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6473989 No.6473989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>people recommending Foucault on Reddit to "understand" the Baltimore riots

Tell me one concrete thing this useless fuck and his bogus "research" did besides get AIDS and die

>> No.6473997
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You called?

>> No.6473999

why do you go on reddit if you hate it
this can't be healthy

>> No.6474001

by bringing surveillance into the discourse of philosophy and making the various forms of power and extent to which they control people's lives more visible.

no need to get your panties in a bunch because you're a non-reading pleb.

>> No.6474007

>he goes to reddit
>He reads their analysis of the news
Sounds like you should go back there faggot, you got a lot of memeing to do I'm sure

>> No.6474016

survive my cold sweaty fingers molesting your esophagus fuckface that's not science that's stone concrete insincerity fuck you fuck 1984 go back to reading your "literature" with predictive results no better than a coin flip nothing you pasty fucking kikes just typed was substantiated get a real major

>> No.6474024

So what does /lit/ think of the riots? I don't think there has been a thread about it here.

>> No.6474029

The same reason we all come to 4chan even though we hate it a good deal of the time.
Our masochistic desire to be repulsed by our fellow human beings.

>> No.6474031

foucault was very skeptical of calling things a science. philosophy is most definitely not a science. and foucault was no scientist.

stop shitposting whenever you feel like it.

>> No.6474033
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It reflects poorly on their movement and it reflects poorly on blacks in America.

>> No.6474036

I think they happened after 1950 so I'll not be reading them.

>> No.6474044


>> No.6474054

Some stupid leftists that I know -- that lack a decent understanding of Mai 68 -- said this will be our Mai revolution.

>> No.6474060
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I personally think there's bullshit on both sides and good intentions on both sides. I think the black community is downplaying the responsibility, but the white community is always there to point the finger.

I think it's a perfect oppurtunity for white nationalists to loot shit in order to exacerbate the problems for laughs, robbing black businesses in black hoodies etc. It's always happened whenever black people protest anything.

I honestly think it shouldn't accelerate this fast.

But if you think the American police force is this shining moral beacon of light and not totally incompetent and biased you really are oblivious. The amount of sky rocketing police shootings is something that needs to be addressed, and I really don't think you can make the case of it being black people or whatever when each case has been shotty as fuck.

I mean, these entire cases are full of more holes than the victims, and white people are quickest to believe in conspiracy theories to begin with. People are quicker to believe in Roswell than the possibility of police negligence/bias.

>> No.6474061

Just another media circus distraction.

Simultaneously empowers black people while confining them to a life of slavery. These riots are the new "gangsta rap."

>> No.6474063

Read the last part of Discipline and Punish concerning why "reforms" of the penitentiary system have "failed".

Answer: the prison system isn't "broken." it's working exactly as it should: removing the possibility of a resurgence of (certain) political illegality and making (a distinct set of ) illegality something productive in the economy of discipline.

>> No.6474065

The rioters probably understand Heidegger better than Sartre.

>> No.6474068

They neglect to do it for free

>> No.6474090

To this extent, ghettos function as a means of containing illegality and and removing their ability to gain a political consciousness as they did prior to the French Revolution.

Illegalities are central to Discipline and Punish. It's all about protecting certain illegalities (those committed by the wealthy and powerful) and neutralizing and making productive other illegalities (those committed by people who challenge the dominant hold on the accumulation of materials and the control of illegalities).

Riots were a regular occurrence during the formation of early European states (17th century onwards). They were points at which bands of criminals became political forces and challenged the economy of power-knowledge and to that extent, the power over death (they were often centered around executions).

>> No.6474095

prove anything you just said with citations

>> No.6474096

I think it's safe to say that most people have a better understanding of Heidegger than Sartre. I wonder what went through Heidegger's mind when he read Sartre's criticism of his work.

>> No.6474103

This has a chance to be more radical than Mai 68. Occupy is Mai 68. A "struggle" for fun and fulfilling lives, where boredom and "empty" lives and not precarious lives fraught with terror were the issues.

What's going on now is the struggle to live and not be murdered.

>> No.6474105
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>mfw this thread

>> No.6474112

>prove with citations
>doesn't understand how power-knowledge functions

Look into what the genealogical method is. It is history in the primordial, non-"objective" fashion. Where finitude and thrownness are recognized by a group of people in a moment of vision. Where the study of history is polemical because it can only be polemical.

>> No.6474123
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Well, that isn't worse than hearing from every smart-ass -I live in Europe- "HURRR DURRR I understand what's happening there cuz I watched The Wire". Yeah, I also liked 'The Wire', but that doesn't make you better or smarter, or your opinion more interesting when, in fact, you don't actually have one besides from "Muh Idris Elba, Muh Little Finger".

>> No.6474127

>Look into what the genealogical method is. It is history in the primordial, non-"objective" fashion. Where finitude and thrownness are recognized by a group of people in a moment of vision. Where the study of history is polemical because it can only be polemical.

So it isn't historiographical. You can fuck right off then mate.

There is no "group of people in motion" you're speaking for. You're speaking ideologically as a bourgeois subject: you ain't the fucking praxis of the class.

Compare your fucking dreck to E.P. Thompson's account of the mobility. Citations dickface.

p.s.: All the genealogical historians of ideas I know provide detailed citations, very detailed citations.

>> No.6474135
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Knowledge linked to power, not only assumes the authority of 'the truth' but has the power to make itself true. All knowledge, once applied in the real world, has effects, and in that sense at least, 'becomes true.' Knowledge, once used to regulate the conduct of others, entails constraint, regulation and the disciplining of practice. Thus, 'there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time, power relations

>> No.6474142
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> yfw when it was Foucault & the Gang's involvement in the May 68 protests that ruined them

Just let the plebs burn shit without you saying "Oh, yes, very good, you see this is just what I was discussing in my work, on the evaluation of proto-struc-...Ha! Onwards, comrades! Very good, very good."

A bunch of lifeless hacks think they think better thoughts than the masses. It makes me sick to my stomach.

>> No.6474143
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real sorry you fucks have to actually use euphemisms just to tell me you can say as much as an entertaining astrologer
>"non-objective primordial fashion"
cracks me up. When will you suckers ever learn?

>> No.6474151

How many d'you think showed up to grope Beauvoir's ass in a march?

>> No.6474156

It was the reverse. Beauvoir showed up to get groped.

