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/lit/ - Literature

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6475271 No.6475271 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: a decent recent purchases thread.

How'd I do fam?

>> No.6475318


that quixote translation is great. solid cop.

everything else is meh. sorry 2 say bro.

>> No.6475319
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>buying books

>> No.6475342
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>he doesn't have his own large patrician library of books full of his own annotations and notes all over them

>> No.6475389

>full of his own annotations and notes all over them

uncouth swine!

>> No.6475696

>reading translation
why do you plebs waste your time

>> No.6475783

I need a new book for tonight, unfortunately the only bookshop near me is a Waterstones, anyone able to recommend something that they'll have in stock but is somewhat under read in the literature world?

>> No.6475809



>> No.6475844

Don't say "fam". It makes you sound like a nigger and nobody likes those.
Pro tip: stay away from Baltimore for the time being

>> No.6475849
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>> No.6476640

Pls leave, I'm sure you would fit in /pol/ or /b/

>> No.6476657

Everyone here is from /b/

>> No.6476665



>> No.6476667

Recently I went on a binge an bought a bunch of stuff

As I lay dying, absolam absolam, the sound and the fury
The drought, by jg ballard
mm paperbacks of The world according to garp, Prelude to foundation, grvitys rainbow, snow crash, they were only a dollar each

>> No.6476687
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I like your taste.

>> No.6476768

Don't you want to provide some sort of benefit towards the authors who wrote them?

>> No.6476805

I'm sure you have no annotations in your books, retard.

>> No.6476918
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Rate. I've been reading tons lately. People have been like "hey put the book down jeeze"
>mfw living the literary lifestyle

>> No.6476961


The Book of the New Sun volume 1: Shadow and Claw
Closing Time
The Children Of Men
The Island of the Day Before

Is Island a good place to start with Umberto Eco or should I just read Name of the Rose first?

>> No.6476980


>> No.6476994

Whatever read a book anon. Get some taste

>> No.6477002

You have terrible taste.

>> No.6477012

Going into Dune after finishing reading "The lost symbol" - Dan Brown and "Adventures of Dunk and Egg" - GRRM. Is it really good?

>> No.6477013

>le easily tricked patricians

>> No.6477020

>Implying you haven't read those books

>> No.6477031

That's not relevant to the quality of the books.

>> No.6477035
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>finding the idea of other anon regularly annotating difficult to believe

just how new are you lol no seriously

>> No.6477038

Of course it is. If you read shit books, you are a shit reader.

>> No.6477044

I'm the one calling the books shit, you simple fuck.

And either way, someone reading a book doesn't change the quality of the book.

Go back to /b/.

>> No.6477053

>I'm reading a shit book

neo/lit/, ladies and gentlesirs

>> No.6477057

You're bonafide retarded.

>> No.6477068

You're too dumb to argue with. I don't how many times a point can go over your head.

I criticize a book, and then your autistic brain assumes I read them. I say simply reading a book can't change its text, and then you get angry and type in caps. You're trying to wiggle away from what was said, and it's pretty cringeworthy.

>> No.6477071


>> No.6477099
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Found these for under $20, was a good day

>> No.6477134

I haven't bought a lot lately, been trying to carve out my humongous backlog. But my birthday was recently, and I got some books an anon recced for me:

The Alphabet Versus the Goddess
Growing Up Absurd
The Making of a Counter Culture
The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.6477150


>> No.6477206

>implying your penguin paperbacks are any better

>> No.6477245


>> No.6477248
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>> No.6477262

I read the Book I (~235 pages), I enjoyed it so far. The only thing that bothers me is that it's too obvious what the author is trying to tell us:

House Atreides: the westerners
Caladan: the western world (Europe, USA, etc...)
Arrakis: Middle Est/Africa
Fremen: taliban
Spice: petroleum


>> No.6477406
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>writing in your books
>not keeping a notebook for that or taking digital notes

>> No.6477551
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These just came in. I'm a little pissed at the myself for buying the Ulysses. I should have checked the description, but seriously who the fuck would publish a book like this?

>> No.6477620

>in the sixties

r u dum niga??

Also, Dune is meh tier, the sequel is
horrible and you have shit taste.

But your taste is even worse.

>> No.6477653

Hah, should've asked /lit/ what edition is the best.
This one looks painful.

