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/lit/ - Literature

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6476008 No.6476008 [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em

>> No.6476051

>All these anthologies

Nigga, all that I ever needed in english lit was the norton anthology of theory and criticism

>> No.6476067
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_5554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While nothing is exactly wrong with your collection, it seems like you need to branch out some from the classics. One needs to only assume that an educated man who has passed at least his sophomore year in university has read all of your books.

>> No.6476071


>all your spines are literally perfect

>even your penguin editions when everyone knows those shitty spines crease up like a motherfucker no matter how ocd you are

hmmm... suspect..

>> No.6476083


>it seems like you need to branch out some from the classics

lol you're like the last nigga who should be telling him that apart from all your classics you only have reddit tier shit like lewis, palahniuk, ellis and fucking coelho lol.

op branch out into actual good reads pls not like him.

>> No.6476087

Sounds like a personal problem, friend.

>> No.6476090

That might be the lighting, the penguin classics are all used

>> No.6476097

speaking of book spines, should I replace books I have that are pretty fucked up in terms of creasing?

I have a copy of War and Peace that I read under the influence of amphetamines and it turns out I manhandled the shit outta that book

>> No.6476106


>> No.6476114

How do you pronounce the name Jorges Luis Borges? When I was in the bookstore I asked, "Do you have anything by George Lewis Borjess?" and the trendy working there laughed at me.

>> No.6476116

>speaking of book spines, should I replace books I have that are pretty fucked up in terms of creasing?

Yes, always you philistine

"good." Good? GOOD? That's your fucking comment!?

>> No.6476120

Whore-hey Loo-ees Bore-jis

>> No.6476124


>knows he only has some reddit reads thrown in with his classics and his "branch out" advice just got btfo


>> No.6476291

>you need to branch out some from the classics.

Why would anyone need to branch out from the classics if they're the only books worth reading? Why waste your time on reading trash? Life's too short for that.

>> No.6476327

>can't even orient

>> No.6476369

if you have the money, sure.

I'm in the process of changing all my paperbacks to hardcovers right now. will still take a while though, especially to dig up the hardcovers in used bookstores or from amazon market place.

>> No.6476399
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the literati can have aesthetically pleasing bookshelves, but not without worn books and piles of notebooks

>tfw plebs don't save their notes

>> No.6476785
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>> No.6476822



>> No.6476850
File: 256 KB, 3840x1080, Screenshot from 2015-04-30 18:42:02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the latest batch.

>> No.6476886
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>mfw all the books I keep are of sentimental value.
>mfw it's about things I don't want to look up on the internet.
>mfw it's all from when I was an edge lord and harm reduction.

>> No.6476899


Approved. You need to branch out your taste in books though. Very freshman university tier.

>> No.6476906

Bore (as in bored) - Hess (as in the athor)

>> No.6477259
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Quality over quantity : )

>> No.6477271

so you're telling me there's a chance

>> No.6477275
File: 2.14 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I never contribute to these. I took this recently because I moved house and couldn't take my shit with me.

It's missing all the books I actually took.

>> No.6477281
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>> No.6477285

>Stephen King

Pick one

>> No.6477287

Fell for it. C'mon fellas, he even put a fedora in there.
>inb4 tyrolean hat or whatever the fuck it is

>> No.6477289

I think you over estimate how much the average person reads, educated or not.

>> No.6477291

I cringed while reading this, and that cringe intensified when I saw the fedora.

Try-hard beta detected.

>> No.6477293

Why does /lit/ have such shit taste in books?

>> No.6477373

Where did you get your bookcase? I dig it.

>> No.6477388

>eggers, ellis, murakami, wallace, manga

also fuck you for putting those artificial eye releases next to that shit.

>> No.6477393
File: 3.12 MB, 1388x1528, muh books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6477403

Dolan, why don't you buy / download more books?

>> No.6477415 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6477421 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6477438

Post your dick please

>> No.6477441


>> No.6477452
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>> No.6477458
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>> No.6477463
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>> No.6477469
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>> No.6477472
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top one is Essence of Buddhism

>> No.6477480

Are you mormon?

