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6462336 No.6462336 [Reply] [Original]

According to Kierkegaard, constantly rotating your aesthetic interests to avoid boredom will eventually lead to despair because all activities, no matter how unique or new, will eventually become boring. He compares it to crop rotation in agriculture when, over time, the nutrients in the soil run out.

>A consequence of the rotation method would be the aesthete's lack of commitment to any one thing.

Isn't it possible to commit yourself to the process of rotation itself and derive your sense of meaning from constantly improving your taste and discovering new aesthetic experiences and different perspectives to view those same experiences from?

>> No.6462340

Fuck off Kierkegaard you never get to be lit meme

>> No.6462393

>implying being a lit meme is a good thing to be

>> No.6462491

Welcome to fin de ciecle.

>> No.6462550
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Oh no, poor Kierkehack, you'll never be a true human meme like me!

>> No.6462646

OP I am sorry your thread turned out like this but this was actually my serious contribution to it.

I recommend you read A rebours.

>> No.6462651

not unless your crop is an endless rhizome

>dat FW

>> No.6462653

No, because that process itself will grow stale.

There is no escape from the hedonic treadmill mate.

>> No.6462659

> He compares it to crop rotation in agriculture when, over time, the nutrients in the soil run out.

That is the entire reason why you do crop rotation! You do crop rotation so that nutrients *don't* run out!

You have one season with legumes, so that the nitrogen-fixating bacteria in the nodules restore nitrogen in the soil, then you have a season with something like maize so that the maize can live off the "new" nitrogen, and then you go back to the legumes etc.

>> No.6462673

which translation

>> No.6462691

I did not read a translation, so I wouldn't know. But as far as I know there should be a really good english one. I just don't know by whom.