>> No.6477706
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>reading authors that are still alive

>> No.6477709

you exchanged money for babby entry-tier pleberature


>> No.6477716
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>Don Quixote

>> No.6477720

Always wanted to check out Slocum

>> No.6477735

It's great, so far. The foreword exposed me to the idea that one should look out for the little things he reveals about his personality and his past through the text, which is rather difficult to find, but whatever scraps that exist are like nuggets of gold for me, because they tend to say the most profound things about him. It is like reading an enthralling autobiography about someone's life and times, where they try to avoid talking about *themselves,* but about what they have done.

>> No.6477746
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Oh, it gets even better. This piece of shit doesn't even have chapter breaks. Cuntshit. I'll read it but I'll keep an eye out for a better edition next time I'm at a used bookstore.

>> No.6477753
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The Stranger is coming in the mail and should be here sometime this week. Excited to start these in the meantime

>> No.6477763

There's a guy in my college selling the Penguin one with the castle tower in the cover, am I gud?

>> No.6477819

Bought Breakfast at Tiffanny's by Capote

>> No.6477844

I should have said middle-estern/african.

I don't care if you say I have shit taste, I enjoy what I'm reading. And I think Le comte de Monte Cristo is pretty much god tier. And you'll never have the opportunity to read that masterpiece in original version because I bet you don't understand shit in french, knowing this makes me feel great about myself.

>> No.6477851

I'm jealous of that proud highway

>> No.6477859

can you post more pics of the delilo

>> No.6477865
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based value village, totalled <$30

>> No.6477886

tfw always worrying about versions thanks to /lit/
going to get the corrected version of as i lay dying
and I take it
that this >>6475271
don quixotes the one to get?

>> No.6477902

Jean Marie Guyau - The Non-religion of the future
René Girard - I Saw Satan Fall like Lighting
Roland Barthes - Criticism and Truth
Umberto Eco - Apocacalyptics and Integrated

>> No.6477946

Sure. http://imgur.com/a/YwyqG

>> No.6478880

Thanks was thinking of picking up the version and could not find ant pics of it.

>> No.6478923

Who the fuck doesn't annotate their books?

>> No.6478931
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>You're too dumb to argue with
>Continues to argue

>> No.6478935

One book, congrats.

>> No.6478939

you haven't read them yet you bought brand new copies of them
why not buy them used?

>> No.6478966
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Got all the Shakespeare ones for my Shakespeare course, but the rest are for pleasure reading this Summer. Reading for school takes up too much time to read for fun on the side, so I have to wait two more months. Which book should I read first, /lit/?

>> No.6478972
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>> No.6479024

The Wasteland, because it's a quick read, but I personally enjoyed Kafka's Metamorphoses the most.

>> No.6479032

Thanks, man. I've been lightly "studying" T.S. Eliot lately, so this collection will do well for me. I'll probably start with Metamorphoses.

>> No.6479051
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>> No.6479061

Start simple and hit up The Scarlet Letter.

>> No.6479070

how good is it? will I still find it penetrating even though I'm not in high school anymore? heard melville adored hawthrone, must have some worth

>> No.6479079

It's pretty good. Assuming you've read quite a bit and have more depth since high school, you should be able to get much more out of it.

>> No.6479084

hawthorne*, mah bad

>> No.6479089

shit taste.

>> No.6479092

Hollow Men is a great poem by Eliot, especially if you have read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.

I just got The Metamorphosis today, very excited to start it :)

>> No.6479100

I've read the Hollow Men, but not Heart of Darkness. Thanks, man, I'll check it out. And I'm excited for Metamorphosis as well.

>> No.6479123


Heart of Darkness is fantastic, I highly suggest reading it, I can't imagine it would take terribly long to read either.

>> No.6479131

I'll definitely add it to my reading. Have you checked out The Town Down the River by Robinson? It contains Miniver Cheevy.

>> No.6479138
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What happens when the only translation of "The Karamazov Brother's" isn't available anywhere you look on the forums/archives/torrents/filehosting sites etc.

>> No.6479148


No I haven't, would you suggest getting into Robinson?

>> No.6479166

I would. The Town Down the River is a collection of poems from different characters all in the same town. It's pretty interesting; Robinson gets pretty in depth with some of the characters and places in the town.

>> No.6479288
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>bastardizing his books into mere fashion accessories

fashion reader pls go you will never be true literati

>> No.6479304


>> No.6479348
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>> No.6479356

I have that version of Ulysses, though I bought the Vintage one afterwards(the first one was a gift from my father, so I still conserve it). However, because of the size, its a pain to read.

>> No.6479363

Are english translations of Marquez enjoyable? I´m Latin American.

>> No.6479369

No, son cagada como las traducciones manolas de libros en ingles.

>> No.6479372

That wasteland version it´s pretty. From which publisher is it anon?

