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File: 46 KB, 465x357, neatsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6471009 No.6471009 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you find out Nietzsche wrote music
>yfw it sucks


>> No.6471020

It only sucks if you don't understand why popular late romanticism blows cock

>> No.6471026

It's not that bad. Like yeah, its mediocre, but it's nice. Not hardly as edgy as you'd expect.

>> No.6471585

this is actually good. based neatsche.

>> No.6471591
File: 134 KB, 400x286, 5j8ON9S1sn5hvoo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy criticised wagner

>> No.6471593

It's no Wagner, but it's not bad.

>> No.6471611


>hurr you have to be better than the person you're criticizing

>> No.6471628

ITT: People pretend to like bad music because Nietzsche.

>> No.6472015

>implying you don't

Fuck off retard. This shit music only confirms Nietzsche's autism.

>> No.6472028

Almost as shite as adornos compositions.

>> No.6472048

no, you're the autist. just because he criticized wagner doesnt mean he didnt like him.

at least its not bombastic melodramatic shit.

>> No.6472058

HAHAHA holy shit

>> No.6472087

Does anyone really like classical? It all sounds the same to me. Look, they're playing some strings and some piano notes again. More notes. Wow.

Such total garbage. I can see why he was more interested in philosophy.

>> No.6472094


Everything will be the same if you don't get involved into it.

I bet you are the type of guy that would say "Who the fucks cares about sport? It's the same shit always, you kick the ball and somehow there is a winner"

>> No.6472096
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>> No.6472103


All music is music, it's just the textures and length of something you don't here often is alien to you, therefore bad.

>> No.6472110

all genres sound the same if you arnt used to them

>> No.6472111

Does anyone really like literature? It's just the same 26 letters rearranged differently. Look, they wrote some words. More words. Wow.

>> No.6472121
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>> No.6472145

cosima wagner wrote about it in her diary
>letter from nietzsche with a composition
>we ask von Bülow to play it on piano for us
>we are disgusted for the rest of the afternoon
>how could we be deceived by this nietzsche guy?

>> No.6472156


It's not bad-bad, it's just kind of mediocre. It's certainly not professional calibre work.

>> No.6473494

this. can't believe people take it seriously on an intellectual level.

pure institutionalized ideology.

>> No.6473505


ha ha, sick content. i'm totes assblasted right now.

>> No.6473540


>> No.6473551
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>not dogshit

>> No.6475305

Going by your statement I suppose you can make better music than Nietzsche?

>> No.6475311

>I like watching sports

*tips fedora*

>> No.6475573

>never did a goddamn thing except spring from great men's loins and manage what great men created
>has an opinion, allowed by her standing on the corpse of a great man

Cosima Wagner can burn in hell

>> No.6475586

>Adorno wrote music
>ETA Hoffmann wrote music
>Paul Bowles wrote music
>Anthony Burgess wrote music
>Ezra Pound wrote music

fucking Cosima

>he hasn't read Zizek on opera


>> No.6475635

>implying richard wagner had a different opinion

>> No.6475897

>classical music is one genre

>> No.6475908

ITT: a person who doesn't like Nietzsche samefags and shitposts

>> No.6475910

Le ebin maym

>> No.6475912

Epic meme dude you really defending god with those hot opinions

>> No.6475920

It seems to aimlessly meander without focus. The piano and the violin just bounce around from segment to segment without any discernible objective to express. Its not strictly BAD, but it feels very amateur and there's the disconcerting vibe of mediocrity that lingers as I listen throughout the whole piece.

>> No.6475926

He composed this at 19. Relax.

>> No.6475932

I legitimately cannot tell the difference in quality between this and Mozart's Requiem. It's all Greek to me.

>> No.6475947
File: 537 KB, 900x900, nietzsche cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its aesthetic dynamite

>> No.6475953

Wagner is the GOAT, he's also more interesting as a philosopher than neetzsche

>> No.6475964
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>Wagner is the GOAT

>> No.6475970
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What's the first song playing for 10 seconds?

>> No.6477081
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>mfw nietzsche tried to make music around me

>> No.6477102


>> No.6478623


probably some hipster indie rock faggot

>> No.6478739


>watching sports is fedora

get out of your basement for once

>> No.6478905

You ignorant pieces of shit.

>> No.6479273

>>how could we be deceived by this nietzsche guy?

Did she really use the word guy in that context in the 19the century?

>> No.6479277

Goddman it's fucking terrible
Nietzsche was a great philosopher but a terrible artist, a perfect example of high logical thinking but fairly mediocre emotional intelligence.