>> No.6474161

She's just trolling for stray children.

>> No.6474165



>> No.6474166


Honestly human life is worth more than property anyways.


On the other hand, the opposite tends to have absolute negative effects. God, how does it feel to constantly be impressed with yourself anyways.

Discipline is a way of controlling the movement and operations of the body in a
constant way. It is a type of power that coerces the body by regulating and dividing up its
movement, and the space and time in which it moves. Timetables and the ranks into which
soldiers are arranged are examples of this regulation. The disciplines are the methods by which this control became possible. Foucault traces the origins of discipline back to monasteries and armies. Discipline
became a widely used technique to control whole populations. The modern prison, and indeed the modern state, is unthinkable without this idea of the mass control of bodies and movement

You don't even read into Biopolitics and yet you are directly affected by it whether you like it or not, believe in it or not. Having faith in the structural nature of things is inherently naive.

>> No.6474170

Yeah bro, this is definitely going to end up with general strikes


>> No.6474176

OP, all I can say to you is READ SOME FUCKING FOUCAULT.

Just read some FOUCAULT bro...

... Read some FOUCAULT.

>> No.6474177

The constitution of power relations as knowledge requires epistemic systems and disciplinary systems. The disciplinary systems for constituting social knowledge of the past are three:

The superstructure of social relations as a self-articulating institutional context. This requires analysis to bring it forward. The only acceptable analyses (and incidentally the other two systems of power knowledge relevant):

Academic historiography.
The classes' own formation as a revolutionary subject.

The first requires citations.
The second either requires citations or occupies a mythic structure which I can summarise as "ACAB."

If you don't know what ACAB means, then you need to provide citations. If you do know what ACAB means, then you know that the communication above was not an expression of collective proletarian conduct, but an attempt to try to get away with academic power-knowledge without meeting the requirements.

And the way academic power knowledge articulates itself is that people who don't provide citations get called on being cunts. You, and the person you are supporting, are cunts.

>> No.6474178


"I use reddit more than any other popular website, except for my tumblr I guess, but 4chan is really unrully for mobile use. I was on reddit scrolling through all the comments and ignoring the articles and I saw they were recommending this. I thought to myself "this would be a funny troll post on /lit/, I can't wait till I get home."

>> No.6474183

> Foucault
> bio-politics

Is this the guy who died of AIDS who says vaccines are mind control serum or some shit?

Sorry, I don't fuck with french literatures post-Valery.

>> No.6474184

"I then left to toy section of walmart to go find my mom to tell her to hurry up and that I had to show her this epic post I am going to make when I get home."

>> No.6474187

I'm surprised you even know who valery is.

>> No.6474188

been thinking of looking this guy up. All I know is something about prison systems and schools being a form of power.

>> No.6474191
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What citations can you make on a barely explored subject? And why such reaction when it's clear it hasn't been thoroughly thought out? It is efficient, but otherwise it is also inefficient. The nature of our interactions in regards to power are difficult to conceptualize and so immediately getting treated with skepticism, yet you refuse to be more skeptical of institutions regardless.


Nobody actually said that. Go back to Reddit.

>> No.6474192

Answer the question.

>> No.6474193

>I refuse to read things I disagree with in fear that I might change my mind

>> No.6474196
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>does not believe in cause, effect, observable hypothesis, scientific method...
>says it all with a straight face

>> No.6474204

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6474206

Whoa! I don't wanna read Deleuze! I'm afraid I might think schizophrenia is quaint!

How did you figure me out so easily.

>> No.6474207

Not that anon, I didn't even read his post or the rest of thread, but if it can make you feel more uncomfortable, I do not put those things on a pedestal either.

>> No.6474213

>general strikes

This is going to end in real physical combat at a political level, rather than un-unified personal/public level.

The general strike is no longer possible in the government of the precarious and neo-liberal supply networks.

>> No.6474215


If Deleuze is schizophrenia, then anything before hand is total non-responsive coma.


I believe in all such things. Who are you quoting?

>> No.6474218

>What citations can you make on a barely explored subject?

The pre-modern and modern mobility, and their discipline, are widely historicised. Let me cite for you Napoleon III's restructuring of Paris. Fucking idiot.

>And why such reaction when it's clear it hasn't been thoroughly thought out?

Because it has been, and you're shitting up this thread in an area you're obviously not competent to deal with. Proletarian subjectivity as a mobility is one of the central concerns of labour historiography.

>The nature of our interactions in regards to power are difficult to conceptualize[sic]
Perhaps if you're a French ENS. If you actually work with the documentary records of the past they're immediate in that subjectivities document their own conceptions of power relations continuously.

>more skeptical of institutions
Did I authorise any of the narratives I outlined? No, no you fucking cretin. Description isn't instantiation or agreement.

I don't think you're familiar with English Language as a knowledge-power relation, because you're grossly inefficient at using it. Consider this a disciplinary practice limiting your subjectivity: you are an illiterate cunt, using theoretical tools that you are entirely unfamiliar with, with no practical basis to ground your commentary.

>> No.6474229

You're a retard and have no idea.

>> No.6474236

Good one

>> No.6474239

Just opened up a copy of Discipline and Punish because this thread piqued by curiosity.

Jesus, what a brutal fucking way to a start a book. I have a feeling I'm going to like this guy...

>> No.6474249
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>The pre-modern and modern mobility, and their discipline, are widely historicised. Let me cite for you Napoleon III's restructuring of Paris. Fucking idiot.

And what are in place to act? I mean, on behalf of others, not bourgeois intelligentsia.

>Because it has been, and you're shitting up this thread in an area you're obviously not competent to deal with. Proletarian subjectivity as a mobility is one of the central concerns of labour historiography.

On the contrary, your total ignorance on the subject of anything other than what you are comfortable with in a thread vaguely constructed to discuss Foucault is thread killing.

>Perhaps if you're a French ENS. If you actually work with the documentary records of the past they're immediate in that subjectivities document their own conceptions of power relations continuously.

How? And how exactly does that disprove power relations, regardless? If you're trying to disprove Foucault you better cite more specific sources. ;)

>Did I authorise any of the narratives I outlined? No, no you fucking cretin. Description isn't instantiation or agreement.

I think you authorized your lips on my ass you noisy bitch.

