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/lit/ - Literature

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6470078 No.6470078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>current book you're reading

>> No.6470081
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>American Lion - Andrew Jackson in the White House

>> No.6470089
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>stand on zanzibar

>> No.6470090

>crime and punishment

>> No.6470165

>An abundance of Katherines - John Green
>Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity - David Foster Wallace

>> No.6470172

women as lovers
the portrait of the artist as a young man

>> No.6470178

Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China

>> No.6470183
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>The Shadow of the Wind

>> No.6470189

>No Man's Land

>> No.6470196

The Myth of Sisyphus
Travels with Charlie

>> No.6470239


>> No.6470244

Wittgenstein: Philosophy, Postmodernism, Pedagogy

>> No.6470246

The Naked and the Dead

>> No.6470247


>> No.6470249

Short stories by Italo Calvino
some Japanese short story book (Tao Lins story fucking sucked fuck you Tao Lin)

>> No.6470296

Le Avventure di Pinocchio.

>> No.6470323

The Kingdom of God is Within You

>> No.6470328


Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History

>> No.6470331

Gandhi raved about this book in his autobiography.

>> No.6470332

I know, and I can totally see why

>> No.6470334

18 year old who can't just read book by book
The Early Dialogues - Plato
Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronicles
George RR Martin - A Game of Thrones
David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo

>> No.6470337

Fuck off

>> No.6470341


my struggle, a. hitler

>> No.6470362

>5 books at once
Have fun with not being able to retain anything.

>> No.6470370

Put down the first 3 anon

>> No.6470371

Why? They're pretty light lofty reading, I'm retaining the other two just fine.

>> No.6470373

A Confederacy of Dunces

Five years ago I was Ignatius, maybe I still am :^(

>> No.6470381


somehow i doubt you were reading Boethius and carting hot dogs around at 13

>> No.6470396
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Most pretentious post ever

>> No.6470435

It's not pretentious, I just have no life outside of lit.

>> No.6470445

u wot m8

>> No.6470451

>no life outside of lit
>can't read book by book
there's a correlation here guys

>> No.6470460

>Aristotle's Politics

I also have The Brothers Karamazov ready to read

>> No.6470465

Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

>> No.6470472
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>yfw /lit/ can't handle having an actual genius in it's midst

>> No.6470479



inb4 merely_pretending.jpg

>> No.6470486

>unironically correcting a typographical error on the internet

I'm not >>6470472 and I think the kid is just a douche and not an actual genius, but you're the No. 1 douche

>> No.6470491


you guys had me believing that it was all going to be cetology and ship diagrams but it's actually so goddamned good

>> No.6470498

How far are you?

>> No.6470501

>Gulliver's Travels

>> No.6470503
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Is it so hard to believe somebody can read sporadically? I'm probably still a douche, though.

>> No.6470505

about a third of the way through. I mean there's been a certain amount of whale taxonomy but the prose has been engaging enough to have made it interesting imo

>> No.6470509

did you take that photo with a potato?

Shitty books, and shitty editions btw.

>> No.6470513

>Journey to the end of the night

>> No.6470525


Heaven has no favourites by Remarque

>> No.6470526
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What I'm reading (in order)
>Wage-labour and Capital/Value, Price, and Profit - Karl Marx
>Political Economy - John Eaton
>Studies on Marx and Hegel - Jean Hyppolite
>Introduction to the Reading of Hegel - Alexandre Kojeve

What I plan to read after I finish these books
>Science of Logic - Hegel
>Capital Volume 1 - Marx

>> No.6470527

You'll get there, trust me. A little past the halfway point it's pretty much constant whale biographies. It all has its place.

The prose truly does make it easier though.

>> No.6470537

Gate Thief - Orson Scott Card

>> No.6470543

>Did you take that photo with a potato?


>> No.6470544

18, William Gibson's Burning Chrome collection

>> No.6470545
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The goldfinch by Donna Tart

>> No.6470556

oh christ lol I thought I'd already gotten most of it out of the way. well so far I've been loving it (anything about queequeg makes me grin like an idiot) so we'll see if that changes.

>> No.6470560

Yeah that big catalog of whales is the hardest part I thought. He goes into pretty great detail late from everything down to the bone structure and how it relates to philosophy. But if you're loving it now, it just keeps getting better. Easily the best ending to any book I've read.

