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/lit/ - Literature

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6461946 No.6461946 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about Spengler? He BTFO of liberal historians, but they just plug their ears and say lalalala can't hear you.

>> No.6461954

I keep telling myself I'll read Decline of the West one day.

What's a good translation?

>> No.6461956


>> No.6461958

I literally didn't understand SHIT about the world or culture at all until I got into Spengler. He BTFO of everything.

>> No.6461961

well cuck you too anon. I can read p alright in 4 languages, German's just not one of them.

>> No.6461965

i feel 10x stupider after reading that male chauvinistic dribble

>> No.6461966


>> No.6461969
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>> No.6461973


The Decline of the West really is a master work. Spengler was one of the best of Nietzsche's heirs. His description of the Western Faustian culture is spot on.

>> No.6461977

i dunno what that's supposed to mean

>> No.6461988

charles francis atkinson

>> No.6461994
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>> No.6461996

gracias amigo

>> No.6461999


>> No.6462002

Or he was wrong about just about everything, and the average 'DJEDENERACY!!!1' yelling /pol/ack hasn't figured out yet that he was just another cheap doomprophet

Doom and gloom sells, you know. Just ask Peter Hitchens

>> No.6462006

>implying that reading theories contrary to your own views isn't the greatest method for growth & self improvement

>> No.6462007

Wow fuck off not every German thinker means you're a neo-Nazi.

Memes are a well accepted form of transcribing concepts, if you've read Spengler you know he has a lot of contempt for things. Hence btfo.

>> No.6462008

Ugh. The whacky conservative's classic:

>the academics are just refusing to hear what X says!

The same way economists are refusing to address Mises, physicists are refusing the hear the inventions of some dude on youtube who says he found a new free source of whatever and biologists refusing to hear the latest dude to correlate race and intelligence based on IQ studies.

>> No.6462010

Mises will be commonly accepted within fifty years

>> No.6462012

if in 50 years we'll be living in a post-apocalyptic society, then yeah

>> No.6462015

let's hope so, at least it will unveil liberal economics of its pretense of science

>> No.6462020
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Being this butthurt

>> No.6462023

wow it's like you literally judged his work based on the title alone.

>> No.6462026

butthurt? I'm not a conservative, but I read as many conservative thinkers if not more than liberal ones. You should too if you want to avoid the label of nincompoop

>> No.6462027

I don't like the idea of shitty, meaningless posts going uncontested.

>> No.6462087

As a (I assume) leftist, don't you think it's interesting to get to know these shitty theories of the right?

Because this is how I see it. The Right is intellectually bankrupt, not by chance but by design. Its end goal is simply the preservation of class structures. Since conditions that make this possible change with the time, capital itself gravitates toward different designs that often stay "unorthodox" for decades before its moment to shine.

So if capital is unchallenged and the only possible coherent political organization against it comes from governments trying to restraint its excesses for pratical purposes, it will turn to the lolbertarians and fill the senate and its media apparatus with people from the tradition the libertarian pseudo-academia and its rants about Freedom. On the other hand, if there is dissent among the classes that live by wage it must be crushed, so the flavor of the month becomes the authoritarians, the militarists, the mystical nationalists, sometimes even clericalism and monarchism.

Conservative propagandism that isn't on the agenda of the dominating classes is inoffensive and worthless, and it's a good thing that it comes to us so easily because we can learn what it is and learn to fight it. After all, all right-wing traditions are reserve armies. I mean, just imagine if the communists of the 20's had left the economics aside a minute or two and read about traditionalism and nationalism instead. They'd be much better prepared to face fascism.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm just looking for a rationalisation to why I spend so much time reading about austrian economics and nationalist romanticism when I think they're laughable, but getting to know something new can't hurt.

>> No.6462093


>much politics

Fuck off you faggot.

>> No.6462102

>As a (I assume) leftist, don't you think it's interesting to get to know these shitty theories of the right?
Consider yourself reported, you fucking cancer

>> No.6462109
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>> No.6462394

Threadly reminder that Wittgenstein loved Spengler.

You can't dismiss Spengler as simply being hurr >>>/pol/

>> No.6462420

Well, Spengler wasn't a stormfag.

>tfw you will never be Spenglers bf in his cool apartment

>> No.6462495

>being this shit at debate

>> No.6462524

You don't debate with a stormweenie, you send it back to /pol/.

>> No.6462533

What's with the influx of /pol/lies recently that just start a post with an empty quote, call it "based" and insult everyone who disagrees?

What are you fags even doing here outside of your personal echo chamber?

>> No.6462540

News got around that mods banned Marxism here, so we figure it's time for you guys to take the red pill now that you're finally snapping out of your Jewlusions.

>> No.6462547

Well, we just try to talk about literature, thank you very much.

Seriously though, is this a false flag?