>I don't think you're familiar with English Language as a knowledge-power relation, because you're grossly inefficient at using it. Consider this a disciplinary practice limiting your subjectivity: you are an illiterate cunt, using theoretical tools that you are entirely unfamiliar with, with no practical basis to ground your commentary.

Objection bitch, that is a subjective opinion.


What if you were the retard all along :O

>> No.6474256


>> No.6474264 [DELETED] 

>But if you think the American police force is this shining moral beacon of light and not totally incompetent and biased you really are oblivious

You're doing that thing that leftists always do wherein you claim that if someone opposes something their opposition is morally wrong. Stop it. Stop doing that.

>> No.6474269

>And what are in place to act?
This is incoherent, subjects take "who" not what.

>how exactly does that disprove power relations
It elucidates them you illiterate curr. Unlike your prattle, I concretely elucidated examples of power relations using the appropriate demonstrations of proof for the discourse. You can't rely on "thrown-ness" when you're not throwing molotovs. The ontological structure of making claims separate from action involves reference to systems of proof appropriate to the discourse, and this isn't a state nor a riot. I supplied citations, why do you find it so fucking hard to do so.

>that is subjective opinion.
Of course it is dickhead, it is subjective opinion backed with detailed close text readings and demonstration by reference to third texts that are authoritative.

Up your game.

>> No.6474275

I think they're entirely justified, honestly. The oppression of the lower classes and minorities in the United States has been sustained and systemic. Moreover, attempts to reform the system without violence have been largely unsuccessful.

Now, all of a sudden, people are paying attention to the problem. Frankly I'm not sure enough damage has been done yet, and I'm not sure it's been done to the right institutions and people.

>> No.6474277

There is no class. Stop dredging up historical artifacts. The divide between bourgeoise and proletariat that existed in the 19th century no longer exists now.

And who cares. Recent American riots have shown that the only praxis lies in identifying friends and enemies. Real friends and enemies. Those that make life possible and those that make life possibly impossible.

>> No.6474286
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And that relates to the basic fact the American police force is incompetent, corrupt, and biased as fuck exactly, how?


I'm going to tolerate your smug analytical Rick Moranis shit for one more post so I hope this one's at bare minimum decently dressed.

>This is incoherent, subjects take "who" not what.

We're off to a terrible start.

>It elucidates them you illiterate curr. Unlike your prattle, I concretely elucidated examples of power relations using the appropriate demonstrations of proof for the discourse. You can't rely on "thrown-ness" when you're not throwing molotovs. The ontological structure of making claims separate from action involves reference to systems of proof appropriate to the discourse, and this isn't a state nor a riot. I supplied citations, why do you find it so fucking hard to do so.

I am honestly breath taken that you expect me to deal with analytic philosophy on terms of continental philosophy so you can shove analytic shit back at me like this is a fucking game of table tennis.

You are very, very naive

>Of course it is dickhead, it is subjective opinion backed with detailed close text readings and demonstration by reference to third texts that are authoritative.

Good. Thank God it's over.


>bourgeoise and proletariat

Stop. Please stop. You are killing me.

>> No.6474288

>replying to Foucault
Are you being paid to educate the special needs fag or do you do it for free?

>> No.6474290

>the struggle to live and not be murdered.

Lol, do you actually believe this?

Yes the cops in these situations have acted rashly at times, however only the most recent has been shown to be obviously guilty of anything remotely sinister.

Despite this, all of the black individuals were only in these situations because they were breaking the law and willfully acting like thugs.

Staying alive isnt a "struggle", its as simple as having common sense. You want to see a struggle to stay alive look in somalia or the slums of south africa.

>> No.6474299

>Are you being paid to educate the special needs fag or do you do it for free?

It's more that I want to demonstrate that it is possible to conduct class war analyses under the conditions of fragmented discourse with an awareness that knowledge is constructed as power. That you don't need to fall into the anti-disciplinary games of Foucault, nor of !!8WvUZxvX53M, to work in this territory. And further, to have placed the fact that analysis of the mobility and their political capacity has been widely historicised and is immediately available for reading.

>> No.6474301

Fun fact: Marlo is the best.

>> No.6474305

Time after time the behavior of the police has been shown to be arbitrary, biased, and on more than one occasion, sadistic. At this point the average policeman has lost all credibility in the United State.

>> No.6474307
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You're driving me bonkers with your terrible opinions.


You're white so don't even fuck bitch about how terrible other places fucking have it because I rearely see your fucking mom with her microwable pizza groceries to get taken to your NEET fucking ass get pulled over for no fucking reason.

Like how can you even sit there and admit to yourself
>Hey. Some fucked up shit happened and I'll accept the police force's opinion on everything.


>It's more that I want to demonstrate that it is possible to conduct class war analyses under the conditions of fragmented discourse with an awareness that knowledge is constructed as power.

Good news. Knowledge is constructed as power.

>> No.6474308

>rob store
>get shot

the struggle is real

>> No.6474316

When people are regularly murdered by cops and can barely get by on low wage work, yes.

If the angry start getting organized and recognize the enemy in concrete fashion then you better have picked a side.

>> No.6474319

>Good news. Knowledge is constructed as power.

Demonstrate it. There are no state apparatus nor riots here. Demonstrate it in a scholarly mode.

>> No.6474320

You're telling me that human beings faced with violent criminals are biased and sometimes sadistic?

Say it ain't so

>> No.6474325
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Then what about the White Nationalists robbing, then?

And what the fuck do you do when white sports fan riot? Do you go to the internet to type up a shocked emotional paragraph about how you're disgusted with the state of multiculturalism in America?


You are so intelligentsia it hurts.

>> No.6474327

The amount of shitty cops seems to be growing, but think about how many police are in america and work every day and how many manage to do so without controversy. We are still talking about a small minority of police here

I dont even know where to begin here. A word of advise, starting with an enrage ad hominem before you even try to make a coherent point is not a good idea


It would be a stretch to say this is regular, and a massive stretch to say these cases are murder. The most recent one sure, the rest are either debatable or confirmed by the court to not be murder.

>> No.6474328

people said all kinds of shit about the vancouver riots. Obviously no one brought up multiculturalism because whites are the majority culture who founded america and canada.

>> No.6474329

There's no use arguing with fascists. Read, train your body, and seek out friends.

>> No.6474332

>You're driving me bonkers with your terrible opinions.
that was my first comment in this thread which belongs on pol btw, nice job mods, really earning that salary

>> No.6474333

>Assuming anyone in this thread is fascist

Why exactly are you doing this?