>> No.6479284

How is this terrible?

I mean it's not great, but there is literally nothing wrong with it.

>> No.6479289

Yeah that is pathetic as fuck. An unintelligent idiot casually speaking of two colossal geniuses.

>> No.6479296

Its the kind of music that would be lovely to listen to in the evening in a world where you are not constantly bombarded by music.

>> No.6479329

all art is a sham. it gets its meaning from context.

>> No.6479725

Terrible composer maybe

His prose was fantastic and he had nothing but love for the arts

>> No.6479757
File: 16 KB, 231x244, 1422454418391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Wittgenstein wrote music
>mfw it's dank as fuck

>> No.6479765

He loved the arts, but I don't think he was a good artist at all.

>> No.6479794

Exactly. It sounds like a bunch of half developed thoughts strung together without any real transition between them.

>> No.6479799

Are you deaf? This is just one shitty musical idea after another with absolutely no development. The thing that makes Mozart is his thematic development.

>> No.6479818

Does anyone really like rock? It all sounds the same to me. Look, they're playing some guitars and some chords again. More notes. Wow.

Such total garbage. I can see why he was more interested in philosophy.

>> No.6479821

Does anyone really like rap? It all sounds the same to me. Look, they're playing some synth beat and singing about drugs again. More notes. Wow.

Such total garbage. I can see why he was more interested in philosophy.

>> No.6479825

Does anyone really like poetry? It all reads the same to me. Look, they're rhyming some words and some phrases again. More dactyls. Wow.

Such total garbage. I can see why he was more interested in philosophy.

>> No.6479827


>> No.6479829

It's totally ironic then that Nietzsche went around proclaiming to be a great composer and everything


>> No.6479830

Compare this:

With this:

And try to tell me it sounds the same.

>> No.6479848

Better than yours
Are we really going to hold up every amateur composer to Beethoven?

>> No.6479861


>> No.6479862

Does anyone really like blues music? It all sounds the same to me. Look, they're playing three chords and singing about their shitty life again. More sad humming. Wow.

Such total garbage. I can see why he was more interested in philosophy.

>> No.6479871

>compare everyone to literally the greatest composer and human being to have ever lived
A little unfair, don't you think?

>> No.6479885

Was he trying to be the opposite of Wagner?

>> No.6479892


>> No.6479926

I'm just fucking with you btw

Relax and listen to the most beautiful thing ever made by man, and the only thing that forgives Christianity for having existed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljGMhDSSGFU

>> No.6479954
File: 215 KB, 542x684, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man honestly it's for drinking and smoking weed. Plus it lead to american jam and psychedelic folk and all that other stuff. Even the more famous and rock oriented bands are aware the aren't popular; one of moe.'s lyrics "we keep on playing the songs that no one wants to hear."

Idk it's hard to explain if you aren't in it. That blues/reggea/folk/rock morphing into even modern post-rockish jammy bands like Umphrey's McGee and Lotus.

I'm not big into strictly "blues" but I love original rock n roll sounds, Bill Haley, Edgard Winter, etc. But all of my favorite music, and the basis for modern american festival culture, is blues influenced. It's not really disputable in the latter case.

>> No.6479958

>tfw you click on the video and it continues off from when you closed it before

>> No.6479962

Also it's 4AM here and I'm fucking blitzed so I'm sorry this post is so incoherent. Anyway, main point, rock n roll coms from blues and rock/blues/jam acid culture is GOAT.

Pynchon knows.

>> No.6479999

You clearly haven't gone deep enough

>> No.6480027


Bumping with god tier shit

>> No.6480028

No it's actually really good

>> No.6480044


>> No.6480047

It's better than Hitler's painting at least.

>> No.6480053
File: 15 KB, 480x387, what the fuck bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, got aroused

>> No.6480058
File: 17 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does Beethoven give me such big feels

>> No.6480068

it gave me headache.

>> No.6480073

>Better than yours
>tfw my initials are TP
You might've seen me discussed around here.

>> No.6480075


who does care about sports? wow the red team beat the blue team fascinating.

>> No.6480076

wow, it's even worse than I remember.

>> No.6480078

my fucking sides
I was just about to type this

>> No.6480085
File: 109 KB, 800x1100, football-party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6480093

Nerds getting BTFO.

>> No.6480098

Nietzsche was the Kanye West of his time

>> No.6480104

>Scat, scat. Let's have women take steaming dumps in our mouths.
>What? He's a robot. He doesn't understand human things like passion and lust.

