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[SPOILER] No.6465936[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]


He was right about everything wasn't he?

>> No.6465939

For pretty much everything, yes. He's severely underrated by /lit/ and seriously belongs in anyone's top five philosophers.

>> No.6465968

every fucking thing
even his fashion sense

>> No.6465977

I think there's a way to respond to him within an Aristotelian/Thomistic framework, I just haven't found it yet.

>> No.6466009
File: 234 KB, 756x1160, Hume - A Treatise of Human Nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hume engaged with contemporary intellectual luminaries such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, James Boswell, and Adam Smith (who acknowledged Hume's influence on his economics and political philosophy). Immanuel Kant credited Hume with awakening him from "dogmatic slumbers".

>> No.6466070

He ripped off "bundle theory" from the Theravada Buddhist concept of "anatta" and his skepticism regarding the existence of souls likewise! The Theravadin Abhidhamma & its commentaries is a great philosophical system, especially in the context of its phenomenology :-)

>> No.6466148

>not wearing pimp swagger turkish clothing


>> No.6467913


>> No.6467923

A Scot plagiarising Southeast Asian theology in the 18th Century? Doesn't seem plausible, m8.

>> No.6469302


>> No.6469308

Fuck off hippie

>> No.6469325

>The features of Hume’s philosophy which I have mentioned, like many other features of it, would incline me to think that Hume was a mere—brilliant—sophist

>> No.6469517

>you will never play a game of billiards with hume wearing matching bathing caps

>> No.6469522

This, they knew fuck all about Buddhism at the time.

That guy is just mad because one fat Scottish lad figured it out by himself.

>> No.6469554



>still doing philosophy of dictionary
>still using socrates inquiry

>> No.6470248

Oriental degenerate.

>> No.6470614

He's right though.

The answer is that a Humean cause is an "event" occurring in time, and that an Aristotelian/Thomist cause is not an "event" occurring in time, it's more like a reason or an explanation. They're discussing two entirely different ideas (aition/ "makes" vs. temporal cause) that happen to share the same word because of old translations.

At least, I'm assuming you're talking about the whole causation issue, because it's almost always the one brought up in reference to Hume and Aristotle/Thomas.

>> No.6470635
File: 424 KB, 458x874, kkkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what marked the decline of philosophy ? Dissapearence of turbans. That and wigs.


>> No.6470644

But doesn't solipsism make his empiricism ultimately reliant on faith?

>> No.6470659

Fuck off back to /pol/

Western is the canon because this is an American site, but all philosophies are accepted

>> No.6470666

>Not being quasi-solipcist
>Not being a sceptic Christian
>Believing the faith is stupid maymay

Do you even Hume my friend?

>> No.6470670

That's why they call it the Enlightenment, dumbass.

>> No.6470684

Hume even tries to doubt the existence of himself, because he thinks he can only observe thoughts. I think that's a very wrong thing to do, because he's clearly disregarding the fact that he can observe at all.

>> No.6470686

The other poster was much more retarded. It has become a habit (I am tempted to say meme) to make weird paralels with some oriental mysticism.

First influence almost never happens. Aside from outliers like Schopenhauer or Evola nobody takes oriental stuff seriously. Heidegger or Eckart simply didn't care about anything.

Second the parallels are almost always faint, clumsy and based on psychological grounds. Linking Hume to orientals is about as retarded as making some freudian link between scepticism and castration complex.

Third, westerners usually focus on Buddhism which is in my eyes the worst kind of oriental stuff. Vedas rule.

>> No.6470691

There is a difference between attempting to doubt and denial. Descartes also attemps to doubt everything and fall back on himself.

This is a very important step as it does away with things that pleb philosophers consider prime or ground for explanation such as "the world", "the universe", "energy".

>> No.6470742

Descartes admits that he cannot doubt the existence of himself, so in this case Descartes is correct, not Hume, who doesn't resolve his own self doubt.

>> No.6470749

Doesn't he say that whatever scepticism he throws at himself he always go back to it?

It's been a long time I read Human Nature.

>> No.6470766

I don't recall him resolving it, but I haven't read everything he's written

>> No.6470861

>tfw turbans aren't cool any more

>> No.6470870


> He was right about everything wasn't he?

> Advocating self-defeating philosophies

cool story m8