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/lit/ - Literature

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6468259 No.6468259 [Reply] [Original]

Philosopher Power Rankings
1. Stirner
2. Nietzsche
3. Marx
4. Hegel
5. Socrates

Post your own

>> No.6468269

what are your favourite works by each?

>> No.6468282

1. Hegel
2. Heidegger
3. Girard

No one comes close to any of these three, imo

>> No.6468287


2.John Duns Scotus
3. Plato
4. Thomas Aquinas
5. G.W. Leibniz

>> No.6468299

Jean-luc Marion
Gabriel Marcel
Jean-luc Nancy

>> No.6468326

1. Nick Land
2. Giles Deleuze
3. Manuel Delanda
4. Jacques Lacan
5. Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.6468336

>Stirner and Nietzsche

Literally meme philosophers.

>> No.6468361


>> No.6468437

>I haven't read Lacan
I'm not even that guy but damn

>> No.6468448

1. Heraclitus
2. Nietzsche
3. Kierkegaard

>> No.6468460

What a stupid implication. Kill yourself.

>> No.6468464

Besides Schopenhauer, who would go well with Nietzsche and Wittgenstein?

>> No.6468931

1. Epictutetus
2. Nietzsche
3. Schopenhauer
4. Camus
5. Lao Tzu

>> No.6468937


Get out of here Nick Land, I thought you were in Singapore.

>> No.6468944

>1. Nick Land

Jesus Christ I hope you're jesting

>> No.6468950

This is a good way to discuss philosophers. If you work at Buzzfeed.

>> No.6468952
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Mao - On Practice and Contradiction [with intro by Zizek]

>> No.6468978

1. Kierkegaard
2. Derrida
3. Heidegger
4. Wittgenstein
5. Spinoza

>> No.6469007
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1. The neighbourhood cat that sometimes comes by my house and we bathe in the sunlight while I gently pet her

(power gap)

2. Lao Tzu
3. Heraclitus
4. Chuang Tzu
5. Kierkegaard

>> No.6469017


>> No.6469023

1. Stirner
2. Nietzsche
3. David Hume
4. Aristotle
5. Kant

Everyone else is wrong

*tips fedora*

*tips fedora*

*tips fedora*

>> No.6469026
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>> No.6469030

Why are tipping your fedora towards me, you neckbeard cunt, most of my philosophers are Christian philosophers

>> No.6469037 [DELETED] 
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*tips fedora* m'lord

>> No.6469038


1. Lao Tzu
2. Andrew Wyeth
3. Spinoza
4. Chuang Tzu
5. Epicurus

>> No.6469046

I would be more embarrassed of the E/b/vola than Jesus.

t. Atheist that genuinely loves Jesus' parables

>> No.6469067


>> No.6469078

>Atheist that genuinely loves Jesus' parables

May your gentle fedora shine and be ever shapley my humblr athiest friend

>> No.6469086
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You can suck my dick in the next cycle of Samsara.

>> No.6469092
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*tips fedora*

I have read JK Chesterton and CS Lewis. I know now that Christianity is the superior system and atheists are idiots. Praise Jesus.

>> No.6469113
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"I dunno guys, I think religion is the answer so it must be the one with lots of temples in my country."

>> No.6469115

Missing Aquinas.

>> No.6469126

The man in the pic, John C. Wright, literally advocates those two authors and spurns Aquinas. Yes, Christian fedora-tipping is as real as it gets.

>> No.6469135

Or maybe the religion which is the answer is the one that found its way to him?

>> No.6469145

Personal favorites?


My agnostic friend loves Kierkegaard, guess I should give him a read

>> No.6469152

Or maybe all religions have the same goal and should leave behind debates on scriptural authenticity and focus on values of compassion and therapy.

Maybe they should focus less on hierarchy and denomination and focus on the masses whose opinion they hold sway over.

>> No.6469170

>all religions have the same goal and should leave behind debates on scriptural authenticity and focus on values of compassion and therapy.

Let's ditch these spooks, and value these other spooks.

>Maybe they should focus less on hierarchy and denomination and focus on the masses whose opinion they hold sway over.

Religion would cease to exist if it did this. Religion itself is part of the power structure.

>> No.6469179

Assisting others is what created the power structure in the first place. The spook created all.

>> No.6469183

Sure, yes, but religion is the opium whereas oldschool power is the crank.

>> No.6469184

I agree that debates on scriptural authority should be left behind, however if God has organised the initial conditions of the universe so that one day I would find him through the christian church then shouldnt I assume that this is the church I was meant to find him through?