>> No.6470567

mein negro.
loved the russian astronauts one.

>> No.6470574

haha well I feel both encouraged and disheartened, thanks anon.

>> No.6470605

In the first circle
The golden ass

>> No.6470612

Madame Bovary

>> No.6470627
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Just started it, but I was honestly a little disappointed when Karl ran into his Uncle on the ship. I was looking forward to the antics of the lone immigrant short his umbrella and trunk trying to find work and his way in New York City.

>> No.6470636
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I think Tom Wolf is incredibly overrated.

>> No.6470640

Philokalia volume 4

>> No.6470643

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.6470646

>Growth of the Soil

>> No.6470648
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Min Kamp by Karl Ove Knausgård

>> No.6470649

I really liked that book. Prepare to have everyone here shit on it for no good reason.

>> No.6470650

>The Florentine Deception

It was written by my CS professor from last quarter, figured I'd give it a shot

>> No.6470654
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>> No.6470655
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>sipping a scotch, squirt and beer back
>contemplating reading Dune
>watching new GoT episode; it's 2/10 trash utter garbage
>tips fedora

>> No.6470663

To the Lighthouse

>> No.6470667

This is the worst book I've ever read in my life, but I can't abandon it. If I do, it wins.

>> No.6470673

>forbidden colors mishima
>bérénice racine
>kawabata snow land
>crimes and punishment dostoievsky
>oblomov gontcharov
>week end a zuidcoot robert merle

and i've just finished childhood of tolstoy

>> No.6470675

I have a couple that I'm juggling
The House of the Dead and Poor Folk
Moby Dick
Of Human Bondage

>> No.6470679

>Helter Skelter

>> No.6470712

all that underage fags that label themselves as 18
this board is kill

>> No.6470713
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And then there was this little try hard right here.

>> No.6470714


>book 2 of Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony Powell

>> No.6470958

> how to make war

>> No.6470967

ana karenina

>> No.6470968

actual retard

>> No.6470974

>"Discourse, Figure", Lyotard

And Subtier shitty romance novels.

>> No.6470984
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>> No.6470992
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>Shame by Rushdie
pic related

>> No.6471000


Non-fiction: John Adams - David McCullough
Fiction: About to start Ulysses
Audio-book: Game of Thrones

>> No.6471005
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>Gore Vidal's Lincoln

>> No.6471006

I'm inclined to disagree because very few people rate Tom Wolf highly, but I agree with you because there exist people that rate Tom Wolf highly.

>> No.6471011
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>The Ecstasy of Influence

>> No.6471017

the transylvanian trilogy part 1 by mikos banffy

to what purpose, party ferret?

>> No.6471021

ordinarily i don't mind people juggling multiple books concurrently, i do the same, but c'mon dude Moby Dick deserves your full attention

>> No.6471022 [DELETED] 

Infinite Jest

>> No.6471051

sheet nigga

just read antigone by anouillh and a week afterwards antigone by sophokles. will wait with next fiction until this one has settled down and i will have thought about it

>> No.6471061

A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell

>> No.6471063

>the transylvanian trilogy part 1 by mikos banffy
How is it?

>> No.6471106
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Ricardo - Principles of Political Economy

God, I hate Ricardo's definition of 'value', it differs so much I wish he would just call it price, it would literally make the entire thing an easier read. As it is, the whole work is concerned with determining where exchangeable value comes from, but I cannot help but see that he's either completely missing the point of having a crop like corn, or potatoes in the case of Ireland at that time, to be a measure of the majority's compensation.

It seems there is a timing issue as well, if corn all of a sudden magically becomes easier to produce, then people will just be paid in more corn, and the overall revolution in higher wages would occasion a higher quality of living, but that's the only direction the masses could take, because if corn rose in exchangeable value, then all the other prices would subsequently fall, due to corn being the determinant of worker's wages.

>> No.6471126


>> No.6471130

you know what? i have a feeling you don't read any of these.