>> No.6479379

Alianza tiene unas traducciones decentes, aunque claro, nada mejor que leerlo en el inglés original.

>> No.6479449
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Now what

>> No.6479549

Yes, I'm sure Cervantes and Hunter Thompson will welcome financial support.

>> No.6479575

Not him but:
>Barnes & Noble Classics

I am not shitting you.

>> No.6479630
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I used to have a huge personal library that I collected over many years. When I had to move, I couldn't take most of them with me, had to leave them.

That feel.

I switched to Ebooks after that even though I hated it and could still loose my books. After awhile I realized the thing I hated the most is that no one could see all the fucking books I own. That's retarded.

>> No.6479636
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This came in earlier today. I mostly got it because i had $5 left on a barnes and noble gift card a friend got me.

>> No.6479773
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It's a mighty tome!

>> No.6479810
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nice toes bb.

>> No.6480091
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Spoiler: I like genre

>> No.6480095

This nigga gets it.

>> No.6480097
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>> No.6480107
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>> No.6480196

As a spanish i must say its one of our worst books

>> No.6480212


Read metamorphoses now before you read the Shakespeare's. It'll help a lot

>> No.6480216


Wrong metamorphoses :x

>> No.6480250
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Is the Wordsworth Classics translation any good?

>> No.6480925

You wouldn't happen to have what pages the chapter breaks are, would you?

>> No.6480995


Good for English books, shit for translations, just get something like Oxford or Everyman for those. Penguin is not as bad as they say but there are better.

>> No.6481531
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>> No.6481544

ur patrician af

>> No.6481816

>shitty travel writing

>> No.6481854
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I love my local second hand book store.

>> No.6481857

transparent things is one of the most difficult books i've ever read, i've gone through it multiple times and still can't make heads or tails of it

>> No.6481877

I had the same problem. I need to re-read it at some point because it was so beautifully written.

>> No.6482030
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>> No.6482053

>reading new translations

You probably read Fagles plebs

>> No.6482060

I don't. I'm trying to get lost in the story, not hover over it like a vulture trying to squeeze any meaning I can get out it.

On the second reading I read a bit more critically but I still don't mark up the book

>> No.6482064

>older is inherently better

>> No.6482065
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Just bought this today, it looks pretty interesting so far

>> No.6482069


There are some publishers who usually have better translations but for something that important you shouldn't blindly trust anyone. Forget about publishers, do you own research on top tier translations then using amazon's look inside compare the top ones and find which one has the style you like best (keeping in mind who maintains the most faithful translation and who injects their wack shit). Once you've picked a translation, then pick whichever book looks prettiest and carries that one, oftentimes you don't have much choice.

>> No.6482075

usually, because it has withstood the test of time, and the classic translations were usually written by geniuses, since those are the ones that influenced all these modern translators. Sure the modern ones might have a little more insight than before, shoulders of giants and all that, but the geniuses have the better style and the better understanding of the gestalt. Also, there's a trend among modern translators of injecting modern language into their translations, whereas the old guard was a lot more reverent of the original text.

>> No.6482083

Nice cop anon

>> No.6483158
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>> No.6483179

ITT: idiots who don't fucking know how to rotate a goddamn picture.

Stupid fucks.

>> No.6483265

Is this a new meme?

>> No.6483267
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>> No.6483980

Sorry sir
My iPhone dont wanna rotate ;(

>> No.6484130

No picture but :
- the glass beads game ; I love each of Hesse's novels but I haven't had the courage to read this one yet
- the jungle
- un jardin sur l'Oronte. I love Barrès but it takes me months to go through a whole novel usually.
- the drowned cities (Paolo Bacigalupi). I've only read the windup girl by Bacigalupi so far, really enjoyed it, looking forward to this one.

>> No.6484145
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>> No.6484185
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I had no idea It was so long. I've never read any King so I thought I might as well try him.

Krasznahorkai is somebody I've been meaning to read because I love his work with Bela Tarr.

Room was one that sounded interesting.

Shinya Tsukamoto is one of the best contemporary filmmakers and Tom Mes does interesting commentaries.

Russia's War I got because I know disappointingly little about that aspect of WWII.

>> No.6484203
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this meme is incredible.

>> No.6484231


>Krasznahorkai is somebody I've been meaning to read

Read everything that he has ever done. Seriously. He is one of the greatest living authors that we have right now. You are going to lose your shit over this guy. Trust me.

>> No.6484324

It seems weird to think he's reportedly one of the best and not only is he not talked about, but he's overshadowed by Tarr.