>> No.6477493

Nah, I got that from some missionaries at the store I work at.

Nice guys.

>> No.6477508

Post your cock

>> No.6477511
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>> No.6477518

>not enjoying the Bible in multiple languages

>> No.6477531


>> No.6477599
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>> No.6477643
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>> No.6477672
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thermodynamics guy marry me pls

>> No.6477678

Where's the fedora?

>> No.6477698

Why do you find the literature I enjoy to be shit, anon? I try to be pretty careful to not shit on any other books, since doing so can make one seem very pretentious. You read to me like a fairly mean-spirited person.

>> No.6477730


you're supposed to read McDuff Brothers K and P+V Crime and Punishment, not the other way around

>> No.6477837

Pretty shitty shelf but props for Slacker. Easily my favorite movie.

>> No.6478061

>Step-mother owns private library
>Her father also owns a private library
>I'm the most passionate one in the family about books.
Oh boy do I smell inheritance.

>> No.6478071

Bore - heys

>> No.6478108

>Excuse me, do you guys carry George Lewis Borjuss' Fichey-Onays?
>blank stare
>You mean Horhay-Luwee-Borhays' Fictions?
>Uhh.. Yeah.

>> No.6478731

>Walter Benjamin

Que curso, anão?

>> No.6478747
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>> No.6478753
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Don't count on it. Every possession my family had was pretty much sold due to healthcare bills for one side of the family and lost due to fighting on the other side.

Probably over 5,000 books, many first editions, hand-drawn books, copies of texts in original German from when my grandfather fought in the Second World War and so on were sold.

Most of the first editions and foreign books were left to me in his will but the lawyer "lost" the original copy

This is always how family stuff turns out m8. There was so much priceless stuff that my extended family sold at auction, literally anything they could get their greedy hands on. Spent 6 months in a lawsuit over one of our oldest family heirlooms, was the only thing I saved.

>> No.6478763


Care to explain? What's the problem with buying quality DVD's of classic cinema?

>> No.6478767
File: 32 KB, 350x405, photo-5541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying DVD's
>quality cinema

>> No.6478769

Shoulda written 'em all out and willed everything to their direct descendants while the going was good.

>> No.6478773


This is bad because....

That's too bad that you can't seem to enjoy quality cinema, you should get that checked

>> No.6478778

Hey lit. Question from a fairly new reader with not that large a collection. Seperate mass market from trade paperback and alphabetize within those groups or alphabetize all paperbacks together?

>> No.6478791


>not wanting to have a collection of dvds available 24/7 to share with your children one day

>> No.6478793

do you have the autisms

>> No.6478864

lol. Your kids won't have a need for physical copies of digital media. They'll just click a button or make a noise and an overlay of a bookshelf will appear wherever they want it and they can flick towards a picture to open a movie to watch.

>> No.6478897
File: 8 KB, 382x349, 1428763179661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dad what does buffering mean?
>why did the quality go from hd to all fuzzy? is the internet screwing up again?
>Hey lets watch [movie title] again. I know we rented it for $5 from amazon instant video last month but lets just pay another 5 to watch it again. Ownership is stoopiod!

>> No.6478957

>projecting current paradigms into the future

>> No.6478979


>implying I'm not having a child this year

>> No.6478983

>Not teaching your kids to pirate software, music and movies before they can walk

You'll never meet the parenting standards of the 21st century.

>> No.6479013
File: 18 KB, 225x338, 1366314903890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>posting his collection in a collection thread when he can't even handle the bantz

lol just go circlejerk over pleb reads on reddit then you wounded coelho fan

>> No.6479054

>One needs to only assume that an educated man who has passed at least his sophomore year in university has read all of your books.

You're assuming too much

>> No.6480264

>teaching your kid to steal

>> No.6480278

> 'unauthorized copying is stealing'
Have you considered suicide by rabid dog pack? Try it.