>> No.6469193

Religion could also serve as a vehicle for people with anxieties about the material world. Those very people with existential thoughts and questioning.minds could be best suited to be religious stoics and study philosophical works.

>> No.6469196

I agree that debates on spooktual authority should be resolved, however if The Mother Spook has spooked enough minds into believing he can spook, shouldn't I be spooked naturally following the spook's orders?

>> No.6469202

Is it enjoyable to have your complete worldview defined by one short work? It seems enjoyable.

>> No.6469203

I would not use the phrase "vehicle". More accurately, it's a shield to defend from nihilism. Those people who become religious do not embrace existential thoughts and do not have questioning minds, by definition they have stopped questioning. They have died, and all that remains is a--spook.

>> No.6469205

A little bit. Is it enjoyable to have your complete worldview defined by things you have literally made up? I mean, I prefer a little reality in my life, I'd rather not have God spooking everything I look at.

>> No.6469213


>things you have literally made up?

>I prefer a little reality in my life
Nothing is more real than the otherworldly powers that be, we are but a simulation from His point of view

Congratulations for being able to spot patterns in the simulation though, surely you have cracked the code and are on your way to the outer realms ;^)

>> No.6469221

the only ones i've really read

1. Schopenhauer
2. Bastiat
3. Aquinas
4. Kant
5. Plato
6. Heidegger
7. Stirner
8. Nietsche


9. Marx
10. Sartre

>> No.6469257

>Nothing is more real than the otherworldly powers that be
Yes, for people who believe in spooks, the spooks control them and push the "them" out, making the spook reality.

Be more bitter and condescending though. I think it's really cute when Christians act unChristlike on 4chan. It makes you look incredibly hypocritical

Dear God, why is Stirner below Bastiat?

>> No.6469261

So? They are appropriate in the context of personal favourites you fuckwit

>> No.6469264

No, Dawkins is literally a meme philosopher.

>> No.6469266

Are you projecting this much on purpose to make some sort of point about Stirnerfags? Are you trying to imply that they are all like this or something? Or are you genuinely this one dimensional? Either way your posts are pretty entertaining.

>> No.6469272

>ctrl+f hume
>1 result

step up your game /lit/. Literally if you don't like Hume, you're just picking and choosing philosophers to be ideological. Hume is god tier in philosophy and worth reading

>> No.6469277
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>these rankings

>> No.6469279
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>maybe if i posture harder i'll scare him away!

>> No.6469289

1. Deleuze
2. Adorno
3. Marx
4. Foucault
5. Nietzsche

>> No.6469294

>Adorno above Stirner

jesus /lit/ is really bad

>> No.6469298

>Hume above Kant
Jesus you're fucking sad.

>> No.6469300

Adorno is ten times a better philosopher than Stirner. Not my problem if you can't into him.

>> No.6469305

Why would I want to scare you away? I love you.

>> No.6469307

>hey Hume what do you think of how this billiard ball hits another and this reaction? Pretty cool right?
>oh yeah I forgot...come on, Leibniz let's get out of here. We don't have "dealing with faggots" built into us.

>> No.6469312

Kant obviously beats Hume, but I rank Hume higher because he was a much better writer. It's actually pleasing reading Hume, reading Kant is pulling hair.


>> No.6469313


/lit/ - Where people discredit philosophers by impersonating them in a funny voice.

>> No.6469316

>Kant beats Hume

>> No.6469318

No you don't, you love the spirit in me, you love the geist, you love the spook. You don't love me, you want me destroyed.

Don't mince words. You "love me" because you want your religion to use me, but the me you're getting right now, the me that's uninhibited, you hate.

>> No.6469324

Literally wikipedia

Kant definitely destroys some of Hume's arguments.

>> No.6469330

I'm sorry, but anyone with actual philosophical knowledge knows that Stirner is mediocre at best. This board it's obsessed with him just because epic fedora individualists find in him a somewhat accurate philosophical representation of their retarded conception of the world.

>> No.6469335
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1. Schopenhauer
2. Plato
3. Heidegger
4. Aquinas
5. Augustine

>> No.6469336

I dont know your spirit, I only know the manifestation of you in this thread which is limited to the arrangement of the pixels which display your posts. I enjoy this manifestation of your spirit, I don't know if I would enjoy the actual "you" though, you seem aggressive.