>> No.6474334

Because in the US you're either some kind of super-leftie or a fascist

>> No.6474335

false dichotomies are fun

>> No.6474338
File: 271 KB, 558x562, tumblr_mk8j4aZHAf1s9x01uo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Violent criminals
>not the police force

40 percent of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to the 10 percent of families in the general population. A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24 percent, indicating that domestic violence is two to four times more common among police families than American families in general.


Also, nobody is saying shit about sports riots in America, while they are about this.

Sports riots happen much more fucking often. Property breaks much easier.

I was being sarcastic with the multiculturalism btw, nice that you didn't pick that up.


Then you're a liberal.


>I dont even know where to begin here. A word of advise, starting with an enrage ad hominem before you even try to make a coherent point is not a good idea

Muh Ad Homz on muh shit filled Chinese message board oh nooooo

>> No.6474342

Nobody is trying to defend sports rioters, I dont get your point. Anyone who riots senselessly and destroys the property of innocent people is a fucking retard.

>> No.6474345

>not the police force
Baltimore a good city it dindu nuttin! need mo money fo dem prgrams

>> No.6474351

>people who engage with criminal, often violent, behavior experience additional stress and aggression

Why is that their fault?

>> No.6474354

ur a fukken joke m8. this is a fukken 4chan board

>> No.6474358

Because they made the choice to engage in criminal, violent behavior?

>> No.6474359

Everything you're saying basically boils down to: I don't care about black people and find what they have determined to be an existential struggle as unworthy of actions I have polemically deemed unjustifiable. I am not a neutral party because I have chosen to make judgements and only those involved in political struggle can do so. I side, in the decisive case, with the police.

>> No.6474360

>let's just have no police
>in fact, let's remove all stressful jobs

>> No.6474362
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That people comment on black riots more than white sports rioters who are ten times more easier to break property and the white nationalist looters who always show up to take advantage of any protest involving blacks regardless.


If you are willing to defend the abusive drug addicted American police force you're probably either a fucking cop or you suck you're a fucking hick.


If you reply on a police who have an uncontrollable urge for child abuse you are honestly THE biggest cock sucker on planet Earth.


How about we find a way to get Police to stop abusing their children.

>> No.6474366

Are you incapable of reading?

I care about anyone who is being treated unjustly, but people can also help themselves, and destroying the property of innocent people and hurling cinderblocks at firemen trying to save said property is reckless behavior which doesnt help anyone.

>> No.6474369

Sorry, i didnt read your whole conversation. I thought you were trying to justify the actions of the rioters

>> No.6474372

People are talking about the white nationalist looters. There are far less of them so is it any surprise that they arent talked about as much as the majority of looters? The commentary on either side is pretty proportionate and fair.

>> No.6474373

>I care about anyone who is being treated unjustly, but people can also help themselves, and destroying the property of innocent people

Oh I see. You're just a liberal. Hopefully your kind soon recedes from history.

>> No.6474375


It's protest against police brutality lel keep foolin yourself

>> No.6474376

Why are you more eager to categorise somone and then fire off ad hominems than form a coherent argument?

>> No.6474380


>> No.6474381

Because he's on 4chan

>> No.6474384
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>The commentary on either side is pretty proportionate and fair.

And yet nobody is doing anything about the domestic abusers within the police department or about police corruption but only focusing on the racial aspect of it, as fucking always.

You really do not understand how fucking unfair it is that the possibility exists these gun happy hothead pieces of shit can do whatever they want and have historically shown bias towards our communities.

And before you all DINDU NOTHIN /pol/ bullshit, how many fucking headlines of black kids getting shot do you have to read with shotty fucking evidence at best before you realize that the police force is fucked.

That's not even taking into consideration the corruption element inherent in cops.


Honestly property matters less than lives. You people hardly ever speak about sports rioters doing the same exact shit.

When it's ideologically motivated and not "innocent fun" it becomes a fucking hazard because you know? You're fucking white nobody gives a shit when you riot.

>> No.6474386

The political isn't about convincing the enemy he's wrong. It's about recognizing him and deciding how one should orient oneself towards him given the possibility of confrontation.

>> No.6474397

>why is the police force generalizing us, it's racist ;(
>proceeds to generalize police as corrupt gun happy hotheads

>> No.6474400

hHw selfish and close minded are you to think that blacks are the only ones to be victims of police brutality?

It happens to everyone, and yes it happens more frequently to blacks, but blacks commit over half of all crime in america so no shit that they are more likely to be accidentally (or in the odd case purposely) killed by police.

Your victim complex stops you from seeing clearly.

>> No.6474405

did you know, that your namesake or 'tripsake' as the case may be was a homosexual?

>> No.6474406

>Honestly property matters less than lives.
...But it's black property they're setting on fire. And the firemen were trying to put it out when the BLACK "protesters" threw a cinderblock at their windshield. Are they protesting firemen too? why do they attack the firemen? they're just trying to help them!

>> No.6474409

Well in that case the individuals skills of recognition greatly need improvement.

>> No.6474414


>> No.6474421
File: 9 KB, 250x199, UNIMPRESSED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sky rocketing police shootings

[citation needed]

>> No.6474430


If they weren't gun happy hotheads they wouldn't abuse their kids 4 times more than the average fucking family.


I must be really selfish. I also must see through your shit because you didn't answer my point about white riots.

Sure, we commit half the crime. But most of it is intraracial. Blacks honestly don't fuck with whites statistically. In fact, whites kill more whites than blacks kill whites.

And in the 19th century whites had a bigger murder rate comparatively, and had access to drugs like meth and drugs like cocaine freely. Blacks at that time also committed less crime than whites.

You'd agree whites have "civilized" since then, so the element isn't genetic, but social.

The applying of crime statistics to these situations is inherently biased and misconstruing, and seeks to focus on the problem itself and laugh at it.

It's honestly fucking sick and I'm pissed to fuck how easily you fall for it.


Fuck off.


Property matters less than lives who gives a shit. I don't fucking care.


I can post a million fucking videos of white sports fans or Raiders fans doing ten times more embarrassing shit with public property.

But it's "all in good fun"


Police shootings of black american minors has increased. I'll give you the statistics.

Maybe they're putting out all their anger they seem to have towards their own children on the children of others.

