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File: 103 KB, 392x574, Gravitys_rainbow_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6468009 No.6468009 [Reply] [Original]

Started reading this today.

When does it get challenging? Apart from it being playfully meandering and having a dense amount of detail, when does it get challenging?

>> No.6468087

I started it yesterday, I'm about 200 pages in and I'd have to agree. So far the only difficult points are the switches between internal/external narration, flashbacks and imagined events.

Like it jumps from slothrop being injected with some kinda chemical to listening to yardbird parker with his head buried in a shit-filled toilet fearing the approaching presence of niggers wanting to penetrate his anus to 'you never DID the kenosha kid', like damn nigga im laughing so hard I can barely keep up

>> No.6468101

When you start to think about what it all actually means.

>> No.6468116

why would you make such a retarded thread? how about you make an actual discussion thread when you've read the book

>> No.6468121

If you can follow it for the first 100-200 pages, it doesn't get substantially harder. It's not that difficult of a book to read, especially compared to either or Joyce's tomes, or most stuff Gaddis has ever written.

The fourth section is more confusing than the first three, but if you said through the first fifty pages just fine I doubt you'll have much difficulty with the rest. Have fun.

>> No.6468122


I felt challenged to keep my interest around page 39. I failed. The characters sucked, the plot was slow. Academics and critics like it, though.

>> No.6468123

What, it was 2 REAL 4U????

>> No.6468130

What's retarded about it, anon? Some people want to read to challenge themselves.

>> No.6468165

How can you not discuss what OP posted? If someone found the book challenging, they can talk about what they struggled with. Potentially others could help that anon interpret it.

If they didn't struggle with the book at all, they can tell OP that he'll be A-OK reading it the way he is, or that maybe he's missing out on subtle hints/details.

You have to be retarded not to get discussion out of this book, anon.

>> No.6468190

then read a science or math textbook instead of shitty fiction. or is that too rill 4u?

>> No.6468193

part 3 and 4 get confusing as fuck

>> No.6468203

I think he's saying the thread is retarded because OP made it prematurely.

>> No.6468207

> Gravity's Rainbow
> Shitty fiction

>> No.6468214


>> No.6468230

What are you saying here? That there's two types of people: the pleb, and then me? That's very flattering, anon.

>> No.6468236

Is all fiction shitty in your opinion? If so, why?

>> No.6468272

I don't think you've read Gravity's Rainbow or understood it if you think it's "shitty fiction."

>> No.6468360

If you think it's no big deal, you'll probably be fine. Just don't be careless as there's a lot of intricate detail and subtleties that are bound to go over people's heads.

>> No.6468417

This. If you get through the language the actual message is even harder.

>> No.6468481

What is the actual message behind Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.6468515

always make a list

>> No.6468521

Banana breakfast.

>> No.6468522

Part 1 - struggle
Part 2 up to somewhere towards end of 3 - smooth, as smooth as pynchon can be, that is
Part 4 - lolwat

>> No.6468535

What is the nature of control?

>> No.6468567

The nazi's were actually a bunch of swinging yo

>> No.6468580

That part made me really fucking hungry, it sounded delicious.

>> No.6468585

The prose is not what becomes challenging, its keeping the plot and connections in order, or at least trying to derive some meaning - even literal meaning - from what's happening.

By all means you could probably flip to any page in the book, and with a little context, make sense of it without any trouble.

>> No.6468607

Our weapons - and technology as a whole - have gotten to the point where they have minds of their own. If not literally, then figuratively, by how their very presence can dictate action, and war. I would say without a doubt, Gravity's Rainbow is a Cold-War book at its heart.

If we have nukes, they will be used.

>> No.6468619

It has a lot of messages

>> No.6468646

alright, everybo

>> No.6468648

God damn, didn't even get that right.

>> No.6468677
File: 77 KB, 960x960, guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presently, al

>> No.6468764

So what edition of this book should I get? I've heard some have errors or some shit

>> No.6468800


>> No.6468921

avoid penguin publishing

>> No.6468964


force vs. counterforce

>> No.6470657

english sweets are fucking terrible and you 'muricans should be grateful you never had to put up with them like we did

>> No.6470812
File: 10 KB, 251x225, I see what you did there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how smart I am: The post

>> No.6470835


Haha Mr. Funn, you're going to be Mr. Finnagain!