>> No.6480350

>Letting your child on the internet
Enjoy them being twice as degenerate as you

>> No.6480376

It's weird they combined Jurassic Park with Congo instead of The Lost World.

>> No.6480414
File: 2.69 MB, 4128x2322, 14304834833651323135853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend and I share the same book case for now. And all my welding and automotive text books are in a box in the laundry room.

>> No.6480446
File: 2.39 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_1832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love to lurk these threads but never contributed.

Here's one of the only pictures I have.
Thought I might share because why not?

>> No.6480496

I can think of three good reasons why not

>> No.6480524

What's the name of the publisher that fills the rightmost shelves?

>> No.6480528

>dating plebs

>> No.6480561

Because you're gay, you're queer and you're a faggot?
Nice shelves, man.

>> No.6480584


Who served in the millitary? I'm noticing that flag on the middle shelf.

>> No.6480855
File: 1.86 MB, 3264x2448, tmp_some o me books786250962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work full time in a sushi bar

>> No.6481158

congrats, you are not a middlebrow shit head like the OP

>> No.6481185
File: 58 KB, 432x659, gd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all those criterion DVDs the only good ones I can see are On the Waterfront and the Seven Samurai. TGTBATU is great but not a criterion. RepoMan and Medium Cool are all right. The rest are unwatchable garbage, middlebrow kitsch. Also Deleuze and Guattari, ugh. You need to stop reading and watching intellectual garbage and start thinking for yourself.

>> No.6481197

why would you waste your time thinking with someone else's brain and substituting your tastes for someone else's, life is too short for that.

>> No.6481218

>implying Sansho the Bailiff isn't the best film there
>implying Repoman isn't the sole bad film

>> No.6481226

Better to be lowbrow than middlebrow I guess

>> No.6481300

That reich book is the first thing I noticed here

>> No.6481312

Artes Plásticas, mas eu leio Benjamin pelo interesse por política

>> No.6481313

>liking on the waterfront
>not liking la notte

you mean nothing to me

>> No.6481319
File: 2.32 MB, 1824x4013, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every book I own plus a few library rentals. I got into reading in the fall so everything you see here was pretty much bought in between now and about August / September.

Damn, I really gotta me some of those criterion DVDs.

>> No.6481323

>la notte
Antonioni was a bore. A few good shots of smoke and clouds, but not one good film

>> No.6481325
File: 270 KB, 750x907, Walter_Benjamin_vers_1928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol benjie looks like he's about to cry in all of his pictures

>> No.6481339

I hope you two don't reproduce

>> No.6481454

Too obvious, samefag.

>> No.6482931

Suuure. You don't have to be embarassed of your Great Illustrated Classics collection.

>> No.6482948

Your bookshelf is eerily similar to mine. Right down to the editions. And Genki.

>> No.6483009

Only patrician in this thread. Damn.

>> No.6483033

>this garbage taste in film
Criterion is overpriced, but the only bad film there is Repoman

>> No.6483053

there's a severe lack of cracked spines on the bookshelves posted in this thread. it's nice to see that despite varying tastes, you all share one thing in common: none of you actually read.

>> No.6483062

>/lit/ doesn't like Repoman

It's like a Pynchon novel

>> No.6483069

How fucking hard is it not to open your book at a 180° angle?

>> No.6483080

whats wrong with delueze and guattari? very few postmodern philosophers are as original, methinks you are a pleb.

>> No.6483105 [DELETED] 
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>cringy condescending text
>ayn Rand


>> No.6483115

>Continental postmodern philosophy
you calling me pleb

>> No.6483202

Where's your?

>> No.6483249

he's so cute, sauce?

