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6469100 No.6469100 [Reply] [Original]

Any /lit/izens genuine Buddhists?

>> No.6469119

Not many.

>> No.6469130


>> No.6469131
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Well I'm sorry to hear that. I enjoy people curious of the Dharma, and people that seek awareness through meditation.

>> No.6469206

No, I'm a fake Buddhist.

>> No.6469214

"genuine" buddhists are over that. a genuine buddhist is anything but a buddhist.

>> No.6469216

Good for you buddhism is a death cult

>> No.6469219

Sorry, no, we're all round-eye gweilos.

>> No.6469310


But seriously, I'm a fake buddhist. I love reading about buddhism all day and it genuinely changed my life and what I've learned not only through books but from my own life experience in relation to buddhism sticks with me and shapes the way I relate to the world.

That being said, I would never call myself a buddhist. I don't understand what this name "buddhist" mean, you could argue that I'm a buddhist, but I do not go along with other buddhists at all and have a general bad view of them. I'm talking about actual monks here that I've met. You could say that I just had a bad experience, but it's not as if I am in a hurry to confirm myself as buddhist, I can remain non-buddhist my whole life. I still see it as something exotic happening far away from me, because even if I have it in my reflections and in my actions, it is not around me, it's not in my city, it's not in my friends or family. In this way, I need to reshape what I learn to adapt it to this life, to my language and experience, to this world so "unbuddhist-like". But when I do so, is it really buddhist? A lot of people say it isn't and I don't mind that it isn't. A lot of people recognize buddhism within it and I agree with those people as well.

I think it is important for us to re-write to ourselves all that we learn from several different places, otherwise those things eat us alive by means of convincing us of a truth or a goodness outside of ourselves, of the silly little moments of decisions that we face everyday as well as the big ones. I think those are the crucial points in which all religions and philosophies and sciences and arts converge. And what you're going to do with it? What you do with it is what you are.

>> No.6469471

practicing buddhist who has taken vows in both the zen and tibetan lineage here.

>> No.6469498

4chan seems to be in conflict with buddhism

I just can't fathom a buddhist monk greentexting, sorry

>> No.6469723


what were they?

>> No.6469735

No, you're a faggot.

>> No.6469810

I'm about 200% sure no one here reads sanskrit.

>> No.6469819


Sanskrit is usually learned to study Hindu texts. Buddhist texts are widely written in Pali.

>> No.6469826
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>> No.6469853

No this is mean: Your three paragraph long post on applied learning reads like babble. "Re-write to ourselves all that we learn from several different places" Oh really do you????? It's obvious you think you are saying something incredibly astute, but is actually a mundane and easily made observation.
The voice that comes through in your writing seems incredibly pretentious as well as vapid.
Your use of rhetorical questions is patronizing and makes you look like a giant fucking faggot.

>> No.6469975


Why both?

I've only taken Tibetan Mahayana vows.

>> No.6470005

Umm... I know a little Sanskrit. Learned it in high school. It was relatively simple since my native language is Marathi.