>> No.6480106

That's a terrible comparison and you know it.

>> No.6480108

>if you like what I don't like I'll compare your interests to eating shit

>> No.6480123
File: 209 KB, 502x494, 1356581662922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't get it it's boring as hell, if that makes me a robot so be it. Why should I feel vicarious camaraderie with some men I've never met playing a game I've never played? When I see sports on tv I see the athletes getting into fights and yelling at each other, disputing every single call. Boasting and putting their rivals down. They seem like a bunch of arrogant thugs if you ask me. How is it exciting? Every game I've ever watched has bored me stiff. I've had more joy throwing rocks in a lake. And every game is the same. Wow did you see that? Jamal kicked the ball into the scorezone! Team B wins the championship! I used to groan every time they stopped the clock, just get the fucking game over with. I would literally pay money to avoid having to watch "The big game". Don't even get me started on the enthusiasts.

>> No.6480132

*tips fedora*

>> No.6480133

You're not a dumb, autistic retard for not enjoying it.

Your a dumb, autistic retard for not comprehending that others might enjoy it.

>> No.6480140


I can see how it could be mildly interesting but this shit is the foundation of some people's lives. When my city's big team was contending to win the big game a few years ago I saw people with tattoos of the team logo. People sold their earthly possessions to get tickets. There were riots. It was unsafe to drive on game nights. No one would shut up about it for five fucking seconds.

And they ended up losing.

>> No.6480151

Panem et circenses friendo. Thats what you get when you alienate the populace.

>> No.6480613


This one is actually true though.

>> No.6480728

It's complete shit in the same way hitler's paintings are.

>> No.6481009


Is this copy pasta?

>> No.6481163
File: 134 KB, 700x714, reaction4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you don't understand that this is a masterpiece of the Übermensch, that every piece he wrote must be listened to while fully understanding his philosophy
>yfw you are not in this constant state of eternal recurrence
>yfw when you know that you will never be an Übermensch
>yfw spaghettis fall out of your pockets

>> No.6481178


this belongs to a YLYL thread on /b/

10/10 will watch again

>> No.6481251
File: 63 KB, 617x602, TrevorPhilips-GTAV-next.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6481253

Just epic trolling or are there people this retarded?

>> No.6481271


This is pretty good, much better than Nietzsche's

And I'm a composer, faggets, I know about this stuff

>> No.6481281

>I'm a composer
That doesn't give you the right to apply objective criteria onto music. How are you making your judgment?

>> No.6481306

I'd say they're roughly same level

>> No.6481314

Hoffman > Adorno > Nietzche

in music.

Witt's music is in an entirely different category I don't even know man.

>> No.6481321

holy fugg

>> No.6481335


Would you debate against a doctor about the right medicine?

Maybe the medic can't define the objectivity of all medicine (because medicine as music, changes), but he will know more about the correct medicine than you

>> No.6481350

Haha nice try, but if you take the case of medicine : medicine is a branche of science whereas for music it is more subjective you can't deny that

>> No.6481356
File: 367 KB, 800x800, 1393599555523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be Beethoven
>you will never be Mozart
>you will never be Chopin
>you will never be Schubert
>you will never be Rachmaninnoff
>you will never be Tchaikovsky
>you will never create eternally, and universally beautiful pieces of symphonic music that can be enjoyed by anyone who listens to it years after you're dead

Just kill me now

>> No.6481358


Music can become objective once it starts developing more.

>> No.6481364
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classical music is for faggots

>> No.6481370


This sounds like something /s4s/ would pull off

sounds about right, still better than tryhard nietzsche

>> No.6481374
File: 54 KB, 439x446, feelthoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6481457
File: 96 KB, 332x333, 1399659404739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when your name is not going to live forever

>> No.6481686
File: 435 KB, 500x375, peperain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your name doesn't even live now

>> No.6481814

Wow. That first video was fucking awesome.

>> No.6482574

>implying the song at 6:25 isn't good as fuck


>> No.6482695

What is this, Ancient Greece? The world ends with you, faggots.

Nietzsche had his moments. In one song he mixed classical with circus music and invented jazz. And I'm only partially joking!

>> No.6482700

Shit, mixed up the replies. Damn phone.

>> No.6483930

Classical music major here, please post an example of your "work".

>> No.6483962
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I know it's just frustrating.


No I have a legitimate disdain for people who really care about sports. Where I live you're not a real man if you don't follow the dominant sport so I have become bitter about it over the years.

