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/lit/ - Literature

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6473547 No.6473547 [Reply] [Original]

Does it?

>> No.6473560

I don't think film, literature, or music mean a damn thing in the grand scheme of things. Its really just something creators say to justify what they do.

>> No.6473561
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>cinema saves us

>> No.6473563

Lea Seydoux is top-tier French qt. Culture is a false construction. Literature and cinema aren't inherently good.

>> No.6473566

More like making you docile

>> No.6473569

Sounds like someone desperate to be quoted.

>> No.6473572

muh pure ideology

>> No.6473576

I agree, even though my entire life is lived around literature and film, I have to admit at the end of the day, its entertainment. Sure you can grow from it, but you grow from any experience. You can literally grow as a person from doing absolutely nothing for long enough.

>> No.6473597
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And anime changes you.

>> No.6473600

kek, this so much

>> No.6473601

Very well said. I say that as a huge cinephile.

>> No.6473606

How dare you say that ideology clouds my judgment. Lea Seydoux IS pretty.

>> No.6473610

Implying that ANYTHING means anything in the grand scheme of things?

>> No.6473612

Big cinephile, huh? What pics and flicks do you like?

>> No.6473622

Ones with qts like Lea Seydoux

>> No.6473623


>> No.6473638


>> No.6473647

I bet you haven't even seen ten movies that she's in

>> No.6473649

Only Jesus saves

>> No.6473654

Blue Is the Warmest Colour fan detected
Nope she is NOT
inb4 gay

>> No.6473655

If it wasn't for literature or cinema or music, I wouldn't have anything to live for.

>> No.6473667


Nothing can save you other than the material. Movies are shit, books are shit, both are consequences of culture which you should facilitate but not idolize or let warp you into a twisted ideologue.

>> No.6473668

its never too late to free yourself from spooks

>> No.6473669


>> No.6473670
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>not embracing your spooks

>> No.6473690

Sure! Art is a great catalyst for change. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't know why anyone would disagree tbh

>> No.6473704

>Culture is fundamental.
What is a fundament?

>> No.6473707

With out those spooks, what else would I do?

>> No.6473720

>culture is just art or folklore


>> No.6473727


>only material conditions (ie money) can save you

And then he hates when people loves to acquire immense amounts of money

>> No.6473735

and then you'll cry about the material

>> No.6473748
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Yawn bitch come up with a new insult.


Do you understand how Capitalism works you inbred hick fuck


Do you understand how Capitalism works you inbred hick fuck

>> No.6473754

>grand scheme of things
that aint mean shit. unsatisfying drivel

>> No.6473765

Cinema is shit. I want all film theorists to die.

>> No.6475111

Yeah. It has strange powers over people.

>> No.6475295


>> No.6475300

>muh cinema

>> No.6475325
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Admittedly a barely matured medium
But oh so much has come out of it

>> No.6475330

What's our favorite film?

>> No.6475346

This entire thread needs to read Theater of the Oppressed.

>> No.6475354
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Ran/Ikiru is what I usually give

>> No.6475359

will you be prepared for the upcoming winter

>> No.6475366


>> No.6475371

>that banal reverence for the concept of "being saved"

How very Judeo-Christian of you. Let it go, girl, it is nothing, asides from the long hair you look nothing like the Christ

>> No.6475384

Nights of Cabiria
A Matter of Life and Death
2001 ASO
Blade Runner
THX 1138
The Dark Crystal

>Huh. When will people learn? Being suicidal is the natural order of things

>> No.6475387

you're pathetic

>> No.6475393

It depends. Certain kinds of rap encourage crime but not actually changing anything. Despite what youd think politicized punk/metal/hippieBS actually serve to keep their fans docile by venting their frustrations or encouraging self defeating pacifism (thanks Tim Leary you fuckin narc)

>> No.6475396

I can't imagine how lonely part of me would feel without literature.

>> No.6475397

>a barely matured medium

The French don't call it the seventh art for nothing. You could argue that film did most of its growing up from the 1920s to 70s and hasn't made great strides since.

>> No.6475403

Angel's heart is my fav

>> No.6475436

meant for

>> No.6475454

This. Unfortunately it's been pretty much pure business for the past 40 years but occasionally you still see sparks of brilliance.

>> No.6475466


but grandpa, there are amazing movies that come out every year

>> No.6475483

Most people use the word "film" when they mean "Hollywood"

Cinema is still great like you said but most people forget there are other countries in the world.

>> No.6475488


That's true. Even so though I think there are still great movies that come out of America on a yearly basis

>> No.6475562

There are if you watch arthouse but the amount of good mainstream movies is pretty sad.

For every Stray Dogs and Amour there are hundreds of Transformers and Godzillas.