>> No.6469344


1. Heidegger
2. Hume
3. Stirner
4. Hegel
5. Kierkegaard

>> No.6469345

>actual philosophical knowledge

You realize this makes you sound really pretentious, right?

>> No.6469351

You need to get shiggy with the phenomenological aspects of life, dawg.

>> No.6469354


Stirner is literally the first to get fully into modernism, the translation doesn't give him justice because it uses trashy concepts like consciousness, ego, etc. If Stirner could actually do phenomenology like Heidegger he would be GOAT tier

>> No.6469356

>literally awoke Kant from his dogmatic slumbers so he could give Hume the metaphysical ass-whooping of a lifetime and proves synthetic a priori knowledge

How's that missing shade of blue treating you?

>> No.6469357

I can also guarantee you miss at least half of the references Stirner makes in his book (which you probably haven't even read). It's actually nigh-impossible to truly understand him without reading Feuerbach and Hegel.

>> No.6469362

Is that what your Professor told you while you were sucking his cock?

>> No.6469370

How did you reach that conclusion? Was it by an inference about necessity? I thought that cause and effect were merely appearances, David.

>> No.6469375

So be it.
>Stirner is literally the first to get fully into modernism
The "first" part is debatable, otherwise I kind of agree.
I've read both. None of what you said makes him a better philosopher.

>> No.6469376

Kant makes some great arguments (reversing Hume's snapshot concept of the mind) but overall I don't think his metaphysics holds true. In fact, if anyone had managed to get into German idealism pre-Hegel (not likely considering /lit/ loves big named and meme philosophers), they would know some very solid arguments against Kant.

Hume was actually closer to phenomenology than most people on this board will recognize.

>> No.6469379

>I've read both. None of what you said makes him a better philosopher.
So he's just a bad philosopher because he's a bad philosopher, despite the fact that you probably read him because you're a meme anarchist and don't even understand at least half of what he's doing?

Cool bro, go post on your blog/reddit about it.

>> No.6469386

How is Kant false? Hume definitely fits into phenomenology.

>> No.6469410

What's the fundamental tenants of Fichte and schelling? It's simple: noumenon is an incoherent idea, and Kant asserts it to give stability to his system. Granted Kant recognizes this but his transcendental idealism was a footnote compared to the critique of pure reason

>> No.6469412


Difference between Hume and phenomenologists is that phenomenology believes in intentionality and Hume doesn't.

>> No.6469418

A lot of philosophers are critical of Kant's idealism

>> No.6469426

Cry all you want, but his political philosophy is the one thing that has actual merit to it. His problem was to look for a justification of it in the conception of the self, which is blatantly obvious for both "meme anarchists" and pretty much the entire philosophical community except for this board. As a matter of fact, it's so poorly developped he even had to appeal to the impossiblity to fully understand it in order to make it work. If you want to the read a good ontological conception of the self and the human will, go with Nietzche, like every academic institution does.

>> No.6469437


literally descartes/locke

there is no "self". again you show you don't understand the history of philosophy to understand what's being done.

>> No.6469451

Sure, I was just mentioning it for the sake of posterity

>> No.6469459


I would say that *the self* is a misunderstanding, it's not that it doesn't *exists*, it's just that it doesn't *appear* as the traditional ontology makes it to be.

>> No.6469466

There is no self yet he needs one to justify human will. That's the problem when you try to base ideology in other branches of philosophy. Doesn't work with ethics, doesn't work with epistemology, and certainly doesn't work with ontology. Someday philosophers will learn to give it the autonomy it needs.

>> No.6469467

I mean dude, literally Stirner is against conceptualization of the self. He believes that is part of the process of self-alienation (self in this sense meaning preconceptual experience). He struggles with it because you cannot define an individual without concept and word.

You're just spewing out ignorant arguments. Like I said, take the time with Stirner, and don't just blast past him

>> No.6469475


>I mean dude, literally Stirner is against conceptualization of the self.

This, as I said, if Stirner could get into phenomenology a la Heidegger he would be literally god

>> No.6469479

"There Is No Self With Which We Are Identical"

I must confess that if a man is to admit that he looks within himself, and finds anything he can call a "self", that I can no longer reason with him.

Or you could just pull a Stirner and say language cannot describe it, and conceptualizing it is part of the alienation of your creative nothing (e.g., the nothing that is the source of your will)

>> No.6469486

I don't know a single thing about Heidiggyshiggy, can you explain for a simpleton what his views are?