>> No.6483742

>not ibooks

>> No.6483760

I would but I don't even read anymore

>> No.6483768
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Hey op

>> No.6483772
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Sorry it turned out sideways

>> No.6483778


>> No.6483790
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>> No.6483960

based, frate

>> No.6483981

7/10 looks like someone just getting into literature

4/10 for having hats and having your matryoshka dolls out like that. and the books are boring

3/10 if you're going to be a war fanatic read some better books

le reddit

4/10 drop the games and set things up better

stop posting this/10



1/10 gb2reddit

Take a trash bag, throw all those stupid money sink trinkets into it, and put it in the bin. other than that it's good. 6/10

chaotic as fuck and too many paperbacks, from a distance it looks like shelves of romance novels

>> No.6483984
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>> No.6483994

on second look you bought B&N leatherbounds and have a pretty bad book selection. 4/10 at best

>> No.6484006

>average suburbanian bookshelf

>> No.6484218
File: 99 KB, 600x571, 1389568203226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you stole this from reddit or somewhere

there is no way you're a /lit/ regular

>> No.6484250

>there is no way you're a /lit/ regular
you too

>> No.6484278

The sword is pretty cool i guess

>> No.6484315
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>> No.6484318
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>> No.6484486

wtf son, you have very few books on your shelf and a ton of them are gutter trash.

>> No.6484495

lolled hard

>> No.6484505
File: 2.62 MB, 4128x2322, 20150502_091641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are the ones I brought with me. Rest are at home with Ma and Pa.

>> No.6484512
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>> No.6484517
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>> No.6484528
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>> No.6484530

Do you like those shelves? What else do you put on them besides books and a plant?

>> No.6484534
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>> No.6484542


The first shelf there is pretty much useless for anything other than what I have on it. Expect it most days to fall. Second shelf is much sturdier and sits above an entranceway. Can put anything on it but it's become a book collector like most surfaces in this place.

>> No.6484688


That bottom shelf looks comfy. Also, nice LotR editions.

>> No.6484860

w2c plant?

>> No.6484922


Thanks. Leatherbounds and LOTR I inherited from my great-grandfather. Have the rest of the Franklin set at parent's place.


Sorry. Don't understand.

>> No.6484924

I think your plant is cute. Where can I get one?

>> No.6484956


Ooooh where to cop? Girlfriend's plant-ask her.

>> No.6486825

Good thing you're collecting all those books you'll only read once.

>> No.6486830


You can only really read a book the second time through. Try it out sometime.

>> No.6486851


>> No.6486883

Son esos 50 pesos lo que veo.

>> No.6486908
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, materialismandvanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really start to feel bad about myself if I took photos of all my books.

>> No.6487012
File: 873 KB, 2036x1548, plebNproud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stuff is missing and it includes some fedora tipping from high school, but here it is.

>> No.6487023

>world of the worlds, that size
What the fuck man

>> No.6487034

It comes with a few other sci-fi novels. I got it as a gift.

>> No.6487074

When I see these threads I always wonder why you niggas never alphabetize your books.

>> No.6487098

sweet, isbn?
because we dont have the OCD.

>> No.6487563


you seem like a cool dude. +1 for Hamsun. We have the same edition of Pan (the best translation) however I had that same edition of Hunger and I encourage you to read the Penguin translation. I noticed that the FSG translation was a bit contradictory in word choice concerning Hamsun's themes, not so much that I could enjoy the book, but the Penguin translation definitely made the re-read more enjoyable

>> No.6487575
File: 534 KB, 2592x1552, IMG_0282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6487631

How large is your collection?

>> No.6487663

This better be a promotional image from Barnes & Noble

>> No.6487670


>> No.6487678

All of those editions are Barnes and Noble published and that poster having all of them makes me angry because they're ugly and means that he represents everything that I hold in contempt with these threads.

>> No.6487683

When I opened this image, I groaned so loudly that I woke up my mother in the room above me. She came downstairs to see what was the matter, and now we are both staring with disgust at this monument to your shit taste and corporate shillery. My mother and I both agree that you are a dirty little pleb and you probably haven't even read half those books. Get off our board and never come back here again

>> No.6487689

where'd you get them?

>> No.6487714


>> No.6487818

Barnes and Noble.

>> No.6487851

>makes me angry because they're ugly and means that he represents everything that I hold in contempt with these threads.
No tendies or GBP for you my angry little man. Other people purchase something you don't like to purchase, objects that when they own them make no difference to your life whatsoever and yet you get angry? Angry? Really? Contempt?