>> No.6471145

Nice burn man. You got him

>> No.6471146

>can't find one by palahniuk, so something about idols by nietzsche (can't translate to english the title)

>> No.6471169

Love in the Time of Cholera

>> No.6471171

im about 2 thirds through part 1, so ~ 370 pages in i think.

really enjoying it, if you didnt know, it basically follows 2 friends who are transylvanian aristocracy down their paths, one is a dejected musician adoptee and the other is a wannabe for-the-people politician disillusioned with the stagnancy of austro-hungary.
the background essentially being pre-WW1 and they 'aint seein' it comin'.

its really not progressed all that far in terms of story, but the prose is fantastically light, interesting and sometimes humourous and not quite as...lengthy and convoluted as the often-compared-to russian equivalents.
dont know if this has something to do with the languages theyre translated from or what.
characters are really greatly done so far, and developing all the time.

tl;dr: lighter and easier going than some, but still a great investment so far. cant wait for shit to really hit the fan though. can really feel it building. i highly recommend it. learned more about romania and austro-hungary than i ever thought i would

would make a good tv drama

>> No.6471178


The Myth of Sisyphus
Portrait of the Artist...

>> No.6471181

Which author?

>> No.6471184

Los detectives salvages, Bolaño
Light in August, Faulkner
The Collected Stories of Jean Stafford

>> No.6471186

>les misèrables
>infinite jest
>mason & dixon

>inb4 start with the greeks, what do you think I did with the other 5 years of my life?

>> No.6471188

Not who you're responding to, but those Dostoevsky books are pretty light, and I found OHB to be shallow and manageable.

>> No.6471191

32. The Collected Stories Of Lydia Davis and The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro

>> No.6471200
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>> No.6471245
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L'Exil et le royaume

>> No.6471274

why? It's probably the best out of the three most famous dystopias, do people really dislike it? memes have gotten out of control

>> No.6471292

It's not bad, it's just that even Bradbury admitted it was a rush job based on a his childhood story.
Certainly not the best of the big three, but probably closest to life.

>> No.6471317

The Social Revolution by Karl Kautsky

>> No.6471335

>A Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories by Flannery O'Connor

Pretty good so far then again I also really enjoyed Wise Blood too.

>> No.6471337

>Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man

>> No.6471346

I don't even read fiction anymore, but Fahrenheit 451 is seriously incredible.

>> No.6471375


>> No.6471390

Herzog on Herzog

>> No.6471401


Wise Blood is pretty solid but I think O'Connor's short stories were just way, way, way better than her attempts at novels.

I think Everything That Rises Must Converge is the better collection but that one is great too. I haven't really read anybody that is quite like O'Connor.

>> No.6471406
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>Kitchen Confidential

>> No.6471407

>The Art of War

>> No.6471420

>The Gay Science

>> No.6471421


Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana

>> No.6471430


The Rise and Fall of British Naval Mastery

>> No.6471438

I vividly remember falling in love with the book because of all those taxonomy parts

>> No.6471441

>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6471447

Beyer's Grace Hopper and the Invention of the Information Age

Pretty cool history of early computing, focuses surprisingly little on Hopper

>> No.6471449

Aha, my favorite book. Enjoy :)

>> No.6471456

is it worth it? My english teacher recommended it but I have my doubts about here so I might as well ask anon.

>> No.6471462

>Re-reading Borges' complete short stories

>> No.6471493

world war z

>> No.6471494

Hungry Hungry Caterpillar
(rereading, it's my fav :^D :3)

>> No.6471505

>the bell jar

>> No.6471519 [DELETED] 

>Faulkner's Sound and Fury

Entry level book for an entry level age

>> No.6471544


Nice book. One of my favorites.

I started that book and never finished it. It was really enjoyable though, I should get back to it.

>reading this many books at once.

>> No.6471560

Campaigns of Alexander
Art and architecture in Classical Greece

>> No.6471567

You're not allowed to post here you know.

>> No.6471577
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>> No.6471587

Well considering the relatively short span of her literary career and life due to her health issues it kind of makes sense that she never really got a chance to craft that one defining novel. I've only just finished A Good Man is Hard to Find so far, I've yet to start in on any of the stories in the collection. Wise Blood was my first exposure to her so that's why I was comparing the two because it's the only other thing I've read of hers so far. She does have a really unique voice.

>> No.6471589


>> No.6471637

What happened?