>> No.6469496

1. Dylan
2. Dylan
3-5. Dylan Dylan Dylan

Because he spits hot fire.

>> No.6469503


>and say language cannot describe it

Read Heidegger, start with something like the Dreyfus commentary, you will enjoy it


He tries to go beyond traditional ontology by describing being as a primordial conductivism (but more expanded). He is like Wittgenstein in that regard, only that he revisits it from other perspective.

Heidegger is literally the philosopher that makes philosophy go again towards our understading of the world and not the *mind* as something outside of the world. He grounds philosophy into the world as something terrenal and human.

>> No.6469507

Cool, I'll check it out, thanks anon for the references.

>> No.6469518

Being against the conceptualization of the self is precisely the contradiction he falls into. Again, the need of developping an ontology to describe your political ideology is already debatable. But then it gets worst if your basis is not only external but impossible to acess to (or conceptualize, fair enough). The fact that you can't define an individual without a concept and a word it's another derived contradiction that he wants to pass as a logical result of his system.

>> No.6469526


Dreyfus commentary is called Being-In-The-World - Dreyfus.

It's really good since it has also commentary on others relevant contemporary philosophers to Heidegger like John Searle, and how Heidegger philosophy applies to other things like psychology, anthropology or natural sciences

>> No.6469564

It's not a contradiction because he doesn't conceptualize the self, dummy. I'm pretty tired of reading you grasp for straws.

>> No.6469570

We have every reason to suppose that Nietzsche had a profound knowledge of the Hegelian movement, from Hegel to Stirner himself. The philosophical learning of an author is not assessed by the number of quotations, nor by the always fanciful and conjectural check lists of libraries, but by the apologetic or polemical directions of his work itself. We will misunderstand the whole of Nietzsche's work if we do not see 'against whom' its principal concepts are directed. Hegelian themes are present in this work as the enemy against which it fights. Nietzsche never stops attacking the theological and Christian character of German philosophy (the 'Tubingen seminary') — the powerlessness of this philosophy to extricate itself from the nihilistic perspective (Hegel's negative nihilism, Feuerbach's reactive nihilism, Stirner's extreme nihilism) — the incapacity of this philosophy to end in anything but the ego, man or phantasms of the human (the Nietzschean overman against the dialectic) — the mystifying character of so-called dialectical transformations (transvaluation against reappropriation and abstract permutations). It is clear that Stirner plays the revelatory role in all this. It is he who pushes the dialectic to its final consequences, showing what its motor and end results are. But precisely because Stirner still sees things like a dialectician, because he does not extricate himself from the categories of property, alienation and its suppression, he throws himself into the nothingness which he hollows out beneath the steps of the dialectic. He makes use of the question 'which one?' but only in order to dissolve the dialectic in the nothingness of the ego. He is incapable of posing this question in anything but the human perspective, under any conditions but those of nihilism. He cannot let this question develop for itself or pose it in another element which would give it an affirmative response. He lacks a method, a typological method which would correspond to the question. Nietzsche's positive task is twofold: the Overman and Transvaluation. Not 'who is man?' but 'who overcomes man?' 'The most cautious peoples ask today: "How may man still be preserved?" Zarathustra, however, asks as the sole and first one to do so: "How shall man be overcome?" The overman lies close to my heart, he is my paramount and sole concern — and not man: not the nearest, not the poorest, not the most suffering, not the best' (Z IV 'Of the Higher Man', 3, p. 297) — the allusion to Stirner is obvious.
—Deleuze, Gilles, Nietzsche and Philosophy, pp. 153–154

>> No.6469579

I read that when you posted it in my Stirner/Nietzsche thread. It's a great read and I definitely agree with it.

Have you read Feuerbach? It's very illuminating in regards to Stirner.

>> No.6469600


No, to be honest I've never been interested in philosophy indepted to Hegel (except maybe Adorno)

>> No.6469613


This was my list I posted before, so maybe my answer makes a little more sense (Listed from top to bottom in my present curiosity):


>> No.6469655

Marcus Aurelius
I just have a top three

>> No.6469666


Nihilist and communists who take themselves seriously are pants-on-head retarded

Hegel contributed nothing but the word "hegelian" to the world of philosophy

1. Robert Anton Wilson
2. Kirkegaard
3. Descartes
4. Schopenhauer
5. Deleuze
6. Lacan
7. Foucalt
8. Wittgenstein
9. Chomsky
9001. Hegel
9002. Greek/Islamic/Chinese/Indian classic philosophers
900000001. self proclaimed x-ists

>> No.6469683

What a horribly generalized narrow minded opinion

>> No.6469684
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>LACAN *snif* higher than Plato
>Foucalt, Chomsky


>> No.6469712


>posting a Zizek Meme criticising Lacan
>Zizek beeing the biggest Lacan cumbucket

>> No.6469718

I know, but even Zizek wouldn't place Plato/Aristotle below Lacan.

