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/lit/ - Literature

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6462048 No.6462048 [Reply] [Original]

Are leatherbound books with atrocious covers like these the fedora of books?

>> No.6462055

pretty fuckin gross

i hate most book covers though

>> No.6462059

They are teh X-Box One of Books.

>> No.6462060

>what are wordsworth classics

>> No.6462065

They are the Ouya of books

>> No.6462071

There are like 60 in that series. I would say that 5 - 10 look great. Rest are too gaudy

>> No.6462076
File: 1.31 MB, 1700x2338, ivanoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This d-d-dont count right, guys?

>> No.6462080

Only if you read them in public

>> No.6462123
File: 244 KB, 800x571, Penguin-Classics-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think OP is only referring to Barnes & Noble leatherbounds, they have tacky ass covers.

Penguin clothbound Classics are really nice.

>> No.6462130

I don't think I could look at a bookshelf with those things on them without retching.

>> No.6462168

they are pretty gross as well

>> No.6462175

I don't understand why some people are so picky about covers. It's the content of the book that matters and the BN leather bounds have typos and problems with printing. Why not bitch over that? It seems to be much more of a problem in my opinion than the cover.

>> No.6462178

because they look disgusting

>> No.6462193

most people on /lit/ don't get far past the cover

>> No.6462205
File: 101 KB, 264x399, mobydick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your opinion is wrong.

>> No.6462258


>> No.6462264

flipping through these i found the binding to be super stiff and annoying

>> No.6462267

can confirm

i have the huckleberry finn edition

you basically have to tear open the spine to make it somewhat loose

also there was a 50+ page introduction that just added unnecessary bulk to it

>> No.6462268

fite me fgt

>> No.6462284

I like the kitsch.

These, on the other hand, look like really bad wallpaper.

>> No.6462383

well, i think theyre pretty...

>> No.6462437
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>> No.6462773

If you think they look good and you like the content of the book, there is nothing fedora about buying something you like, for your own sake.

>> No.6462866

There was a 50+ page introduction that just added unnecessary bulk to it.

That's Penguin Classics in a nutshell. Granted, some books benefit from some additional piece of context, but every single one has a foreword, biography, analysis, and appendices. I've seen books are are twice the length of the actual work.

>> No.6462997

I like the gold pages, fuck you op

>> No.6463000

That's what I love about Penguins and similar editions. I read every word of the front and back matter.

>> No.6463012
File: 136 KB, 578x434, the-great-gatsby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Alma Classics the best.

>> No.6463184

There are some that aren't awful. I read Dorian Gray, and have a bunch actually. They're usually anthologies, which makes it easy to read most of their works.

I don't see why it matters unless its a translated work. Its just a fucking book. i'm just trying to read nigger. do you also think ebooks are autistic? I just want to read fucking books so eat shit

>> No.6463229

If you only cared about the contents you wouldn't spend $10 extra for a big gaudy monstrosity. Visit your local thrift store once in a while and stop being a pleb.

>> No.6463241

>visit your local thrift store
>implying that there aren't only James Patterson/romance novels crowding the shelves.

Have you been to a thrift store? People aren't donating the collected works of Oscar Wilde

>> No.6463266

Use Amazon Marketplace or Abebooks or something then.

>> No.6463315

who cares. its just a book. Its not like they're bastardizing a classic(sans translations)

theyre probably meant to be decoration, but they actually do have well collected content if English. I dont need 30000000 books, im just trying to read and if these books have a ton of shit im gonna read, i'll buy it. itll probably last awhile, gaudy or not

>> No.6463333


>> No.6463344

Or is a photo of some clouds with big yellow letters

>> No.6463617

These B&N books have like 4 threads right now on, /lit/.

just fucking buy them and enjoy them. who gives a fuck if some anons don't like them. it's your money spend it however you fucking please.

>> No.6463637
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>> No.6463641
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quads confirmed. keep it moving

>> No.6463642
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>> No.6463649
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I like these covers
pic related is a cooler style tho

>> No.6463651

Absolutely. Mostly because it's pretention via anachronistic posturing. It also looks overdone. Just absolutely stupid looking.

>> No.6463653

these are both really boring
not cool at all sorry

>> No.6463662

I thought Dorian Gray was a novella, how did they fit it into that big thing

>> No.6463677 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6463731
File: 1.02 MB, 1520x2688, 1430160860601391244263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaudy or not, this book has all of Shakespeare's writings for $20 dollars. These editions are just really good deals most of the time

>> No.6463739

that's a terrible deal and it probably has terrible formatting and other issues

>> No.6463744

The RSC Shakespeare (paperback) contains his complete works, superior analysis and annotations, doesn't look like shit, and costs £13.59 on Amazon.

>> No.6464363

Those would make good patterns for diapers.

>> No.6464396


>> No.6464409

The format and font they use just drives me crazy.

>> No.6464416

are we picking out wallpapers or books?

>> No.6464717


Kill yourself.

>> No.6465214

but it's like a reprinting of terrible public domain stuff. you can find a complete shakespeare that's way better in any good used book store for under 20$ that probably has annotations, commentary, a better text, better formatting, and doesn't look like shit

>> No.6465937


>> No.6465944

looks like a bible

>> No.6465949

Say what you want about the cover, but 6 plato dialogues for 5 dollars was a fine deal.

>> No.6465957


Get them all for a decent price.

>> No.6465984


>> No.6465991

>Literally judging a book by it's cover

>> No.6466034

It sounds dumb but if there are multiple versions that are all in the same price range, and all other things are equal, I don't see anything wrong with shopping around for the best cover.

>> No.6466094

Of course. I just had to go for the stupid pun.
Content is most important, but I certainly have as the next qualifier what it will look like in my library.

>> No.6466100