>> No.6462552

Ha, I don't know. My post was just a joke. I don't know what's causing the influx of /pol/ threads.

>> No.6462588

>mfw Mises was an example of "retard lolbertarian up to the 80s"
>mfw in 1991 everyone - including Robert "freedom-hater" Heilbroner - was muhhhhhh Mises was right but it's still wrong to agree with him

Mises is 3d GOAT economist, the second place being Eugen von Böhn Bawerk and first Anne Robert Jacques Turgot.

>> No.6462593


feel free to call me a weeb, but isn't this more or less the bushido mindset?

>> No.6462608

In case you didn't notice it's not the /pol/ men that write this >>6462087

Or it may be, Poe's law in full effect here.
The guy is actually considering political tactics first, like all leftists. Case of being oblivious to searching truths.

>> No.6462739

So I've been tempted by Spengler for a long while. Why should I reading? Isn't the cyclical view of civilization rise and fall pretty dated?

Give me a run down on his essentials.

>> No.6462748

He predicted academic obscurantism post-structuralism and the creation of a /pol/ sentiment among the middle-classes.

>> No.6462965
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>mfw people think Decline of the West is a book about degeneracy and a replica of Julius Evola

/lit/ is illiterate as fuck

>> No.6462987

>In case you didn't notice it's not the /pol/ men that write this

Of course not, they're not that eloquent. If that was /pol/ there would be more "faggots" and "degenerates" thrown around, it would be one sentence long and backed by an image showing the superiority of free murkets to socialism by comparing South and Korea.

>> No.6462998
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I haven't read Spengler, but I have this book by Yockey which is said to be 'Spenglerian' in essence. I think everything in it is correct other than Yockey's outdated views on race.

>> No.6463109

I never got that quote. What's so great about standing around like an idiot while a volcano erupts? He died, for nothing. Should've bailed and gotten the fuck out of there.

>> No.6463129

>He predicted academic obscurantism

Academic obscurantism has been around for centuries. It doesn't take a genius to see how intellectual groups often favor being esoteric to feed their egos.

>> No.6463145

>BTFOing anyone

No, not even liberals could be BTFOed by that nonsense.

>> No.6463156

You can't make it anymore obvious that you've never read him. And don't fuck with based Peter.

>> No.6463179

Not only would that soldier not have been a "thoroughbred" in any sense -- instead being one of the stinking pleb masses that these Rightfags pretend to be above -- but teh idolization of that manner of death is indeed only symptomatic of the perverse nihilism of a writer like Spengler. Of course, in reality, Spengler would have ran away if he was the soldier mentioned. Where was he when the mustard gas was choking the lungs of his fellow countrymen? Writing about "decline". He was a dork that died reading Shakespeare and collecting foreign knives like the modern fedora collects katana from local flea markets.

>> No.6463182

/pol/ here, do you guys seriously read shit like marx? you do realise that marxism was made by the jews to degenerate the west?

>> No.6463207

>You can't make it anymore obvious that you've never read him.
Stop latching onto the word 'decline' as though it automatically makes it some sort of /pol/tard doomsday pamphlet. It doesn't mean what you think it does.

>> No.6463209




>> No.6463242


/lit/ here, do you guys seriously read shit like macroeconomics?? you do realise that capitalism was made by the USA to degenerate the western culture?

>> No.6463265


Ultimately its his way of thinking that will lead to the "decline" of the west. You could throw whatever insult you have at me, he failed to consider what you need to do in order to sustain a long term society is to address the problems within it.

Or learn of the problems. All that means that we might discover Western society ultimately does suffer from flaws just as every other society has, Western society has just been so caught up within itself that it has hyper focused on the flaws of other cultures blinded by its own perceived majesty. This allows problems to fester and grow.

Generally, arrogance within cultures lead them to the stage towards collapse.

>> No.6463271


lel, have you actually read the book?, go to the page where is the small table at page 60 or so with the contents summarized so you can understand before speaking

>> No.6463284

No, I mean he specifically predicted post-structural thought.

>> No.6463290

There's been a massive influx of retards who like to type long posts thinking they know what they're talking about.

You're one of them.

Shitty american education.

>> No.6463292


The problem with really reactionary politics itself is that it offers no solution to the criticism of its own culture because it views its own culture as a sacrosanct entity to various degrees.

It could be addressed through numerous loop holes, but in the end it answers nothing to the problems within its culture.


It's ironic that you condemn people who type long sentence while saying nothing when you already enjoy Spengler.

>> No.6463296

>while saying nothing when you already enjoy Spengler.

Did I say that, you illiterate fuck?


>> No.6463367

what is the purpose of the green words in your post?

>> No.6463371

What's wrong with translating non-fiction?

>> No.6463386

To express how butt-blasted he is.

>> No.6463447