Other people make different decisions from you, they are not wrong anymore than they are right, merely different choices. Anger and contempt should be saved for when needed not thrown out of the pram like an errant toy. Grow up.

>> No.6487863
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>rangers fan

>> No.6487937


When will they come out with the Turner Diaries? I want a more classy edition for a real gentlemen, you know?

>> No.6487943
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>> No.6487946

what is with this thing about perfect spines
is it for real or a meme

people have said this whenever i post pics of my books even though i only buy used books and actually do read them

is it like /tv/ and the no singles policy theaters

>> No.6487950
File: 277 KB, 1000x612, bookshel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6488214


>> No.6488219

Nice bric-à-brac anon

>> No.6488221

>is it for real or a meme

I think it's mostly a meme. There's nothing wrong with taking care of your books, but bigger paperbacks will probably break no matter what you do.

>> No.6488280

I actually don't even watch hockey. I got that when I was 10 or so and have used it as a change jar ever since.

I did watch hockey when I was a kid though, but I was a Blues fan.

>> No.6488298

Literally just finished the penguin paperback of middlemarch and the spine is perfect

>> No.6488312


Is this picture a meme or something?

>> No.6488392

a bookshelf I could fap to

>> No.6488489


Perhaps you forgot the point of these threads, but you're supposed to be judged. Don't get analpained just because you chose poorly.

>> No.6488512
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, NIBIRU-APPROCHE - WIN_20150503_135612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shirt tier pics, some of my bookshelf :


Sinclair - The jungle
Céline - Castle to castle
Marquez - 100 years of solitude
Levi - Christ stopped at Eboli
Fitzgerald - The great Gatsby
Joyce - Ulysses I & II
Brecht - The resistible rise of Arturo Ui
Ellis - Less than zero
Sartre - The age of reason
Kafka - The metamorphosis
Gogol - The dead souls
Attar - The conference of the birds
Buzzati - Le K
McCarthy - No country for old man
Joyce - Dubliners
Salinger's short stories
Conrad - The heart of darkness
Flaubert - Three tales
Hesse's short stories
Queneau - The blue flowers
Pushkin - The queen of spades
Gorki - Childhood
Pushkin - Eugene Oneguin
Nabokov - The enchanter

>> No.6488518
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, NIBIRU-APPROCHE - WIN_20150503_135649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Nabokov - Pale fire
Perec - W or the memory of childhood
Boulgakov - Stories of a young doctor
Loti - Aziyadé + an Iceland fisherman
Cocteau - the holy terrors
Houellebecq - whatever
Collection of Gogol's short stories
Faulkner - Sanctuary
Some book about Berlin
Nabokov - Lolita
Houellebecq - Atomised
Perec - The Exeter text
McCarthy - The road
Herodotus - The histories
Nabokov - The Luzhin defence
Giraudoux - The Trojan war will not take place
Ovid - The metamorphoses
Murakami - A wild sheep chase
Auster - The New York trilogy
Mishima - The sailor who fell from grace with the sea
Villon - Poems
Mishima - Confessions of a mask
Faulkner - Light of August
On top :
Hesse - Steppenwolf
Bacigalupi - The windup girl
GRRM - The hedge knight
Stiegler - Ars industrialis (some French philosopher)

>> No.6488521
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, NIBIRU-APPROCHE - WIN_20150503_135740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lawrence - Seven pillars of wisdom
Céline - Journey to the end of the night
Hemingway - For whom the bell tols
Saramago - Blindness
Dostoevsky - Karamazov bros before hoes
Dostoevsky - Crime and punishment
Flaubert - Sentimental education
Mishima - The temple of the Golden Pavillion
Dostoevsky - The gambler
Boulgakov - The master and Margarita
Desproges - Chronicles (French humorist)
Murakami - Kafka on the shore
Thomas - Portrait of the artist as a young dog
and, well, GTO

>> No.6488549
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I'm not sure anymore. It was around 2000 but then I purged a lot of duplicates and things I no longer wanted. And have since probably bought more than I gave away.

