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File: 36 KB, 502x334, le unbiased history man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6478871 No.6478871[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

... which was great unless you were a slave, or a woman.

>> No.6478882

>history was bad for women

I dont really get this meme

In almost every society in history women had it far easier than men. They lived longer, ate better, didnt have to fight and war etc.

>> No.6478883

OP is a cuck

>> No.6478890

It's fun to pretend you're an oppressed minority.

>> No.6478892

B-but they couldn't vote and men didn't want them dying in a coal mine!

>> No.6478894
File: 272 KB, 656x454, llll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>john grisham

>> No.6478898

Yeah, but they weren't allowed to live promiscuous lives! Most often they didn't work, and when they did they didn't earn as much, and weren't allowed to be in positions of power!

>> No.6478901

>be a woman in the middle ages
>get called a witch for living alone
>be horribly murdered by a gang of retards

>> No.6478903

>from where I'm standing
>is sitting
Can't trust a word he says

>> No.6478904

They also had no autonomy and would be considered the plunder of war, which meant consistent rape.

>> No.6478910

Same thing happened to men. Most people got the plague before the retards got to them, anyway.
When was the last time all the women of fighting age got drafted?

>> No.6478911

'sept in industrial England.

See, We English realized that their small hands and little frames were well suited to the claustrophobic conditions and tight passageways of a sub-surface coal mine.

And the only thing better than women are orphans; they're just like children but the're free!

Civilisation Ho!

>> No.6478912

>history was bad for slaves

I dont really get this meme

In almost every society in history slaves had it far easier than free men. They were guaranteed housing and food, didnt have to fight and war etc.

>> No.6478917

English really are the smartest people.

>> No.6478926

It was kind of shit being raped by dominus whenever he felt like it tbh

>> No.6478929


>> No.6478932

underrated post

>> No.6478950
File: 37 KB, 1126x288, Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 11.26.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's taking a lot of restraint not to chomp on this bait
all recorded history, including now, has been terrible for everyone
i'm surprised juan verde, the internet's pre-eminent librul shill, doesn't know that oppressive systems negatively impact everyone, including the oppressors

>> No.6478953

B-but influence only counts if it's direct! Raising the next generation and performing menial labor is slavery!

>> No.6478954

Not being able to get an education, not being able to vote, not being able to work the same jobs (inb4 hurr they can't work the same jobs as men), raping women wasn't really a big deal in a lot of places, women getting beaten by their husbands was a normal thing, women not being taken seriously. Yeah I don't get this meme either.

>> No.6478955

The rape definitely wasn't as consistent as the killing of men who were actually fighting, often against their will

>> No.6478964

>oppressive systems negatively impact everyone, including the oppressors
nice b8

>> No.6478967

Listen up mate, history was shit for EVERYOBODY.

For the majority of men, in the majority of societies, they were treated the exact same as women unless they were elites.

Elite men had all the power and shared some power with their wives, daughters and friends. Yes elite women werent as free as elite men, but this was a very small subset of society. In general terms, most men and women had the same circumstances. The key difference for the common folk being that men had to work much more physically demanding jobs and fight and die in wars.

>> No.6478970

>often fighting against their will
and who was forcing these men to fight? Oh that's right, other men.
Who were killing these men? Other men.

>> No.6478976

Yeah I'm gonna need a citation for that champ. Also please reread my post because you didn't address any of that.
>had to fight and die in wars
Which were caused by men. Great logic champ.

>> No.6478977

your categories are completely arbitrary
why not men in power?

>> No.6478987

>not being able to vote,
lol'd, most people couldn't vote in history
>not being able to work the same jobs
I'd take housewife over manual laborer

>> No.6478988

Okay? Men in power then. Still men.
Men have caused the most damage.

>> No.6478989

John Green had it right when he mentioned that the simple formula 2+2 describes a lot about the human mind. If you consider for a second the relative inhospitability of the universe it gets closer to realizing that supreme self Nietzsche called the "Ubermensch".

>> No.6478993

>I'd take housewife over manual laborer
Neat. Too bad you don't speak for everyone.

>> No.6478995

Women in history had there share of hardships and so did men. Are you really trying to imply that not being able to speak first at dinner was as bad as dying in war?

Also why does it matter that the wars were caused by men? It was different times, war was the way scores were settled. Were women who made it into power notably more peacuful than men in those times? War is not a male specific construction whatsoever.

Literally everyone would rather work in the house and raise their children. The only reason men did those jobs is because someone had to do them and men were best equipped.

>> No.6479000
File: 121 KB, 656x768, NietzscheonHistory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that germany before the world wars had their john green and guns germ and steel.

>all of them buffoons of politics
>the big picture itself has been proscribed by them.

>> No.6479005

If it was after a siege, it definitely was.

>> No.6479006
File: 49 KB, 340x98, Screen Shot 2015-04-29 at 9.45.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bait here, only the conclusion drawn by those of us who have thrown off the shackles of materialism :o)

>> No.6479010

>Neat. Too bad you don't speak for everyone.
What a fatuous statement. You would rather do backbreaking labor with potential to greatly shorten your lifespan and leave your spine in permanent disorder?

>Men have caused the most damage.
They built everything that wasn't damaged and everything which remains.

>> No.6479012

>male is not a male specific construction whatsoever
History would beg to differ. Most wars were caused by men and were led by men.
>it was different times
Yeah that's why it's called history. Not sure what your point is.
>women who made it into power
Lol yeah because there were so many. Men have always been in power therefor decisions have always been made that benefit men and not women.

>> No.6479019

>men wrote the greatest masterpieces
I-it's because they were in power!
>Men have caused the most damage
lol do you see the problem here?