>> No.6474453

>Property matters less than lives who gives a shit. I don't fucking care.
What if that brick had killed a fireman? what right do protestors have to kill innocent firemen? Or what if the driver swerved because his vision was obscured by dust from the cinderblock and he had hit some innocent bystander? would there be protests for reckless firemen driving all over the damn road? why do you hate firemen?

>> No.6474455


>> No.6474465

>Raiders fans
Raiders fans are mostly black. even if they're white they probably live in Oakland therefore they might as well be black.

>> No.6474478

Have you been in Oakland in like

the last 10 years

>> No.6474480

>If they weren't gun happy hotheads they wouldn't abuse their kids 4 times more than the average fucking family.
If blacks weren't nappy hoodrats they wouldn't commit the majority of homicide

>> No.6474490
File: 98 KB, 800x451, KilledByPolice_circumstances_v3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Vital Statistics System offers another view into officers' use of deadly force. In 2011, the CDC counted 460 people who died by "legal intervention" involving a firearm discharge. In theory, this includes any death caused by a law enforcement or state agent (it does not include legal executions).

But it turns out police are utterly incompetent at keeping data, and usually don't keep a record of anything.

Better data, and the will to collect it, is necessary to get the full picture of how many criminals and law-abiding citizens are killed by police every year.

The CDC's cause-of-death data, based on death certificates collected at the state level, also reveals a profound racial disparity among the victims of police shootings. Between 1968 and 2011, black people were between two to eight times more likely to die at the hands of law enforcement than whites. Annually, over those 40 years, a black person was on average 4.2 times as likely to get shot and killed by a cop than a white person. The disparity dropped to 2-to-1 between 2003 and 2009, lower than the 4-to-1 disparity shown in the BJS data over those same years. The CDC's database of emergency room records also shows similar racial disparities among those injured by police.


>What if that brick had killed a fireman? what right do protestors have to kill innocent firemen? Or what if the driver swerved because his vision was obscured by dust from the cinderblock and he had hit some innocent bystander? would there be protests for reckless firemen driving all over the damn road? why do you hate firemen?

They don't. People are just pissed by fucking inaction about kids getting shot up.

Kill fucking adults. Fine. Just don't kill fucking kids.


Like white rioting is ever on TV huh


Oh boo fucking hoo it's a majority black on black and you don't give a shit about black people so it shouldn't be any hair off your chest.

Whites are more likely to murder other whites. Murder remains intraracial.

>> No.6474492

>white community is always there to point the finger

you clearly are not a white person surrounded by white people in America
they're full of white guilt and cultural appropriation, they support it more than the "black community"

now you might be thinking of the "old community", because all old people hate this shit

>> No.6474493


Whites are unjustly killed by cops more than blacks, and black people who aren't cops kill other black people more than cops kill black people. Not to mention that blacks commit way more violent crime than whites in general. You are confusing sensationalist media narratives with reality. Yes, when a black kid is shot the news goes nuts, thats just because it does'nt matter when whites are victimized because we are the majority and the personal suffering of individuals is seen to not matter due to them happening to be part of the race that founded the country and has more of the wealthy people in it.


>Adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown of the U.S. population, he said black men are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white men. But also adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown in violent crime, the data actually show that police are less likely to kill black suspects than white ones.

>“Yes, more whites than blacks die as a result of an encounter with police, but whites also represent a much bigger chunk of the total population,” PolitiFact said in its Aug. 21 post.
But PolitiFact did not take into account the percentage of those by race involved in violent crime or shootings of police, as Mr. Moskos did.


>The BJS study also found that black suspects were also as likely to shoot at police as be shot at.

>> No.6474497


that red zone in the center of the map where the crimerate is marked "very high" that had 130 murders in 2012 is oakland.

>> No.6474506
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Dude do you live in an alternative reality where raiders fans aren't fucking obese obnoxious whites.


Literally, I'll give you a list of all the statistics keepers that contradict what you just said.



Until you can cite those sources fuck off back to the fucking Appalachians.

And that makes raiders fans not white? And that has what to do with whites rioting for sports easily not getting the same coverage when they are just as destructive?

>> No.6474512


Oh fuck off. I'm glad their supportive of the minimum amount of liberal empathy, thanks for reminding me you people are actually human occasionally.

When you're not acting like skin wearing reptilian fucks.

>> No.6474520

every oakland fan I've ever met is from oakland. I think most people don't like the raiders because they aren't a very good team.

anyway, turns our oakland is about 1 third white

>> No.6474523

all im saying is you should stop deluding yourself
the division is more between young/old people than white/black

>> No.6474530
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And that one third white is more likely to be a fucking raiders fan.

Let's not even talk Raiders, you can point out any fucking rioting of white sports fans going unpublished or you fucks not focusing on OH NO THE DEGENERATE WHITES ARE DESTROYING PROPERTY like you are right now.

You know why? Because most of you are antisocial, mean fucks who think all of the joking you do about blacks and shit exists in a vacuum.


Thanks that's really something I've never actually picked up on, it's really generous you're reminding me of something I've never ever had the delight of experiencing.

>> No.6474536


Ok let's see them. I want page numbers as well.

>> No.6474545

>like you are right now.
>You know why? Because most of you are antisocial, mean fucks who think all of the joking you do about blacks and shit exists in a vacuum.
Wow... rude. I was actually just lurking this thread until you mentioned the raiders.

>> No.6474555


0.7% African-Americans will commit a violent crime against a white person, according to 2013 FBI expanded homicide data.

Most crime is intra-racial; 86 percent of white victims are harmed by white offenders.

Whites are six times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a Black person. Overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a Black offender in a given year is only 0.0002, according the FBI and BJS. Those same statistics say a Black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as a white person is to be murdered by an African-American.

Crime prevention and enforcement policies target people of color disproportionately. Black Americans were arrested on drug charges at 2.8 to 5.5 times higher rate than whites since the 1980s, according to a 2008 report on drug law enforcement by Human Rights Watch.

Outside of that

Of 4,765 victims of black killers, random chance would have predicted 2,716 white victims (4,765 x .57); and,

Of 3,896 victims of white killers, random chance would have predicted 117 black victims (3,896 x .03).