>> No.6488551
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kinda dusty since i havent been home

>> No.6488804

Good taste

>> No.6488808

You read literal shit.

>> No.6488836

Damn. Thats rough mate. I still have my grandfathers diary with drawn maps and comments about the first world war. I would probably consider murder if i was you.

>> No.6489065



>> No.6489070



>> No.6489140

I feel like we could be good pals.

>> No.6489241

Get memed

>> No.6490224
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Are you a university professor? Are you Hadrian? How many languages can you speak, patrician?

>> No.6490485
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some of my "meta" books. got about 800 books but this is probably all you guys care about besides my classics

>> No.6490490
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>> No.6490496
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>> No.6490654

it looks very cool

I just dont like most of your books

>> No.6490666
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Backlog shelf. Next up is Eugene Onegin.

>> No.6490828

>Paulo Coelho

>> No.6490930

These editions are so tacky. I guess they're for the sort of person who wants to be attention grabbing and affectatious about what they keep on their shelf.

>> No.6490992

How did you like The Rainbow?

>> No.6491003


is the Corrections honestly worth reading before anything else? I bought it for one dollar but I can't see myself dedicating to 600 pages of DeLillo-does-social-realism

>> No.6491013

Despite the size, you can read it in like, 3 days, and it does have it's moments

>> No.6491433
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first post on /lit/

please r8

>> No.6491634

>Reading for fun
Thank you for reminding me that people still do this. /lit/ makes it easy to forget.

>> No.6491647

thats not a bookshelf, faggott

>> No.6491661
File: 723 KB, 640x360, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kafka on the shore

>> No.6491665


>> No.6491692


>reading trilogies


the rest is actual shit

>> No.6491741

Jurgen Luess Borgeois

>> No.6492331


very palewave

>> No.6492356

Jo(as in hohoho)r(that consonant is hard for americans)ge (like the begining of hair without the soft r) Luis (like Louis C.K. but a shorter ou sound) Bo(like the begining of boat)r(that consonant again)ges (as in Hesse)
Hope that makes sense. Vocaroo it.

>> No.6492359
File: 3.63 MB, 1568x1286, my tsundoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History major here, just thought I'd share my collection so far. About half of these books were bought from a club book sale, and the rest were either bought for classes I've taken, or salvaged from the free bin at the high school I work at. Looking forward to finishing my degree so I can actually start reading some of these at my leisure.

I feel kind of dirty for including some kickstarter books here as well as the bloodborne guidebook

>> No.6492445
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>> No.6492477
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I dont have a bookshelf but these are my books.

>> No.6492490


I like your fossils or bones or whatever those are. What is that worm thing?

>> No.6492694

Hey thanks!
Amateur paleontologist here, so my wife and I try and find bone beds around the East Coast.
Mostly it's Miocene Era shark teeth, pretty common.
I think the worm thing you're talking about is just a snake skeleton.

>> No.6492698



>> No.6492701

I can respect this.
What are you into then, if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.6492708

Most of my family has, and when I enlisted, a few of them chipped in for that shadow box.
Supposed to be for my great uncle who was in Korea.

>> No.6492890


Barely passable

>> No.6492905

>remote controls
>owns a TV

How do you manage to survive while being this dumb?

>> No.6493061

>So much Brian Wilson

>> No.6493255
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Serious question: What's with The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich? Seems odd that three posters have it ITT.
I'm German, so I could never pull that off in my shelf, not even edgily.
Also, in the German/European History section of Strandbooks it was shelf after shelf of literature about Nazis and swastikas. Was weird to me, the only other time I had experienced that was in a Swedish video rental store.

>> No.6493669

It's a history book, that's it. It's about Nazi Germany so it has a swastika on it.

If anything the book is very thoroughly biased against the Nazis, so I don't see how it's even remotely edgy.

>> No.6493835


Germany is really afraid of it's own shadow?