>> No.6483973

That is a great impression of someone who has never studied, nor wrote, music.

>> No.6485495

I study and write music, and it's not a masterpiece, but it's not terrible. Next you're going to tell me the Choral Fantasy is bad.

>> No.6485514

17 bites oh man oh Lord mother, motherlode
More than the mad, it goes and actually makes one sad to be reminded of how credible this is

>> No.6485774

Have you composed a sonata?

>> No.6485837

>implying that's as impressive as writing a fugue

>> No.6486877

I have. A sonata-allegro in F major, followed by a molto adagio ternary form in E-flat major, and concluded with an allegro molto rondo in F major. I have also composed a waltz in D major and a string quartet in C-sharp minor.

>> No.6486896

That was actually better than I remembered.

Plus, look at the year. 1863? That would mean he was 19 when he composed it.

>> No.6487041

it's really actually totally not

>> No.6487526

Does anyone really like food? It all tastes the same to me. Look, they're using some spices and some ground herbs again. More salt. Wow.

Such total garbage. I can see why he was more interested in philosophy.

>> No.6488072

>Molto adagio isn't in Bb major
Why even bother

>> No.6488240

The fuck
I play that video and my dog next to me instantly lays down and begins to fall asleep. I let the song play and got bored of it after about 5 minutes. I close the tab and suddenly my dog gets up and walks outside.
Nietzsche is a fucking wizzard.
Im not even joking

>> No.6488268

>All these Romantics in this thread
Baroque yourselves! Superior Enlightenment music coming through.


>> No.6488292

almost as bad as his philosophy

>> No.6488636

inb4 20 replies

>> No.6489697
File: 7 KB, 225x225, interested-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always composing slow movements in dominant/subdominant

>> No.6489699

superior vivaldi

>> No.6489714

>being le edgy contrarian modernist
>not being a proud traditionalist

>> No.6489734

>implying that's not traditional
the 1st and 2nd movements of Beethoven's 14th string quartet are in c# minor and D major, respectively. The 3rd and 4th movements of the 13th quartet are in D-flat major and G major, respectively

>> No.6489765

Don't even try it m8

>> No.6489773

He carried on the tradition that came before him. All the same, I wrote the E-flat movement first and decided it wouldn't sound right in any other key.

>> No.6489774

This is true, but literally everyone else in my immediate family is either a musician, a composer, or both.

>> No.6489807

>He carried on the tradition that came before him.
Hardly, in his late period he went far beyond what Haydn and Mozart ever achieved with classicism. Some of his late string quartets were so novel they remained so into the 20th century.

Aside from that I was just joshing you.

Everyone who picks up a guitar can call a musician, anyone who writes music can call himself a composer. It's a bit of an empty statement.

>> No.6489829

can call himself a musician*

>> No.6489841

>he went far beyond
Expanded yes, but still continued
The leap from Jupiter to Eroica is a massive one to be sure but is still the logical progression

>> No.6489846

I have been listening to "Sylvesternacht" a lot lately.
Perhaps I am forcing myself to like it.

>> No.6489967

That's at the start of his middle period though, I was talking about works like the Grosse Fuge.

>> No.6491598

It's certainly not any worse than his verse (his 'philosophical verse'. The good poem he has written in his life is the song die Junge Fischerin. Instead of musing about being metaphorically lost or Ravens (Die Krähen schreien Nevermore/ und... sieh was ich zum Reim erkor!) or unknown fucking Elder Gods it's finally a poem about a fishing lad who's longing for a fisher maiden by his side. That is what poetry is for!

>> No.6491841


You disgust me.

>> No.6492083

look at all these butthurt fags

>> No.6492094

>implying we just don't have music theorists intelligent enough to interpret the true scope of nietzsche's music like we have with his philosophical implications thanks to heidegger

>> No.6492383

Just like his philosophy.

>> No.6492538

>you criticize nietzsche

>> No.6492570

All classical music pales in comparison to masterpieces such as this one;

>> No.6494165

Okay, let my clarify, my mother has a master's in music, she's trying to retire now, but she's worked administrating musical education and church liturgy and music. my step-dad is a classical guitarist who has concerts and sells CDs.
My dad's a bit of a hippie and lacks their credentials, but he's not a bad musician/composer by any means, and my brother's ex girlfriend was some kind of cello prodigy at the Boston conservatory.

You don't have to believe any of these possibly made up credentials, but I know what music sounds like.