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/lit/ - Literature

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6484674 No.6484674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ so obsessed with communist revolution? Why not align your chakras and delve into a world of aristocratic heroism?

Pic and video related.


>> No.6484700

>New Ageism
>Julius Ebola

Why engage in inferior spirituality when Mahayana Buddhism is at your disposal? Read a good Sutra.

>> No.6484707
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>Why is /lit/ so obsessed with communist revolution?

>> No.6484719
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Bourgeoisie of course.

>> No.6484733
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>the state meddling in economic affairs is capitalism

>> No.6484737
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>Why is /lit/ so obsessed with communist revolution?

Because communism empowers intellectuals. /lit/ can't compete on the job market, so they dream about being apparatchiks in the nomenklatura of a communist state.

>Why not align your chakras and delve into a world of aristocratic heroism?

That would empower the opposite of /lit/, the warrior caste, or military types. They would never support that.

>> No.6484741


more of these please

>> No.6484747

are you aware how capitalism originated? evidently not

>> No.6484753

>In 1796, French revolutionary anti-clerical troops used the refectory as an armory; they threw stones at the painting [Leonardo's Last Supper] and climbed ladders to scratch out the Apostles' eyes
What. The. Fuck. /lit/ and Nietzsche led me to believe Napoleon was patrician. O_O

>> No.6484755

I like you, OP.

Read some traditionalist lit. It's basically what you are talking about.

Any literature tips?
Traditionalism has not too much lit. Especially if you are not into Evola.

>> No.6484764

>communism empowers intellectuals
Tell this my grandfather. Studied 5 subjects, lived through gommy Polan and now doesn't miss an opportunity to complain about how shitty communism is.

He recently criticizes democracy as well.

Based grandpa.

>> No.6484768

Nietzsche was slightly bitter.

Its obvious from his earlier, purer works that all the later stuff were subject to his personal embitterment.

His early works were the best, especially "Genealogy of Morality", which is basically a long rant against Jews.

>> No.6484787
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Sure comrade.

>> No.6484793
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>> No.6484800
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>> No.6484805

What kind of political system would he want?

>> No.6484806

Oh please, I could argue that it has naturally in simple voluntary barter systems from as far as prehistory. Since you're referring to all the state sponsored violent impositions of capitalism in societies through time, yes you will find violations of rights and brutality. I don't deny that those impositions, however transient, did not have economic interests backing them. To call those systematic impositions an unavoidable component of capitalism, as if it is a consequence of all capitalism is downright wrong. I do not agree, by the way, in the 'negative' of that image, where communism is portrayed as a system where atrocities and massacres are a direct result of all communism. I am, however, in the belief that within that system, the utilitarian mindset and the greater power of the state is more prone to commit these barbarities.

>> No.6484808
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Here he comes!

>> No.6484817
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b-bad workers!

>> No.6484818

Political cartoons are just so awfully unfunny. It has so much fucking writing on it that it may as well just be a sentence saying, 'Don't vote because muh corruption'.

>> No.6484827

>Chakras instead of Communism
>Spirituality has a place in the world
>Not wanting to return to Stone Age bartering instead

Get a load of this fascist

>> No.6484828

So you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6484838

Enlighten me, I am all ears (eyes in this case).

>> No.6484875

> Why is /lit/ so pbsessed with communist revolution?

B/C the White Nights are aesthetic as fuck. It's like you've never read Gorky.

Also, /pol/ instigators.

>> No.6484894
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>The only remnant of socialism that proved to work promoted free-market economy, capitalism, free will, individualism and incremental reforms
>mfw communists hasn't read Nils Karleby, Ernst Wigforss and Per Albin Hansson near me

>> No.6484929

>The only remnant of socialism that proved to work promoted free-market economy, capitalism, free will, individualism and incremental reforms
>what is welfare and universal healthcare, schools, ...

>> No.6484954

>Work in Essex County pg 89, right?

>> No.6484957
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But that is wrong

>> No.6484994

Ironically the UDSSR was just that.

>> No.6485008

There are so many things wrong with this image I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.6485025

from a Chilean who knows how FUCKED the conditions were during Allende's presidency, I will humbly ask you to go fuck yourself.

>> No.6485031

First of all, you don't even know what communism is, if you did, then you would know socialism needs to be in place for many years for it to happen, its a utopian dream.

Also, capitalism is the reason why those thins were allowed to happen.

>Compound Growth
This is a example of how a socialist economy would run.

Worker owned Corporation
>Democracy at work
>Market Propaganda

>> No.6485051

Don't take the image so literally, its mainly to show many other forms of socialism, which a few would have worked if it wasn't for the US and USSR being imperialist assholes.

>> No.6485104


>implying tantra is not part of bhuddism

>> No.6485141


>> No.6485201
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>Why is /lit/ so obsessed with communist revolution?
People don't want to be classcucked!

>> No.6485204
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>Why not align your chakras and delve into a world of aristocratic heroism?
>"Why not spook your spooks and delve into the world of spooky spookism?"

I wonder why not.

>> No.6485214

>from a scumbag Chilean fascist

Fix´d :)

>> No.6485218

Stirner reader (on couch, watching tv with friends): Lol what the fuck it's just a bunch of dots lol. I refuse to interpret reality in a respectable manner because im gay. Why are these colored dots flashing on your box

>> No.6485220
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OR don't want to be slime.