>> No.6493851


I'll pass

>> No.6493969

i keep third reich label reversed tbh, it's the best kind of infinite jest fantasy book there is because it's real

>> No.6494029

>i keep third reich label reversed tbh
Literally why? Are you this terrified that ignorant fucks might think you're a racist? Pathetic.

>> No.6494172
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I have several bookshelves, will post one.

>> No.6494181
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>> No.6494188
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>> No.6494201

well at least you have good organization...

>> No.6494204

are you suggesting I have poor taste

>> No.6494205

I like your audiobooks.

>> No.6494221

you mean Civil Procedure? That's actually a practitioner's book for use in legal practice

>> No.6494228

yep, needs more Infinite Jest

>> No.6494230


>books are floating in midair

That's neat man

>> No.6494261

How is the RSC Shakespeare? Are there footnotes or endnotes, and how useful are they? Are there introductory essays?

>> No.6494280


>bloodborne and history


>> No.6494290

that's the most plebeian collection of Criterions I've ever seen. Well done.

>> No.6494295

it's excellent; footnotes, introductions, overviews, photographs etc

>> No.6494315

That's only a third of my collection

>> No.6494486

i'm portuguese and coelho is extremelly shit, literally no one should read anything by him, he's just one of those quotable authors and to americans he must seem international or something.

>> No.6494564
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Here goes nothing. 1/7

>> No.6494569
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>> No.6494575
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>> No.6494580
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>> No.6494589
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>> No.6494595
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>> No.6494599
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last one. Finally. 7/7

>> No.6494609

not bad for a fellow Brit

>> No.6494665

Stephen Fry

>> No.6494727


>that Proust translation

high five me right now you nigger

>> No.6494851
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I promise angelology is fiction and not Doreen Virtue new age.

>> No.6495578

The one with blue spines? From the Meridiani imprint of Mondadori publishers. It's the original text with a general commentary in modern Italian and a very good overall bibliography.

If you meant the other they're the Bollingen series with translation (prose) and commentary by Charles Singleton who was for a long time the lead U.S. Dante scholar. His commentary is far more historical than literary but rarely lets you down on obscure references.

>> No.6495869
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i've revised this after adding a shelf

>> No.6495951

>The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

>> No.6497460

But I'm freshman in university, retard.

>> No.6497462

>video games

Why do you waste your time with that shit?

>> No.6497469

kek you know nothing about cinema. How many films have you even watched in your life?

>> No.6497475

>/lit/ is one person

You are a literal ret

>> No.6497479


>> No.6497481

How to spot the newfag.

>> No.6497583


>having opinions

>> No.6497584

Not only do I own the Shirer book has do many others here but its the exact same 50th anniversary edition as yours.

>> No.6497703
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I've already posted this picture.
You know the drill: old picture, not updated, few books missing because I lend books every week (for example, my George Dubya book is missing right now)
Also, I'm a US history major. I will update this picture when I will get most of my books back (around 30 books missing). I also have another shelf which is full of history and art books, and also 17th to 19th century books but I'm not at home right now

inb4 turned sideways because iphone is shit

>> No.6497710

That's one of the best constructed shitposts I've ever seen on /lit/, and that's precisely where you fail.

You should learn more with Dolan or aut1st, you're putting too much work into it.

>> No.6497714

thank you bb, will do better next time

>> No.6497719

tip: try not to put books on display like that but then again keep somethin like that w book amongst smaller stuff, that way it'll pop up without beeing to obvious.

also, lose that bleeding edge and put a vintage where's waldo copy of vineland there, i bought it just to piss off /lit/

also, less explaining, more space for jimmy rustlin

>> No.6498106

i like to think i started that a couple months ago.
havnt even touched the door weight yet.
nooo.. havnt even touched it

>> No.6498130
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Lit 1

>> No.6498144
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Lit 2

>> No.6498249

anyone wanna rate >>6480855 ?

>> No.6498278

Hnng The Tunnel looks so sexy like omg I'd fux that book...

>> No.6499769
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>Post 'em

>> No.6500196

Yeah. I live in France also. Good taste although it's a small bookshelf. Used to be a philosophy student?