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/lit/ - Literature

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6464249 No.6464249 [Reply] [Original]

>Summer break is almost here
>can finally devote all of my time to reading actual good literature instead of poorly worded textbooks
>will probably spend at least half of that time shitposting on /lit/

Such is life.

>> No.6464290
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/sci/ here.
Do you ever have something like reading clubs?

>> No.6464306

yeah but they're p underground and ur not invited nerd

>> No.6464311

>Going to tenerife for a week increadible, but cultureless, childhood friends.
>Spending a month in barcelona with my girlfriend
>having our uni house to ourselves the rest of the time, we study abroad

>> No.6464344
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>month in barcelona
>spending it with your gf
>spending time in Spain when La Liga is in offseason

turn in your gonads please

>> No.6464347

Barca treble soon

>> No.6464362

>Not taking summer classes

>> No.6464384

>La Ligay

If I wanted to watch guys rolling around on the floor I'd go to a wrestling match.

>> No.6464394

But the only sport I watch is rugby

>> No.6464401

and i've already done barcelona twice as a single man

>> No.6464404

>tfw can't afford to visit gf at her family's place in Santa Eulalia Ibiza this summer. Gonna have to wait at least a year.

>> No.6464439

Sad times friendo
At least go camping or something, do it illegally and it's free, plus way more fun than some shitty campsite full of families.