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File: 99 KB, 600x863, Mormon-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6476758 No.6476758 [Reply] [Original]

who /mormon/ here?

>> No.6476762

Praise our God on Kolob

>> No.6476769


I'll never understand why Harold Bloom suck's Joseph Smith's cock so hard, TBOM isn't that great as literature.

>> No.6476786

What made you leave the church?

>> No.6476791

This. I don't get it.

>> No.6476796



>> No.6476820

Loss of faith. I still remain appreciative of many of the church's values, though, as it breeds generally good and spiritually-healthy people.

>> No.6476827

my girlfriend is a mormon while im pretty near pyrrhonism

i dont really like how it's implied that only mormons (married in a temple) can be together for eternity

she says she's getting married in a temple yet wants to marry me yet knows im never going to find any of it to be true yet isnt going to let me lie about my lack of faith

really gay and whatnot

>> No.6476844

do you guys have pre-marital sex?

i've heard that mormon girls do anal because it's a way of keeping their virginity

>> No.6476869

No, everything (however small) we end up doing she just about has a mental breakdown afterwards;
we've only dry humped, though many times and whatnot. She can orgasm from just slight pressure on her lovebox and she gets insanely frisky, i don't know how she does it really

the only 'sexual' thing she's alright with ocassionally is like a half bosom massage

it sucks but i live with it, i love her

>> No.6476885


Nah. It really doesn't. You're still viewing the Church from a quasi-insulated perspective.

It breeds indoctrinated, mindless servants who are repressed and stunted in multiple ways: since, for the most part, members are taught to perceive The World as the number one enemy; so that they confine themselves to a very narrow existence—which shuns everything that falls outside of it—to focus exclusively on following the stringent dictates that are derived from the Church as an institution.

The consequence of this is that they are only superficially nice toward non-Mormons, and authentic spiritual experience is exceedingly rare. For instance, there's a lot more emphasis placed upon chastity and modesty than, say, the Sermon on the Mount; rules and customs take precedent over being a genuinely good person—for the most part—since they mistakenly believe that limiting the scope of one's experience, under the pretext of obedience, is the key to being good or right or proper.

>> No.6476901


Honestly, you shouldn't accept something like that. Repression is unhealthy, because of the guilt and shame that accompany it.

>> No.6476903

that would be really hard, to have a gf and not be able to fuck

can you at least masturbate and cum on her?

>> No.6476908
File: 218 KB, 728x409, unclebuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally fedora: the post

>> No.6476910


It's all true, though, even if it's fedora-sounding. I'm an ex-Mormon. In general, I'm not anti-religion.