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File: 48 KB, 960x886, rare pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6486958 No.6486958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I propose a new doctrine: Smug

Embody pride, condescension and self-satisfaction against all comers. Even the most gifted man on earth is brought down low by rolling with a pig in the mud.

Smugness is also the apex of being.

>> No.6486967

/lit/ - literature

>> No.6486987

stop posting this picture mudslime islam isn't real

otherwise i agree

>> No.6487109

You're shitposting right now, stop it

>> No.6487118

fuck off

>> No.6487120

But over time, I'll get tired of looking down on everything around me.
Do I create new things to feel smug about, expect them to fall into my lap, or just accept my stale smug life and continue to be a condescending asshole?

>> No.6487122
File: 65 KB, 499x499, paulie pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6487127

>Even the most gifted man on earth is brought down low by rolling with a pig in the mud.

This is a good aphorism. J'make it>>6486958

>> No.6487128

Smugness allows you to do whatever you want. If someone says otherwise, just be smug. If you're tired and unhappy, then you're not smug and must find a way to assert otherwise.

Above all, be smug even when alone.

>> No.6487134

It's a George Bernard Shaw quote

>> No.6487138

But there needs to be an object of my smugness, how am I supposed to impose my smug nature on it if I'm alone?

>> No.6487151

Not seein much or at least I'm not seeing your variation of it. source?

>> No.6487152

Contemplate that there are billions out there who are frustrated and lack smug. Reading passionate and idealistic articles can assist in this.

We are alone at all times anon.

>> No.6487153
File: 39 KB, 528x492, le frog wine man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

>> No.6487164
File: 120 KB, 1024x661, 1428205301854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the quote, but your doctrine is narrow, for by heeding it, you exclude yourself from gaining both knowledge and wisdom from your fellow man and woman.

But smug to fug I can abide

>> No.6487176

You can still gain knowledge by being smug, upon receiving it. Smugness can be entirely internal.

It's very smug to attend a lecture, soak up the knowledge and then have no gratitude or humility; refusing even to acknowledge the lecturer's superiority.

>> No.6487186

Seems fragile and deluded

>> No.6487191

Quick, somebody post a pretentious frog image to counter

>> No.6487192

Have you met anyone like this, dude? They're honestly awful individuals that most people try to abandon. I wouldn't do this.

>> No.6487195
File: 204 KB, 3952x4200, is that so.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deluded maybe, but you will never beat a dedicated Smug in a race to the bottom for superiority.

>> No.6487196

But smugness has the benefit of casting doubt on everything one perceives. By constantly challenging the opinions of others they are either proven wrong, or only after sufficient prodding one can withdraw and adopt the viewpoint as their own, acting smug the entire time.

>> No.6487201

You can choose to fully internalise it. If, by instead choosing to praise the lecturer in that situation, you can be smug in knowing that you're being completely dishonest.

Nobody will know the difference and that's one more thing you can be smug about.

>> No.6487207
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, 1428044893289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d e v i l i s h

lmao you're a goof :^ )

>> No.6487209

The reality is that you can only troll people who want to be trolled. To anybody who isn't playing the same game that you are, you just look like an idiot.

>> No.6487212

Someone can give up in disgust, but as was once said ' I have never argued with an ignorant fool and won',

Smugness in victory and victory in smugness.

>> No.6487230

You're misunderstanding me. Anyone emotionally invested enough to become disgusted was at a minimum open to being trolled.

>> No.6487244

So it's a race to the bottom. The person who is more invested in the argument will lose.

Smugness is about always being the least-invested person, to the point of irony.

>> No.6487259

The stuff ITT is too heavy-handed to be read as anything but affectation, which indicates significant investment.

>> No.6487274
File: 94 KB, 1435x478, 1416346218531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What books should be on a smugness essentials list?

The Ego and Its Own obviously, but what else?

>> No.6487285
File: 50 KB, 512x512, ensmugged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be invested in what you're doing, but never defend it. To defend your own smugness is to relinquish it.

If it feels like an affectation then you're not being smug enough.

>> No.6487294
File: 36 KB, 540x376, this is not a pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smugness is independent of any object or fixed thought.

You are engaged in a constant state of becoming.

>> No.6487344

are their branches of this philosophy?

is there the /r9k/ version, the ebin meme funposting rest of 4chan version, and the reddit version?

>> No.6487350

>tfw Paulie, despite his superstitious nature, understood that having kids if you're a mobster is wrong and thus had more self awareness than the rest of the gang, the only one worthy of being pepefied

>> No.6487356

are you talking about paulie from the godfather or paulie from goodfellas?

>> No.6487361

Look at that pepe for ten seconds and then think over that question.

>> No.6487366

oh wow i'm retarded fuck yourself

>> No.6487370

In a descriptive sense perhaps.

>> No.6487379

now that i think about it tho there should be a series of godfather, goodfellas, the departed style pepes

>> No.6487380

I like it OP except for one thing: most moments of sadness, whether recurring or with an imediate cause, override previous emotions in a "sincerity" (quotes because this sincerity is a symptom rather than a cauze) that makes us forget our previous every day content or smug attitude and thus the whole point of living life in a smug attitude to raise your overall quality of life is broken

>> No.6487395

Shit, I wrote cause in two different ways.

The Sopranos. Do the other characters even resemble that pepe? I haven't seen either movie in a long time.

>> No.6487399

That's a valid issue, but what if we were to avoid sadness? Genetic/whatever disorders may inhibit the ability to be smug, but smugness is to be above joy, fear, anger and the whole range of emotions. Your aim is to have one single emotion: smug. A shit-eating grin is a sign of permanent contentment.

To raise your quality of life is not the goal, but rather to be independent of that. To be smug in the electric chair is still victory.