In other words, given relative racial offending rates and rates of interracial encounter — the two factors that determine the likelihood of interracial victimization — random chance would predict that there should have been about 2000 more black-on-white homicides in 2010 than there actually were, and about 300 fewer white-on-black murders than actually occurred. In other words, whites killed more blacks than should have been expected and blacks killed fewer whites than should have been expected: exactly the opposite of the white nationalist argument. In terms of ratios, because of relative offending rates and rates of interracial encounter, there should have been 23 times more black-on-white homicides than white-on-black homicides in 2010, but in fact, there were only 1.7 times more of the former than the latter. Meaning that in 2010, black-on-white homicide happened only 26 percent as often as random chance would have predicted, and the ratio of black-on-white to white-on-black homicide was only one-fourteenth as large as should have been expected.


You don't even fucking know rude my man.

>> No.6474556

you're embarrassing yourself man

it's obvious most white americans you've met have been from 4chan, and thats not always a good sample

racism like 4chan has is grounds for crusifixion in real life

>> No.6474560

>You don't even fucking know rude my man.
Well I know it really isn't nice to be talking to a friend online about a sports team and for them to all of a sudden call you an anti social bigot. Nice trips btw

>> No.6474562


Honestly? You'd be fucking surprised. The passive aggressive bullshit almost always comes from soccer mom types also, though, to be fair.

>> No.6474575


Maybe it's because I'm a bit agitated people are more willing to side with cops, than have a discussion on police brutality towards minors. Maybe because it's a sore personal subject that is heavily mocked, and it fucking shouldn't be. If whites really get beat the fuck up more by cops, you should be on my side about how police often go unpunished for even the most heinous bullshit.

>> No.6474585


>They don't. People are just pissed by fucking inaction about kids getting shot up.

>Kill fucking adults. Fine. Just don't kill fucking kids.

Fucking hell Foucalt, I knew you were an annoying shitposting trip but I never knew your sophistry would stoop to this point. You're nothing but an ideologue.

>> No.6474590
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Shit happens.

>> No.6474600

yeah soccer moms fall into the "old" category

so what i said still stands

and no i wouldn't be surprised, i live here. and only about an hour away from Baltimore

>> No.6474605

>Kill fucking adults. Fine. Just don't kill fucking kids.

Don't bring ethical norms into political combat. The only rule in war is to defend a form-of-life against the enemy.

>> No.6474606

I'd like to friend but I don't get into arguments on the internet anymore. You see I suffer from high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia so I try to just chat with strangers about things I know about, like the raiders for example, and keep the tone civil (:

No sense get frustrated over what a stranger thinks. Life's too short anyhow.

>> No.6474620



You're under the false impression that Americans are in some stupor regarding police tactics. Locally they may not be so bad, but on a national level people will say we're seeing an issue of rising militarization and brutality. What pisses people off (leading to the "muh black on black shootings" arguments and such) is when social progressives show indifference, squeamishness, or even sympathy to rioters when it comes to directly condemning them. It's understood that you want to address the root, systemic causes of these riots but why don't you fucking condemn them first?

>> No.6474623


Links and page numbers please. For all I know you just made that all up.

>> No.6474625

I have not met a single person who sides with the cops

It's like you desperately want it to be true so you have something to feel angry about... pretty sad.

>> No.6474633


Whites probably do get beaten up by cops less, they also commit crimes less and hence don't get into squabbles with police officers as much.

This problem will never be fixed until more blacks are willing to attribute agency to their people and attack the actual source of the problem, black crime and ghetto culture. Black's aren't inherently criminal or anything like that, but just hand waving black crime to defer responsibility isn't going to help anyone.

>> No.6474635

>I have not met a single person who sides with the cops

In the decisive case (real physical combat), political allegiances will make themselves apparent.

>> No.6474648

ok, is that supposed to prove anything?

>> No.6474659

It's the same story over and over. A criminal does criminal shit, cops do what they have to do, he din do nuffin. What more is there to understand?

>> No.6474661

That you can't tell who one aides and sides with until a decisive moment is met.

Liberals soon turn into vehement reactionaries.

>> No.6474665


>> No.6474674

Am I the only one that was peeking in at /pol/ while this shit was going on and nope-ing the fuck out of there?

>> No.6474679

well.. ok, yeah, i believe that and all, but that wasn't my point.. its not just liberals that "support" (or at least think they do) the riots, its fucking anyone under 30

>> No.6474682


There's plenty of liberal websites that will provide trigger warnings so your feelings don't get hurt.

>> No.6474689

Fucking whatever. I lost my cool, but you people really have no idea what you're talking about sometimes, or in the way you talk about it.

Everything dealt with the black community is liberal bullshit on all sides. You have people reducing us to crime statistics and threats to themselves (thus, cannot be more than the numbers I see that confirm my initial assumptions).

It's fucking shit. I hate to employ this trope but the biggest problem is trying to relate to you how aggravating it is. You come in, trying to discuss your life experiences, and people automatically jump on you because you barely breathed on their toes like "CITATIONS? SOURCES? EXCUSE ME?????" and if you don't get that you get liberal plattitudes and if you don't get that you get


And it's fucking humiliating. My parents knew what you know, our culture is a fucking mess, it really is. Whatever. They try to raise you as right as possible and you don't want to dissapoint them. You go out for the best and try not to get dragged into local culture which is THE counter culture in your mind, and you get micro aggressions from fucking everyone reminding you that you're a fucking loser because you're black.

Then you see it happen to your parents as a kid. You see your parents get called Nigger. Blackie. Fucking nigger. It fucks with you. Because you know it hurts them. And then you see it everywhere you go. We don't have the same experiences as you, we don't have this funny fucking youth or posting on 4chan.

Or get taken seriously in any academic way.

And any opposition towards White Supremacists in that regard is PC Tumblr Bullshit. Of course.

It's infuriating, I'm sorry for flipping out, whatever. It's incredibly upsetting since childhood to be talked to so liberally about first hand experiences.


Black ghetto culture is no different than white football culture and its associations, or southern culture. It's just bullshit you grew up with you relate with.

If you're soon to say HEY RACISM IS OVER EVERYONE IS EQUAL NOW THERE'S NO REASON WE CAN'T UNDERSTAND ONE ANOTHER than you really don't fucking get it.


Literally fuck off. The kid had his spine broken in 5 different places. Witnesses said his legs were folded backwards on top of his body. Let's say you're even correct.

Do you know how hard it is to break someone's spine that fucking much? How is that much force necessary.