>> No.6469720

Oh please


>> No.6469739


Which active philosopher is still seriously working with Plato/Aristotle, developing concepts, making new interpretations?

>> No.6469743

itt: ultra shit taste

1. kripke
2. plantinga
3. augustine
4. aquinas
5. david lewis

>> No.6469750

1. marx
2. lukács
3. marcuse
4. hegel
5. kant
6. (lucien) goldmann

>> No.6469767

favorite works:
1. marx - the german ideology; paris manuscripts; grundrisse
2. lukács - history and class consciousness; the destruction of reason; the young hegel
3. marcuse - hegel's ontology and the theory of historicity; negations
4. hegel - the phenomenology
5. kant - critique of judgment
6. goldmann - immanuel kant; the hidden god; lukács-heidegger debate.

>> No.6469773

(technically a philosopher)
7. istván mészáros

(the power of ideology; social structure and forms of consciousness vols. i & ii; beyond capital)

>> No.6469776

1. Kant
2. Kierkegaard
3. Hume
4. Nietzsche, Heidegger
5. Foucault, Hegel

>> No.6469790

Kripke and Lewis, interesting.
Never read em, but they've been in my notes for quite a while although I'm rather into post-structuralism. Where to start with that backround?

>> No.6469839
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1. Jesus
2. God
3. Ben "trigger-the-nigger" Garrison
4. Adolf "Kikes are Dikes" Hitler
5. My sweet mama
6. Tom Fucking Hanks

>> No.6469879

*tips fedora*

>> No.6470071

>It's actually pleasing reading Hume, reading Kant is pulling hair.
What a breath of fresh air

i agree wholeheartedly

>> No.6470235

I've been lurking for 4 years but this Chappelle reference is an underrated post.

>> No.6470319

How familiar are you with contemporary analytic metaphysics? Aristotle is making a huge comeback with all this talk of ground/metaphysical explanation.

>> No.6470689

Which one of the early-christian philosopher/theologians suggested forced-conversion/torture of heretics "out of love"?

>> No.6470736
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1. Plato
2. Goethe
3. Mani
4. Thomas Jefferson
5. Zarathustra
6. Ito Jensai (Keisai)
7. Voltaire
8. Nietzsche
9. Cicero
10. Locke

And I can back up the order. Come at me, son.

>> No.6471630
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1. Farabî
2. Nihal Atsız
3. Machiavelli
4. Ziya Gökalp
5. Albert Camus

>> No.6471648

1. Popper
2. Socrates
3. Schopenhauer
4. Kuhn

>> No.6472362

1. Nietsche
2. Sartre
3. Popper
4. Kierkegaard
5. Epicurus

>> No.6472445

1. Wittgenstein
2. Spinoza
German philosophy spent a century years trying and failing to deal with spinoza and making themselves look retarded in the process.

>> No.6472535

siktir git burdan

>> No.6472556

>what are your favourite works by each?

Lmao no one answers this because they're a bunch of posturers

>> No.6473224

We Deutscher now

Why post in threads with actual content when I can masturbate my ego here!


>inb4 Heidegger without Aristotle

>> No.6473239
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>hegel - the phenomenology
>not the greater logic

>> No.6473254


>> No.6473271


>having a long-ass history of metaphysics that shit on Aristotle
>beeing an analytic spergstar and not reading that obscurantism
>better start all over again

>> No.6473353


>> No.6473364

I get the feeling you enjoy Hume

>> No.6473372

I would list all Marxists but dudes like Stalin are technically scientists so it's not quite right to call them philosophers.

>> No.6473421
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In no particular order (though I find Nietzsche the most entertaining)

Friedrich Nietzsche
Arthur Schopenhauer
Slavoj Zizek
Gautama Buddha

>> No.6473481

Government employees created those memes to suppress actual meaningful discussion of problematic philosophers for their regime

>> No.6473498

Why are you guys mentioning Socrates if he never left anything written?

>> No.6473519

the idea of socrates. often you can guess where socrates ends and plato begins.