>> No.6475584


I guess that is true but I'm not really sure why that matters. The fact remains that there are still plenty of great movies out every year. Although I am preparing for slight irritation upon seeing the box office stats for Avengers this weekend

>> No.6475616
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>Culture is fundamental.
>Literature saves you
>Cinema saves you
Until you learn Philosophy, then it doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.6475620 [DELETED] 

fundamental for what? for whom?

>> No.6475654


Well in the grand scheme of things the universe itself doesn't matter since it is indifferent to its own existence. But if you scale it down to humanity, culture is the only real added value. It's literal creation that uses other, previous creations and imagination as footholds and it all goes back to when the first men looked at the sky and asked themselves "why everything". SO even if you can reduce it to an astonishing number of synaptic connections added throughout man's presence on Earth it's still pretty fundamental to us as a species

>> No.6475703

Life would be infinitely more boring without it. I mean, that's why i engage in the arts after all.

>> No.6475755

And what are books and movies to you? ghosts? they are as material as they can get.

>> No.6475865

If twin babies separated at birth then the scale of intellectual growth will be more measurable in the one who has the more unique types of concept heavy experiences, like lit. The baby that has been meditating since birth, or even the forever meditating adult will never really grow or reach nirvana outside of personal testimony.

>> No.6475948

In my childhood, I deliberately resisted most avenues for pop culture. TV, film, YA lit, pop music, sports, cell phones, etc. were all totally foreign to me. This made me very hard to relate to other seven year olds, so it contributed to my lack of friends growing up. And I think because I was never entertained by these things, and subsequently I never got a firm grasp of my culture, it contributed to my eccentricities today. Whereas in my youth my peers just live and let live, in middle school they seemed to learn to discriminate and it's only gotten worse since then. Now I've gone kinda off the deep end, and I don't know if I can ever return to a time when I am satisfied with even remotely normal things.

So, in a way, I think a more focused attempt to culture me would have "saved" me, but only in the sense it would have killed my curiosity and made me more similar to the median. But I don't know if that would have been a bad thing. I may have been more happy that way, even if it was a blissful ignorance.

>> No.6477023

kek i suppose you must be a self-proclaimed cinephile who thinks Birdman and Whiplash are cinematic achievements. Let me guess, is you favorite director Winding Refn?

>> No.6477029

This, her comment is misguided. It is philosophy that saves you, not literature a such, let alone cinema.

>> No.6477673


you serious mate?

Refn is one of the worst directors in recent memory. Birdman and Whiplash are both passable but nowhere near good.

Really though if you don't think amazing movies are still being made you probably don't watch many.

See from even the last few years: Stray Dogs, The Immigrant, Beyond the Hills, Butter on the Latch, Blackhat, The Turin Horse, Detention, Like Someone in Love, Margaret,

>> No.6477684

Are cave paintings and Ooga boogaing culture? That seemed to be enough for our ancestors. That and spears.

>> No.6477688

>outside of personal testimony

So entering Nirvana requires someone at a frat party to say "dude, you're like so smart"?

>> No.6478569

Those movies are not as good as the greatest literary works. Like that anon you were replying to said, there are occasional sparks of brilliance but hardly "amazing movies" coming out each day. I watch plenty of films, enough to say that the Bela Tarrs or Michael Manns are few and far in between.

>> No.6478590

wtf is the material?

>> No.6478685
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>he prefers lea to adele

>> No.6478709


what on earth are you talking about? nobody was comparing the quality of great books to great films you illiterate ape. that one moron was saying that hardly any good films are made these days, much like your grandfather might bemoan the lack of quality musicians in today's music scene. nobody was comparing the worth of films vs novels you incompetent lilypad. I don't even understand how stupid you are.

>> No.6478798

Who would actually admit that they prefer Adele to Lea?

>> No.6478826

>but not idolize or let warp you into a twisted ideologue.
Like you did with Marxism?

>> No.6479538

Why don't you fucking read the thread before posting.
>he calls others illiterate

>> No.6479569

It can foster a sense of integrity, so I guess so?
If you didn't have a sense of integrity in the first place, ehhh...

>> No.6479778

>implying those French cave paintings didn't tell a story

>> No.6480516
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Most arts are a huge waste of time. we should focus only on architecture.

>> No.6481481


>> No.6481491

>hasn't heard of the Chauvet cave
>think "muh Oooga Booga" is a valid retort to anything
>thinks that hunters gatherers who buried their dead had no culture

I'm not sure I should even spend the time to type a slur.

>> No.6481540

the fuck does it mean to 'mean anything in the grand scheme of things' anyway -- there's some intuitive notion, but it's never consciously clear

>> No.6482057


yeah cause the thread is what defines the discussion, not the actual discussion. the entire conversation we were having was based around the notion that someone claimed contemporary film was shitty. are you just so stupid?

>> No.6483854

Are you fucking retarded? You bury the dead for practical purposes. Their corpses become a breeding ground for disease and attract unwanted visitors such as predators and insects. These were the reasons for burial long before it became some kind of cultural/spiritual thing