>> No.6474693

God forbid you actually watch the riots, surely MSNBC will report all you need to know!
Honestly man, keep doing what you're doing. Keep blindly and rabidly defending this animals against all criticisms. People are getting sick of it. At this point worse = better. So please keep it up. Be as much of a toxic moron as possible, please.

>> No.6474695
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I really fucking hate you people.

>> No.6474697

>they're full of white guilt and cultural appropriation
You're a delusional white person. I know because I'm a white person in a white majority population whose whole extended family is composed of white people and they are self-entitled cry-babies like yourself.
All of you /pol/faggots need to kill yourselves, no joke.

>> No.6474698

>Literally fuck off. The kid had his spine broken in 5 different places. Witnesses said his legs were folded backwards on top of his body. Let's say you're even correct.

The witness in the van with him was saying he was slamming himself against the wall trying to injure himself. He recently had spinal surgery and did himself in by acting like a retard.


>> No.6474699

>by all likelihood older than you
>"this kid..."

they sure got you good.

>> No.6474701

Nothing in your post excuses police brutality. The police should use force as an absolute last resort, no matter what the situation. It puts them in more danger, true, but they knew the risks when they put the uniform on.

>> No.6474703

Nice argument. Thanks for helping out. In real life be sure to visibly shake and say "I like can't even". Appreciate it, I really do

>> No.6474704

Is there really a FAUXNEWSfag on this board?

>> No.6474708


The witnesses saw his leg's backwards on top of his body before he got in the car. So he probably was scared.

So would you. You're probably a coward.


Just like your hick fucking uncle got you right?


I fucking hate you.

>> No.6474712

if you can't give evidence proving any of the statistics you just claimed, we can't believe it

>> No.6474714
File: 28 KB, 625x626, e50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing this
Jesus Christ, /pol/... you think the Jooz did 9/11 but WP gets some "anonymous prisoner" Cop tip and you turn the skepticism off?

>> No.6474722

>The witnesses saw his leg's backwards on top of his body before he got in the car. So he probably was scared.
>So would you. You're probably a coward.

They probably were in a fucked up position because he was throwing himself in the wall so hard he killed himself. Leave it to the black community defend a mental case with over a dozen drug dealing convictions.

>> No.6474723


Then type them in you goddamn illiterate clown

>> No.6474724

Nice black/white. it even possible for you to communicate without fallacies? So you clearly didn't watch the riots.
This is basically the sort of rationale I've come to expect from the left. You are literally just anti-/pol/ and without a sense of humor.

You've also tried to defend ghetto culture ITT so at this point you can just stop posting. Everyone is aware you're a ridiculous moron and is laughing at you.

>> No.6474725

So is their actually any decent evidence that police are brutally targeting black americans, or did you base your claims on a few well publicized incidents?

>> No.6474730

you're asking me to produce evidence for the claims about frequency of ethnic violence you earlier cited?

>> No.6474733


>> No.6474736
File: 1.15 MB, 295x221, enjoy your unconsciousness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel so bad about people taking their money and commodities back from the system that hunts and steals from them
Btw this thread isn't literary. Where are the mods?

>> No.6474739

>In defense of unemployed ghetto blacks looting from small business owners

Hahahahahahaha. Think about what you have just said here. Holy shit are you retarded.

>> No.6474742

The Baltimore Sun cataloged an extensive, yearslong database of complaints against the police, in Baltimore alone. Have a look.


>> No.6474751
File: 924 KB, 899x528, tumblr_nnl4j9sWT61rm4wgqo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First of all, he never dealt drugs. Second of all he threw himself in the car not at some vague "wall" after he got fucking bent backwards outside of the car. Shut the fuck up, holy shit. You're just throwing yourself towards the scummiest people imaginable with open arms.

Thanks for siding with sociopath sub humans who abuse their children five times more than the average household, appreciate it.


>You've also tried to defend ghetto culture ITT so at this point you can just stop posting. Everyone is aware you're a ridiculous moron and is laughing at you.

Just like you flip out at white rioters. Your type are always sociopaths, and what I've come to expect from today's reactionary.


Yes. Go to google. Type the numbers. Bingo.

Or maybe type what I'm speaking into fucking google.

Are you that lazy?


Do you always have to be a sycophantic bat?


You don't give a shit about whites doing the same shit. You're an abhorrent hypocrite.

>> No.6474752

>A newspaper in a predominantly black city


>> No.6474755

kek, they aren't stealing from banks, they're looting small mom and pop shops.

>> No.6474756

Keep reading, train your body, and find friends with who to struggle against the enemy.

You can't convince the enemy he is wrong.

>> No.6474760


Dorito hands
Mountain Dew
COD Playing

>> No.6474761

I'm reading it now. Are there statistics which suggest beyond a reasonable doubt that this is in fact brutality?

>> No.6474763

Not reading all of this autistic drivel. Sorry you were apparently raped or whatever caused your retarded incest obsession. Friendly Reminder this tripfag gave ghetto culture carte blanche ITT and gets so mad over the internet that the only appropriate response is ridicule.

You are so embarrassing I honestly wonder if you're Xeno from /x/.

>> No.6474766

>First of all, he never dealt drugs. Second of all he threw himself in the car not at some vague "wall" after he got fucking bent backwards outside of the car. Shut the fuck up, holy shit. You're just throwing yourself towards the scummiest people imaginable with open arms.
>Thanks for siding with sociopath sub humans who abuse their children five times more than the average household, appreciate it.

Never dealt drugs? This must the white man framing him then.

March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance
March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault
January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing
January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute
December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute
December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance
August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing
January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana
September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape
April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation
July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute
March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute
February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance
August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation
August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana
August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)

>Second of all he threw himself in the car not at some vague "wall"

Yeah, the wall of the van. There was nothing vague about it.

>> No.6474769

>whites doing the same shit. You're an abhorrent hypocrite.

Please direct us to a comparable modern incident. Also, your idiotic deflection doesn't detract from how dumb that anons rhetorical BS was:

>> No.6474772

What is he even supposed to search on google? Increase in "unlawful" arrests or random police harassment of black civilians? If the legal system is against them in the first place, as you claim, how could one even prove such a thing?

>> No.6474776

And this is the left attempting to argue it's facts. Really impressive.

>> No.6474777

full retard tier, right here

>> No.6474778

>Please direct us to a comparable modern incident
Vancouver Stanley Cup riots

>> No.6474782
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So dealing drugs is now a death sentence?