>> No.6485221
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>Julius Evola

He quite literally believed that white people were Atlanteans, the Jews were from another solar system and that everyone non-white was a Lemurian beastman and the product of an unholy union between a witch and a demon. There is absolutely no reason to take him seriously and the "neo-reactionary" movement is poisoning themselves by trying to make him their intellectual hero.

>> No.6485225
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>thoroughly spook'd retard pissed that not everybody respects his nonsensical, unprovable spooks

>> No.6485226

My dad works with a guy who grew up in gommy Wroclaw, the dude worships Reagan.

>> No.6485228

I don't care what you respect, I'm just making fun of you for having a gay worldview. My worldview could easily beat the shit out of yours because it's powerful and robust

>> No.6485237
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>literally "my dad can beat up your dad logic"


>> No.6485241
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classcuck thread?
classcuck thread.

>> No.6485245
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>> No.6485247
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>> No.6485249
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>> No.6485250
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Hail Kuch brothers, champions of libertarianism!

>> No.6485254
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>> No.6485255
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>b-but they earned
>they're h-hard workers, you guise

>> No.6485257

Minimum Wage and other state enhancements to the economy only work if proper protectionism is in place.

Why allow foreigners to compete at a lower level than your national businesses? Why not tax them for failing to follow enlightened practises? Especially when you have the best consumer market in the world. WTF murricans.

>> No.6485261

I don't think people take his mysticism too seriously.

I am a traditionalist and read my Evola, but I know how to filter the shit. He even wrote books on actual "magick" without blushing.

Traditionalism attracts mystics, that's hardly surprising. I think the more down-to-earth forms of traditionalism needs a new name.

>> No.6485263

If you even look up the etymology of the word "capitalism", you'll see that the state has always intervened in capitalism. When the word was first conceived of, the state was already intervening.

Capitalism =/= Free Market.

>> No.6485264

Maybe the cure of champagne socialists is to let them live in a socialist country for some time.

>> No.6485270
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>> No.6485278

True that.

>> No.6485793


None of that is true though, though I suppose you are just being facetious. The metaphysical origin of the indo Europeans was hyperboria the atlantians were a subset that came afterwards but don't encompass the whole group, Jews were lemurian southerners but they were'nt et's , Evola never spoke of aliens. On top of that Asiatic people , along with other non white indo Europeans like the Persians were not seen as lemurian either. He also didn't believe in witches or demons. Most importantly, he was very clear in the intro to 'Revolt' that he took all this stuff as mythical and analogously rather than literally' because the metaphysical and spiritual truths that could be extracted from them were more important and real than mere historical contingencies. It's fine to critique Evola, but at least actually read him first.

>> No.6486381

for you


>> No.6486407

God, Ostalgie was such an embarrassing trend, thankfully it stopped around 2010

>> No.6486409

I recently read an interesting essay by Stefan Zweig about Goethe meeting Napoleon in Erfurt, in 1808, where (according to Goethe's diary, that is) the following conversation took place:

Napoleon: "Voilà un homme! I am a great admirer of your work."

Goethe: "Oh, what have you read by me, then?"

Napoleon: "Werther, of course. Why, have you written anything else?"

>> No.6486411

>Why is /lit/ so obsessed with communist revolution?

Because it tries to be the opposite of /pol/ at all times.

Remember, 4chan is a website for contrarians

>> No.6486420


>Why is /lit/ so obsessed with communist revolution

Because it's the only thing mankind has to work and hope for other than the faith we go to paradise when we die.

If you want to build an aristocracy, I suggest walking outside and breathing the fresh air. It's already been done.

>> No.6486475

This thread makes me feel increasingly good about being wealthy.

>> No.6486536

sauce? Looks interesting.

>> No.6486541

>1 per cent
Yes, property is owned by people who organise logistics.
It is the same in communism,
they simply pretend there is no upper class.

>> No.6486544


>It is the same in communism
>It is the same in communism
>It is the same in communism

I want to die

>> No.6486548

>Because communism empowers intellectuals. /lit/ can't compete on the job market, so they dream about being apparatchiks in the nomenklatura of a communist state.

>> No.6486561

I presume you are aware a new class appears after the ruckus has died down and is the whole system becomes warped and turns to shit over time,
but then again you are a rusemaster,
so I am not even interested in your sarcastic replies.

>> No.6486562

ah, the worst trip has arrived

>> No.6486563

*is was not intended.

>> No.6486582


This implies Leninism, Maoism, Deng Reform Socialism, are all ther only forms of Communism, if Communism at all.

Communism is the end goal. If you actually skimmed even the back of the book, you'd realize all such are interpretations of Marx's State Bridge into the ideal of Communism.

Is Communism fucking unlikely as hell? Sure, I won't deny that. It won't happen in my lifetime or my children's lifetime if I have any, or anyone far down the road if at all.

There are more interpretations of the work than fingers on each hand, and some have worked while others have not, and just generally sweeping within as a subset of Leninism or All Marxist Thought Must Equal Leninist Thought is highly suspect.

It's just an ideal worth fighting for, I have my own beliefs and I would not deny they are based upon a faith of some kind, but nonetheless I have faith man will eventually stop treating man as a value, a number, and a resource.
