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File: 173 KB, 960x720, maymas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6478329 No.6478329 [Reply] [Original]

Reccomend me some dank PoMo scifi novel, /lit/

>> No.6478357

"Use of Weapons" by Iain M. Banks; thank me later, OP.

>> No.6478367

Who are the four people in that pic I don't recognize? (you can easily guess which ones)

>> No.6478370

>madame zubumba the dreamweaver

>> No.6478374

the Fondler wrote that book about the hermaphrodite

>> No.6478376

I recognize DFW and Franzen, but who else is in that pic?

>> No.6478385

OK now who are the other three?

>> No.6478404

From left to right

Zadie Smith
Nathan Englander

I think the others are nobodies

>> No.6478405

change slick rick to rico suave


>> No.6478410

OK I figured otu that slick rick is Nathan Englander and the other two are some random Italian nobodies

>> No.6478453

via GIS: David Foster Wallace, Jonathan Franzen, Antonio Monda, Davide Azzolini (co-director of ''Le Conversazioni''), Zadie Smith, Nathan Englander and Jeffrey Eugenides

I wouldn't have gotten most of those, I was gonna guess crutches was Jonathan Lethem

>> No.6478513


Read one you haven't read.

>> No.6478523


>> No.6478533

Why not?

>> No.6478558

Half of it, at least.

>> No.6478568

>that body language

was DFW really that autistic or is that just a bad pic of him?

>> No.6478574

he's upset the fondler is muscling in on his contemporary pussy

>> No.6478575

I think he's just shy of the camera. It's cute

>> No.6478581

There's another picture of him in that same pose between two fangirls. Maybe he's doing it ironically.

>> No.6478587
File: 228 KB, 492x387, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DFW you're about to get some audience pussy

>> No.6478597

>dat cultivated autistic image
He's like the spectral opposite of those teenage girls who have the exact same smile in every photo.

>> No.6479178

>that girl on the left

Why is terribly done makeup so hot?

>> No.6479185


>> No.6479203

sometimes the only thing you can hold is your right arm

>> No.6479491

I always love how uncomfortable Zadie looks in that sausage fest. Talk about body language, she's clutching her bag for dear life.

>> No.6479681

i had this discussion with my gf recently. she's very stay-inside-the-lines about her make up, but tbh, sometimes trashy/hookeresque/gothy make-up is just tops.

>> No.6479694

>she's clutching her bag for dear life.

hm. looks like she's just holding it

>> No.6479698

>Why is terribly done makeup so hot?

Reminds you of your own inept mother.

>dating women


>> No.6479815

Makeup is only valuable insofar as it hides defects and makes the face look more natural (IE pretty). This is true for both women and men

>> No.6479838

Yeah, sh'es holding it pretty loosely, in fact. If anything she just looks awkward. Anon is showing idiotic prejudices here

>> No.6479844

not necessarily: exaggerating features can work too: heighten cheekbones, darken eyes, etc. on paper: grotesque; in practice: boner.

>> No.6479922

I mean you can be a clown if you want to, but you could also paint your skin purple with white polka dots, or do other wacky stuff. Why not be as creative as possible?