>Yeah, the wall of the van. There was nothing vague about it.

Can you read? After he fucking got bent backwards.

You're such a little fucking worm I'm unsurprised totally you'd be screaming crying big wet bitch tears being hysterical throwing yourself everywhere screaming about your phone call in the same situation.


>Please direct us to a comparable modern incident



Nice argument.


Dorito hands
Mountain Dew
COD Playing

>> No.6474783

>Nobody is trying to defend sports rioters
>dodging this hard
Nobody tries to make them into a media circus either. There has never been a national or international news coverage of these inbreds but when people riot over real-world problems everyone turns out to make them into villains, increasing their voicelessness.

>> No.6474785

How many pharmacies and liquor stores were looted and set on fire? How many fire hoses were cut and police hospitalized? How many hours over how many days did this continue? How many shots were fired?

>> No.6474790

>So dealing drugs is now a death sentence?

No it makes you a scumbag. Where did I say it deserved a death sentence?

>> No.6474791

Holy shit dude. Thank you for making me smile this wide. My fucking god are you an embarrassing retard. You're Xeno aren't you? You got bored fucked with the tinfoils?

>> No.6474795


I've never seen a sports riot last more than a day and in multiple cities. It's not comparable.

>> No.6474796
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>ask for sources
>"oh yeah they exist.... I just won't give them"
>*audible leftist hysteria*

>> No.6474801


>Or get taken seriously in any academic way.

It's hard if you just yell " MUH FEELS" you know. Listen, asking for sources and evidence for contentious claims is just good form, so is giving them. Black people who give good arguments and can back their shit up are listened to just as much as anyone else. And I'm still waiting for links and page numbers for. >>6474555

>And any opposition towards White Supremacists in that regard is PC Tumblr Bullshit. Of course.

For most of society it is the opposite. I don't know where you live, but I lost allot of friends just coming out against egalitarianism in general, I did'nt even say anything against a specific race. Saying anything against the PC narrative in an academic setting gets you in trouble, a student got removed from class for pointing out that "rape culture" is bullshit. If you don't tow the PC party line you are a non-person in allot of circles.


>lack ghetto culture is no different than white football culture and its associations, or southern culture. It's just bullshit you grew up with you relate with.

Football and southern culture doesn't lead to the same outcomes, even if it is still shitty in some ways.

The cop's aren't here to make life easier for criminals, they are here to protect us from them. Does anyone have good statistics showing that perfectly peaceful citizens get randomly gunned down by police all the time ? People see random videos of times when it does happen, and if they see enough they assume that this means that it really is all pervasive, but's that's just intellectual laziness. I don't live in the US so I won't say I can comment definitively, but as far as sufficient evidence goes I have yet to see it.

>> No.6474811

There /were/ (as it's past tense), in fact, people stealing from loan sharks. May have robbed banks, but they might not have been able to as the pork is always sure to defend those and there probably wasn't a bank near the premises. Which mom and pop stores got destroyed? Pretty sure they were all franchises
>muh capitalism
Stop being a fucking crybaby and pay attention.

>> No.6474812
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Houses were set on fire. Police were hospitalized. Property was damaged.

All in the same riots.

Shots are fired in these "incidents" as well,


>No it makes you a scumbag.

Fucking whatever straight edge skinhead steve I'm sure the hardcore scene is ripe as ever.

>Where did I say it deserved a death sentence?

Do you not know what subtext is you fucking goon?


It's really obvious you're being faux sadistic and trying too hard to be offensive and push my buttons but it preformed terribly and I'm honestly kind of unimpressed.


I already gave you said statistics and you were like


And I just said google

And apparently leftist hysteria is asking to type something.


>It's hard if you just yell " MUH FEELS" you know. Listen, asking for sources and evidence for contentious claims is just good form, so is giving them. Black people who give good arguments and can back their shit up are listened to just as much as anyone else. And I'm still waiting for links and page numbers for

Do whites not understand how quick and painless using a search engine is?

>Football and southern culture doesn't lead to the same outcomes, even if it is still shitty in some ways.

Historically, they always have.

>The cop's aren't here to make life easier for criminals

Then they should really have some self respect and stop being child abusing criminals themselves.

>> No.6474814

Just once I would like to see a grown black man coming home to his family and kids after a hard days work get shot by the police. That would be a protest and riot that I could get behind and support. It's always robbers and drug dealers though.

>> No.6474819

>I don't live in the US so I won't say I can comment definitively, but as far as sufficient evidence goes I have yet to see it.

Yeah, that's your problem. You're used to trusting the police because your police are generally well-behaved. The US has the most ridiculous police force in the world. Overarmed, undertrained, power mad, paranoid, and autocratic.

>> No.6474822


Plenty of them weren't drug dealer he was a fucking kid. If you're unwilling to defend dead minors no matter their social ills at that age you're a fucking sociopath I don't know what to say.

>> No.6474825

>Do you not know what subtext is you fucking goon?

The subtext was me calling him a scumbag. You're just making shit up.

>> No.6474832


The world is better with less career criminals regardless of age.

>> No.6474840


The subtext was you're the most retarded person I've ever met.

>so drug dealing is death sentence worthy?


You know fucking what? The world is better with more dead American cops.

>> No.6474841

>It's really obvious you're being faux sadistic and trying too hard to be offensive and push my buttons but it preformed terribly and I'm honestly kind of unimpressed.

Yeah yeah how "ironic and rage inducing" "coming from you" "how rich xD" etc etc.

Admit it. You're -obviously- The Splendid Vendor Xeno. Noone else is this committed to making themselves look like a perfectly autistic asshole for the sake of wierd trolling.

Come on man you're a better shit stirrer than I ever hoped to be just admit it.

>> No.6474846

yeah man, if they're on hand you should be able to show me the links rather than bullshit

>> No.6474847


>I'm honestly kind of unimpressed.

>> No.6474851

Actually, that one capslock arrow poster is a much better troll.

>> No.6474852

Is your tripcode autoban on /x/ now? that's what happened when you showed up two months ago or whatever, isn't it?

>> No.6474857


How hard is it to do a simple google search?

What statistics do you actually even fucking want, specifically.


Stop samefagging unimpressive attempts to make it seem like sycophantic circle jerking, if it isn't already sycophantic circle jerking