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6471207 No.6471207 [Reply] [Original]

Can you recommend me some good anti-intellectual literature?

>> No.6471209


just keep on browsing 4chan

>> No.6471261


Does such a thing even exist?

>> No.6471267


>> No.6471269

The legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra

>> No.6471280

Anyplace to buy it online without using a credit card? Like Ebay or something? All I have is PayPal.

>> No.6471287

?flowers for Algernon

>> No.6471296

Any communist literature

>> No.6471298

The Vimalakirti Sutra

>> No.6471302

you're an idiot for wanting to buy trash
there's a free pdf of it online if you're so keen on reading it
>no credit card
what are you, 16?

>> No.6471306

Lulu books

>> No.6471598
File: 104 KB, 746x426, 1390893441919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any leftist literature

>> No.6471605

Is that pic supposed to imply that leftists are in favour of liberal hegemony? Because lol.

>> No.6471612

did anybody else enter this thread looking precisely for these posts

it's like the mindless agression has become such a pattern that you can foresee their actions

>> No.6471617


>> No.6471624


>> No.6471625

Sorry but if you're a obscurantist Bonapartist mystic, you're in favour of liberal hegemony as a class phenomenon, and you too are the enemy, Dugie.

Essence of Time > This fag

>> No.6471632

brah, these shitty threads are made for the very purpose of such samefaggotry, but to be attacked by the enemy is a good thing.

>> No.6471639


>> No.6471641

Tao Te Ching

>> No.6471651

But communism really is anti-intellectual. Intellectuals and academics were always the first to go in communist regimes.

>> No.6471666

Yeah, go into power.

>> No.6471667

stuff like this

>> No.6471679

Paradise Lost has an anti-over obsession with science and other 'incorrect' types of study that are contrary to the wishes of God type message.

>> No.6471682

>"akshually, in communist regimes ..."


>> No.6471692

Pop genre fiction and we all know it

I'm pretty sure Evola Kid is just an act

>> No.6471703

Because those were filthy bourgeois intellectuals! Once they are destroyed, there will be a magical rise of proletarian intellectuals!

>> No.6471706

Any feminist or liberal 'literature'.

>> No.6471735

guys wait i think this is sarcasm

>> No.6471757

It's copy pasted from the manifesto.

>> No.6471767

>le ebin reactionary

>> No.6471779


>there is no such thing as poor smart people


>> No.6471782


>> No.6471820

They don't tend to remain poor very long.

>> No.6471824

>muh meritocracy

>> No.6471850

Ironically, the more meritocratic the system, the more people complain about lack of meritocracy.

>> No.6471866
File: 61 KB, 600x338, I shot teh gun very gudly Evertome I pulled the trigger at one of dose savages they fell to tfe floor There blood was red there face was dead I'm so kool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6471870

>leftists are in favor of global liberal hegemony

This is how dumb Evola fanatics are.

>> No.6472046

They also have shitty taste in music:


>> No.6472068


>> No.6472070

>But communism really is anti-intellectual

Striving for vague "intellect" is anti-intellectual.

>> No.6472075

>Can you recommend me some good anti-intellectual literature?
The Giving Tree

>> No.6472090

All occult and new age texts

>> No.6472099

Well, hes right. Leftists will not accept diversity unless its under their terms.

And any kind of antiracism they espouse is really just disguised moral superiority.

>> No.6472107

I was a vegetarian for a year once so I could feel morally superior

>> No.6472113


>that means "liberal hegemony"

Tell me. When did you become a liberal, and how long have you been unaware you are a liberal? And further, why do you not understand liberal isn't a term that means "LEFT"

>> No.6472126

>Dugin: "If we want to liberate ourselves from the West, it is needed to liberate ourselves from textbooks on physics and chemistry.

Top kek, 10/10 moronic reactionary!

>> No.6472133
File: 552 KB, 900x900, photo (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea because chemistry and physics are whats going to save humanity

>> No.6472139

Of course you fedora tipping phillistine.

If you don't believe that throw your incredibly advancer computer in the trash today, oh btw, Dugin also believes the internet is evil.

>> No.6472153

>liberal isn't a term that means "LEFT"
There is no Left-Right in politics. It's a false dichotomy

>> No.6472159

I hear physics students that can't get internships or nice research positions during college are just as fucked as anyone in the humanities.

It's a shame, because if they could invent thorium reactors instead of being unemployed then yes that really would benefit mankind.

>> No.6472184

>implying it hasn't already
everything you hold dear is because of stem. the fact that you can waste your time with worthless crap like humanities is because stem is there holding society together.

>> No.6472194


The divide does exist, nonetheless, and always has in industrial society. "The Right" tends to favor cynicism and reaction while being naive optimists while the "The Left" tends to be general in consideration or naive optimism with origins in cynicism.

For the most part, liberals cannot be extreme, they can be liberal. Liberalism is something both the Far Left and Right hate. Nobody likes liberals.

The problem is, there's multiple definitions of the "Liberal". There's the Classical idea of the Liberal, the popular idea of the Liberal, the Marxist idea of the Liberal, and the Radical Right idea of The Liberal, which has routes in Marxist and Popular ideas of Liberals. Rightists tend to believe The Liberal is just the general Left, anything they can target they don't like. And then of course in politics you have Neo-Liberalism.

It's a hazy term.

>> No.6472209

>hate for communists is mindless
> anyone who disagrees with me is dumb lol

>> No.6472227
File: 68 KB, 960x402, 1275464420837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1984, Brave new world, Animal farm.
Lets face it, those are the ones used by anti-intellectuals as slogans, debate and anything else. Used by the large masses who don't actually understand and just repeat what they have read, heard or seen.

>> No.6472250

Fascist philosophy is explicitly "anti-intellectual", but it uses this term in a particular sense: that is, there is a contrasts being the primary purpose of the mind being "intellect" vs."will", and "anti-intellectual" is used in fascist philosophy to mean being against the mind's purpose being solely intellectualizing. Fascist philosophy also acknowledges intellect as vital handmaiden to will, it simply is against intellect abstracted from will.

>> No.6472291

there's a fine line between shitposting and voicing an appropriate opinion

there's nothing remotely anti-intellectual about leftism, socialism or marxism, even if you disagree with them.

>> No.6472360
File: 34 KB, 280x158, this is the house Dugin lives in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support Dugin's war on reality. Send a donation to Bankgiro 5615-2457!

>> No.6472373

Now THAT is a rare pepe

>> No.6472707

Charles Bukowski and Jack Kerouac.