trolled this entire time, sperg.

Enjoy your lonely night getting mad on the internet whilst I jack off to tentacle porn and write the next Don Quixote.

>> No.6490033

>haha I was being wrong on purpose
>you wasted your time
>while I made four different screenshots to reply to a single post
>are you mad
>please be mad
>this is all I have

Your tears are delicious.

>> No.6490037

>Your tears are delicious

Sorry, could you repeat that, anonymous?

>> No.6490052

Sure, if you could post something stupid for me to call stupid. Then rather than quietly leave you dig a massive hole for yourself with desperate "umad" responses I'll be glad to repeat how much I've enjoyed your suffering.

>> No.6490053
File: 26 KB, 367x500, tumblr_nknpo07qxV1rg3vrmo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll be glad to repeat how much I've enjoyed your suffering.

>> No.6490057


>> No.6490063

heeheeheehe EPIC FAIIIL!

>> No.6490065

>Your tears are delicious.
>I'll be glad to repeat how much I've enjoyed your suffering.

>> No.6490085

Does it make you feel better or worse to imagine me as some edgy fedora guy, given how stupid I've made you look?

>> No.6490095
File: 198 KB, 3000x1688, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>given how stupid I've made you look?

>Your tears are delicious.

>I'll be glad to repeat how much I've enjoyed your suffering.

I'm embarrassed to share a country with you.

>> No.6490103

>you will never receive a classical education
>you will always be taught the upper parts of a system/study and never taught its most fundamental principles and methods
>you will never contemplate first principles, sadsocrates.gif
>the drudgery you experience at school and later at work kills your desire for serious learning at home
>tfw it was all part of the socialist-capitalist synthesis order to make you into a wage slave whose highest hope is a banal but comfy bourgeois existence with a another materialistic robot like yourself as a spouse who probably abandoned all romance and chastity when they were teenagers
>tfw you realize the devil exists and that Jesus Christ warned you bro, He warned you about this apostasy

in the end, it's gonna turn out all right except for the apostates and unbelievers

>> No.6490107

> Glasgow English Literature & Language
> Aberdeen Linguistics
Which one, /lit/? I've two more weeks to decide.

>> No.6490111

Obviously Glasgow! Don't fuck this up. Glasgow.

>> No.6490130

Are you honest? I noticed that Aberdeen went out of it's way to advertise itself, I got two letters and a student's guide by airmail, not to mention the several e-mails. Aberdeen's expectations are also much lower that that of Glasgow's. That being said, I still cannot judge it well enough from over here.

>> No.6490131

Don't be embarrassed, we're all anonymous here. You won't actually have to admit that to anyone you sperged out so badly in an internet argument about universities that you had to resort to postiing pictures of men in fedoras.

>> No.6490138

We all know you're the op from the beginning retard, no one cares anymore, get over it

>> No.6490139

I turned down imperial college last year for a middle of the road Russell Group for physics because I didn't want to live in London. Regretted it at first, but I love the city and the course, and it's gone up in rankings since I've joined. Anyone here RG?

>> No.6490142

What are the offers?

Glasgow is a much better city and the University is much better in terms of location and importance.

Trust me. Pick Glasgow.

>> No.6490144

>implying I would voluntarily move to sheep shagger city

Try again.

>> No.6490159

>sheep shagger

yeah i remember making those jokes when i was 14

*rolls eyes*

>> No.6490169

That's nice. I'm still not OP.

>> No.6490170

You probably aren't well-acquinted with the Hungarian matura-system, but to get accepted by Glasgow, I've got to have five 5s (the best possible grade here), one of which has to be a humanities and higher level one, the rest may be standard. Tomorrow 8 a.m. I'll be writing my Grammar&Literature higher level one, I already have one in English. I'm going to have a matura in 7 (if you count English standard and higher, 8) subjects, making five 5s out of that seems possible.
Aberdeen requires everything 4 or better.

>> No.6490172




>> No.6490174


>> No.6490184

Are you quite done then, or have you got some other pointless memes to share?

>> No.6490185

STEM has ruined you. Get rid o'er computer.

>> No.6490187


Look at the link above. Its the unis in the uk ranked in descending order of the average UCAS points of the students that go there. All these Scottish ones do quite well.

>> No.6490197

I said ok, you're the one trying to take it further loser, let it go, and learn to take a joke

>> No.6490201

If you're wanting to do engineering in Scotland you're best with Strathclyde tbh. But i know how he feels, there are a lot of folk i know who regret aberdeen

>> No.6490208

I think i know who this is as well

>> No.6490220


Curious, why do they dislike it?

>> No.6490231

>you're the one trying to take it further
So why do you keep responding to me?

>> No.6490251

>i say ok
>he replies wiht "hur dur are you going to keep going"

kill yourself, attention seeker

>> No.6490271

>wants me to stop posting
>can't stop responding to my posts

Thanks for the attention sweetie.

>> No.6490280


>> No.6490288


His description sounds like one of thousands.

>> No.6490290

>let it go, and learn to take a joke
>can't let it go

>> No.6490294


>> No.6490303

Do you realise how mental you're getting here?

>inb4 sperg

>> No.6490305


>> No.6490353
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>> No.6490375

Pair of weans

>> No.6490509

>glasgow and edinburgh are one of the best overall
Glasgow were gagging for me to go to their university, while Edinburgh was pompous enough to wait until a few hours before the deadline to reject me. I love Scotland but christ, why would I get such different reactions from unis which aren't even that distanced in their rankings?

>> No.6490517

Edinburgh is full of posh cunts.

Edinburgh is the city for tourists whereas Glasgow is the city for locals. If that makes any sense...

>> No.6490527

Are you more interested in English Lit or Linguistics?

>> No.6490607

Same happened to me. I sent off my UCAS application on a Thursday and logged in to check the website on the next Sunday and I already had an unconditional from Glasgow, but Edinburgh wouldn't even make me an offer until I went to their open day. I'm pretty sure they had exactly the same entrance requirements too.