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/lit/ - Literature

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6477237 No.6477237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do you lurk in this shithole while there are many much more intellectually stimulating places on the internets? (like reddit and tumblr goodreads and imdb)

>> No.6477246
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I browse /lit/ because my friends and I don't read the same books and so I don't have many people to talk with about them.
I browse /lit/ to LOL.

>> No.6477250

>I browse /lit/ because my friends and I don't read

>> No.6477251

Until a better anonymous forum is created, I will put up with muchin the meantime,O my brother.

>> No.6477254


>> No.6477272

>implying anywhere else is better

>> No.6477276

/pol/ here

reddit and tumblr are for SJW cuck homo faggot cultural marxist cuck feminist liberal cuck.

4chan is for REAL men, not false men

>> No.6477290

you have to end with fag

>> No.6477585
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>> No.6477590
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Then go back to /pol/

>> No.6477595


I was initially just going to >reddit but the rest of the list is just as fucking simpleminded

>> No.6477602

you can't compare 4chan to reddit or any other imageboard faggot

they are pitiful baby websites with too much shit going on

>> No.6477605

Why would I not?
I do not come here to intellectually stimulate myself,
it is simply a habit that is not particularly detrimental or positive and I some times discuss a book I have read.
Every now and again I read some thing on here.
But seriously

>> No.6477607

Because every one of the sites shun free speech. 4ch still does, but not to the degree of reddit/tumblr/etc; their systems are based around propagating "better" content by arbitrary rating systems. Reddit is the worst perpetrator, but they're all guilty one way or another. Reminder to respect your freedom of speech by posting about literature on lain.io or full-chan.

>> No.6477612
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nice b8 m8

>> No.6477615

I feel connected to the people here. Their ironic distance from reality and aloof hostility towards everyone and everything endears them to me.

>> No.6477622

8ch is shit.
"Snotwheels" is a smug little cunt and the premise of the site is shit.
The supposed fact that he lets people say what they wish on boards under his control is false.
Actually, the premise is not upheld and all boards that are in any way frequented (very few) tend to have even stricter moderation than here.
Wow. Do not even get me started on that shithole.

I have not frequented lain.io,
but I like serial experiments lain,
I have watched it many times.
I find it interesting that there is someone who evidently is more of a fan of it than me, in creating a website with its name.

>> No.6477628
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Yep. Reddit is really awful because of this sometimes. The threads about Christianity that are on /lit/ would never happen on reddit because christfags would just be downvoted into oblivion.

>> No.6477636

Yes. I understand that.
I would not say I am as interested as I previously was and there was a time when I seriously disliked this place,
but being on the other spin offs has shown me there is some thing Einzig about 4ch.

It is important to restrict the amount of time you spend on it to focus on self mastery:
Reading, drawing et cetera.

>> No.6477641

Because here is the only place I could hypothetically call you a "cock-sucking dog rapist, product of multi-generational incest, spawn of Azi Dahaka himself and suspected Magyar Cigany, and maybe not be silenced for it.

A relative bastion of free speech.

A wild frontier populated only by those rugged enough to withstand it's rigours.

The thread dunes are littered with the bones of those who came before you.

Go back traveller - the road ahead is long and ill kept, and brigands stalk it's pathways.

>> No.6477642
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>> No.6477647

And best of all, the system operator of lain.io is a nineteen year old hermaphrodite who grew up in the tough streets of Columbia, slinging coke until xe finally had enough cash to buy a webserver.
Reddit is perfect for sharing videos of skateboarding pitbulls and infographics as they can be judged from a very bland FUNNY - NOT FUNNY binary represented by the Upvote system. This can work both in and against users. It can work to foster good discussion topics, but flounders around when faced with anything subjective.

>> No.6477648
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>Their ironic distance from reality and aloof hostility towards everyone and everything endears them to me.

Ya. I love the ethos of /lit/, and 4chan in general; not sure why, but it is my internet home.

>> No.6477676

Mostly out of habit.

I also like the anonymous and non-permanent manner of posting.

>> No.6477685

I only visit /lit/ ironically.

>> No.6477708
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>> No.6477721

This place may be a shithole, but it's a shithole I like living in.

At times, can be nice
Oh god no.
Fuck off.

7/10 bait, made me respond.

>> No.6477742

It's called introjection, anon.

>> No.6477805
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>> No.6477815
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>This place may be a shithole, but it's a shithole I like living in.

Well put.