What would you recommend next? Chronological reading of his work? I did that with McCarthy last year.

>> No.6484343


Read: Satantango - then Melancholy of Resistance - then Seiobo There Below - then War & War.

Last being his best.

As great as Tarr is when you're done with these books you'll know that Tarr doesn't hold a candle to him.

>> No.6484353

Thanks. I've just read some brief reviews of his work and considering how highly praised henis I'm baffled that I've never heard him mentioned outside of film discussion.

Why do you think that is?

>> No.6484377


>The Melancholy of Resistance.

I've been meaning to look into both of those, let me know how they go.

The Stand is good but I feel like it could've been a few hundred pages shorter around the end but I feel like IT is the better novel.

Yesterday I got the Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet but I'm getting paid soon so that means a lot more books for me.

>> No.6484399


He has had a significant increase in mentions on /lit/ by a small group of fans over the last year or so. That much I know for sure. All I can say is I envy you for just discovering him because fuck does he ever know how to write. Puts almost all other living authors to shame.

Enjoy the ride, m8.

>> No.6484443

>le supreme reactionary gentlemen face

>> No.6484666
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Influenced by /lit/ out of 10.

These are good purchases though. All of them are important books, I think.

>> No.6484684

>muh materialism

>> No.6484713
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>> No.6484718

>reading fiction

>> No.6484738

Thanks a lot. I was going to read King next but you've convinced me otherwise.

It's been a little while since I saw Tarr's films so it will hopefully be like experiencing them for the first time. I was quite surprised to see how short Satantango is considering it's a seven hour film.

>> No.6484739

I was gonna get Fagle's Iliad and Odyssey; is there something wrong with them?

>> No.6484752

Man, I was depressed and bought something tat I perceived to be empowering. I bought "Ride the Tiger" and I've gone half-way through and put it down. I attempt to go back to it, but most of the time I don't know what the fuck he is talking about.

>> No.6484758

>Krasznahorkai is somebody I've been meaning to read
but you're going to read an english book by george szirtes...

>> No.6484771
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this just came in the mail : )

>> No.6484776

Not "wrong", just inferior.

Fitzgerald and Lattimore are most people's recommendations here. In terms of accessibility I'd say Fitzgerald is between Fagles and Lattimore.

>> No.6484779

but you translation maymay when you don't even know ancient greek...

>> No.6484783

Don't bother if you don't like it.

I personally hate Ride the Tiger so far. Maybe I'm too cynic and project too much, but I see it as a work of defeatism.
I enjoy "revolt against the modern world" far more. Reading it atm.

I never found philosophy very effective at combating depression... maybe some good ol' Nietzsche might do the trick, but not really.

In a way I hate literature that is meant to be uplifting for the sake of uplifting someone. it's usually lighter on analysis and reads too much like a self-help book, which I despise.

If you wnat self-help, then read the early blog entries by Steve Pavlina, starting with "Do it now". (first result in google). Ignore his late posts, he went insane.

>> No.6484816

Inarguably an interesting set, imo. All apart from Der Untergang des Abendlandles, which looks like it's just a long book for the sake of being a long book.

>> No.6484845

>edith grossman translation
It probably gets shit or will eventually get shit here because it's popular, but it may have the best prose quality of any translation I have read, ever.

>> No.6484863

That's the consensus on this board as well. Robin Buss' translation of The Count of Monte Cristo is pretty highly praised here too.

>> No.6484916

are you trolling? it's simple and straightforward. there's nothing noteworthy about the prose.

>> No.6484939

Well in my experience on this board it's the most frequently recommended one. What translation would you suggest in its place?

>> No.6485101
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>"fam". Dindu detected. Back to the paddywagon.

>> No.6485147
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Forget Pavel, Wilson thought. If I can get the 411 on Bane, that would be quite the feather in my cap.

>> No.6485165

its short for family.

>> No.6485169


>/pol/ lost its home and now its wandering through the desert of 4chan trying to find a new board to make home and subvert their culture in order to meet their ends

You can't write comedy like this.
It just happens.

>> No.6485230
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Did I do alright? I know it's not the best translation of the odyssey but I'm pretty new to the greeks so this one should be easier.

>> No.6485293

I have that same version of Ulysses. I know it has pretty cheap binding and paper, but I love the feel of it. I haven't started it yet, but it feels nice to just pick it up, open it at random pages and reading excerpts. I'd say you did well, except for On the road. I thought it was complete shit.

>> No.6485303

Safe choices.

On The Road will either be a book that you love and will make you want to drop everything and travel or you will hate it.

I finished it last week and hated it.

>> No.6485305

I read that edition of Ulysses and have to agree, the book has an overall nice feel to it, and the font fits the text in a way. Just don't turn it over and read the excerpt on the back, it spoils the final lines (like another edition I saw but on the front cover)

>> No.6485310

I have the "spoiler cover". I don't know why they did it, but by the time you get to the end after all that you've been through it doesn't do any harm to know them. Yeah, they're probably the best final lines to anything ever written, but they're largely meaningless without context.

>> No.6485315

Who publishes that Ulysses? I don't think it's available here in the UK.

>> No.6485329

I think Vintage. I could be wrong, tho.

>> No.6485331

I agree, I just thought it was tacky that they did it but I didn't feel wronged over it, especially since the book is full of lines that jump out at you, and you're in the homestretch of such a dense book.

>> No.6485336

I'm looking at it and can confirm it's Vintage. I got it at a B&N.

>> No.6485338
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Here in the UK Vintage Classics only use those ugly red spines and have terrible quality paper and printing. Pic related is the UK version of Ulysses.

>> No.6485347

At least it doesn't have the black marker graphic on the cover imo.

>> No.6485359
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I'm trying to catch up in this whole (post)modernism stuff. Currently about a third into Inherent Vice (fuck you guys, it's a good book). Sorry for shitty resolution. Left to right, top to bottom:
>Collected Stories, William Faulkner
>Inherent Vice, Thomas Pynchon
>The Anatomy of Melancholy, Robert Burton
>Absalom, Absalom!, William Faulkner
>Light in August, William Faulkner
>American Pastoral, Philip Roth
>The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner
>The Waves, Virginia Woolf
>To the Lighthouse, Virginia Wool
>Vineland, Thomas Pynchon
>Du côté de chez Swann, Marcel Proust (Spanish)
>À l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs, Marcel Proust (Spanish)
>Slow Learner, Thomas Pynchon
>Against the Day, Tomas Pynchon

>> No.6485372
File: 474 KB, 2048x1536, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leather bound, silver painted pages, inner pattern binding
i didn't know they made books look this good

>> No.6485375

Nice haul.

Just pace yourself though. You can easily get burnt out on reading that kind of thing too often.

>> No.6485381

My 30 pesos (~2 dlls) Castalia edition of the complete Garcilaso de la Vega looks kind of the same. I agree, it looks lovely, but I hope you didn't pay a lot for it.

>> No.6485386

got it at a goodwill

>> No.6485464

Iron Pill/10

>> No.6486021
File: 2.62 MB, 4160x2340, 20150502_173430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the past week.
Can someone tell me something better I can do with my autismbucks? My backlog is horrendous.

>> No.6486059

Charity. Gym membership. Prostitutes. Clothes. Beer. More beer.

That's what I spend mine on. If you enjoy them go for it.

>> No.6486110
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>> No.6486147

Do you tell that to people who collect paintings and sculptures?

>> No.6486195
File: 113 KB, 640x640, recent purchase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Taste! :)

>> No.6486357

I like this one a lot. Which ones do you donate to?

I've got enough to workout with around me

All I know of is eros escorts.

Something I've been holding back on. I need to redo my closet.
Good call.

I could use some more hard drinks. Beer.. not so much

>> No.6486372

I'm in the UK so charities may vary but I give to the Salvation Army because of the work they do for the homeless and the RSPCA.

Get some clothes, son. Uniqlo is a good place to start. Cheap clothes made surprisingly well for the price.

>> No.6486398

And can you write better?

>> No.6486441

There seems to be plenty of charities to donate to on the internet. I'll have to weave through the ones that seem sketchy.

This place looks pretty sweet. That should turn my style around
Thanks, Anon

>> No.6486526

>usually, because it has withstood the test of time
Saying this while discussing old vs modern should be considered a banneable offense.

>> No.6486528

I believe there are sites for checking if a charity is legit or not. Look up the charity number and it should tell you if it's real.

Uniqlo is really good but some of their note seasonal items sell out really quickly so if you want something like a flannel shirt the good ones sell out in a day or two whereas the bad ones are there all year.

It's addictive though because if you're not careful you can end up with a Bart Simpson style wardrobe where everything is identical.

/lit/ - Fashion

>> No.6486531

Givewell.org ranks them according to evidence-based efficiency, transparency and best bang for your buck.

>> No.6486545

where do you live?

>> No.6486557

Go to the gym you little piece of shit, SS+GOMAD

>> No.6486559

fit pls go

>> No.6486560

Why do you ask?